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The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Rebecca Joyce

  Sitting with her mother and talking about what her life had been like over the last years was not as hard as she thought. Her mother even smiled and laughed with her on certain occasions, but when her story came to the part of meeting her husbands, Lilly was unsure on how to proceed. How could she tell her mom that she went to a wild party and insisted that three men marry her just so they could have sex and then proceed to get stonefaced drunk and wake forgetting she was married?

  There is no way in hell I am telling her that!

  “So which brother did you meet first?” her mother asked, curious, or at least she thought she looked interested. Looking at her mother, Lilly couldn’t really tell, her face was expressionless, devoid of all emotion. It was so unlike her.

  “Uh, I met Jacks first,” Lilly whispered.

  “And where did you two meet?” her mother persisted.

  “Here at the ranch,” Lilly admitted, thinking that wasn’t so bad, since a lot of people met their significant others at their personal residences.

  “I see. Were you here for work?” her mother prodded.


  “Then how did you come to be here at their house? Was it a church social, a weekend barbeque, what? Come on, Lilly, you married these men. How did you four meet?”

  “We met at a party I was throwing,” Orin said, his deep voice interrupting them.

  Lilly’s eyes shot straight to her husbands in shock. Oh how she wished he hadn’t said that, but the look on Orin’s face was not what she expected. He looked at her as if he was disappointed, almost angry that she would hide how they met.

  She knew that Orin didn’t give a rat’s ass how they met, only that they had. Though he was shocked as she was of what had occurred that night, he soon took charge and accepted it for what it was.

  Though Lilly agreed, mainly because they were so loving toward her, she knew deep down she had stayed until she found out if she was pregnant. Of course she didn’t tell them no when they had sex with her often. She actually enjoyed that part. The more time she spent with them, the more she grew to love each of them. How they met shouldn’t matter to her, but on some deep level it did, and it bothered her.

  “A party? What kind of party?” her mother asked, and when Lilly looked away, unable to answer, Orin provided the answer for her.

  Lilly waited for her mother’s outrage and scorn. She knew her mother was going to rant and yell until the rafters came tumbling down upon their heads. But when her mother started to laugh, Lilly couldn’t help but stare at her mother in shock.

  “Momma?” Lilly asked when her mother’s laughter came out in full force, but when tears started falling from her eyes, Lilly grew concerned. “Momma, it’s not what you think. I only came because a friend thought I needed to get out some. I didn’t participate in any of the things going on here, I promise,” Lilly quickly explained. Looking at Orin, she pleaded, “Tell her, Orin. Tell her I didn’t do anything that night.”

  “Baby, you do remember that you married three men that night, right?” Orin said with a grin.

  Oh, the insufferable oaf! He was not helping. Turning to her mother, who was still laughing, Lilly couldn’t take it anymore. “Mother! Stop laughing! So I met and married my husbands at a party. There is nothing wrong with that, and it’s definitely not a laughing matter! Will you please stop laughing?” Lilly shouted at her mother.

  “Oh, Lillian dear, I am not laughing at you, honey. I am laughing at myself,” her mother said, wiping her eyes. “You see, my dear, how you met your husbands is exactly how I met your father. We met at a—what did you call it, Orin? A wild party, and like you, I got carried away.”

  “What? I thought you and Daddy met at church?” Lilly said in shock.

  “Oh yes, we did meet in church, the next day, with my father and his shiny new shotgun!” Iris smiled and then chuckled a little more. “My dear, I don’t care how you four met. All I care about is that you love these men and that they love you. How you met is your story for your own children. All that matters is love. As long as you love each other, nothing else matters.”

  “That’s all fine and dandy, Momma, but you have forgotten about one little problem. Well, actually one problem and six Neanderthals!”

  “You let me worry about your brothers. Those boys will listen to me. As for your father, well...” Iris began, rising to her feet.

  Lilly watched as she walked over to Orin, who stood leaning against the living room wall, watching. Then her mother stood in front of him and said, “You, Orin, you will have to find a way to make James understand.” She watched as Orin stood stock-still and froze.

  Everything he had feared was about to come to fruition. Lilly knew, though he had her mother’s backing, Orin and his brothers were going to have to confront her father.

  Chapter 9

  It had been a week since Iris Campbell had left them to their own devices, and the only thing any of the brothers could think about was how in the hell were they going to tell the cattle baron of Montana that all three of them had had unprotected sex with his only daughter, married her, and gotten her pregnant?

  There was no way in hell they were going to tell him anything! At least not that!

  Looking at the clock on the kitchen wall, Jacks groaned, “We have two hours left.”

  “I know that, and stop informing us of the time!” Orin shouted, moaning as he, too, looked up at the wall clock.

  “Why not just tell him the truth?” Jacks suggested, taking another sip of his coffee.

  “No!” Orin and Davis both shouted in unison.

  “Well, Iris is going to be here soon. She asked us to come up with something by her next visit,” Jacks stated again for the hundredth time.

  “I swear, Jacks, you mention the time one more time, and I will kick your ass,” Davis said, fuming at his little brother.

  “I have an idea.” Lilly smiled, walking into the kitchen and giving each of them a kiss on the lips before she headed over to the coffeepot.

  “Thanks, baby, but we got to figure this out ourselves. And put that coffee cup down. You heard what Doc Jenkins said,” Orin scolded.

  “I just want a sip, that’s all.” She frowned.

  “No. Have some juice,” he ordered, but when he turned his back on her, Jacks watched as their wife stuck her tongue out at him and happily walked out of the room with coffee cup in hand. Chuckling, he just shook his head and turned his attention back to the conversation at hand.

  “Too bad we can’t throw a party. You know, lots of food, music, and drinks. We could get him drunk and then tell him,” Davis mumbled right before he took a long swallow of his coffee.

  Now, Jacks had heard some crazy shit come out of Orin’s mouth before, but he never thought he would ever hear Davis make such a crazy suggestion, but before he could berate his brother, Orin’s head shot up with that unholy gleam shooting straight from his eyes.

  “No!” Jacks said firmly, jumping to his feet. He knew that look. That look was what got them in this mess in the first place. “Don’t even think about it!”

  “It’s the perfect plan,” Orin whispered, as if in awe of himself. Jacks knew Orin was already planning every detail down to the littlest glass of rum.

  “Huh? What’s perfect?” Davis looked up, confused as usual.

  Jacks rounded on the instigator and punched him hard in the shoulder. “You asshole. Look what you have done. You suggested this. You stop him. I won’t be a party to this. I mean it!”

  “Dude, what the fuck? That hurt!” Davis shouted at him, getting to his feet.

  “You two knock it off. We gotta plan this very carefully.” Orin stated walking over to the calendar and looking at the dates before him. After taking a few minutes, he turned and snapped his fingers. “I’ve got it! A Christmas Eve party! We can invite our close friends and family, and, of course, have Lilly’s family over, where we can announce in front of everyone that we’re married and Lilly’s gonna have a baby. Her father can’t kill
us with so many witnesses around.”

  “Someone should take you out back and put a bullet in your head. That is the stupidest plan on the fuckin’ planet. There is no way we are gonna get everyone out here, dumbass. Have you forgotten that we live all the way out in bumfuck, and just to prove my point…” Jacks shouted in frustration. He walked over to the living room window and threw back the curtains. “It’s fucking snowing again!”

  “Guys, I know what we can do,” Lilly said, walking back into the room.

  Jacks watched as Orin walked over to Lilly and kissed her forehead. “Not now, honey. I’m on to something here.”

  “It could work. We could hitch up the horses and the wagon and bring everyone in like the old times. You know, make it a true holiday get together, sleigh bells and all,” Davis suggested.

  Jacks should have know Davis would be all for Orin’s stupid plan. They shared the same fucking brain!

  “It’s not going to work! All you’re gonna do is put her father on the spot. He ain’t gonna like that. You’re just gonna piss him off. I say we just invite them to dinner, and we just tell the man,” Jacks said once again, knowing neither of them were listening.

  Jacks cringed when Orin patted him on the shoulder. “You worry too much, little brother. Let me handle this. I have it all planned out,” he said and whistled as he walked away.

  Jacks wanted to beat the living shit out of his brother. Angry, he stormed from the room, muttering, “Where in the hell did I put that cemetery plot paperwork?”

  * * * *

  Lilly agreed with Jacks. Orin’s plan wasn’t going to work, though she figured he wasn’t in the right frame of mind to understand or listen to her, so she left Davis and Orin to their plotting and went in search of Jacks. If any of them would listen to her, it would be Jacks.

  She found him in his room, leaning against the window frame, watching the snow slowly fall to the ground. Quietly walking up behind him, she wrapped her hands around his waist and held him.

  “He is going to make it worse,” he mumbled.

  “I know,” she softly agreed, resting her head on his back.

  “What are we gonna do? He won’t listen to reason. There is no stopping him when he gets an idea in his head. He’s like a damn dog with a bone.”

  “I have an idea that just might fix everything and save Orin from making this big mistake, though I can’t do it by myself. I’m gonna need some help. That is if you want to help me?”

  Jacks turned in her arms, and when he looked down into her eyes, Lilly felt the pulling in her pussy as her panties instantly became wet. Her body softened into him as he held her tighter.

  “Oh, wife of mine, I know that look. Are you hungry, Lilly?” Jacks grinned, lowering his mouth to her neck, and began to nibble at her earlobe.

  Giggling, Lilly whispered, “Always.”

  * * * *

  It was the night before the big party, and Lilly was exhausted. After spending alone time in town with her mother, they headed back to the ranch to try and talk the boys out of their plan. Even after her mother tried to talk Orin and Davis out of the stupid plan, Lilly, Jacks, and her mother decided to come up with an idea to keep Orin and Davis alive along with the rest of them, because if truth be told, Lilly was beginning to worry about Orin’s state of mind. He had gone off and started planning and purchasing everything for this grand old Christmas Eve party, and nothing she could do or say was going to stop him.

  After a while, her mother told her, “Just let him go about his business. There is no talking to them when they get it into their heads. They have to find out for themselves, honey. Eventually they will realize their mistakes, but let’s just pray they don’t pay dearly for them, because, honey, you married one stubborn man.”

  Lilly couldn’t have agreed more, so, taking her mother’s advice, she stopped trying to change Orin’s mind, and began to help him, all the while preparing for her own contingency.

  With Jacks still in town getting the last of the supplies, Lilly desperately wanted a good night’s sleep. Walking into the kitchen, she froze.

  Okay, this is new.

  Blinking, she looked around the room, thinking she was seeing things. She turned back to the naked brothers before her. Just the sight of them did things to her body that should be illegal, but damn, they were fine pieces of man flesh. Their jutting cocks, so hard and firm, made her mouth water, aching to taste them.

  “Jacks ain’t back yet, and we couldn’t wait,” Orin stated firmly with no emotion on his face. She hated when he got that look. It didn’t bode well for her.

  “Get naked,” Davis growled, stroking his long, thick cock.

  Now Lilly understood why Orin was so dominant, but having Davis ordering her around wasn’t something she was used to. Caught off guard, she just smiled. “Not tonight, boys. I’m tired. We have a big day tomorrow,” she stated and was about to turn, when Orin spoke.

  “You move from that spot, and you’ll not like what comes next. Strip now.”

  Oh, this isn’t happening! All she wanted was a hot shower and a comfortable bed.

  “Why should I?” she asked defiantly.

  “We won’t tell you again,” Davis said gruffly.

  “I’m taking a shower. You two can fend for yourselves,” Lilly said, exasperated. She wasn’t in the mood for their games, and she knew damn well that was what they were playing. Turning swiftly, she stomped no more than three steps when she was picked up and hauled over a shoulder. “Davis warned you,” Orin said as she looked up to find him following them.

  She knew the destination was the master bedroom, but she was surprised when they took a detour into Davis’s room.

  What are they up to?

  When Davis set her down, Orin turned on the light, and then she knew.

  Oh shit.

  Sometime during the day, they had removed all of Davis’s belongings. What was once a bedroom now looked like a room of torture.

  “These are mostly my things. I typically keep them in the barn, in one of the back rooms. We can have a show and tell later. Strip,” Orin explained and then ordered firmly.

  Looking around the room, Lilly was in a state of shock. There were so many ropes and whips. She knew that living on a ranch, these things were needed, but these items looked sleek, almost sinister. She saw riding crops of varying sizes and handcuffs. A sawhorse was placed in the corner of the room, but what caught her attention was the chains hanging from the ceiling and the large padded X centered against the long wall.

  What the hell is that?

  “Uh, guys, I don’t think…” she whispered.

  “Then don’t. Just strip,” Davis said, walking over to her and unbuttoning her shirt.

  Lilly couldn’t take her eyes off of the large X. What the hell is it? she kept asking herself over and over. With leather padded and bolted to the floor, the thing looked vicious. How in the hell did she not hear them bringing this stuff in last night?

  When she felt the zipper of her jeans move, she looked down and saw Davis kneeling before her. Her shirt had been removed and her bra left on. She stayed motionless as Davis shimmied her jeans down and helped her to step out of them. Left standing in her bra and panties, Lilly didn’t know what they had planned, but if they thought for one second they were tying her ass to that big X, they were sorely mistaken.

  “Walk her over to the sawhorse, Davis, and secure her good. She likes to wiggle,” Orin stated. Davis stood and grabbed her hand.

  Well at least it wasn’t that big X. What in the hell does that thing do anyway?

  The large piece was frustrating her to the point of aggravation. She couldn’t figure it out. Was it for decoration, or was it some sort of symbol that meant something? Curiosity getting the better of her, Lilly yanked her hand away from Davis and walked right up to Orin. “What in the hell is that?” she demanded, pointing at the contraption.

  She watched as Orin’s eyebrow raised and his lips thinned. “Put her on the cross, Davis.
Lilly wants to know what it is, well, let’s show her.”

  Lilly never got a word out. Davis picked her up and within seconds, had her strapped face-first on the cross. Fighting her binds, she wasn’t uncomfortable, just secure. She couldn’t move. “Okay, ha ha ha. You’ve made your point. Now let me go,” Lilly asked, her heart picking up.

  She couldn’t see. Her head was turned the wrong way. All she saw was Davis. He wasn’t the one she was worried about. It was the other who stayed out of her line of vision.

  Lilly had known from day one that Orin was a dominant and into some rather freaky kink, and she was okay with that, but this was something else. Since he hardly ever spanked her or demanded anything from her, she had grown accustomed to his softer side. But now in this room, it was like he was a different man, someone altogether new and exciting.

  The room felt cold, sinister, and strange, like something wicked was about to happen.

  She felt the leather rubbing her ass and up and down her legs. But when her panties were ripped from her body, she gasped, because the next thing she felt was the force of the paddle as it smacked.

  “Count, Lilly,” Orin growled.

  “No. Let me down.”


  “Count, Lilly.”




  The force of the paddle was causing the heat to spread. Warmth she hadn’t experienced in a very long time took root, and her mind began to drift away, only concentrating on the next smack.

  “Lilly, count.”


  “Good girl,” Orin praised. “You see, I learned something about our wife that first night, Davis. Our Lilly loves to be spanked. She loves it so much that without it, I believe she thinks too much, and when that happens, she makes rash decisions. Isn’t that right, Lilly?” Orin explained to Davis and then asked her a question, which was followed by another smack.


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