Insurgent Empire
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vs labour 283–4, 284–5
Capitalism and Slavery (Williams) 347
Caribbean, the, labour insurgencies 35–6
Carlyle, Thomas 110, 111, 119–20
Carothers, J. C., The Psychology of Mau Mau 397, 435
Carpenter, Edward 273
Castle, Barbara 398, 411, 414–5, 417, 418, 423
censorship 385
Central African Federation 402
Césaire, Aimé 25, 305, 314, 315, 385
Ceylon 132, 162
Chakrabarty, Dipesh 15
Chakravarty, Gautam 50
Chakravarty, Gopendra 253
Chaplin, Charlie 298
Charter for Coloured Peoples 393
Chartism 60
Chartist movement 6
Chattopadhyaya, Virendranath 235, 266
Chaudhuri, Nirad C. 438
Churchill, Winston 356, 393, 443
civilizational discourse 159, 335
Claeys, Gregory 6, 133, 165, 170, 171, 172
Clarke, Reverend Henry 100
class 74, 77–8, 80, 88, 101, 107, 118–19, 121–2, 141–2, 147, 155, 214, 216, 221, 226, 238, 242, 254, 259–60, 278, 279, 284, 289–90, 309, 359, 367, 387
class government 68
and race 367
class society 74
class struggle 253, 351
see also Working-Classes
Cold War 422
Cole, Juan 144
collective punishments 435, 444
collectivities 29
Colley, Linda 95
colonial benevolence 125
colonial discourse analysis 132, 312
colonial failure 315
colonial fascism 343–6, 359, 362–3, 367, 394
Colonial Office 93, 98–9, 105, 224, 366, 398, 400, 425, 449
colonial project 3
resistance to 8
Colonial Question, the 211
The Colonial Reckoning (Perham) 436–40
colonial rule, justification for 76–7
Colonial Standard and Jamaica Despatch 101
colonial subjects, agency 5–6
colonialism 7, 10, 25–6, 29–30, 75, 139, 159–60, 205, 218, 223, 258, 265, 291–2, 303, 305, 315, 317, 320, 325–6, 359, 382, 395–8, 410, 422, 424, 426, 437–9, 453
and Cold War 422
CPGB’s record on 222
legitimization 265–6
Marx and 70
refusal to register resistance 223–4
and rights 160
Comité de Défense de la Race Nègre 269
common human feeling 78–9
Commonwealth 11, 387, 394
Commonwealth Immigrants Act (1962) 422–3
communication, technological advances 211, 251
communism 257–8
Cunard and 307
disillusionment with 320
threat of 247–8
Communist International (Comintern) 211, 237, 240, 258, 264, 268, 277, 360, 374, 424
disillusionment with 320
First Congress of the Peoples of the East 258
Padmore breaks with 362, 363, 365
Second Congress 221, 258
Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) 217, 221–2, 251, 261, 263–4, 374
Colonial Committee 221
Indian Bureau 221
record on colonialism 222
Communist Party of India 235
Congress of Peoples Against Imperialism 404
Congreve, Richard 8, 33, 45, 59, 72–80, 80, 161, 210, 231
appeal to women 77
common human feeling 78–9
Gladstone’s 75–6
‘India’ 75–7
influence 74
and justification for colonial rule 76–7
position on India 30, 52
‘Protest Published as a Placard’ 72
and solidarity 75
and the working classes 77–80
Conrad, Joseph 454
contact zone 130
contagion 52, 66, 71
Controversy 348, 363
Cooper, Frederick 396–7
Corfield, F. D. 416
Cotton, Henry 170, 176
counterinsurgency 444–5
Indian Rebellion, 1857 48–50, 59, 68–9, 71
prose of 33, 64
Creech Jones, Arthur 352, 380–1, 411, 412, 417–8
Cripps, Stafford 329, 352–3
crises of conscience 398
The Crisis (journal) 308
critical humanism 23, 135
Crowder, Henry 298
Cugoano, Ottobah 16
Cullen, Countee 297
cultural relativism 30, 73
culturalism 44
Cunard, Nancy 20–1, 24, 28, 35, 289, 292, 296–313, 300, 332
background 297
‘Black Man and White Ladyship’ 303–4
and black self-representation 300–1
and communism 307
and McKay 297, 302, 316
motivations 298–300, 303–4
neglect 301
and Negro 297–312
Negro contribution 309–10
and Padmore 355–7, 366, 368
‘Revolution – the Negro Speaks’ 317
and Scottsboro case 298
The White Man’s Duty 355–7, 394
Curzon, George 178–9
Cyprus 36, 402, 444
Daily Herald 250, 286, 287, 288, 293
Daily Mail 416, 454
Daily Mirror 414, 415, 417
Daily Telegraph 111
Daily Worker 35, 220, 261, 397
Dalhousie, Lord 57
Darwin, Charles 94
Darwin, John 3, 32
de Silva, J. V. P. 383
Declaration to the Colonial Workers, Farmers and Intellectuals’ 391
decolonization 3, 439, 440–1
historiography 11–2
LAI vision of 269
managed 13
myth of 448–55
dehumanization 25–6
Delhi 46
Demerara 42, 50
democracy 33, 65–6, 348
‘habit of’ 283
dialogic engagement 28–9
dialogism 23–4
moral 53
Dicey, Edward 147
Dickens, Charles 88, 110, 112
Dien Bien Phu, battle of 445
Digby, William 172
Dilke, Sir Charles 155
Diop, David 438
Disraeli, Benjamin 50
importance of 31–2
invisibility 27–8
Dominion status 219, 237
Donnellan, Kathleen 385
Douglass, Frederick 1–2, 3, 29, 447
Du Bois, W. E. B. 280, 281, 308–9, 359, 391
Dutt, Clemens 264–5
Dutt, Rajani Palme 222, 275
Dyer, General 82, 233
East India Company 2, 46, 49, 124
failures 43
Jones polemics on 60–2
use of torture 53
Edwards, Brent Hayes 306, 320, 348
Egypt 136
anticolonialism 34
Blunt’s support 152–6
Council of Deputies 147
Council of Representatives 143
dissident journalism 148
institution-building 149
invasion and occupation 129, 131
justification of intervention 155
land grabs 143
nationalism 145–6, 149
self-assertion 145–6
Suez crisis, 1956 444
see also Urabi Rebellion
Einstein, Albert 267, 298
Eliot, George 74
emancipation 7, 26
achievements of 27
language of 257
Empire Exhibition, Glasgow 335
engagement 54
Englishness 65, 82, 84
Enlightenment, the 14, 25–6
equality 25, 52, 12
4, 431–2, 433
black 94–5
conceptions of 29
‘longing for’ 195
Equiano, Olaudah 16
Ethiopia 310–1
Italian invasion of 36, 316–8, 319–20, 321, 321, 323–7, 330, 335–6, 368, 370, 372, 438
Ethiopianism 339, 340, 341
Eurocentrism 14, 315
Indian Mutiny, 1857 46, 49
Mau Mau insurgency 410, 418
Morant Bay rebellion 33, 83–4, 85, 91, 93, 95, 99, 117
Eyre, John Edward 16, 89, 98
acquittal 97
on black atrocities 92
burned in effigy 88
declares martial law 91, 92, 94, 111, 112
despatch 92–4
final days 126
prosecution 110–26
severity of suppression 94
supporters 88
sympathy for 121
welcome banquet 117
Eyre Defence and Aid Fund 110–1
Fabian Colonial Bureau 353, 425, 433–4
Facing Mount Kenya (Kenyatta) 330, 382, 410
FACT 348
Fanon, Frantz 139, 236, 315
fascism 322, 324, 333, 378–9
colonial 343–6, 359, 362–3, 367, 394
fight against 382–4
and imperialism 343–6, 372–3, 383–4
Fawcett Report 246
Ferguson, Niall 4
First World War 8, 206, 210, 219, 232–3, 437
Fletcher, Eileen, Truth about Kenya 398, 415–6, 418
Ford, Hugh 303, 305–6
Ford, James W. 309, 358
Forster, E. M. 193, 197–8
A Passage to India 22, 188, 198, 203, 356, 453–4, 454
Fortnightly Review 136, 138, 167
France 128, 358, 444–5
franchise 33, 99
free trade 30
freedom 6, 447
Blunt and 141
clash of freedoms 95
conceptions of 7, 11, 14, 15, 18, 29, 86, 105, 105–10
definition of 431–2
democratic 437
Egyptian sense of 143–4
European sense of 143–4
hierarchies of 8
IASB and 347–54
and labour power 107–8
and land ownership 105–7
meaning of 102
problem of 110–26
racialized inflection 4
source of 2–3
Tilak’s definition 185
universal 121
uses of 105–10
Froude, J. A. 109–10
The Future of Islam (Blunt) 138, 144, 163
Gandhi, Leela, Affective Communities 19–21
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand 36, 219, 221, 256, 404
and Meerut Conspiracy Case 248
non-violent direct action 233–5, 238
paternalism 234
Saklatvala and 237–40
Salt Satyagraha 227
Second Round Table Conference, 1931 243, 251
Garrison, William Lloyd 308
Garvey, Amy Ashwood 35, 321–2, 329, 365, 391
Garvey, Marcus 293–4, 294–5, 310, 351, 360, 437
Garveyism 341, 351
Geiss, Immanuel 362, 389
Genet, Jean 22
Germany 343–4, 345, 345–6, 358–9, 387
Ghana 448–9, 450
Gibraltar 72
Gilroy, Paul 27, 451
Girni Kamgar Union 247
Gladstone, William 75, 131, 141, 145, 146, 153–4, 155, 157
Anti-Empire Exhibition 376–7
Empire Exhibition 335
ILP support 377
global anticolonial networks 35
Gokhale, Gopal Krishna 177, 181, 186
Goldsworthy, David 402
Gordon, George W. 111, 115, 126
agitation 99
elected to the Assembly 99
establishmentarian respectability 97
execution 33, 83–4, 91, 91, 93, 95, 99, 117, 123
and land ownership 106
last letter to wife 96
and Morant Bay rebellion 96–101
newspapers 98–9
power-in-death 100
problem of 97–8
racialized 97
skin tone 122
‘St Ann’s Address’ 116
‘State of the Island’ notice 104
status 97
Underhill meetings 100–1
Gordon, Taylor 307–8
Goswami, Dharni 252–3
Governor Eyre controversy 16, 33–4, 84–5, 86, 89, 92–4
gradualism 75, 198, 202, 219, 354, 418, 431, 435
rejection of 213
Great Britain
anticolonialism 21–2
anxieties about national degradation 12–3
Brexit referendum, 2016 12
double standards 58
oppositional discourse 23–5
relationship with history 448–55
Gregory, Lady 142
Gregory, Sir William 129, 153
Guha, Ranajit 33, 59, 64
Gumede, Josiah Tshangana 269
Habeas Corpus acts, Ireland 89
Haile Selassie, Emperor 324, 370
Haitian Revolution 5, 10, 109, 111, 171, 309, 310–11, 349, 350, 377
Hale, Leslie 408, 412–13, 418
Halifax, Lord 378
Hall, Catherine 89, 94–5
Hardie, Keir 24, 34, 370–1, 404
Harlem Renaissance, the 297, 301
Harrison, Frederic 28, 31, 74, 93, 94, 111, 129, 144, 156, 213
Blunt on 156
civilizational discourse 159
‘Egypt’ 156–9
and Indian Mutiny, 1857 80–1
Martial Law: Six Letters to ‘The Daily News’ 122–3
and the Urabi Rebellion 156–60, 161–2
Hart, Richard 340
Heyrick, Elizabeth, Immediate not Gradual Abolition 25
Hill, Ken 392
Hinduism 180, 188–9, 194, 202
Hindustan Republican Association 246
Hire, Augustus 90–1
historical silences 9–13
Histories of the Hanged (Anderson) 416–7
of decolonization 11–3, 448–55
orthodoxy 12
British relationship with 448–55
whitewashing 454
A History of Negro Revolt (James) 330, 339, 348–52
Hobson, J. A. 31, 36–7, 170–1
Høgsbjerg, Christian 371, 381, 390
Holt, Thomas C. 16, 87
Home Rule Leagues 182, 219, 235
Hooker, James 358, 360
The Horror on the Rhine (Morel) 286
House of Commons 213, 217, 240–3, 380–2, 388–9, 408, 423
Meerut campaign 262
Saklatvala and 223–32
Simon Commission debate 214–6
How Britain Rules Africa (Padmore) 366–70
Howe, Stephen 171, 331
Anticolonialism in British Politics 6
Howsin, Hilda 205–6
Hughes, Langston 297, 307
human commonality 24–5
human liberty, Douglass on 2
humanism 17, 26, 27, 33, 135
critical 23
Humanism and Democratic Criticism (Said) 26–7
humanitarianism 30, 84, 98, 385
Hume, Allan Octavian 169
Hume, David 66
Hurston, Zora Neale 304
Hutchinson, Lester 245, 248, 249, 250, 257, 258–9, 375
Huxley, Elspeth 396, 429, 430–1
A Thing to Love 431
Huxley, Thomas 94, 126
hybridity 20
Hyde Park riots, 1866 89, 120
Hyndman, Henry Mayers 170, 171–3
The Unrest in India 172–3
Ideas about India (Blunt) 167–9
Immediate Not Gradual Abolition (Heyrick) 25
imperial histories 4–5
imperial historiography 5, 9
imperial initiative, 3
imperial policy, criticism of 60
imperial project 138
rejection of 124
imperial scepticism 165, 170
imperialism 3, 51
British 137
capitalist 255–7
conceptions of 21–2
democratic 333
dialectics of 5
exploitation of labour 285
exploitation of working classes 275–6
and fascism 343–6, 372–3, 383–4
Hobson’s critique of 170–1
LAI British Section analyses of 274–6
MacDonald and 31
Meerut Conspiracy Case critiques 253–7
Noel’s critique of 274–6
and racism 310
resistance to 11
Whig historiography 19
imperialist-nationalism 369
improvement mission 76
indentured labour 108
Independent Labour Party 182, 266, 278, 286, 347, 361–2, 363, 365–6, 368
foundation 371
and the invasion of Ethiopia 372
and Labour Representation Committee 371
membership 371, 372
National Council 372
Padmore and 361, 372, 373–5
and the question of empire 370–89
Saklatvala and 216
and Second World War 383–7
support in Glasgow 377
India 58, 375, 378, 437
Amritsar massacre 198, 233, 375
annexations 57–8
anticolonial resistance 177–8
antipathy to British rule 54–5
aspirations to benevolence 174
Blunt in 163
Blunt’s account of 163, 166–9
Bombay 215
Bombay General Strike 246
Britain’s role in 203–4
British rule 41–2, 43–5, 54–8, 60–1, 69, 72–4, 80–1, 82, 167, 167–9, 171, 182–3, 199–200, 201, 203–4
causes of unrest 195
Congreve’s position on, 52, 72–3, 74–7
cultural resources 184
Dominion status 219, 237
extent of agitation 182
gradualist programme 219
Hinduism 180, 188–9, 194, 202
impoverishment 171–3
Indigo Rebellion 169
Jones on 52, 72
justification for colonial rule 76–7
Keir Hardie and 170, 175, 179, 180–4
labour insurgencies 35
labour rebellions 221
Labour sympathizers 175–7
MacDonald and 30, 198–204, 205
Mappila (‘Moplah’) Rebellion 234
Muslim population 180
nationalism 36, 169–70, 189, 201, 202, 205–6, 227
Nevinson’s account 185–98
Nevinson’s recommendations 196–7
New Party 184–5
newspapers 201
Non-Cooperation movement 233–5, 238
Norton on 52, 52–9
oligarchy exposed 259
Parsee capitalist class 215–6
partition of Bengal 167, 173, 176, 177, 178–9, 205
paternalism 44
Pax Britannica in 203