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The Captive

Page 22

by Виктория Холт

  She pulled herself back in her chair and smiled at me knowingly, which was irritating to me being so very much in the dark.

  “Well,” she went on, ‘it’s like this. The governess up there has walked out again. It’s a regular way with governesses up there. None of them can stand young Kate for more than a week or so. But it throws the household in a turmoil. Really, this Kate must be a bit of a demon if you ask me. Well, there’s Mrs. Ford telling me that they’re all

  praying to get a governess who gives Kate the education she ought to have . and keeps her out of the way of the grownups, I wouldn’t mind reckoning. And how they can’t, how they’re all in despair and young Kate is laughing her head off because the last thing she wants in the house is a governess. There’s been goodness knows how many . and not one stayed. Mrs. Ford reckons that soon it will get round and they wouldn’t even give it a trial. She’s a little imp, that Kate. Wants her own way. Mrs. Ford said if they don’t get someone to control her sometime, governesses won’t be the only ones who are leaving. Well, that’s how it was up at Perrivale. ” She paused and looked at me steadily.

  “I said to Mrs. Ford, ” I wonder. ” and she looked at me sharply and said, ” What do you wonder. Nanny? ” I said, ” Now I don’t know whether I’m speaking out of turn . but an idea has just come to me.”

  “Yes, Nanny,” I said, a little breathlessly.

  “I said to her, ” Well, I don’t know . I may be speaking out of turn so don’t bank on it,” I said.

  “But there’s a young lady staying at the house … a well-educated young lady. Best schools and all that.

  Well, she was saying the other day she thought she’d like to do something. Not that she needs to, mind. But she was just feeling a bit restless, like. Well, she’s very good with my two . likes teaching them things. Well . I don’t know, I’m sure. It’s just a thought that came into my head. ” You should have seen Mrs. Ford’s face. I reckon it would be a feather in her cap if she could find them a governess.”

  “Nanny, what are you suggesting?”

  “Well, we always said if you could get into the house … we reckoned the secret was tucked away in there somewhere. And there’s no way of finding out when you’re outside it.”

  As the possibility swept over me I felt enormously excited.

  “Do you think they would take me?”

  “They’d jump at you. You should have seen Mrs. Ford’s face. She kept saying, ” Will you ask her? Do you think she would? ” I played it very cautious. I wanted to make them think you might need a bit of persuading.

  “I can only just mention it,” I told her.

  “I can’t vouch for anything … I don’t know, I’m sure.” But she wouldn’t leave it alone. She was on it like a ton of bricks. “

  “I’ve had no experience. How do I know if I could do it?”

  “Look how you are with the twins.”

  “They’re not difficult nine-year-olds.”

  “That’s true enough. But when Mrs. Ford told me, I thought it sounded like manna from Heaven, as they say.”

  “It does look rather like that. I’ve longed and longed for an opportunity.”

  “Well, now here it is.”

  “What else did Mrs. Ford say?”

  “She did wonder how long you’d stay … if you came. She didn’t understand how anybody particularly someone who didn’t have to work would want to be governess to Miss Kate. I couldn’t tell her that there was rather a special reason. Then she stopped talking like that, being afraid I might put you off. She said, ” Well, perhaps Miss Cranleigh might be able to manage her . perhaps it’s because the others haven’t been much good,” going on like that. Ever so anxious she was to get me to ask you. She’d be in high favour with her ladyship if she was the one to find a governess who stayed. I told her not to hope for too much but I’d have a word with you.”

  I had been so astounded by the suggestion that it was difficult for me to take in its implications at first. I was trying to be calm. I should go into a strange household as a sort of higher servant. What would my father think? Or Aunt Maud? They would never allow it.

  Moreover, what would my position be with a child who had a reputation for making life intolerable for past holders of the post?

  And yet. only a few hours before I had been praying for a chance. I had seen clearly that unless I could get a footing in that house, unless I could learn something about its inhabitants, I should never discover the truth behind the murder of Cosmo Perrivale.

  Even while I hesitated I knew I had to seize this God-given opportunity with both hands.

  Nanny Crockett was watching me intently; a slow smile spread across her face.

  She knew that I would go to Perrivale Court.

  It was soon quite clear that I should be very welcome at Perrivale Court. Lady Perrivale must have despaired of ever getting a governess for her daughter and the suggestion that I might take the post was received with enthusiasm.

  Lady Perrivale sent the carriage over to Trecorn Manor to take me to Perrivale Court so that we could discuss the matter without delay.

  I was relieved that Lucas was not there when I left, my trepidation overcome by the elation I felt at the prospect of making headway in my self-appointed task.

  I had sworn Nanny Crockett to secrecy about the project, for I was anxious that Lucas should not know anything about it until it was definitely settled. I knew he would be astonished and would ask awkward questions and of course attempt to dissuade me, for, not knowing my reasons, he would naturally find it difficult to understand why I should take on such a post.

  I had ceased to marvel at the amazing turn of fate which had brought me this opportunity. So many strange things had happened to me in the recent past that I was prepared for anything. I suppose that when one steps out of the conventional life one must be prepared for the unexpected and unusual. And there I was, speeding along the road in a splendid carriage drawn by two noble horses, one black, one white, and driven by a coachman in the smart Perrivale livery.

  We arrived at Perrivale Court. In the distance I could see the sea. It was a light blue today, in a gentle mood, smooth and benign. Whenever I came face to face with the sea-whatever its mood-I would visualize that raging angry torrent which had played such havoc with my life and that of many others. I would never trust the sea again.

  And if I lived at Perrivale I should see it every day. I should be reminded.

  If I lived at Perrivale? I must. I was becoming more and more certain how imperative it was that I should secure this post.

  There was an air of timelessness about the place. The grey stone walls, battered by the winds of centuries, gave it the impression of a fortress, and the machicolations the look of a castle. Lucas had said it had been restored so often that it had lost its original identity.

  That might be so, and I found it difficult to analyse my feelings as I passed under the gatehouse into a courtyard where the carriage drew up.

  A door was immediately opened and a woman appeared. She was middleaged, verging on the elderly, and instinct told me that this was Mrs. Ford.

  She had come to welcome her protegee personally and she showed clearly that she was very pleased that I had come.

  “Come along in. Miss Cranleigh,” she said.

  “I am Mrs. Ford. Lady Perrivale would like to see you at once. I am so glad you could come.”

  It was an effusive greeting, hardly the sort that a governess would expect; but when I reminded myself of the reason for it I was less euphoric.

  “Nanny Crockett has told me all about you,” said Mrs. Ford.

  Not all, I thought. I could imagine Nanny Crockett’s glowing terms, and I was sure she credited me with qualities I did not possess.

  “I’ll take you to her ladyship right away,” she said.

  “Will you follow me?”

  We were in a hall long and lofty, the walls of which were adorned with weapons and there was a huge fireplace with ingle noo
ks and seats on either side; the floor was tiled and our footsteps rang out as we walked across to the stairs. It was typical of many such halls except for the stained glass windows at one end with their beautiful shades of ruby red and sapphire blue which were reflected on the tiled floor.

  Placed strategically at the side of the staircase like a sentinel was a suit of armour. It seemed lifelike and I could not help glancing uneasily at it as I followed Mrs. Ford up the stairs.

  We went along the corridor until we came to a door at which Mrs. Ford knocked.

  “Come in,” said a voice.

  Mrs. Ford threw open the door and stood aside for me to go in.

  She called: “Miss Cranleigh, my lady.”

  And there she was, seated in a rather throne-like chair which was covered in dark velvet. She wore a gown of emerald green which was very becoming to her red-haired beauty. I noticed a gold necklace in the form of a snake about her neck. Her glorious hair was piled on top of her head and her green eyes glittered with pleasure.

  “Miss Cranleigh,” she cried.

  “Do come in. Thank you, Mrs. Ford. Sit here. Miss Cranleigh, and we can have our little talk.”

  She was immensely affable. Clearly she was very eager that I should accept the post. She must be desperate, I thought, and I shuddered to think what the child might be like.

  “Mrs. Ford tells me that you want to come here to teach my daughter.”

  “It was suggested to me that you were in need of a governess,” I replied.

  “Kate’s last governess had to leave in rather a hurry and naturally I do not want her studies to be interrupted too long.”

  “No, of course not. I must tell you that I have never taught before.”

  “Well, we all have to start somewhere.”

  “Your daughter is eight years old, I believe … or is it nine?”

  “She is just nine.”

  “She will be in need of advanced education soon. Do you propose to send her to school in the near future?”

  I saw a look of dismay in the green eyes. Was she imagining this daughter of hers being expelled from school after school ?

  “We had no plans for a school yet.”

  We? That would be Tristan, the girl’s stepfather. Images flashed into my mind. I saw him, coming into the farmhouse . finding his brother dead and Simon standing there with the gun in his hand. I must stop my mind from wandering on. This house would be full of such reminders.

  But this was what I had wanted. Those people who had been nothing but names to me were now going to take on flesh and blood, and I had to assess their part in the drama if I were to find out the truth.

  She was saying: “Mrs. Ford tells me you are very good with children.”

  “She would be referring to the two at Trecorn Manor. They are only four years old.”

  “Oh yes … Trecorn Manor. You are visiting there. We met, didn’t we? Those sheep. What a terrible time Mr. Lorimer had. That ghastly shipwreck.”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “I was shipwrecked too.”

  “What a dreadful experience! I heard about it from Mrs. Ford. But you have emerged, fortunately, in better shape than poor Mr. Lorimer.”

  “Yes, indeed I was more fortunate.”

  She was silent for a few seconds denoting sympathy. Then she said brightly: “We should be so happy if you came. It would be good for Kate to have a … lady … to teach her. Mrs. Ford tells me that you have had an excellent education.”

  “There was nothing outstanding about it.”

  This was becoming a most unusual interview. I seemed all the time to be stressing why she should not employ me and she seemed determined at all cost that she should.

  “We have rather pleasant nursery quarters here. You know, the family’s children have been brought up there over the years. That makes a difference … some how.”

  I was trying to shut out of my mind images of that frightened little boy being brought into the nursery by a determined Sir Edward and by good fortune falling into the hands of loving Nanny Crockett.

  It was obvious that my next words unnerved her.

  “Perhaps I could meet your daughter.”

  It was the last thing she wanted. There was apprehension in the green eyes. She was clearly thinking that one look at the little monster would be enough to make me decline. I felt almost sorry for her. She was so anxious to find a governess any governess, I imagined for her daughter.

  Never could a prospective governess have been in such a position. I was amused at the feeling of power which came over me. It would be entirely my decision. I knew I was not going to enjoy my work, but at least I should not have to cringe before my employer. I knew I was coming to this house for Simon’s sake and I was certain that I should discover some of its secrets which, with luck, might lead me to the truth.

  “She may not, of course, be in her room,” she said.

  “I think we should meet before we make the decision,” I said firmly, and I somehow managed to convey that this was an ultimatum.

  Reluctantly she went to the bell rope and in a few moments a maid appeared.

  “Would you bring Miss Kate to me?” she said.

  “Yes, my lady.”

  Lady Perrivale looked so nervous that I wondered what I was going to discover. If she is quite impossible, I thought, I shall at least have a chance to look around and if it is really bad I can always follow the example of the other governesses and leave.

  When she came, I was surprised rather agreeably, but that was perhaps because I was expecting something worse.

  She was very like her mother. Her hair was a little less bright, her eyes a little less green. There was a hint of blue in them but that might have been because she was wearing a blue dress; her lashes and brows were inclined to be sandy and her mother owed a great deal to her dark brows and luxuriant lashes for her arresting good looks. But it was obvious at once that she was her mother’s daughter.

  “Kate, my dear,” said Lady Perrivale.

  “This is Miss Cranleigh. If you are lucky she may be your new governess.”

  The girl looked at me appraisingly.

  “I don’t like governesses,” she said.

  “I want to go away to school.”

  “That’s not very polite, is it?” asked Lady Perrivale mildly.

  “No,” said her daughter.

  “And shouldn’t we be?”

  “Perhaps you should, Mama. I don’t want to be.”

  I laughed and said boldly: “I can see you have a great deal to learn.”

  “I never learn unless I want to.”

  “That’s not very clever, is it?”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you will remain ignorant.”

  “If I want to be ignorant, I’ll be ignorant.”

  “It is your choice, of course,” I replied mildly, ‘but I never heard of any wise person wanting to be ignorant. “

  I looked at Lady Perrivale and I could see her fear that I would reject her daughter was growing.

  “Really, Kate,” she said.

  “Miss Cranleigh has come all the way from Trecorn Manor to see you.”

  “I know. And it’s not ” all the way”. It’s not really very far.”

  “You must assure her that you will try to be a good pupil or she may decide not to come.”

  Kate shrugged her shoulders.

  I was surprised to find myself feeling almost sorry for Lady Perrivale. I wondered why she, who looked as though she might be the sort of woman to have her own way, could allow a child to behave so.

  I fancied Kate felt a certain antagonism to her mother and at the root of her behaviour might be a wish to discountenance her. I wondered why.

  I said: “If I am coming to teach Kate, I think we should get to know each other. Perhaps she could show me the schoolroom.”

  Kate turned to face me. I could see she was finding me very different from the governesses to whom she was accustomed. I imagined those poor
needy women desperately eager for the post and fearing to do anything that might mean losing it.

  I felt more alive than I had for a long time. I was actually in Simon’s old home and these were the people who had figured in the drama. Moreover, I was a little stimulated at the prospect of battles to come with this child.

  “If you think …” began Lady Perrivale uneasily.

  “Yes,” said Kate.

  “I’ll show you the schoolroom.”

  “That’s good,” I said.

  Lady Perrivale rose as if to accompany us.

  I turned to her.

  “Shall Kate and I get to know each other … alone?” I suggested.

  “We shall know better then whether we can get along.”

  I was not sure which was greater her relief or her apprehension. She was glad to end this interview but she was afraid of what would ensue when I was alone with Kate.

  The girl led me up the stairs, taking two at a time.

  “It’s a long way up,” she said over her shoulder.

  “Schoolrooms usually are.”

  “Miss Evans used to puff and pant coming up the stairs.”

  “Miss Evans being the unfortunate lady who tried to teach you before?”

  I asked.

  She gave a little giggle. Poor Miss Evans! I thought. At the mercy of such a creature.

  “It’s not very nice up there,” she went on.

  “It’s haunted, you know.

  Are you afraid of ghosts? “

  “Never having made the acquaintance of any, it is difficult to say.”

  Again she giggled.

  “You wait,” she said.

  “They’re very frightening.

  There are always ghosts in old houses like this. They come out in the night when you are asleep . particularly if they don’t like you, and they never like strangers. “

  “Oh, don’t they? I should have thought it was members of the family whom they would come back to see.”

  “You don’t know anything about ghosts.”

  “Do you?”

  “Of course. I know they do horrid things … like clanging chains and frightening people in the night.”

  “Perhaps you have been listening to gossip.”

  “You wait,” she said ominously and with plans in her eyes.


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