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Page 10

by Catherine Lievens

  Noah nodded. “Feels good.”

  “You know we’re going to experiment with it, right?”

  “What kind of experiment?”

  “I don’t know yet... have you ever used it during sex?”

  “Ah, no.”

  “It’ll be a first for both of us, then.”

  Duncan put the tail down and trailed his fingers over the blue designs on Noah’s hip. He followed them up his side, then on his chest, until he reached his neck and the new mating bite. “Those are incredibly sexy.”


  “Uh huh.”

  “For us they’re only reminders of how rich and powerful we are.”

  “It’s a pity, because they’re incredible.”

  Noah sighed and pressed closer to Duncan. He leaned his head on Duncan’s arm and Duncan kissed his hair. He couldn’t get enough of the colors—dark blue against pale skin, a mix that was all Noah.

  “What do we do now?” Noah asked, his lips moving against Duncan’s skin.

  “What do you want to do?”

  “It’s not like I want to, but I have to go back home and talk to my parents.”

  “Want me to come with you?”

  Noah looked up. “You would?”

  “Of course I would. You’re my mate. I’d do this and so much more for you. I even chose the house thinking of you.”

  Duncan smiled at the surprise in his mate’s swirling eyes. “Really?”

  “Yup. You told me you paint, so when I saw the veranda, I knew I had to take that house, no matter how much work it was going to take to make it livable again.”

  “I didn’t get to see that part of the house.”

  “You will when we go back. You can help with the renovations—tell me what you like, what you want. The house is yours too, after all.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  Duncan shrugged “There’s nothing to say. Just say yes.”

  Noah smiled. “Yes.” The smile slid from his lips. “We still have to go talk with my parents.”

  “Do you want to go now or do you want to wait?

  “We should probably go. It’s not like my mother will forget about it anyway.”

  Noah pushed himself up and reached for his clothes. He winced, and Duncan immediately felt guilty. “Did I hurt you?”

  “I’m a bit sore, but then it had been a while, so I expected it. I think I need the bathroom before putting my clothes on.” He grimaced and looked down at his flaccid cock. Traces of drying semen glistened on it, and Duncan’s wolf felt insanely proud of it.

  “I need a shower. Want to do it together, you know, save water and time?”

  Noah smirked. “I’m sure those are the only reasons you have to shower with me.”

  “Of course they are!” Duncan jumped from the bed. The towel Noah had pressed against his neck fell and Duncan touched the wound. It wasn’t bleeding anymore, so he threw the towel in the dirty laundry basket and took two clean ones from the closet. “We’re going to have to make a run for it. The bathroom is out in the hallway.”


  “Yeah, but don’t worry, we should be the only ones up here at the moment.”

  Noah didn’t look convinced, but he wrapped his towel around his waist. Duncan did the same and peeked in the hallway. Just like he’d said, no one was there, and the only sounds he could hear came from the floor below them. He gestured at his mate and they ducked into the hallway, quickly walking the few feet to the bathroom.

  Once Noah was in the shower, Duncan tried to sneak in with him, but one glare from his mate convinced him to stay right where he was. “Why can’t I shower with you?” he whined.

  “Because if you do, we won’t get to my house until this evening.”

  “Awww, stop exaggerating. Late afternoon, tops.”

  Duncan yelped when a wet tail smacked his naked ass cheek. “Hey! What was that for?”

  “You’re being cheeky.”

  “You’re so cruel.”

  “It’s no use in pouting.”

  Duncan smiled. He was... happy. He’d known he would be if Noah accepted him, but it still surprised him.

  “Your turn.”

  Duncan grabbed Noah’s still wet waist and pulled him close. He kissed him, not letting go even when Noah made a half-assed attempt to push away before surrendering to him. Duncan didn’t know how long they stayed there, standing in the steamy bathroom, but when he finally released Noah, the man’s cheeks were flushed and he looked vaguely unsteady on his feet.

  Duncan smirked. “You can go now.”

  “I’ll... wait for you in your room.”

  “You do that.”

  Once Noah was gone, Duncan didn’t waste time—he quickly showered and was back in his room only ten minutes later. Noah was already dressed and sitting on the now-made bed. Duncan resisted the urge to push his mate down and have his wicked way with him again and dressed. He dumped the towel on the floor and Noah scowled at him. He looked at the towel, then at Duncan, making what he wanted clear.

  “Damn. I won’t be able to be my messy self anymore if we live together, huh?”

  “No. You better not be.”

  “Right. Yes, sir!”

  Duncan grabbed the towel and put it to dry on the chair next to the bed before gesturing to the door. “Ready to go?”

  Noah grimaced. “No, but it’s not like I have a choice.”

  “You’ll be fine.”

  “I hope so.”

  Duncan led his mate downstairs and looked in the living room. No one was there, but a tantalizing smell came from the kitchen, so he headed there next. Zach and Jago were cooking and talking, but they stopped doing both when Duncan entered.

  Zach smirked. “If I remember this right, someone teased me about making a lot of noise when Kam and I mated.”

  “Really?” Duncan asked, his best innocent expression on his face.

  “Really. Now, Duncan, are you okay or did you hurt yourself? We heard someone screaming a little while ago.”

  Duncan laughed while Noah blushed like crazy. “I wouldn’t know. Were we noisy, hon?”

  “I... I’d rather not answer that.”

  “We’re going to Noah’s house, to talk with his parents.”

  Zach’s expression shifted into a worried one. “Do you want Kam to go with you? Or Nick?”

  “I think we’ll be fine. No sense bringing the big guns with us when we’re not sure they’ll be hostile. It might make things worse.”

  “Okay, but once you’re there we won’t be able to help if we can’t see the town.”

  “I’ll ask Demi to be close to the house,” Noah said. “That way he’ll be there to help if we need him.”

  “If you’re sure.” Zach clearly was skeptical, but Noah just shook his head.

  “They’re my parents. They might disown me and throw me out, but they won’t hurt me.”

  Duncan wished he could be as positive as his mate was.

  Chapter Six

  Noah stood in front of the gate that led to the house he’d grown up in, wondering if it was the last time he’d see it.

  He’d guided Duncan to the town and through the illusion, then to the house. Duncan had parked not far from the gate and they were now standing close to each other. They weren’t touching, but Noah could feel his support anyway. The bond they shared really was an amazing thing, and he was glad he’d said yes, even if it might mean he wouldn’t be able to see his parents anymore. He was building a new family with Duncan, one he could be himself in.

  “Should we go?”

  Noah nodded and started walking, Duncan close behind. He raised one hand backward, silently asking Duncan to hold his hand, and Duncan didn’t even make him wait. Warm fingers wrapped around his and squeezed, making the task Noah was about to do seem easier, or at least not completely hopeless.

  Noah opened the smaller gate that stood next to th
e big one and lead Duncan to the house. He wanted to stop, to run the other way, but he didn’t. He needed to know what was going to be more important for his parents—his happiness, or their reputation.

  He opened the door and stepped in. The house was silent, but he knew that didn’t mean anything. It was so big that his mother could be yelling her lungs out in his father’s study and they wouldn’t be able to hear it from the entrance.

  “This house is... wow.”

  Noah smiled at Duncan. “I know. It’s impressive, huh?”

  “I knew you came from money, but I didn’t realize just how much money. I think this house is even bigger than the pride’s mansion, and only the three of you live here.”

  “Not exactly. The servants also live in the house, although they have a separate wing.”


  Duncan was still looking around with wide eyes. Noah pulled on his hand and led him to his father’s office, where he was sure to find the man. He just hoped his mother wasn’t still in there, because he could do without a double confrontation at the moment.

  Noah stopped at the door, took a deep breath, and knocked.

  “Come in.”

  Noah slowly opened the door, just enough to see inside, and peeked.

  “Noah. Come in.”

  “Is Mother here?”

  “No, she left a little while ago.”

  So she had been there. Not that Noah was surprised, but he’d hoped she still thought she could change him without needing to tell his father. “I... well, I’m not alone.”


  “I, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

  “Bring him in, then.”

  Oh yes, Noah’s father knew about his sexuality now.

  Noah withdrew from the opening and gave Duncan a helpless glance. Duncan nodded and smiled softly, then reached around Noah and pushed the door completely open.

  Noah nodded back and walked in the study, his head held high and his back straight. He might be scared of what was going to happen, but he wouldn’t show it.

  Noah’s father didn’t say anything. He leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms on his chest, and watched them approach. Noah took one of the chairs in front of the desk and sat, and Duncan followed his lead. Their hands never left each other’s, even if Noah knew it would be better if they did. Holding hands in front of someone wasn’t dignified enough.

  “Father, this is Duncan Teague. Duncan, my father, Roger Newcombie.”

  Duncan reached out and offered a hand to Noah’s father, and to Noah’s surprise, his father accepted and shook it.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

  “Likewise, Mr. Teague.”

  “Please, call me Duncan.”

  Noah wanted to scream through the necessary words, but he kept himself in check. “Father, I suppose Mother talked to you earlier.”

  “She did. She came in a few hours ago, completely frantic about something you’d said.”

  “Did she... tell you what it was?”

  “She did.”

  Noah pressed his lips together and waited for the verbal slap he was sure was coming. It never came.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t want to get married, Noah? Or that you preferred the company of men?”

  “Because I know you couldn’t accept it. I know my... duty is to get married and father an heir.”

  Noah’s father shook his head. “I am very sorry to hear that. I know I have been very work-orientated and that I pushed you a lot, but I didn’t realize it got to the point where you thought I would rather disown you than let you live your life like you want to live it.”

  Noah was floored. He had expected a lot of things from this confrontation, but not this. “You... you’re saying you don’t have a problem with me being gay? With me refusing to get married?”

  “No. I just wish you’d have told me before. I’m sure you didn’t realize you’re gay only recently, and I’m sorry you felt like you had to hide it.”

  “But... the list, all those women. Mother told me I had to choose one if I didn’t want to be disowned.”

  Roger’s face hardened. “I already talked with your mother. She did come in here earlier and told me about your little fight, and she repeated what you told her to me. She wasn’t happy when I told her I didn’t care about your sexuality.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say what you want, Noah. I know I’m stern and maybe not always available, but I hope you know you can come to me if you need anything.”

  Noah nodded. A weight had been lifted from his shoulders, but it hadn’t been alone, and there were others still there, waiting. “So you don’t have problems with me being gay. Why push me to choose a woman and get married, then?”

  “You never showed a particular interest in anyone, male or female. I thought I was helping you. As you know, my marriage was arranged, and while your mother has some quite strong opinions that differ from mine, I do love her. I thought you would come to love your wife too, and you never told me you didn’t want to get married or have children.”

  Noah chuckled. “Well, I don’t want to get married, Father. And as for children...” Noah glanced at Duncan. “I don’t know yet. I guess I’ll have them someday, but not right now.”

  “Ah, of course. Why don’t you explain who this young man is? I know you introduced him to me and I see you are holding his hand, but I don’t want to make assumptions.”

  “I think they would be correct, Father. Duncan is my... well, I’m his mate.”

  Noah’s father arched a brow. “His mate?”

  Noah nodded. “Duncan is a wolf shifter.” He saw his father’s expression harden a bit, so he hurriedly continued, “I know you don’t think well of shifters, but you’re wrong, Father. I’m sure there are some who really are more animal than human, but there also are demons who are more so than human. Duncan and his pack are normal. They work, they have family, they live together without killing each other. I’ve met a lot of them since I met Duncan, and not one of them treated me badly or even differently.”

  Noah held his breath. He knew it would take more than a chat to convince his father, but he hoped that seeing Duncan there, calm and composed would help.

  “You’ve... met a lot of shifters?”

  “Yes. Duncan, of course, and his brother. I also met his alpha and the alpha mate and the entire inner circle. They already consider me one of them, Father. All it took was for Duncan to accept me.”

  “And he did.”

  “Yes, he did.”

  “Did you?”

  Noah gulped. “I did. We mated earlier today.” He couldn’t stop the blush that bloomed on his face, and he hoped his father wouldn’t think about what mating had involved.

  “I guess congratulations are in order, then.”

  Noah’s father rose from his chair and Noah imitated him. They met next to the desk, and when Noah hesitated, his father just drew him in his arms and hugged him. It was startling, because Noah could count on the fingers of one hand the times his father had hugged him since he’d become a teenager, but then a mating was as good as marriage.

  “Thank you, Father.”

  He released Noah and turned to Duncan. Noah’s mate had stood up to, and to Noah’s surprise his father hugged Duncan like he’d done with Noah. It was less affectionate and very short, but it was a hug all the same.

  Once everyone was back in their seats, Noah asked, “What about Mother?”

  His father frowned and massaged one temple with his fingers. “I think it’s going to take her a bit of time to get used to the idea of you being mated to a male shifter. She gives a lot more importance to our society and the way they’ll view us than I do, maybe because she doesn’t have much else to concentrate on.”

  Noah couldn’t deny he was disappointed, but he’d expected it.

  “Now,” his father asked, “when can I visi
t your mate’s pack land?”

  * * * *

  The gate closed behind them and Duncan blinked. From Noah’s words before they’d come, he’d expected to be booted out of the house and hunted by the dogs, not to be offered coffee and cake. It was... a bit unsettling, but not as much as it had probably been for Noah.

  His mate still looked dazed, and Duncan reached for him. They’d avoided touching each other too much while in the house, even if Noah’s father didn’t seem to have a problem with their relationship. Still, they hadn’t wanted to flaunt it, so they’d limited themselves to holding hands, more for support for Noah than anything.

  “Noah? You okay?”

  Noah turned toward Duncan and smiled. It wasn’t a big smile, but it was a happy one. “I think so. I’m just... shocked, I guess.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “I know I should stay here, but I really don’t want to see my mother right now.”

  “Come home with me.”

  “I don’t even have a toothbrush or pajamas.”

  “You can go back and pack a bag, or you can come with me and use the stuff Kameron keeps for the people who sleep there occasionally. As for the pajamas... I don’t think you’ll need them.”

  Noah laughed. “You have a one-track mind.”

  “Only when it comes to you.”

  “You better.”

  Duncan tugged on his mate’s hand and brought him closer. He hugged him and felt Noah’s body relax in his arms. “Let’s go home, huh?”

  “Let’s go home.”

  The ride to Gillham felt a lot shorter this time around, and night was just setting when they got there. Duncan wasn’t sure Noah was up to being with people, but it didn’t look like they would have a choice. It was dinner time and Duncan heard the voices as soon as he opened the front door. “Do you want to make a run for it and go upstairs, or should we go eat with the others in the kitchen?”

  “Let’s go in the kitchen. I have to talk with Kameron anyway.”

  Luckily for them, only Kameron, Zach and Jago were there. The Elephant shrew shifter smiled at them when they entered, but Duncan still caught the underlying sadness in his expression and made a mental note to talk to him about it.


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