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Page 4

by Tori Carson

  Sean took a moment to make sure her seatbelt was in place then started the car and pulled out into traffic. “I’ve tied more than a few women to the cross before.” He raised his eyebrows and tossed his head to the side. “I suppose admitting that won’t win me any points, but I promised you honesty so bear with me until I get to the reason for my indiscretion here.” He flashed her a quick smile and plodded along, wondering why in the hell he’d opened his mouth. “Topping is sexually exciting. I enjoy it, obviously, or I’d be in the wrong business.”

  He was getting offtrack again. Damn it. He drove a few more blocks, getting his thoughts together. Why was sharing his feelings so hard? He’d already told her he wanted a relationship. Just say it, stupid! “I’m more than just sexually attracted to you. I feel a…deeper connection. It’s a little disconcerting.”

  Michelle put her hand over his as he gripped the gearshift. “I know what you mean. You were barely touching me and I was trembling. I’m scared. I’m worried I’m headed for the biggest heartbreak of my life. We aren’t in the same league, Sean. Not in D/s, or even life. I’m still in college and you’ve been there, done that and have a successful business. I’ve read books about D/s and you live it every day.”

  “Not really. I have a lot of experience topping. There’s a difference between that and D/s. I haven’t built a meaningful relationship with anyone before.” He pulled his car into a parking spot, then turned to look at Michelle. “No one has interested me in that way until you. It’s exhilarating and damn frightening.” Sean turned off the ignition. “I’ll get your door. Wait for me.”

  Sean was proud to have Michelle on his arm. Her delicate hand cupped his biceps as they entered one of his favorite restaurants.

  “Mr. Jameson, so nice to see you again,” the hostess greeted him, as usual.

  “Thanks, Linda.”

  “Right this way. I’ll put you in Jeanne’s section. Is that okay?”


  They had barely slid into the booth before Jeanne came over to the table.

  “Mr. Jameson, so good to see you again. What can I get you to drink?”

  “My lady will have a filet mignon, medium, with steamed vegetables and a diet soda. I’ll have the salmon filet with vegetables and a tea.”

  “Great. House salads to start?”


  “You ordered for me.” Michelle spoke quietly.

  “Yes, I did.” He turned sideways in the booth so he could watch her expressions. He’d wanted her beside him, not sitting across from him, but it made seeing her face a bit of a challenge.

  “What if I didn’t like steak? Or was allergic?” Her tone was casual, but he sensed there was a dangerous undercurrent he was about to be hit with.

  “It’s a Dom thing. Get used to it. I knew you weren’t a vegetarian because you had chicken with me earlier. You were eating a protein bar, so a steak was a safe bet. It will also give you the energy you need to make it through the night—if you insist on doing this.”

  “Yes, I am working tonight and I’m going to let you get away with being all bossy because steak happens to be my second-favorite food.”

  Sean chuckled. Silly woman—she hadn’t begun to see bossy yet. “What’s your number one?”

  “Pizza! It’s the perfect food. No utensils needed. Depending on the toppings, you can hit all the major food groups and it’s set on bread. What more could you want?”

  “Oh, there are a few things I’m hungrier for than pizza at the moment. You’ve whetted my appetite and I won’t be denied much longer.” His hand rode a little higher on her thigh as he leaned in and brushed several kisses along her neck.

  “Potent. Way too potent for public,” Michelle whispered in his ear. “The crew here is probably used to your dates swooning, but I’m a bit more private than that.”

  “I don’t date, Michelle. I thought I’d made that clear. You’re the first woman I’ve brought here or anywhere else. I haven’t ‘dated’ since college.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Then I’d better inspect my food carefully, because Jeanne has more interest in you than a big tip.”

  “I hadn’t noticed. You’ve been clouding my brain for months. You’re all I think about—well, you and business. The club can consume my time if I let it.” He pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “You might find playing in public to be exciting.”

  “More likely I’d get stage fright and faint.”

  He laughed. With her, he always smiled. It was a nice feeling. “Tell me about your food preferences so I can make sure I order what you like.”

  “Or I could order for myself. I’ve been doing that for a few years now. I’ve got that skill mastered.”

  “I’ll be the Master in this relationship. You need a keeper and before you start arguing I’ll give an example. By the time we close the club tonight, you’ll have been awake for over twenty-eight hours. If it’s more than that I might just have to turn you over my knee, so don’t tell me. The temptation would be too much. You also went for twelve hours without eating. Need I go on?”

  “So bossy.” She smiled. “Maybe we could solve this dilemma another way. I like to cook. Instead of going out and risking death glares from every server in South Carolina, we could stay in and I’ll play chef.”

  “You’re exaggerating. The help aren’t giving you dirty looks. And while I’d love to sample your cooking, I also want to know everything about you. So be a little more forthcoming with the info. What’s your favorite pizza? Ham and pineapple, I’ll bet.”

  “Yep and I’m guessing you’re a pepperoni man. The greasier the better.”

  He laughed. “It’s true. I try to eat healthy, but pizza’s goodness is measured by its grease quotient. Any foods you dislike?”

  “I’m seriously allergic to seafood. I avoid everything that lives in water. I’m not kidding. I carry an EpiPen in my purse. Other than that, I enjoy trying new foods.”

  “I’ll remember that. We should get an extra EpiPen and keep it at the club, just in case.” He didn’t like the idea of her purse being in the locker room and her being in trouble in the arboretum. “After we eat, we’ll go shopping to find you something to wear tonight and I want to buy you a collar. Do you know what that is?”

  “Yes. What kind of collar?” She sounded leery and he didn’t like it.

  “It can look like whatever you want, but I want you wearing one. I want to make sure the Doms at the club know you are off-limits. I wouldn’t take kindly to any of them propositioning you, and without one it would surely happen.”

  “When would I be expected to wear it?”

  Watching her body language, her hands fidgeting with the napkin, he had to ask. “What’s your concern with wearing it, Michelle? Is it the collar itself or is it the meaning behind it that has you upset?”

  She looked him in the eyes and his heart did that odd stuttering sensation he was becoming more and more familiar with. No doubt, she affected him in ways no other woman ever had.

  “What is the meaning behind it, Sean? Is it just part of the uniform? Do all the employees wear one? Are you wanting me to wear it only at work or whenever we’re together?”

  Screw politically correct. “Make no mistake, Michelle, I’m asking you to wear it to show others you belong to me. I don’t want anyone else making time with my girl. For the time being, you’d only be required to wear it at the club. Whether you’re working or there socially, you’ll wear the collar.” Yes, that felt much better. It wasn’t fair to Michelle to come off as wishy-washy and placating when he had no intention of being that way permanently.

  Sean noticed her breathing had become more rapid and her hands lay calmly in her lap. He loved how she responded to a firm hand.

  “I couldn’t imagine going to the club socially.”

  Before she could elaborate, Jeanne brought their food. Since they were pressed for time, both ate their meals quickly. Jeanne stopped by often to check on them and left the bill. Sean g
ave it a cursory glance and left cash to cover the dinner and tip.

  Back in the car, Michelle turned to the club membership packet. “Do I need to fill this out? I’m not a member.”

  “Staff are considered members for the length of their employ. The fees are waived. Just fill out the first page. The interest inventory would be something you’d share with a prospective partner. We can discuss those things in private, so ignore that form.” He watched her eyes widen as she scanned the inventory. He didn’t need her scaring herself. “What about playing in public worries you?”

  “Um, all of it.” She gave a nervous laugh. “Seriously, Sean, I’m a pretty private person. I don’t do casual. I have to feel a connection to a man before I get intimate, and intimate and public seem the opposite in my book. I’m not judging those that think differently, I just can’t wrap my mind around it. If this is something important to you,” she shook her head, “I don’t know how to find a compromise on this.”

  “Don’t be so quick to throw in the towel, hon. We can make this work. Just have a little faith.” He drove a few miles to a fetish shop owned by one of the members. It was one of the classier stores in town. With Michelle being so new to BDSM, he needed to bring her in slowly. Yeah, like that was going to happen! She was going to get exposed to it up close and in person in about four hours. Shit.

  “You’re about to meet one of our members. His name is Master Brian. He’s in a Master/slave relationship with his wife, Dana. He probably won’t address you. He isn’t being rude. He’ll be following protocol for our lifestyle and as such he’ll defer to me. Submissives aren’t spoken to without permission. If you’re working, those rules won’t apply. If you have a question inside the store, address it to me. Are you ready?”

  “Oh sure.” They both started laughing at her obvious lie.

  Sean was pleased she’d waited for him to open her door. “Thank you for waiting.” He kissed her cheek before leading her into the store. He kept his left hand on the back of her neck and his forearm nestled between her shoulder blades. With his thumb he stroked her pulse, hoping the physical contact would help keep her calm.

  “Ahh, Master Sean, so nice of you to drop by. Dana has earned the privilege of going out tonight and I had planned to bring her to the club after we close.”

  Sean felt Michelle tense at Brian’s greeting. “Glad to hear it. I’d like you to meet Michelle. She’s our new bartender. We need to find something suitable for her to wear tonight.”

  Brian extended his hand to her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He turned to Sean. “I must say, I’d enjoy seeing her in the normal uniform.”

  Michelle looked to Sean. He nodded, hoping she’d understand she could respond. He was proud of her when she shook Brian’s hand, said a demure thank you and glanced down at the counter. Sean wasn’t sure if she’d read that in her books or if she was naturally submissive but he was beaming.

  “I’d rather the bar not become the focal point of the club.” Sean wanted to deflect this line of conversation. He didn’t want to embarrass Michelle any more than she already was. If her beautiful blush was any indication, she didn’t like being the center of attention. He glanced around the shop. “I was thinking ‘forest nymph’ would fit our needs.”

  “Dana, come out here,” Brian shouted toward the back. “Master Sean needs your expertise.”

  Sean felt Michelle flinch at Brian’s mannerisms. She had no way of knowing Dana had Brian wrapped around her little finger and all his blowhard bullshit was just for show. Sean pulled Michelle closer to him and gave her a kiss on the temple. Her heart was beating too fast and Sean was worried how she’d handle the activities at the club later this evening.

  Dana came out of the backroom with a huge smile on her face. “Master Sean, you honor us with your presence. How can I be of service?”

  He felt the breath Michelle had been holding leave her body and her tension level seemed to ease. Everyone loved Dana. She was such a sweetheart. “I want my beautiful lady dressed as a forest nymph this evening. Do you have anything like that?”

  “Right this way, dear.” Dana headed toward the back of the store.

  “Go ahead. I’ll catch up in a moment.”

  “What’s the matter, sweetie? You look scared to death. Are you new to the lifestyle?” Dana asked out of earshot from the men.

  “Yeah, you could say that.” She didn’t consider herself “in the lifestyle”. Not really.

  “Don’t let the Doms frighten you, sweetie. For all their bluster, they’re just big teddy bears.” She guffawed, “Well, some of them are whip-wielding teddy bears, but you get the point.”

  Michelle laughed a bit sharply at the mental image.

  “Seriously, sweetie, I’ve been with Master for thirty years. He’d rather cut off his arm than hurt me.” She giggled. “Well, in ways I don’t want to be hurt.” Barely pausing to take a breath she continued on. “Anyway, let’s see what we’ve got in your size.”

  Oh, the flying monkeys were going to arrive soon if she stayed on this path. Heaven help her.

  The several outfits Dana had showed her Michelle turned down as politely as possible. “I’d like more coverage than that. Something that I could walk on the sidewalk wearing and not be arrested. Do you have anything like that?”

  “Sweetie, are you and Master Sean an item?”

  “Well…” She had no idea what they were. “This is for work. I’m the new bartender at the club.”

  Dana got up on her tiptoes, steadied herself on a clothing rack and peeked at the men. “They’re looking at collars, sweetie. I’m assuming it’s for you. Have you known him long?”

  She nodded. “He asked me…told me really…I’d be wearing his collar tonight and every night I’m at the club, so yes, I suspect it’s for me.”

  Dana touched the collar around her neck. “Oh my, let me give you a piece of advice. Stay out of the ladies’ locker room. There are some catty bitches who’ve been trying to sink their claws into Master Sean for a while now. When you show up wearing his collar—whoa, I wish we could get there early enough to watch the fireworks. Watch your back, sweetie.”

  Before she could ask Dana whom she needed to watch out for, she felt Sean’s hand along her neck. She almost moaned at the warm, safe feeling that engulfed her at his touch.

  “Find anything?”

  She gave him a sheepish look. “Not yet.”

  “Dana, I was thinking a corset with a wispy skirt. Do you have anything like that?”

  “Sweetie, have you worn a corset before? They can be a bit hard to get into by yourself.”

  “I’ll be happy to help her.” Sean pulled her into his chest for a quick hug. “If you don’t smile soon, I’ll be forced to take drastic measures,” he whispered.

  She smiled from ear to ear picturing him dressed in a teddy bear costume with a whip in his hand. Putting her palm on his chest, she put a few inches of distance between them. “I’ve worn a corset many times, Dana. If you’ll help me set the back ties, I’ll be fine.”

  Dana chose a beautiful emerald-green corset and a multicolored panel skirt and ushered her into a changing room.

  After a few awkward moments, Michelle and Dana had the costume fitting to perfection. Michelle looked in the mirror and was pleased with everything but the sheerness of the skirt.

  “Come out here, Michelle.” Sean barked from right outside the dressing room.

  “I need to help Master for a few minutes in the back. Yell if you need something.” Dana slipped past the curtain, leaving her to deal with Sean alone.

  Before she could gather her courage, Sean threw the material back, exposing her hideaway.

  “You’re gorgeous, Michelle. What were you so concerned about?” He turned her around to face the mirror.

  “This skirt is see-through. Dana said it was the only one they had to match the corset. My undies don’t look right and she told me you wouldn’t let me wear any anyway.” She crossed her hands in front of her,
trying to keep as much of her covered as possible.

  “It’s a kink club, Michelle. You’re wearing significantly more material than most subs.”

  “And a lot less than I’m comfortable with. Panties are non-negotiable, Sean. My woohoo won’t be hanging out for everyone to see.” She knew tears were in her eyes and she blinked fast to clear them away.

  “Shh. It’s okay, Michelle.” He drew her into his arms and ran his hands through her hair. He kissed the top of her head and held her until her emotions were under control again. “You’re tired, hon, and nervous, that’s all. How about a thong? Can you work with that? I know you’re gonna think I’m crazy, but trust me on this. If you wear full-blown undies, you’ll draw more attention than none.”

  Michelle looked in the mirror again and remembered the height of the counter she’d be behind all evening. “Okay.”

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Michelle. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” He held her for another minute or two. “I see what Dana was talking about with this corset. I guess I’ve never looked closely at all their strings. And just where have you been wearing a corset? I don’t like the idea of you wearing something this—” he ran a hand along her generous shelf, “exposed, out and about.”

  “This from a kink-club owner. Talk about double standards.” She rose on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I’ve worked as a serving wench since I was sixteen.” The expression on his face was priceless. “At the renaissance faire in Huntersville every year.”

  “You are full of surprises, young lady. Get dressed. I’ve narrowed down the selection of collars and I want your opinion.” He kissed her cheek. “Thank you for working with me on the clothing.”

  Michelle changed back into her jeans and blouse as quickly as she could. They were running short on time. When she got up to the counter, she saw three stunning necklaces. She realized immediately her mistake. They were collars, slave collars. Oh boy, was she ever in over her head. Still, she couldn’t deny each one was unique and lovely in its own right. The idea of belonging to Sean was a heady feeling.


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