racial hierarchy 43
reformism 167–9
Saklatvala and House of Commons 223–32
Saklatvala in 232, 232–40
Saklatvala’s critique of reformist approaches 225–9
Saklatvala’s position on 219–23
Second Round Table Conference, 1931 243
self-rule debates 167–74, 177–80
state violence 244
stereotypes 202
structures of domination 48
Surat Congress 196
Swadeshi movement 174, 177–80, 182, 193, 196, 197, 202–3, 204, 206, 209–10
tax regime 61
Tilak 184–5
uprisings 169
women 202–3
Workers and Peasants Party 252–3
see also Indian Rebellion, 1857
India: Impressions and Suggestions (Keir Hardie) 181–4
India Act, 1919 214
India House, London 210
India League 291, 379
India Office 220
Indian Home Rule Society 209
Indian Rebellion, 1857, 1857 2, 6, 8, 33, 41
anti-British violence 48
Bibighar incident 47
British accounts 42
brutality 42
casualties 47, 49
causes 46, 48, 50, 52–9, 61
comparisons 43
conduct of 71
Congreve on 72–80
consequences 43–4, 45
contextual knowledge 65
counterinsurgency 48–50, 59, 68–9, 71
and criticism of imperial policy 59–60
English interpretation 41–2
executions 46, 49
failure 49–50
forms of dissent 50–2
impacts 80–2
Jones on 59–69
Kanpur garrison massacre 47, 48
leadership 47–8
lessons 44–5
literature 45–6
Lucknow 48
Marx and 69–70, 72
national character 69
Norton on 52–9
outbreak 46–7
overview 45–52
post-rebellion unease 44
racialized British response 42–3
rallying points 47–8
sexual violence 48
shadow of 82
spread of 46–7
Thompson and 41–2
victory celebrations 72
Whig interpretation 50
Indian National Congress 169, 170, 175, 205, 229, 234, 243, 247
British Committee 219, 404
manifesto, 1939 379
Indian nationalism 36, 169–70, 189, 201, 202, 205–6, 227
Indian Sociologist 209
Indian States (Protection Against Disaffection) Act, 1922 224–5
indifference 12–3
Indirect Rule 427
institutional forgetting 28
International African Friends of Abyssinia 318, 325
International African Friends of Ethiopia 325, 329
International African Opinion 36, 322, 329–46, 372
aims 333–4, 334–7
attack on imperial mythologies 336
call for labour solidarity 342–3
and fascism 344–5
‘Hitler and the Colonies’ 345
importance of 333, 352–4
and West Indies rebellions 337–42
white financial assistance 334
International African Service Bureau 36, 322, 329
aims 329–30, 332, 335
and fascism 343–6
and freedom 347–54
merger with Pan-African Federation 354
The Negro in the Caribbean 346–7
output 333
patrons 332
publishing activity 330, 347–54, 356
role of 332
The West Indies Today 348–9
International Conference of Negro Workers, First 358–9
International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers 358, 359, 362
internationalism 30, 60, 67, 212, 249, 279–84, 326, 348
African background to 280–4
communist 322
LAI 270–1, 272–3
manifestos 281–4
proletarian 70–1
internationalist moment 211
interpreters of insurgency 35
interventionist reforms 50
interwar years 219–23
The Intimacies of Four Continents (Lowe) 15–6
Iraq, invasion, 2003 11–2
Ireland 36, 89, 122, 165, 166, 276, 432
Irish Free State Treaty 243
Ishaq, Adib 148, 149
Islam 148, 151, 193
Blunt and 134, 135–40, 149
Islamic intellectualism 17
Italy, invasion of Ethiopia 36, 316–8, 319–20, 321, 321, 323–7, 330, 335–6, 368, 370, 372, 438
Jallianwala Bagh, massacre at, 1919 82
Jamaica 42, 159–60, 309–10
conceptions of freedom 105–10
Crown Rule 126
franchise 99
labour rebellions 337–42
Legislative Assembly 85, 99, 126
poverty and deprivation 100, 104
riots, 1938 320
see also Morant Bay rebellion
Jamaica Affair see Morant Bay rebellion
Jamaica Committee 86, 88, 94, 97, 105, 154, 156
denial of rebellion 112–3
formal position 112–3
goal 112
investigation 113
membership 111–2
oppositional approach 114–8
prosecution of Eyre 110–26
response to uprising 123–6
Jamaica Royal Commission 87, 88, 91, 94, 98, 103, 106, 107
Report 101, 125
Jamaica’s People’s National Party 352–3
James, C. L. R. 24, 35, 213, 291, 318, 321, 325, 329, 359, 361, 363, 365, 368, 372
‘Abyssinia and the Imperialists’ 325
on African degeneration 448–9
as Black Englishman 331
The Black Jacobins 326, 330, 354, 377
black self 331–2
A History of Negro Revolt 330, 339, 348–52
and the myth of decolonization 448–51
and nationalism 327–8
James, Langford 247–8
James, Leslie 360, 364, 365, 372
Jani, Pranav 71
JanMohammed, Abdul 28
Japan 183, 376
Jews 345
John, Angela 187, 198
Johnson, Wallace 365
Jones, Ernest 6–7, 20–1, 33, 45, 52, 59, 72, 81, 158, 192, 210, 213, 231, 257–8, 375, 450
and Chartism 60
criticism of imperial policy 59–69
critique of counterinsurgency 68–9
on democracy 65–6
‘How to Secure India’ 69
internationalism 60, 67
and Marx 69–71, 72
opportunism 63
polemics on East India Company 60–2
sympathy 67–8
Kadalie, Clements 350–1
Kanpur 48
Kaunda, Kenneth 420, 421
Keay, J. S. 129, 156
Spoiling the Egyptians 160–1
Keddie, Nikki R. 148–9, 152
Keir Hardie, J.
Aurobindo on 199
and India 170, 175, 179, 180–4
India: Impressions and Suggestions 181–4
Kelley, Robin D.G. 302, 359
Kenya 36, 342, 345–6, 350, 364, 372–3, 386
Brockway and 407–14
independence 445
land expropriation 396, 410–1, 414
Mboya and 433–435
Padmore and 396
Reserves 399
white settlers 399
see also Mau Mau insurgency
Kenya African Union 400, 408
Kenya Federation
of Labour 433
The Kenya Question: An African Answer (Mboya) 433–6
Kenyatta, Jomo 311–2, 318, 372, 372–3, 376, 392, 396, 420
arrest 401
Facing Mount Kenya 330, 382, 410
and Mau Mau insurgency 400, 401, 409
trial 401–2
Ketelhodt, Baron von 90
Keys, The 325
Kiernan, Victor 4
Kikuyu Central Association 400
Kimbangu, Simon 350
Kimche, Jon 376
Kincaid, Jamaica, A Small Place 452–3
Kingsley, Charles 117, 121, 126
Knight, Mary 249
knowledge, importance of 151–2
Koran, the 151–2
Kostal, R. W. 85
Kouyaté, Tiemoko Garan 358
Krishna Menon, V. 372
Krishnavarma, Shyamji 74, 209–10
La Guma, James 266
exploitation 283–4, 285
international division of 165
McKay and 294–5
vs capital 283–4, 284–5
white 283–4
labour insurgencies
the Caribbean 35–6
India 35
Labour Leader 216, 220, 286
Labour Monthly 220, 231
Labour Party 175, 249, 271–2, 278, 371, 373–4, 405
Labour Party Advisory Committee on Imperial Questions 286, 425
labour power 107–8
labour practices 7, 105
Labour Representation Committee 371
land ownership 105–7
Lane, Edward William 137
Lansbury, George 228, 267, 270, 272–3, 278, 286, 287, 290–1, 292
L’art nègre 28
Laski, Harold 250, 251
Lawson, Wilfred 129, 144, 156
Lazarus, Neil 14, 15
League Against Imperialism 35, 213, 218, 249, 260–78, 262, 267, 279, 298, 398, 404, 424
achievement 277
affiliated organizations 266–7
anti-war resolution 269
British Section analyses of imperialism 274–6
British Section conference, 1932 277
British Section conference, 1934 276
British Section formed 267
Brussels Congress 268, 269, 270–1, 272–3
Death of 268
Executive Committee 276–7
first conference 266–7
foundation 266
goals 267, 269–70
importance of 264, 267–9
internationalism 270–1, 272–3
Labour Party and 271–2, 278
and the Mandates system 265–6
Meerut campaign 261–3, 264, 267, 268
repudiation of paternalism 272
second conference 357–8
vision of decolonization 269
League of Coloured Peoples 310, 325, 393
League of Nations 215–6
Abyssinia Crisis 324, 330
Mandates system 265–6, 273
petitioning process 273
Lenin, Vladimir 181, 210, 221, 258, 326, 366
Leroy, M. 315
Lewis, Joanna 416, 427
Lewis, W. Arthur 353
Leys, Norman 385
liberal pedagogical mission 81
liberalism 15–7, 18, 56, 256, 309–10
authoritarian 56
weaknesses 175
liberation 7, 26
The Liberator 308
Liberia 311, 324
liberty 122, 123, 447
denial of 161
purpose of 110
securing and consolidation of 11
The Life and Struggles of the Negro Toilers (Padmore) 363–5
The Listener 432
‘Little Wars’ 36
Lloyd, David 25, 28
Locke, Alain 301
anticolonial figures gather in 211–4
black radicals in 319–23, 326–7, 330–1, 365–6
Hyde Park rallies 229, 230
India House 210
pan-African conferences 279, 281–4
race riots 290
South Asian organisations 291
Trafalgar Square 262
London Manifesto 281–4, 284–5
London Trades Council 263
Lonsdale, John 403
Lowe, Lisa, The Intimacies of Four Continents 15–6
Lucknow 48
Lugard, Lord Frederick 427
Macaulay, Thomas Babington 11
McCarthy, Justin 112, 276
MacDonald, Ramsay 34, 198–9, 205, 276–7, 304
Awakening of India 30, 199–204
and imperialism 31
Macdonald, Roderick 336
McGovern, John 380–2
Macharia, Rawson 402
McKay, Claude 213
‘A Black Man Replies’ 287–9, 290–1
arrival in London 290–2
class radicalism 294–5
and Cunard 292, 297, 302, 316
and labour 294–5
Leon Lopez pseudonym 294
and nationalism 293–4
on Negro 302–3, 305
partnership with Pankhurst 292–6, 317
rebuttal of Black Scourge 287–90
return to the United States 292
year in England 290–6
Mackenzie, John 13
Macleod, Iain 423
Macmillan, Harold 11, 442–4
Makalani, Minkah 333
Makonnen, Ras 325, 329, 354, 365
Malaya 36, 402, 444
Malet, Sir Edward 127, 145, 148, 152, 153
Malik, Salahuddin 50
managed decolonization, myth of 13
Manchester 115
Pan-African Conference, 1945 36, 389–94
Manchester Guardian 163, 250, 251, 391, 397, 415, 427
Mandate system 212, 265–6, 273
Manjapra, Kris 209
Mantena, Karuna 44
Mappila (‘Moplah’) Rebellion 234
Marcus, Jane 301
Martial Law: Six Letters to ‘The Daily News’ (Harrison) 122–3
Martin, Kingsley 372, 397
Marx, Karl 118, 342, 369
and colonialism 70
and Indian Mutiny, 1857 69–71, 72
Marxism 253, 322, 348, 374
Matera, Marc 212, 326–7
Matheus, John Frederick 308
Matikkala, Mira 6
Mau Mau insurgency 36, 395–419
arrests 401
British atrocities 398, 414–9
Brockway and 398, 407–8, 408–14, 417, 418
Castle and 398, 411, 414–5, 417, 418
crises of conscience 398
cultural representation of 396–7
deaths 401, 410, 414
executions 410, 418
Fletcher and 398, 415–6, 418
government report 397
historical background 399–403
Kenyan view of 433–6
Mboya and 433–6
media coverage 414–5, 416, 417
Operation Anvil 435
Operation Jock Scott 401
parliamentary debate 417–9
Perham and 398, 425–33, 438–40
State of Emergency declared 401
stereotypes 409
suppression 403
Maughan-Brown, David 397
Maxton, James 267, 267, 268, 269–70, 278
Mboya, Tom, The Kenya Question: An African Answer 433–6
The Meaning of Imperialism (Noel) 274–6
Meerut Conspiracy Case 35, 218–9, 245–60, 256, 375
arrests 245–7
charges 246
critiques of imperialism 253–7
detainees’ statements 251–4
influence 257–60
LAI campaign 261–3, 264, 267, 268
negative reaction in Britain 248–51
parliamentary questions 249–50
/> Saklatvala and 249
sentences 257, 259–60, 261
significance 260
trials 246–7, 247–8
Meerut Defence Committee 249, 252
Mehta, Uday 15, 18
Menon, V. K. 291
metropolitan dissent
anticolonial impact on 7–8
anticolonialism 21–2
anti-imperialism 20–1
aspirational energy 20
emergence of 6–7
Said on 9
metropolitan institutional sites 322
Michelet, Raymond 24, 305, 313–6
Middle East, Orientalist frameworks 134
Mignolo, Walter 15, 25–6
Mill, John Stuart 88, 94, 112, 123–5, 146
minimal impact thesis 12
Minto, Lord 178, 186
Mirabehn 217
Mishra, Pankaj 149
Mitra, R. R. 253
modernity 332
co-producers of 323
logic of 26
Mohanty, Satya P. 18, 24
Montagu-Chelmsford reforms 219
Moody, Harold 365, 393
moral dialogism 53
Morant Bay rebellion 7, 8, 16, 33–4, 50, 83–126, 340, 347
Afro-Jamaican peasant rebels 86
brutality of suppression 33
casualties 90, 91
causes 92, 106–7
clash of freedoms 95
comparison with Indian Mutiny 43
conceptions of freedom 105–10
disproportionate significance 84
and Englishness 84
and equality 94–5
events 89–95
execution of Gordon 33, 91, 93, 95, 99
executions 33, 83–4, 85, 91, 93, 95, 99
Eyre on black atrocities 92
Eyre’s despatch 92–4
Gordon and 96–101
grievances 102–5
historiographical record 84–6
impacts 84–9
Jamaica Committee response 123–6
Jamaican accounts and documentation 100–5
leadership 90, 93
manifesto 102–3
martial law declared 91, 92, 94, 111, 112
news reaches England 91–2
outbreak 83–4, 89–90
press reports 87, 94
prosecution of Eyre 110–26
and racial unity 107
radical readings of 114–23
rebel aspirations 87
recast as riots 112–13
reverberations of 126
Royal Commission of Inquiry 87, 88, 91
severity of suppression 93–4
speech acts 86
spread of 90–1
‘State of the Island’ notice 103–4
transnational dimensions 86
trials 91
Underhill meetings 100–1
working-class and labour movement engagements with 114–18
Morel, Edward Dene
Black Horror on the Rhine 286
‘Black Scourge in Europe’ 285–90
Morgan, Kenneth 421
Morley, Lord 192
Movement for Colonial Freedom 36, 398, 404, 406, 415, 419–24, 455
Moyne Report 340–1
Mukherjee, Rudrangshu 43, 48
Münzenberg, Willi 262, 266, 268, 270, 278
Murray, Gilbert 36
Insurgent Empire Page 73