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My Beating Hart_A Vampire Rockstar Reverse Harem Romance

Page 11

by J. L. Ostle

  When the vibration stops, we all let go of one another’s hand, and I look closer at the map. My eyes go wide when I notice that four red dots appear just outside of the hotel. They are waiting for someone to come out.

  “Do you see that?” Amber asks me.

  “I do. They are waiting.” I think over what to do. “Amber, you come with me, everyone else, pass on the message that no one is to leave the hotel, under any circumstances. They will probably try anything to lure people out.” Everyone runs up the stairs. I head to the cell area.

  I roll my eyes when I spot that the hall has grown, more cells have been created.

  “What are you going to do?”

  I lift the map, and I swipe my hand over it, the red dots lifting from the piece of paper. With the flick of my hand, the red dots swoosh into the cell rooms, the dots forming into the demons, and I see the confusions in their eyes.

  They all look my way, and I give them all a smirk. “Welcome to my hotel. I really hope you enjoy your stay,” I say politely.

  “Let us out,” one shouts.

  “Now that you’ve said that, I’m just going to get right on it,” I say sarcastically. “Is anyone willing to say where their boss is in exchange for their freedom?” I look at each of them while I walk down the hall.

  “We will never tell,” one spits out.

  “Then you will never leave.” I smile sweetly. “If you change your mind, give me a holler. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to grab your friends that are outside. You think amongst yourselves until my return.”

  I walk away, the doors disappearing so they can no longer see me or each other. I run up the stairs and only a few are hanging around. Izzy runs over and tells me that everyone is in their rooms as they think it would be safer.

  I walk to the hotel doors, and I hesitate for a moment with my hand in the air. I need to go out there, but my body is telling me not to. My stomach is getting very strong butterflies.

  I’m probably nervous.

  “I don’t think you should go out there,” Amber says from behind me. “It’s obviously want they want. It could be a trap. Just magically bring them in like you did the others.” I turn to see the concern written all over her face and fear in her eyes.

  “I need to do this.” With a deep breath, I open the doors. I stay put, just looking out in front of me, the wind surrounding me. I take one step, and my body starts to feel weak. “I know you’re out there. Are you that scared of me?” I shout out.

  I look at the trees, the few buildings in front of me, but no one steps out. It’s eerily quiet. I swear I think I can hear my own heartbeat ringing in my ears.

  “Don’t go out,” his voice whispering in my head. “Get back inside.”

  Yeah, like I’m going to listen. I take another step; my hands start to shake. I can’t be that nervous. I wait for a moment, and then I hear footsteps. Then I spot three men and a woman, all wearing expensive black suits, their eyes shining bright red.

  “You are brave coming out,” the woman says. “No backup?” she mocks.

  “If you know who I am, then you know that I don’t need back up. I think it’s you that should be worried as you are the last of your kind who have their freedom, well for now anyway,” I try and say strongly, but my mouth is going dry.

  “What do you mean we are the last ones?” one of the guys ask.

  “I mean that all your little friends are locked away, and trust me, there is no way they can escape. All I’m asking is for you tell me where your boss is. He wants me, doesn’t he, so tell me where he is, and I will go to him.” To stop him.

  “You can’t stop me, beautiful,” he says again.

  “He isn’t ready for you yet, but we do want the people you have behind those pretty doors of yours. You give them to us and we might feel generous enough to give you a pinpoint of your guy.” The woman smiles at me.

  “You know I am not letting you anywhere near these people. I am starting to feel that you aren’t taking me seriously.” In a blink of an eye, she is gone, locked away.

  “Where did she go?” the same guys ask angrily.

  “With the others. You want to join her?” I take another step forward, and a flash shoots through my head.

  “Something wrong, princess?” I hear them chuckling. I look at them, and they have taken a step forward. “Not feeling well?”

  Are they doing this?

  I swipe my hand, making them fly back.

  Another flash shoots through my head. It’s like I’m looking through someone else’s eyes. I look around and see that I’m in a room and it’s not only a room, it’s my room in the penthouse. There are wires on my arms and wrists hooked up to heart monitors and machines.

  Looking around the room, I spot the guys asleep on chairs around the bed.

  Is this a premonition?

  I try and speak but nothing happens.

  A flash happens again, and I am back where I was. The demons are running toward me. I flick my hand, and they are gone. Joining the rest in the cells.

  I fall to my knees, another flash shooting through my mind, and I see a doctor standing there talking to Slate and Rush, saying there’s no change; I have no time to react when I am brought back to reality.

  What’s happening to me?

  “Ivory,” Amber calls out. “Come back in the hotel.” I can’t even stand. I have to crawl on my hands and knees and once I’m back inside. I slowly start to feel better. I look up and Amber is on her knees rubbing my back. “What happened out there?”

  That’s what I want to know. “I don’t know. I think I was having a vision, but I don’t know if it was me or someone else. The person was lying in my bed in the penthouse, something must have happened, they were hooked up to hospital machines.” I stand up. I look at the doors and back again.

  “Do you think it was real? Or that it’s going to happen? Maybe it was a trick. Magic to keep you distracted.”

  “Maybe, but I need to head to my room.” Your old room, my head says sadly. “I need to see if I can get another vision, another glimpse. If it is me, I need to prevent it from happening.” We walk in the elevator, heading up. When I step out, I remember when I wrecked the room not that long ago.

  I feel a little embarrassed at my behavior.

  I feel like I was possessed or something. I have never felt that angry in my whole life.

  Walking through the living area, I start walking toward my old room when I hear noises coming from it. I stop mid-step and look at Amber. Her eyes have gone wide.

  “Come on, let’s go, we can come back.” She holds my arm, trying to pull me away, but I can’t move. I am frozen to the spot. Hearing the noises get louder, I feel like I’m going to throw up. I start to slowly walk toward my room. “Ivory, don’t.” But I don’t listen.

  I open the door, and if you think hearing Kayleigh say she kissed Slate was bad, this is a thousand times worse.

  They are on my bed.

  But it’s what they are doing that makes me feel completely broken.

  They are all naked, in throes of passion. Kayleigh is in the middle on her hands and knees, sucking Rush’s cock while Zeke is thrusting into her from behind. Caspian and Slate are biting into her arms, drinking from her.

  They haven’t even realized that I am here.

  I should run away but I can’t.

  Kayleigh screams out her orgasm while Zeke and Rush join her, and when they start to come down from whatever high they were on, they look my way, Kayleigh screams and moves herself so the guys are blocking her from my view, but what they did will be forever be etched into my brain.

  “Tell me again that you still love me,” I cry.

  I quickly run away from the room, tears falling heavily down my face.

  I feel this sharp pain in my chest.

  “I still love you,” his voice says over and over in my head. I have to pull my hair a little for it to stop.

  Once I get to the lobby, I head toward the basement, my tea
rs blurring my vision, leading me to trip over my feet, falling down the stairs. I cry out in pain until my head bangs on the floor, and darkness takes over.

  I am happy for it to come.

  I don’t want to ever wake up.

  Chapter 11


  Ivory, please come back to us.

  Please, wake up.

  I love you.

  Wake up, baby

  I hear whispers vibrate through my head. It feels like it’s so far away.

  I open my eyes, and I’m back in the bed with wires attached to me. So it was a premonition? I see Caspian asleep on his arms on my bed, his hand in mine. I want to give it a squeeze, but I can’t move.

  I can’t move.

  Panic starts to set in.

  What if I have severely injured myself?

  I close my eyes, taking in a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself, but when I open my eyes again, I am in a bedroom I have never seen before. I sit up, thankful that I can. I am confused at what is happening.

  Am I in my room?

  Am I really here?

  “You are back at the hotel.” I turn to the voice and see the dark power walk into the room; he is in his human form. “You are fine, just a banged head, you are sleeping,” he answers my thoughts.

  “Is that a vision then? Something going to happen to me?” I stand up. I look down to see that I am wearing a black silk gown.

  “I thought you would look really good in that, and it seems that I was right.” He walks over to me, taking my hand and, guiding me to the middle of the room, he starts to slowly dance with me, soft music playing in the background. “I can’t see into the future. If I could, I would know when you would decide to be with me.” He winks at me.

  “You do know I am the one that is going to stop you. I am the good guy, remember?” He pulls me closer to him, making me gasp.

  “But you are drawn to me. We are like two sides of the same coin. Your twing to my twang. Can’t live without the other. I am not asking you to turn bad, even though I bet you would be the sexiest bad girl ever, but you are the light for a reason. Can’t we put our own morals to the side and just be with one another? Be with me, Ivory.” His eyes pierce mine.

  “I can’t,” I whisper.

  “You can. All you have to do is give in to me. Let me take you. Let me be inside you.” He leans down, laying soft kisses along my jaw, down my neck, to my lips. “You smell so good.” He inhales me. “You are going to be my undoing,” he breathes.

  I can feel my resolve starting to melt, my body is always screaming at him, but it’s getting stronger each day; I can feel my pussy aching for him.

  I step back, my breathing coming fast. His eyes look at me hungrily. I start walking backward, and he slowly starts walking toward me. I can’t think when I’m near him. Turning, I start to run, not knowing where to go, I just keep my feet moving, but then I feel hands on me, spinning me around, pinning me against the wall.

  The dark power presses his body against me, making me feel his erection. He starts grinding himself against me, our breathing coming out in pants. He lips land on mine in a hungry kiss. My fingers dig into his hair, kissing him back until I can hear my name being called out in the distance.

  Whoever is calling out to me is getting louder and louder.

  The dark power looks irritated, and he steps back.

  “I will have you, Ivory,” is the last thing he says before I am jostled awake. I am lying in my bed. I sigh but I see it’s the bed that’s in my parent’s penthouse. I groan when a shooting pain shoots up through my head.

  “Ivory, are you okay?” Emz asks. “You had a nasty fall. Nothing is broken, but you were knocked out.” I think back to what the dark power said.

  “My head hurts,” I groan again, and she chuckles.

  “Yeah, I’m not surprised. Just glad it wasn’t anything worse.” Yeah, me too. I think back to the vision of me in the bed, not being able to move.

  I look around the room, and again, I see the guys looking guilty, but I also see sympathy. I look around to see if I can spot Kayleigh, but thankfully I don’t. Emz gives them a look and stands, and they come toward me.

  “We are so sorry, Ivory. I can’t imagine what you must think of us. I bet you hate us now,” Caspian says. I don’t reply.

  I have no words.

  “If you want us to leave, we will understand. You have so much going on and this”— Slate points to each of the guys— “This isn’t helping. We are the reason you keep getting hurt and acting out. We can’t blame you. We just want you to be happy.”

  “I would make you happy,” the voice enters.

  “We have made a few contacts, and there is a place twenty minutes from here that is magically protected, so Kayleigh and us will be gone in an hour. If you do need us, we are just a call away.” I can see turmoil in Slate’s face like he doesn’t want to leave me, but I guess it’s not strong enough for him to stay for me.

  He leans down, kissing my forehead. A tear escapes and rolls down my cheek. Each of them kisses me, either on the forehead or on my cheek. And each time, a single tear falls. I watch as they go, and once they are gone, I cry.

  I want to cry for them for the final time.

  I feel emotionally drained, and once there are no more tears, I fall asleep and thankfully it was a deep sleep. But I could still hear voices. Voices that seem so far away.

  Ivory, come back.

  Please, wake up.

  We love you.

  I wake up the next day. I spot water next to me, but I ignore it. My stomach starts to gurgle just thinking of drinking it.

  I spend the day trying to get the red-eyed demons to talk, but no one budges; you can’t say they aren’t loyal, but I’m starting to get frustrated and tired. I have only been awake a few hours, and I already want to go back to sleep.

  I guess falling down the stairs and banging your head will take it out of you.

  I head to the guy’s penthouse, and when I step through, everything is cleared. I can’t even look at my old bedroom without seeing images of them flash in my head. I sit on the couch, feeling sorry for myself. When I hear little bells, I look over to see the fairy.

  I forgot all about her.

  She flies over and lands on my knee. She gazes up at me with a sad look. She has been here all this time, seen them with her, so I guess she is giving me a sympathetic look too.

  “I am so sorry. I haven’t been able to find anyone who can speak fairy.” I feel guilty that I haven’t tried harder. “You have been looked after since I…” I pause for a moment. “Since I left?” She gives me a thumbs up.

  She heads back to her house and comes out with a pillow and starts pointing to my room and the pillow, resting her head on it. I start thinking of what she is trying to say, asking if she’s tired, if she wants to sleep, or if she wants me to sleep, but we both give up when she lies on the coffee table pressing her hand up and down on her heart, trying to use charades, but nope.

  My head starts to feel heavy again. I decide to take a little rest and lay down on the couch; it doesn’t take long until sleep takes over. Everything is dark, the only sounds I can hear are the whispers asking me to wake up.

  I wake up with a start, the hotel phone ringing. Groggily, I walk over and answer it. Slate responds, and he sounds confused, asking me to come down to the lobby.

  Heading down the elevator, I spot the guys, Amber, and Emz with my parents crowded around someone. I walk closer, and when I see who it is, my mouth drops open.

  It’s Kayleigh, but it isn’t at the same time.

  Her wavy brown hair has turned white blonde, her skin is glowing, a light surrounds her body, and her eyes are pure white.

  This doesn’t make sense.

  Slate turns and sees me and pulls me in closer. “We came right over. She is what you are. We have called Finn, but he’s not answering. There are two of you.”

  Two of us?

  “Ivory, is this right? Is she just
like you?” Amber asks me.

  I don’t know. I really don’t.

  “How did this happen?” The guys look at the ground and back at Kayleigh. Then it clicks. I remember I turned after I admitted my true feelings. She fell in love with them. Showing pure of heart. I think back when light surrounded her a week ago.

  She was turning.

  “I can’t believe this. What are the odds? Least with two of you, you can do more good.” Emz tries to turn it into a positive. “Maybe you can turn into the great power and see what happens when you are it at the same time.”

  I close my eyes, waiting for that electric current to run through me, but I feel nothing. I open one eye, and I’m still me. I try again, trying with everything I have, but nothing.

  What happened to my magic?

  My light?

  “Ivory, what’s wrong?” Amber asks me concerned.

  “I can’t turn into her.” I look at my hands. I look at a vase and try and move it, but nothing happens. “I have no magic.” My eyes start to prickle with tears. I thought I wouldn’t be able to cry anymore, that I’m dried out, but tears flow.

  I know I have felt a little burned out with that kind of power and responsibility, but deep down I felt special, knowing the universe wanted that from me. Maybe this is what was meant to happen. To get to this point and then pass it to the rightful person.

  I think of the things I have done.

  They aren’t things a good person would do.

  Flashes of Rachel’s face enters my head.

  I’m surprised the magic didn’t leave me right then and there. It explains why at times it took a few attempts for my magic to work. It was waiting to go to someone else.

  “Ivory, are you okay?” Slate comes to me. “We didn’t know this would happen.”

  “I guess it was meant for her all along; that’s why you fell for her. She is who you are meant to be with. You met me, so I could bring her to you.” He gives me a look I can’t explain, but I don’t have a chance to think what it means when there is a commotion downstairs.


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