Mussolini, Benito 324, 344, 382, 383
Naoroji, Dadabhai 172
Napier, Sir Charles 57
Nasser, Gamal Abdel 444
Nat Turner rebellion 308
National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples (NAACP) 293, 309
national belonging 326
national degradation, British anxieties about 12–13
national identity 115
national self-conceptions, British 9
National Union of Miners 421
nationalism 326, 439
African 427, 443
anticolonial 210
colonial 369
Egypt 145–6, 149
and foreign rule 192
imperialist 369
Indian 36, 169–70, 201, 202, 205–6, 227
Indian Mutiny, 1857 189
James and 327–8
McKay and 293–4
nationhood, language of 326
native-in-revolt, the 45
Nazism 383–6
Négritude 438
Negro 35, 289, 297–312, 317
achievement 302–3
African Empires and Civilisations’ 313–15
and black self-representation 300–1
central thematic 306
colonial discourse analysis 312
contents 303
contributors 303, 305–6
critique of paternalism 307–10
Cunard interventions 301–2
Cunard’s motivations 298–300, 303–4
importance of 306–7
McKay and 305, 316
Michelet and 313–6
neglect of 306
publication 302
purpose 305
reception 301
title change 298
universalism 304–5
and universalism 313
The Negro in the Caribbean (Williams) 346–7
Negro Welfare Association 340
Negro Worker 310, 358
Nehru, Jawaharlal 266, 372, 386, 404
Nehru, Pandit Motilal 229, 248
Nevinson, Henry Woodd 24, 31, 34, 175
account of India 185–98
and Ghose 189–94
impact 198
The New Spirit in India 186–97
and Tilak 189–90
New Imperialism 387
New Leader 36, 270, 344, 361, 371, 372–3, 373–9, 382, 382–3, 385, 386, 389–90, 396, 404–5
Empire Special 375–6
New Negro discourse 328
The New Spirit in India (Nevinson)
New Statesman and Nation 415
New Times and Ethiopia News 317
New York Times 445
New York Tribune 70, 71
news, manipulation of 133
Newsinger, John 6
Nigeria 311, 364
Nigerian General Strike 392
Nimbkar, R. S. 256
Nineteenth Century 136
Nkrumah, Kwame (Francis) 319–20, 354, 448–9
No-Conscription Fellowship 403
Noel, Father Conrad, The Meaning of Imperialism 274–6
Noel-Baker, Philip 264
Non-Cooperation movement 233–5, 238
non-European thought, influence 28
Norton, John Bruce 52, 52–9
contradictions 55–6
emphasis on engagement 54
The Rebellion in India: How to Prevent Another 54–8
reversal of textual authority 53
Topics for Indian Statesmen 58–9
Nurse, Malcolm 363
Nyabongo, Prince Akiki K. 302
Nyerere, Julius 420
Obama, Barack 445–7, 448
O’Connor, Major-General 91, 92
official mind, the, emphasis on 13
exposed 259
white 276
Oliver, Roland 426
Olivierre, Cyril 365
Opium Wars 376
Oriental stagnation 57
Orientalism 136–7, 147
Orientalism (Said) 51
Orientalist benevolence 136
Orientalist frameworks 134
Orwell, George 371, 372, 381–2, 454
othering 194
racial 87
Otherness 18
Ottoman Empire 233
Oude, kingdom of 57
Owen, Nicholas 6, 174, 175–7, 187, 198
Oxford University 454
pacifism 30
Padmore, Dorothy 299–300
Padmore, George 24, 35, 36, 213, 217, 291, 300, 310, 310–1, 318, 329, 330, 335, 337–8, 344, 348, 354, 355–70, 357, 372, 381
on Africa 395–6
analysis of fascism and colonialism 362–3
background 360
break with Comintern 362, 363, 365
critique of Labour Party 373–4
and Cunard 355–7, 366, 368
deportation from Germany 358–9
and fascism 383–4
How Britain Rules Africa 366–70
and ILP 361, 376
and James 359
journalism 361–2, 365–6, 367, 372–5, 376, 382, 385
and Kenya 396
LAI second conference contribution 358
The Life and Struggles of the Negro Toilers 363–5
London milieu 365–6
Pan-African Conference, 1945 389–94
in Paris 363
political contacts 360–1
political life 360
and Second World War 383–7
‘The New Imperialism’ 387
The White Man’s Duty 355–7
writing style 359–60
Pal, Bipin Chandra 179, 186
Palestine 432, 444
Pall Mall Gazette 163–4
Pan-African Conference, 1945 389–94
pan-African conferences, London 279, 281–4
Pan-African Congress, Manchester, 1945 36
Pan-African Federation 354, 389, 392, 393–4
pan-Africanism 291, 351
emergence of 35–6
Pandey, Mangal 46
pan-Islamism 147, 150, 211, 233
Pankhurst, Sylvia 35, 288, 292–6, 316–7, 332
Parekh Report, the 451–2
Paris 209, 363
parity, colonial denial of 161
Parry, Benita 188, 203
A Passage to India (Forster) 22, 188, 198, 203, 356, 453–4, 454
paternalism 18, 34, 44, 81, 115, 125, 135, 144, 176, 181–2, 187, 213, 220, 234, 264–5, 270, 272, 307–10, 322, 405, 435
crisis of 426–33
end of 389–94
Pax Britannica 203
Peace Pledge Union 406
pedagogical engagements 30
pedagogical projects 289–90
Pedersen, Susan 266, 273
People’s Charter, 1838 335
People’s Paper 60, 61, 64, 68
Perham, Margery 398, 425–33, 433, 434, 435
The Colonial Reckoning 436–40
Reith Lectures 436–40
Ten Africans 429
Peterloo Massacre 115, 122
philanthropic humanitarianism 264
Pieterse, Jan Nederveen 5, 27
Pilcher, George 215
Pim, Commander Bedford, ‘The Negro in Jamaica’ 109
Pitts, Jennifer 123, 125
plantocracy 122
political communities 22
political economy 108–9
Pollitt, Harry 267
Porter, Bernard 30, 73
Positivism 72–80, 133, 315
Post, Ken 338, 341, 352
postcolonial studies 5, 9, 14–8, 19–22
Postgate, Raymond 348
Potter, T. B. 115
Pound, Ezra 298
power, relations of, asymmetrical 130
power, transfer of 442–4
Pratt, Tim 59–60, 62–3, 68–9
Prince, Mary 16
Pritt, D. N. 401, 402
The Psych
ology of Mau Mau (Carothers) 397, 435
Public Safety Act 246
Punch 183
Quit India movement 36
race 107, 114, 118–23, 141, 143, 159, 172, 269, 271, 275, 279–80, 283–5, 288–95, 301–2, 307, 310, 317, 319–20, 322, 323, 328, 343, 356–8, 360, 364–5, 367–8, 371, 380, 383, 403, 423, 425, 451
race, and class 293–4, 301, 328
Race Relations Act 423
racial chauvinism 369
racial discrimination 277, 405, 412, 414
racial hierarchy 27, 43, 84, 118, 120–1, 273, 322
racial othering 87
racial unity 107
racialization 97
racism 88, 285–90, 439
and imperialism 310
persistence of 408
working classes 371–2
Rai, Lala Lajpat 175, 182, 209
Rastafarianism 339, 341
reason, capacity for 25–6
rebel agency 51–2
rebel consciousness 8
The Rebellion in India: How to Prevent Another (Norton) 54–8
Red International of Labour Unions 364
Negro Bureau 358
Reform Bill, Second 84
Reinders, Robert C. 286, 291
Reith Lectures 436–40
religion 349–50
representative government 58
Retamar, Roberto Fernández 5
retributive agency 62–3
reverse ethnography 312
reverse tutelage 8–9, 24, 52–9, 130
Reynolds, G. W. M. 114–17
Reynolds, Reginald 362, 372, 375–6
Reynolds Newspaper 114–17, 118–19
Rhodes, Cecil 384, 454
Rhodesia 386, 406
Ridley, Frank 386, 387
rights 85, 86
indigenous conceptions of 160
standing up for 121
struggle for 123
Ripon, Viceroy 167, 178
rise-and-fall model 4–5
Rivera, Diego 266
Robinson, Cedric 291, 327, 331
Rodney, Walter 349, 350
Rolland, Romain 255–7, 256, 267
Roundell, Charles 108
Rowlatt Acts 233
Roy, M. N. 234, 235, 239, 258, 259
Royal Commission on Labour in India 221
Ruark, Robert 396
Ruskin, John 110, 111, 112
Russian Revolution 210–1, 218, 234, 247, 257
Rutherford, V. H. 205–6
Sabunji, Louis 149
Sahib, Nana 47
Said, Edward 9, 18, 26–27, 29–30, 31, 51, 135, 137, 149, 197, 201, 452
Saklatvala, Sally 215
Saklatvala, Sarah 235
Saklatvala, Shapurji 35, 213–14, 235, 254, 292
anticolonialism 235
anti-imperialism 216, 223–32, 240–4
approach to colonial questions 222–3
background 215–9
critique of reformist approaches 225–9
death 244
emphasis on voice 220
and Gandhi 237–40
hostility towards 232
and House of Commons 223–32, 240–3
Hyde Park rallies 229, 230
in India 232, 232–40
influence 220
interwar years 219–23
LAI membership 267, 267, 268
later career 243–4
maiden speech 224
and Meerut Conspiracy Case 249
open letter to Gandhi 237–8
political career 216–19
political voice 217–18
politicization 232–3
position on India 219–23, 236
signature project 224
Simon Commission debate 215–16
transnational significance 216
universalism 226–7
warnings 246
and working classes 231–2, 242
San Domingo 349
Sanu, Yaqub (James Sanua) 149
Sarkar, Sumit 178, 234
Satichaura Ghat 47
Saturday Review 94
Saville, John 60, 263
Schreiner, Olive 454
Schuyler, George S. 311
Scott, James C. 106
Scottsboro case 277, 298, 306
Second World War 7, 375, 383–7, 394
self-assertion 23, 87–8, 101–2, 145–6, 161, 310–1, 433
self-determination 6, 7, 171, 326, 448
espousal of 210
spectre of 205–6
self-emancipation 33, 35, 150, 281
centrality of 333
insistence on 213
self-improvement 98
self-liberation 150, 185
self-representation, insistence on 213
Semmel, Bernard 95, 112, 125
Senghor, Lamine 266, 269, 370, 438–9
Seretse Khama controversy 402, 405
sexual violence 48
Shaw, George Bernard 293
Sheller, Mimi 86
Sherwood, Marika 222
Shilliam, Robbie 451
Sierra Leone 378
Simon, Sir John 214–15, 227, 251–2
Simon Commission 214–16, 227, 228–9, 240–2
Singapore 444
Singh, Bhagat 246
skin colour 122
slave revolts 308
slavery and the slave trade 161, 332, 348, 349
abolition 1–2, 3, 29, 100, 123, 275
counter-historians 4
return rumours 107
Slavery Abolition Act, 1833 1
A Small Place (Kincaid) 452–3
Smith, Adam 77–8
Smith, C. A. 363
Smith, Goldwin 94, 122, 125, 454
Smuts, Jan 387
Snowden, Ethel 287
Snowden, Philip 218
socialism 440–1
socialist antagonism 170–1
Socialist International 424
solidarity 23, 75, 333, 342–3, 356
South Africa 386, 399, 405, 411, 412, 442–3, 455
Industrial and Commercial Workers Union 350
Soviet Union 307
threat of 246, 247
Spanish Civil War 317, 354, 371, 372, 382
Spectator magazine 95, 97, 302
speech acts 86
Spencer, Herbert 94, 125–6
Spoiling the Egyptians (Keay) 160–1
Spratt, Philip 246
Stock, Dinah 382
Sudan 179
Suez Canal 36, 131
Suez crisis, 1956 444
Sukarno 266
Sun Yat-sen, Madame 267
Sunday Gleaner 99
Surat Congress, India 196
Surrealist Group, the, ‘Murderous Humanitarianism’ 312
Swadeshi movement 174, 177–80, 182, 193, 196, 197, 202–3, 204, 206
international dimensions 209–10
sympathy 23, 67–8, 74, 75, 77, 77–9
Tagore, Rabindranath 180, 193, 233
Tata, Jamsetji 215
Tate & Lyle Corporation 338
Tawney, R. H. 251
Tel el-Kabir, battle of 131, 154
Telegraph 454
Ten Africans (Perham) 429
Tewfik, Khedive 128, 131, 142, 142–3, 149
Thengdi, D. R. 248
theosophy 28
A Thing to Love (Huxley) 431
Thompson, Andrew 13
Thompson, Edward 41–2, 75, 82, 276
Thuku, Harry 350, 364
Tilak, Bal Gangadhar 181, 184–5, 186, 189–90
‘The Shivaji Festival’ 189
The Times 48, 59, 61–2, 64, 92, 108, 109, 114, 147, 149, 162, 164–5, 181, 416, 427, 428
Topics for Indian Statesmen (Norton) 58–9
torture 53–4, 415
Torture Commission, 1855 53–4
Townshend, John 68
Trade Union Congress 249
trade union movement 120, 260
see also Meerut Conspiracy Case
Trades Union Congress 342, 352
transnational affiliations 326
transnational connections 210
travel 34–5
travel writing 134
performative role reversal 130
role of 130
treaty violations 57
Trevelyan, G. M. 3
Trinidad 339, 341, 385
Trouillot, Michel-Rolph 10–1, 17, 53, 309
trusteeship 75, 76, 212, 213, 227, 387, 428–9, 432, 439
rejection of 307, 333, 354
Truth about Kenya (Fletcher) 398, 415–6, 418
Tunis 128
tutelage 173, 212, 264–5, 332
rejection of 213, 307–8, 333
Tyndall, John 110–1, 126
tyranny, domestic resistance to 21
Uganda 406, 407
Underhill, Edward 87, 93, 97, 100, 102
Union of Democratic Control 285
United Nations 387
United Nations Charter 387
United Negro Improvement Association 360
United States of America
black agency 308–9
black enfranchisement 125
New Negro discourse 328
pogroms 289
slavery 1
Universal Negro Improvement Association 293–4
universalism 23–7, 44, 45, 226–7, 304–5, 313
The Unrest in India (Hyndman) 172–3
Urabi, Colonel Ahmad 127–9, 130–1, 131–2, 140
background 142
confrontation with Tefik 142–3
death 162
defence of 132
defenders 141–2
exile 132, 162
and freedom 143–4
goals 145
Hussein Mosque speech 143–4
letter to The Times 162
meeting with Blunt 127–9, 140–2, 152–3
nationalism 141–2
Programme memorandum 147–8
sense of class injury 143
trial 132, 149, 153, 155–6
Urabi Rebellion, Egypt 34, 127–33
aftermath 131–2, 155–6, 155–65
Blunt’s role 133
campaign against 131
Harrison and 156–60, 161–2
intellectual background 147–52
‘Joint Note’ 127–9, 152
justification of intervention 155
Usmani, Shaukat 251–2
Utchay, T. K. 312, 317
Victoria, Queen 43–4, 72
Virdee, Satnam 285, 290, 371
voice 22–3, 28, 31, 33, 37, 52, 64–5, 86–87, 96, 100–5, 114, 116, 120, 122, 133, 137, 139–40, 154, 162–5, 180–1, 190, 213–4, 217–220, 223–4, 228–30, 238, 243, 254–5, 287, 289, 292, 296, 301, 307, 33102, 345, 355, 357, 407, 423, 427, 429
Wadsworth, Marc 216, 233, 239
wage labour 7, 16, 108
Wallace, Donald Mackenzie 34
Wallace Johnson, I.T.A. 330, 372, 392
Walsh, Walter 251
Ward, Arnold 362
Ward, Stuart 12
Watch Tower 351
Waterhouse, Keith 417
Wedderburn, William 170, 177
Wells, H. G. 251
West African Students Union 365, 392, 393
West African Youth League 378, 379
Insurgent Empire Page 74