
Home > Fiction > Back-Up > Page 19
Back-Up Page 19

by A. m Madden

  “Nice to meet you” he says as he takes Dylan’s hand.

  “Same here. Hi Liz.”

  “Hi Dylan.”

  “Evan, I’ sorry we stole Leila from you, but we’ll take good care of her.” Dylan says smiling at me.

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “I promise. I’ll keep those guys in line also.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it. I worry about the four rock stars she’ll be living with.”

  “That’s understandable, but they are really good guys. I can vouch for that. Right, Liz?”

  “Yes, they are. There’s no need to worry about how they will treat Leila.”

  Looking from Evan to Dylan to Lizzy, their conversation makes me feel invisible. “Um…I’m standing right here. I can hear you.”

  Dylan laughs, “Excuse me I’m going to grab a drink.” He turns and leaves me with Evan and Lizzy.

  “I see a food crisis needing attention. I’ll be right back.” Lizzy excuses herself.

  “I’ll help.” Evan chooses to follow her with a grin. I sense a pattern on how the rest of this evening is going to pan out since I’m left standing alone once again.

  I join Dylan at the bar and wait while he orders his drink. Jennifer follows right behind me with a handsome man in tow.

  “Hey you two, did you come together?” she asks, her voice dripping sweetness.

  “No we didn’t Jennifer. No need to call the paparazzi in.” It’s nice to see Dylan has no problem giving Jennifer a dose of her own medicine.

  “Oh calm down Dylan. I’m just teasing.” Striking out with Dylan, she turns her focus to me. “You look very pretty tonight Leila. Glad you’re all better. This is Malcolm Reynolds, my boyfriend. Mal, this is our new back-up singer Leila Marino.”

  I accept Malcolm’s hand and can’t help but feel he’s dissecting me from head to toe. “Hello, Leila. Jen has told me so much about you.”

  Yeah, I’m sure she did.

  Gripping my hand tightly, he instantly gives me the creeps. He is extremely handsome with his black curly hair and vivid blue eyes. His wide smile doesn’t reach his eyes and in their depths I feel as if he is hiding something. Jennifer leans over and whispers something into his ear. They excuse themselves to go talk to a rocker dude standing near the stage.

  Dylan smiles and says, “Don’t they make a lovely couple?”

  His comment surprises me and I laugh out loud practically spitting out my wine. Dylan laughs as well and shakes his head. “Malcolm is also an agent. He represents Jared Press and Shelby Sanders.”

  “You’re kidding. They are both two of the hottest pop singers around. He must be a really good agent.”

  Dylan smirks, “He’s a snake…but he can be the snake charmer just as easily. He’d swim the Everglades for his clients and come out wearing a croc suit and alligator shoes. In all fairness though, he is good at what he does. His clients would follow him anywhere.”

  “Why do agents have such a bad rep?”

  “Because it’s true?” Smiling at my giggle he adds, “Seriously, Jen is a great agent. Those guys owe her for getting them where they are today. But you need really thick skin and really big balls to succeed in that business. Every agent I’ve ever met fits the bill.”

  Dylan’s analogy and explanation paints a pretty clear picture. I hope Lori can fit the bill. I nod towards the group Mr. and Ms. Agent walked over to and ask, “Who are they?”

  Dylan follows my gaze. “MACE. Do you know them?”

  I practically spill my wine. It’s dark in the bar, so I really didn’t get a good look at their faces. But now that he mentioned that, yes I know them!

  “Oh my god, MACE is here?” I squeal like a groupie.

  He laughs at my enthusiasm. “Yes, they all became good friends after their tour last year. Do you want to meet…”

  “YES!” I cut him off mid-sentence. Dylan laughs again. “Come.”

  I pull back. “Wait, can I bring my friends?”

  “Sure, go get them.”

  I quickly make my way to Evan, who is deep in conversation with Lizzy. “I’m sorry I need to interrupt. Do you want to meet MACE?” I ask sounding out of breath.

  He looks around and spots the band. “Hell yes.” He looks over at Lizzy and says, “I’ll be right back…don’t move.” She giggles at a star struck Evan.

  We both interrupt Lori just as she’s about to make out with Trey.


  “You want to meet MACE?”

  “Fuck yeah.” Lori leans in and whispers something in Trey’s ear that puts a smirk on his face. I’d love to know what she said to him.

  Dylan patiently waits and then walks us over to meet one of our favorite bands. I’m so excited to meet them that I don’t even care Jennifer and Mr. Agent are watching us like we just broke past security.

  Dylan makes the introductions. “Ricky, this is Leila, the…”

  “…new back-up singer.” Ricky Storm finishes his sentence.

  Dumbstruck, I can’t believe Ricky Storm knows who I am.

  “We’ve heard great things about you Leila. Jack also shared your audition tape with us. I’m peeved that he found you first.”

  Holy shit…

  “Um…I really don’t know what to say. Thank you?”

  “You’re welcome. We can’t wait to see your first show.”

  “Now I’m really nervous.” I respond while trying to sound humorous but falling flat. My voice sounds high and pitchy. It suddenly occurs to me that people are going to be watching us. Lots and lots and lots of people. Some even famous! I need another drink.

  “Um…I know it sounds cliché’ but I’m a huge fan.”

  “Very cliché.” He laughs teasing me. “But I do believe you.”

  “This is Evan and Lori, the drummer of and agent for Cliffhangers.”

  Ricky introduces us to the rest of the band. Lori immediately jumps into a conversation with MACE, as if they’ve known each other for years. After a while, I excuse myself leaving Lori to talk shop. She doesn’t look at all intimidated, even with Jennifer and Malcolm standing there. Looking over at Evan I give him a “she’s perfect” look and he nods knowingly.

  Feeling the effects of my three shots, two glasses of wine and these sadistic shoes, I wonder what time it is. It feels like we’ve been here for hours already. I’ve been keeping close to Dylan and the longer we chat the more I slur. “Dylan, what time is it?”

  As if on cue, Lizzy finally gives the signal Jack is on his way up.

  “It’s surprise time.” He smiles.

  Everyone makes their way over to the dance floor with Lori, Trey, Evan, Dylan and I at the very back of the crowd. Lizzy is waiting at the elevator with Jennifer right beside her. Ugh, that woman gets on my nerves.

  The elevator doors open signaling the room to yell “Surprise”. Jack freezes in place, looking shocked and confused. He scans the crowd, shaking his head. His sister rushes up and gives him a huge hug. While hugging her back he whispers something in her ear. She smacks his chest and pushes him deeper into the crowd.

  Jennifer rushes over and gets a hold of him. Kissing him on his cheek she motions for Malcolm to join them and I could swear Jack rolls his eyes.

  Jack smiles politely while Malcolm speaks and mid-sentence excuses himself to make his way around the gathered guests. Solidifying my suspicion that Jack isn’t a Malcolm fan.

  Dylan is making small talk with Evan and Lori, but I’m not paying attention. Instead I observe Jack being hugged, kissed, and passed around everyone in the room. Each time he is passed off, he is handed a shot. Each time he encounters a pretty female, he kisses her cheek and smiles wide. My mind starts reeling.

  Are they all past conquests?

  Are they all past girlfriends?

  Are they all current fuck buddies?

  As he makes his way to the back of the crowd, he spots me standing with Dylan. His smile fades for a brief second as he walks straight for us. Damn he lo
oks so good in jeans and a t-shirt.

  “Hi.” He says quietly, raking his eyes over me and causing my heart to flip instantly in my chest.

  “Happy birthday, Jack.” I lean in with the intent to give him a quick hug. But as I try to pull away, both his hands move to my lower back holding me close to his. Pressed up against him, his hands on my skin, and his scent surrounding me, cause goose bumps to appear over my entire body.

  He notices and whispers into my ear, “Are you cold?”

  Cold? Every nerve ending from my scalp to my toes is on fire.


  His glossy eyes connect with mine, and I cannot look away. Dylan interrupts our moment. I clumsily pull out of his grasp, step back, and collide with a nearby table.

  “Happy birthday, buddy.” He says slapping him on the back.

  “Thanks, man.” Jack responds. His body is still very close to mine and I can feel his arm against my own. I look down into my empty glass and Dylan notices.

  “Leila, can I get you another white wine?”

  “Yes, please.” I better eat something if I’m going to keep drinking so much.

  He walks away heading to the bar. I am so relieved to be standing alone with Jack. “You look gorgeous Leila.”

  My breathing is erratic and as my chest rises and falls. I fear he can see right through me to my braless heart.

  “Thanks. You also look nice.” I don’t know if it’s the wine, or the dark bar, or the feeling of his hands on my back, but I am completely turned on and this time, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hide it. The combination of alcohol and skin on skin has flipped a switch.

  Who am I kidding…I’m always turned on around him.

  “Jackson, aren’t you going to introduce us?”

  “Jackson?” I mumble to him. Jackson?

  That’s so sexy.

  “Zip it.” He says looking down at me smirking.

  An extremely handsome man comes up behind Jack, putting his hand on his shoulder. He is with the beautiful woman Jennifer was talking to earlier. Jack turns and smiles wide at the older couple. I can see where both he and Lizzy get their looks. These two look like a pair of super models.

  “Of course. Mom, Dad, this is Leila, our new back-up singer.” He then steps closer and places his hand on my lower back again. I suck in a breath and he quickly glances down but doesn’t pull his hand away. “Leila, these are my parents, Renata and Peter Lair.”

  His mom immediately pulls me into a hug. “Leila, sweetheart, how are you feeling?”

  “So much better. I have no doubt my recovery can be attributed to your absolutely delicious soup. Mrs. Lair, thank you. You have no idea what that meant to me.”

  “Call me Renata, dear. It was my pleasure. I’m so glad you’re feeling better.”

  During my conversation with Jack’s parents, his hand remains firmly attached to my lower back. Does he realize he’s still doing that? I am trying to control my breathing, but I can only think of the way his hand feels on my back.

  While his parents continue to speak to me I realize that I really need to snap out of it. Dylan returns with my wine and starts chatting with the Lairs. Jack slowly removes his hand but continues to stand close. I am having a hard time concentrating on their conversation.

  Jack spots a girl at the bar amidst our chat and excuses himself. He walks over to the petite waitress and bends to whisper in her ear. She smiles at him and whispers something back. I am riveted by what’s happening between Jack and this girl. She kisses him on the lips and then hugs him hard. During the course of their conversation, they continuously glance over to me. Of course I’m caught staring, each and every time. Suddenly Jack grabs her hand and pulls her towards me. Who the hell is this girl and what does she mean to him?

  Jack’s parents excuse themselves, leaving me with Dylan. He notices the shift in my posture and turns to ask, “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  Jack literally drags the waitress over. “Leila, I want you to meet a very good friend of mine. This is Trini. Trini, this is our new band member Leila.” He looks at me with unmistakable pride.

  Trini grabs my arms and hugs me tight. “So nice to meet you, Leila. Jack told me how talented you are. I can’t wait to see your show.” Jack is giving me his CCDS smile. I guess they are just friends? Why can’t he be good friends with a girl? Evan is, right?

  Watching them interact familiarly is a bit unnerving. These two are very comfortable with each other. Yep…these two are definitely more than friends.

  She’s tiny, and in my heels I tower over her. With spiky black hair, visible tattoos and a pierced nose, she doesn’t look like she would be Jack’s type. Oh jeez, if Trini is his type, then Scary Sally must be as well.

  “Hi Trini, it’s very nice to meet you.” It’s hard to not like her. Unlike Scary Sally, Trini is so happy and bubbly.

  “You’re beautiful Leila. I can’t wait to see you guys do your thing.” She looks up at Jack and winks. Awkwardly I thank her for the compliment. She wishes me luck and excuses herself to get back to work. “Have fun.”

  “She seems really nice.”

  Jack watches me for a few seconds. “She is. She’s a great friend.”

  Yeah, I’m sure...a friend with benefits. Jealous Leila is rearing her ugly head once again.

  My imagination runs wild with pictures of Jack and Trini when Lizzy takes the mic on stage and asks everyone to quiet down.

  “Hi everyone. I’m so glad you all came out to wish my brother a very happy birthday. Someone get him a shot.” She smiles wide at Jack as he shakes his head.

  “We are also celebrating Devil’s Lair being signed!” She starts clapping and everyone follows suit. She raises her hand to quiet the crowd again. “I think we can convince them to play us a song or two tonight if we all plead and beg.” The room explodes into applause again. “Guys you have to play now or you’ll have an angry mob to deal with.”

  Oh crap.

  I wasn’t planning on performing tonight. I rarely get nervous, but I don’t know these people. Well I don’t know the people we play for at The Zone, but this is different. Plus, I’m drunk!

  Lizzy laughs and motions for the crowd to hush down. “Ok, ok, listen up... We have one more thing to celebrate it seems. Our lovely new band member Leila’s birthday is the day before Jacks. Happy birthday Leila! Someone get Leila a shot too!”

  The entire room turns to look at me and I almost pee my pants. Oh god. I should have gone to the bathroom earlier. One of the waitresses makes her way over and presents her tray. I pull a shot off the tray and tip it back.

  I notice Evan and Lori whispering and laughing in the corner. I have the urge to stab them with a very dull knife. Jack hugs me instantly. “Why didn’t you tell me your birthday is the day before mine?”

  I shrug and say, “I only found out when Lizzy called. I couldn’t ruin the surprise, could I?” I slurred a bit at the end and he looks at me with amusement.

  Leaning in, he asks, “You ok?”

  Smiling wide, I respond. “No. I’m buzzed and was just summoned to sing in front of all these people. I’m debating how far I’ll get sprinting in these heels.”

  “I’d catch you.” He smirks.

  Dylan cuts in and grabs me away from Jack, only then making me realize I was in his arms for quite some time. “Happy Birthday Leila.” While he is hugging me, I watch Jack watch us with a forced smile on his face. I pull away from Dylan taking a casual step closer to Jack. I blame that damn magnetic pull he has on me.

  We are interrupted with Lizzy’s voice again. “Leila, we will all sing happy birthday to you later. Ok, can we hear a few songs guys? Or do we have to become violent?”

  Trey, Hunter and Scott make their way up to the stage. They each hug Lizzy and get into position. Jack grabs my hand and pulls me towards the stage. I dig my heels into the floor and jerk to a complete stop. He feels my resistance and turns towards me.

  “What are you doing?�
�� He pulls on my outstretched arm.

  “I wasn’t kidding. I’m drunk. And I am still learning the back-ground vocals.” I hiss in panic while shaking my head. “And I have to pee!”

  He stops and laughs out loud. Coming closer so we are face to face, he says, “I’m really sorry that you have to pee, but it will have to wait.” Looking into my eyes, I get lost in their depths. Amazingly, I feel calmer as I gaze back at him. “You can do this. Besides I’m drunk too.” He smiles down at me and further pulls me under his spell. I would do anything for this man at this moment.

  I gulp down the rest of my wine before Jack puts it on a table and pulls me towards the stage. He doesn’t notice me stumble once.

  Once we are with the band, he says to them, “Committed, with Leila. Then go into Nothing to Gain and end with You Broke Me.” He looks at me and adds, “Just like we practiced.”

  I nod and take a deep breath. He is still holding my hand, does he realize that? There is only one microphone, so Jack and I will have to share it. I can do this. This is good practice.

  Everyone starts clapping and Jack laughs. “Hey everyone. Thank you so much for coming, although I doubt you had a choice with Lizzy.” He glares at his sister who shrugs and raises her glass to him. Evan is right beside her. Lori is next to him and winks at me.

  Oh God.

  “Ok, you asked for it. Welcome to Devil’s Lair first unofficial concert. This here is our newest member, Leila Marino. Leila, happy birthday by the way. She’s is a little nervous so let’s show her the love.” I smile weakly and glare at Jack.

  He laughs at me and signals to Hunter. The boys start up Committed and I come in at my mark. Jack and I are inches apart, and he winks while I’m singing. I’m going to get real used to this. Being this close to him, feeling as if he is singing only to me, very soon I will be able enjoy this every night. That part of the tour I am looking very forward to. The crowd loves us, and it’s pumping me up with pure adrenaline.

  By our third and final song, I am no longer nervous. My friends are whistling and cheering along with the crowd. This feels really good.

  Jack is beaming and enjoying the reaction we receive. He wraps his arm around me when we finish. “You were incredible. Now you can pee.”


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