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My Beating Hart_A Vampire Rockstar Reverse Harem Romance

Page 9

by J. L. Ostle

  They are pure white, just how mine are when I turn to my other form.

  “You are the dark power, aren’t you?” My body moves toward him. It’s like my body has a mind of its own, that it has to be near him.

  “I am called so many names. But you are the light to my darkness. They took you all those years ago, kept you away from me, hid you away, but not now. I am coming for you, Ivory.” The smoke disappears until I feel hands wrap around my neck from behind, my breathing picking up.

  But not in fear.

  “Our connection is still strong.” His lips move to the corner of my mouth, his thumb gliding along my bottom lip. “You won’t defy me forever. You will want me; your body will crave for me.” I then feel this gust of air surround me. I look around, and he’s gone.

  I look around the room and see big red eyes looking at me, then I hear a growl before it comes for me, causing me to scream, my hands out in front of me to defend myself.

  I jump up from bed, my heart pounding in my chest. I look down my body to see I’m still fully dressed. I look around the room, expecting something to jump out but it’s all quiet.

  I sit down at the top of the bed, going through my dream, but it’s the red eyes that keep jumping out at me. They weren’t like the demon’s eyes from the cells. These were bigger, darker, angrier. It surely didn’t like me.

  I think back to the black smoke. There’s a man in that smoke, but he doesn’t want to show himself. I feel a little guilty that I was turned on by him. I wanted him to touch me, to kiss me, yet another part was screaming no, but my body was louder.

  Did I dream it, or did he come into my dream purposely?

  He knew about the guys liking someone else; how would he know that if it wasn’t a dream? No way he would be in this hotel with all this protective magic going around.

  I need to talk to someone about my dream. I know if I go anywhere near the guys I will feel hurt all over again. I can’t even go near Kayleigh. I thought I’d gained a new friend through her, but I can’t be friends with someone who my boyfriends—my ex-boyfriends—want.

  I will tell Emz, but I also need it from a supernatural standpoint. I quickly look in the drawer and smile when I spot a brush. I look in the mirror; my face is a little flushed, my eyes pink and puffy, but I don’t care at this moment.

  I spot some water near the edge of the bed with some painkillers. I smile, loving how my parents still look after me, even now that I’m older.

  Poking my head out the door, the whole place is quiet. I walk into the living area to see a note on the table telling me they have gone for dinner and didn’t want to disturb me.

  I leave a note saying I’m going to Amber’s if they need me. I jump in the elevator to the ground floor then pop into the other one. I reach Amber’s floor, the doors open, and I freeze when I spot Kayleigh laughing with Zeke. They both to walk in when they spot me.

  “Hey Ivory, are you okay? You look like you have been crying.” I see the concern in her eyes, yet she is laughing away with someone who was meant to be my boyfriend.

  “I’m fine,” is all I say, walking around them, heading down the hall to Amber’s room.

  “Ivory, it’s not what it looks like; we were just talking.” Zeke takes hold of my arm and spins me around.

  “If you touch me again, I swear I will make you pay.” Anger is bubbling inside of me.

  “Ivory…” he starts, looking shocked and hurt.

  “No, go with your new girl. I am not in the mood for this shit.” I raise my arms, wanting to push him away magically, but nothing happens. I look at my hands, shaking them. When I raise them again, Zeke is pushed back, until he’s near the elevator. Kayleigh looks at me with her eyes wide.

  “Ivory?” she calls out, but I ignore her and head to Amber’s door and knock. I pray that she is in or I will have to walk back, and they could still be there.

  Thankfully, the door opens, and Amber is standing there. Her eyes go wide when she sees me; she lets me in and grabs me a glass of water. “Are you okay?”

  I shake my head. “Not really. I don’t mean to dump my troubles on you, but I don’t really have anyone else I can talk to right now.”

  “What about Slate and the guys? Your parents?”

  “I had a good cry to my parents earlier, hence the pink eyes.” I point to them. “I was asleep before, and I think the dark power we are looking for entered my dream. He was saying that he lost me a long time ago and that he has found me. That we are connected, and he will have me. Then he disappears, and these red eyes appear, like these giant red eyes and then they come for me, but then I woke up.”

  “You don’t think you were dreaming? You have been under a lot of pressure this last week since all these new people arrived.”

  I take another sip of my water and face her. “I don’t think I was, but he said he was coming for me. I know he won’t be able to get in the hotel without it alerting us, but he must have a plan if he thinks he can get me. What if he is just after my magic and then kills me?”

  “It doesn’t sound like he does. What was he like in your dream? Was he mean? Scary?”

  I feel myself blush. “He was being seductive.” I bite my lip.

  She looks away before looking back. “Wow, okay, and how did you react? You don’t have to answer that,” she quickly adds.

  “I was kind of drawn to him. My body wanted to be near him.”

  “Then I don’t think he wants to kill you if he was being like that. He probably wants you to join his side. Be with him.”

  I can’t go dark and evil. That isn’t in my nature. Kill innocent people?

  No way.

  “This is why you can’t tell the guys? Because you feel guilty about your dream?”

  I stand up and start pacing. “They have feelings for Kayleigh.”

  Amber stands up, looking angry. “What? Everyone knows they are with you; she must have done something if they’ve developed feelings for her. They said they like her?” I nod. “Does she know you know this or that they like her?”

  I sigh. “I don’t know. I saw her before, laughing with Zeke, and she looked at me all concerned, but all I wanted to do deep down was hit her. I know it’s not her fault; they are mine—were mine.”

  “I knew there was something wrong with her. She is too nice and shy. I bet she puts it on for sympathy.” I know Amber is trying to be on my side. But hearing her say that Kayleigh is nice and shy, I know that she isn’t in the wrong.

  But I need to blame someone.

  I can’t just accept it as one of those things in life where it’s no one’s at fault; that things just happens.

  “I don’t think she is faking it. They fell for her, for being her. But anyway, I need to concentrate on this dark magic stuff.” I need to keep myself distracted.

  “You’ve got me on your side. In my opinion, I think she should have backed off.”

  Chapter 9


  Another week goes by. and each day, I watch Kayleigh getting closer and closer to the guys. They have tried talking to me but as each day flies by, the less and less they try. Amber and Emz have been by my side so I’m not alone, but the thing that is becoming constant is me having dreams of him.

  Each dream, he tries to seduce me; each time, I deny him, but it’s getting harder and harder to. At the end of each dream, those red eyes always appear.

  Always watching me.

  I am sitting in the restaurant going through a register I created so I know who is in which room and that they are still in the building.

  More people have arrived, and the hotel keeps magically expanding. But a few have come bloody and beaten, lucky to have escaped when they did.

  They have said since the word spread that demons are after good supernatural beings, everyone has packed up and come straight here, making the demons obviously more desperate.

  I think of the two that are still locked away, and they still won’t say a word. Each day I am losing more of my p
atience. I feel like I’m losing myself; this anger is taking hold of me, I know it. If I’m not careful, I’m going to burst. Izzy comes over, leaving a drink on the table before walking away once she sees that I am busy.

  I am putting the last names on the register when I hear giggling, and I spot Rush and Kayleigh. She is leaned back against the wall, his arm resting above her head; he is leaned in a bit, and they are talking and smiling at one another.

  I feel like someone is squeezing my heart. My blood is starting to boil; they aren’t even trying to hide it. When I spot Amber entering the restaurant entrance, she glares at them and knocks into Rush, making him lose balance.

  “What the fuck?” he raises his voice at her.

  “Show some decency, asshole.” Her eyes flick to me and so do theirs. Kayleigh looks at the ground, and Rush looks guilty. He takes a step toward me, taking a sip of his drink, then stops, changing his mind and walking away.

  Kayleigh gives me a little wave, but I look back at my work.

  “I swear she deserves a punch in the face.” Amber shakes her head.

  “Who deserves a punch?” Emz walks toward us and sits down, joining us.

  “Kayleigh,” we say in unison, causing us both to laugh. First laugh I’ve had in a while.

  “I can’t believe how the guys are acting. It’s like they have forgotten they were ever with you. What assholes. But I shouldn’t be surprised; they are rockstars. And rock stars are pigs.”

  “Who obviously got bored of me, because I am so busy now. I guess the novelty has worn off.” I bite my lip to stop myself from crying.


  I don’t want to shed another tear for them but easier said than done.

  “Did you have another dream last night?” Amber asks quietly.

  I look around the room, making sure no one is nearby. “I did; it’s the same as the rest though. He keeps saying he lost me, that he is coming for me, trying to seduce me, and the big scary red eyes.” Those red eyes are creepier each time I see them.

  They are piercing my soul.

  “What if you gave in to him? Do you think the dream would change? Something would happen? Maybe you will get to see a face. You can’t have black smoke banging you,” Emz says curiously.

  “I would feel like I’m cheating, even if I’m no longer with the guys, it would still feel wrong if I slept with him… don’t say it’s a dream, because I don’t think it is. You don’t have dreams on repeat. What if I did end up seeing him and he looks like the devil. All red and demonic looking, he might even have a tail?”

  “But you’ve seen his hands and you said they look human…” Amber adds.

  “You both want me to have dream sex with someone who may be the dark power? The very thing that has tried to kill you, Amber, trying to kill these people in this very building?”

  “I want that mother fucker to die. At the moment, we have no leads. The demons are being protected so we can’t track any down to bring in. We have hit a wall, and the only lead we have is your dreams. You can’t ask all these people to put their lives on hold forever. We need to fight some dark power ass.” Amber fist punches her palm.

  “I will think about it,” I tell them. Honestly, though, I haven’t stopped thinking about it.

  “Tell me if you have a dream orgasm, how big he is, and how he was.” Emz gives me a wink.

  “Yeah, I want to know too, and I want to know if you see those red eyes after,” Amber adds.

  “Oh yeah, I want to know that too.” They both giggle.

  “I will tell you both at the same time, and that’s if I do it…” I don’t get a chance to finish my sentence when there is a big commotion in the lobby. We all run toward the sound, and I see Kayleigh floating in the air with white light shimmering around her, her angel wings spread out.

  “What is going on?” Emz asks me.

  “I don’t know,” I whisper.

  Kayleigh continues to have this light shining all around her. She then gently comes back to the ground, examining herself, looking confused. I notice Slate is nearby. His eyes connect with mine, and this guilty look comes over his face.

  What did he do?

  “What happened?” a kid asks her in awe.

  “I don’t know. Slate and I kissed…” It just took those few words to almost knock me over.


  Slate kissed her.

  She let him kiss her?

  They could have all kissed her. This might not be the first.

  I feel my chest start to tighten. I feel like they just punched me right in the gut. I look at her, looking at that smile on her face; I just want to knock it right off.

  Kayleigh stops when she spots me, and her face drains of color. I walk slowly toward her; I swear if I could pop her head off with my mind I would. I saved her. She could have been raped, but I stopped it.

  I’d brought her into my home.

  Gave her clothes and food and this is how she repays me.

  She could have said no.

  She could have backed away.

  “Ivory…we…I…” she mumbles her words.

  I raise my hand and slap her hard across the face, making her head turn. Tears are falling down my face. “You were supposed to be my friend, and this is what you do to me. I saved you. I fucking saved you, and you take the people I was in love with. You are lucky I don’t throw you out, make the demons come get you. Let them do whatever the hell they want.”

  “Ivory…” Slate comes forward, but I push him away with my mind.

  “Where are the other guys?” My eyes are still on Kayleigh. She looks at me, fear in them as well as guilt. Using my magic, the guys float in the air coming toward us.

  “Ivory, what are you doing?” Caspian shouts out.

  “You made it clear you have fallen out of love with me.” I think back to my dreams, him saying they don’t deserve my blood. “I don’t think you have any right to still have my blood in your veins, so I’m taking back what’s mine.” I hear them making gurgling noises. I finally look at them, light coming from their mouths and soon the light surrounds me, and I feel when it enters back into me. “You are no longer day walkers. You are the same vampires you were when we first met.”

  They all land on the floor and look a little dazed. “I feel weak,” Zeke tells them.

  “You will be, you have been living off white magic, which gave you that extra little oomph.” I look at each of them. “You all mean nothing to me; you no longer claim me.”

  Once the words leave my mouth we are all floating in the air, myself included. I feel this force trying to take something from my stomach. I cry out at the same time the guys do. This orb leaves my mouth as well as the guys and it smashes together until it disappears, and we slowly float back down.

  “What happened?” Amber asks out loud.

  “They don’t claim me anymore. I am not theirs, and they are not mine.” When I said the words, I didn’t think anything would happen.

  It was all talk.

  But I guess they felt the same or nothing would have happened.

  I look at Kayleigh one more time before I punch her, knocking her to the floor, and the guys run to her side. I stand there for a moment before walking away, anger taking over.

  I want to hit a wall; I want to go back and hit her again.

  My breathing is coming in rapidly.

  I feel like since I started living in this hotel that my world has turned upside down.


  I head to my penthouse, well, now the guys. I look around the room, charging into all their bedrooms, wanting proof if they have fucked her. I start tearing at the bed sheets, throwing photographs at the wall, letting the glass smash on the floor.

  I am screaming like a banshee, grabbing anything and everything, throwing them everywhere.

  Stepping into the living area, I stand in the middle of the room, screaming at the top of my lungs.

  I think I’m having a psychotic break.

chest is starting to hurt.

  Grabbing a vase, I throw it at the window. I am huffing and puffing, and I cry out when it magically fixes itself.

  “Stop it,” I scream at the hotel. “Stop it.” I fist my hair, wanting to pull it out.

  A pain shoots through my head, and I fall to the ground.

  “Listen to me,” a voice says sternly in my head. I try blocking the voice. “Please, listen.”

  Everything goes dark; the voices have stopped. I sit up and look around; I see I’m in a darkened room, a room I don’t recognize.

  How did I end up here?

  My body feels calmer.

  Standing up, I shout out if anyone else is here, but I’m just greeted with silence. I start walking around, and no matter how much I walk, I never get near the walls. Squinting my eyes to see if I can see anything in the dark, I jump when I feel hands around me, spinning me around until I see a shadowed man in front of me.

  “My light,” he breathes.

  “This dream is different,” I say.

  “I had to see you. They have betrayed you, the ones that you are keeping your heart open for. You were never meant for them.” He reaches out cupping my face. Tears start falling down my cheeks. “I would treat you like a queen. With you by my side, you would be. No one would dare try and hurt you like this.”

  “How come I can’t see you?” I try and look closer, but he’s blanketed by darkness.

  “You’re not ready to see me, but you will. Once you give yourself to me.” He pulls me to him. My hands roam over his body, feeling how hard he is under my touch.

  “I’m not evil.”

  “No one is ever pure bad or good. We all have dark and light in us. No one is a saint, and no one is pure evil. You think I am, yet I love you; I am protective of you. Evil can’t love.”

  I step back. “You don’t even know me.”

  “I know what I need to know. Those fools fell for you as soon as their eyes saw you. They just didn’t love you enough.” He walks closer to me. “Ivory, I want you; I need you. Come to me. Be with me,” he pleads.

  “Ivory,” I hear a voice in the distance calling out to me.


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