West India Royal Commission 340
West Indian Emancipation, the 1–2, 16, 86, 100
West Indies 373, 378, 380–2, 392, 431, 437, 449
labour rebellions 320–1, 337–42, 347–8
progress towards decolonization 339
‘Western conceit’ 226
Whig historiography 4, 19
White man’s Burden 321–2
white supremacy 454
white-manning 312
The White Man’s Duty (Padmore) 355–7
The White Man’s Duty (Cunard) 355–7, 394
whitewashing, history 454
Wilder, Gary 322
Williams, Eric 330
Capitalism and Slavery 347
The Negro in the Caribbean 346–7
Williams, Henry Sylvester 279
Wilson, Woodrow 210, 326
The Wind and the Whirlwind (Blunt) 163
Winterton, Earl 215
Wolsey, Sir Garnet 131
Congreve’s appeal to 77
Indian 202–3
influence 203
Woolf, Leonard 425
Workers and Peasants Party 252–3
Workers’ Dreadnought 288, 289, 292–6
Workers Theatre Movement 254–5
Workers’ Welfare League of India 220
working-classes 8, 81, 86
Congreve’s appeal to 77–80
engagements with Morant Bay rebellion 114–18
exploitation 119
franchise 114
Harrison and 161–2
imperialist exploitation 275–6
insurgency 285
racism 371–2
Saklatvala and 231–2, 242
Zionism 263–4
Insurgent Empire Page 75