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Abigail (Mail Order Brides of Hope Springs 3)

Page 3

by Trinity Bellingham

  Jeremy invited her to sit and proceeded to bless their meal. "Thank you Lord for providing our food for us this morning and the good woman who brought it. I also thank you for delivering Abigail from her trials and tribulations and hope we can work together to help her make a new life. The food which will sustain us today will allow us to do your will and for this, we thank you. Amen."

  "Amen." Abigail quietly repeated.

  They set about their food, relishing the rich tastes with an appetite sharpened by hunger.

  "I can only say 'God bless Emma for dropping by with the food and you Abigail for cooking it". It tastes better than anything I've ever eaten."

  "Thank you for the compliment but I am sure you exaggerate." Abigail was secretly proud of the compliment, the first she had received that came with no strings attached.

  Pastor Jeremy was a gentleman and she felt safe with him. Besides, he meant what he said and she knew he wouldn't say anything he didn't mean.

  "Abigail, one of the things I was planning on doing today was to see about hiring a housekeeper to cook and clean for me. However it seems the perfect candidate has already arrived. Would you like the position? You have demonstrated you abilities most adequately."

  "Under other circumstances, I would be delighted but considering my past, it would not be a good idea. You see, people would make an issue of someone like me working for you. I am afraid for your reputation and you are the one person in the world I would seek to spare from such unpleasantness. You are too good a person to be shamed."

  "I am confident the unpleasant part of your life is over and you have a chance to start anew should you agree to work here. My reputation is not in question and neither is yours. I would be honored if you would accept."

  She could tell he genuinely liked her and wanted more than anything in the world to accept. A proper job would enable her to be independent but her concern for Pastor Jeremy's reputation was deep seated.

  "Could I please think about it for a little? It's not that I'm ungrateful, but I cannot be responsible for dragging you down, especially when you are such a good and kind hearted man."

  "Take all the time you need Abigail but please understand, my reputation will be fine. And I would love for you to stay on."

  A knock at the back door brought the conversation to an immediate halt.


  Jeremy noted the fear in Abigail's eyes and thought it would take time for her to adjust to a life where knocks at the door were a normal everyday event and not a prelude to something bad. She regained her composure quickly though as Jeremy went to open the door.

  It was Emma from the hotel. "Good morning, you must be the new Pastor. I'm Emma and on behalf of the good folks of Hope Springs, I bid you welcome. It is good to have you here and if last night was an indication of carrying on as you started, your presence will be a good thing for the town."

  "Thank you Emma, please come in. I believe you dropped off some food for my breakfast a little earlier and for that I am grateful. Picking up some supplies is one of my tasks for today, as is meeting some of my parishioners and a visit to the Sheriff. You met Abigail earlier I believe?"

  "Yes, and a dear girl she is too." They moved into the kitchen and Abigail rose to greet Emma. "Please don't get up on my behalf Abigail. I've just brought a few things for you dear, like I said I would."

  Abigail blushed. "Emma, I must tell you about myself because you might decide I'm not the right kind of person to be getting friendly with. You seem like a decent woman and I wouldn't want to mislead you."

  "You could hardly do that dear. I take people as I find them and I've never been wrong about anybody yet. If it makes you feel better, go ahead though."

  Pastor Jeremy cut in. "Why don't you go and try those things on Abigail and I'll have a chat with Emma. I expect you'll be tired of telling your story before people are tired of listening to it."

  "Thank you. I really would like to go and burn this dress."

  Emma laughed. "We can toss it in the stove if you like. Now take your time and see if any of these things fit and I'll have a chat with the Pastor."

  Abigale headed to her room.

  "I expect you heard about what happened last night then?" asked Jeremy.

  "The whole town is talking about it. You're the first person ever to stand up to one of Jim Olson's thugs, aside from the Sheriff of course. And taking away one of his girls? That was like icing on a cake. Mind you, there are a few folks who won't be happy about it, but the decent folk will follow your example. Now what was Abigail talking about?"

  "Her father sold her to Jim Olson when she was twelve and put her to work with his customers just before she turned fourteen. She's been trying to run away at every opportunity ever since. It's enough to make a person's blood boil. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and she begged me to take her with me. The fellow was going to lay into her with a whip, so I behaved in a most inappropriate manner and punched him. I don't hold with violence but I guess I acted instinctively to protect her."

  "I know Jim keeps girls at his saloon but I had no idea he keeps underage girls there. There are a few women in town who would like to do something for the working girls because not all of them want to be there. Most often they don't have a choice, but buying youngsters? I had no idea Pastor. How long has Abigail been there?"

  "Going on for about five years now. She'll be seventeen next week. It's a miracle she survived. She said she knew she'd be rescued one day and she just needed to be strong in her faith. It will take her some time to recover of course, but even now, she doesn't appear to bear a grudge about what was done to her. She's more worried about my reputation and placing women such as yourself in embarrassing situations. You know how good women are not supposed to associate with ladies of the night."

  Emma was angry. "I know about it alright, but I'm not one of them and there are a good few others who are the same. I told Abigail I take people as I find them and I meant it."

  "It pleases me to hear you say that Emma. Our Lord associated with so called unsuitable people but it's an example that many Christians fail to follow. Part of my ministry is to break down some of those ideas. It looks as though I've started sooner than I anticipated. I guess the Lord has his own plans for us. "

  "He does indeed." She broke off as Abigail came into the kitchen dressed in the new clothes. "You look beautiful Abigail, so elegant... and your hair..."

  "I have always wanted to look like a decent woman so I hope this is alright. And I've decided to accept your offer Pastor Jeremy. I will be honored to work for a respectable gentleman such as yourself."

  She might as well have not spoken. Pastor Jeremy was speechless, stopped in his tracks as he beheld the apparition before him that was Abigail.


  Emma spoke first. "You look beautiful, Abigail and most certainly a decent and gracious young woman. Anyone who saw you now would never guest at how you've had to spend the last several years. And what a wonderful idea for you to work here as a housekeeper for the Pastor. He'll need a good woman to see to the cooking and cleaning and you've made an excellent start."

  Abigail blushed, unused to compliments, but knowing she liked them already. "Thank you Emma. I just hope the rest of the town thinks the same way you do."

  "I think you'll find they do for the most part. Most folks here are decent people but there are a few who will likely take issue with you being here. You can rely on me to set them straight though."

  "Thank you Emma. That's generous of you and I appreciate your concern."

  "To be honest Abigail, I'm feeling that bad about learning you have been here in Hope Springs for five years, held prisoner in Big Jim's place, that I could cry. I just hope you can forgive me and the rest of the town for not wising up to what's going on down there."

  "There's nothing to forgive Emma. No-one in town knew and you can't take action about what you don't know. But you've touched on something important though. If no-o
ne has ever seen me, it will be difficult for the Sheriff to prove my story. There are simply no witnesses aside from Jim's thugs - and they say, and do, exactly as Jim says."

  Jeremy cut in. "Abigail is right Emma. It will be difficult to prove and without evidence, Jim Olson will continue to ply his trade. I'm off to see the Sheriff first thing this morning but I expect he will not be able to do anything about it."

  "In that case, we must protect Abigail and support her as best we can," declared Emma. "I'll come and visit a bit later with a few friends, if that's alright Abigail. Just to get you into the habit of mixing with decent women who will befriend and support you. Now, I must be going. Good luck with the Sheriff, Pastor Jeremy."

  Emma left, leaving Abigail and Jeremy alone. They were each thinking thoughts of the other, unbeknown to either of them. For his part, Jeremy was completely smitten with the beautiful young woman who was now destined to be his housekeeper. She was exactly the kind of woman that suited him and he hoped and prayed they would become more than friends in the months to come. And maybe in a year or two, she might consent to become his wife. She definitely had all the qualities necessary to become a Pastor's wife and her past was not important.

  Abigail liked Jeremy from the moment she first saw him and thought that had her life been different, she could have enjoyed his attentions as a suitor. But given her circumstances, it was an impossible dream. As for the intimate side of marriage? Well, that was something she doubted she'd ever do again. From now on, her body was hers and hers alone.


  Chapter Five

  Jeremy set off up the street right after his breakfast, to visit the Sheriff. Like others before him, he noted the convenience of the sidewalk and was grateful for it. He also noted the location of the Sheriff's office, which was about half way between the Church, schoolhouse and parsonage at the southern end of the town, and Big Jim Olson's saloon at the far northern end.

  The Sheriff was in, chatting with his deputy about the doings of the previous evening, which by now, the whole town knew about. Their conversation stopped as Jeremy walked in the door.

  "Good morning gentlemen. You have a fine little town here. I'm Pastor Jeremy St. John, the new Pastor of Hope Springs." He held out his hand to the Sheriff. "Pleased to meet you."

  Sheriff Jake Benson immediately liked the man standing before him with his hand outstretched and breathed a sigh of relief as he realized the man was a true man of God. "I'm pleased to meet you too Pastor."

  He took Jeremy's proffered hand and the two men settled for some talking that was likely to take a while. "How about you rustle up some fresh coffee Bobby. I'm thinking there's a lot to discuss here this morning."

  "Sure Boss. I'll go get some from Emma across the way."

  While Bobby fetched a pot of coffee, Jeremy and Jake swapped pleasantries, taking the measure of each other, until finally Jeremy broached the subject that dominated his thoughts this morning.

  "I expect you heard about what happened last evening and would like to apologize for behaving in an unseemly manner. I don't make a habit of it, you understand, but I couldn't let that fellow lay into a slip of a girl with a whip. I'm hoping you understand."

  "I understand right enough and he was hell bent on laying into you as well. You did me a favor. I was going to do the same but you beat me to it. He didn't hurt you did he?"

  "No, I'm fine and my knuckles will be too in a few days, I expect."

  They laughed together, the way men do when they're talking about their injuries when Bobby came back with the coffee and poured for the three of them.

  Jeremy continued his story. "I need to tell you about the young woman who was running away from the thug. Her name is Abigail Jones and she has been held prisoner at Jim Olson's place for about five years."

  "That's a serious allegation Pastor."

  "I know, but that isn't the worst of it. Abigail's father sold her to Jim when she was twelve years old as a way to pay his debts. She was his property, to do with as he pleased. And he did, just before she turned fourteen, if you take my meaning. She's been trying to run away since the day she set foot in his place and yesterday evening, she finally succeeded. Said she knew the Lord would deliver her one day and she had to have faith till it happened."

  "Well it seems the good Lord put you in the right place at the right time then, Pastor. I had no idea Jim was doing this, believe me, or I would have put a stop to it before now."

  "I believe you Sheriff, but it's going to be almost impossible to prove. Because Abigail's been held for five years, no-one in town has seen her. For all intents and purposes she could be making it up and the only witnesses are Big Jim's employees."

  "Yes, I see what you mean. Well that aside, she is not bound to Jim Olson in any way, regardless of the arrangement between her father and Jim. Trafficking in human flesh is illegal so the arrangement is null and void. She is and always has been, free. As to the underage prostitution, it will be difficult to prove as you say, but I will find a way to shut that place down and prosecute Jim Olson if I have to die trying."

  Jeremy was impressed. "Well I hope it doesn't come to that Sheriff and I thank you for listening. My first service is this Sunday. If you are interested in coming along, I'd be pleased to welcome you."

  "I'll be there with my wife and so will plenty of others. It's good to have a true man of God amongst us again and you proved what you're made of last night. The hope just got put back into Hope Springs, Pastor Jeremy. Say, my wife Millie would love to meet Abigail and she might need some proper clothes and they're of a size I'm thinking... Millie has plenty to spare."

  "That's neighborly of you, thanks. Emma brought a skirt and blouse down this morning, but I expect Abigail will need more. Not that I know anything about such things."

  Jake laughed. "You're on the right track Pastor. Women can never have enough clothes. So Abigail is staying at the parsonage then?"

  "Yes. I've offered her a job as my housekeeper."

  "You might want to think about having her stay at the hotel with Emma once she's recovered. Some folks might not take kindly to her staying with you."

  "Mmm... I've been thinking about that myself."

  "Let me introduce you to Emmaline and Harald Larson. Harald owns the mercantile a couple of doors down and you can pick up some supplies while you're there. You need to take the measure of Emmaline."

  "Let's go then. You're right about the supplies and I don't want Abigail out walking in the street for shopping just yet."

  Jeremy met the Larsons and Harald made sure he had all the supplies he would need for a while and also let him know where he could buy fresh meat. Emmaline sat and observed the proceedings, not offering to assist her husband in any way. She took the measure of the new Pastor and decided she liked the last one a lot better. The sooner she could get rid of this new Pastor, the sooner she could see about enticing the Reverend J. T. Miller back.


  Laden with supplies, Jeremy made his way back to the parsonage, accepting the greetings bade him by his new parishioners. The doors were still locked, as he'd requested Abigail to leave them when he went to pay his respects to the Sheriff.

  He let himself in and placed the supplies on the table, thinking to check the supply of firewood before the day advanced much further. He'd need to keep it replenished for use in the stove, although it was surely warm enough now not to need a fire for warmth for a good while yet.

  He looked about the kitchen which was almost gleaming from the attention Abigail had given it and he expected she was applying the same attention to the rest of the house. So as not to cause her extra work, he decided not to put the shopping away because he was bound to put things in the wrong place. The last thing he wanted was to cause her distress of any kind. She deserved so much more than that.

  Abigail came into the kitchen. "Oh, you're back... and look what you've brought with you. I can make you some wonderful meals with this." She was happy to see him and had m
issed him, even though he'd only been gone for a couple of hours. It was a strange feeling for her because she generally disliked men and the fluttering of her heart was confusing.

  Jeremy's own heart was beating fast and he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and hold her. Her smile was dazzling and with her hair slightly mussed from the cleaning she had obviously been doing, he thought she was nothing less than adorable. He was lost for words because he thought she would be frightened if the slightest hint of his feelings became visible.

  The moment was relieved by someone knocking at the front door. "You stay here Abigail until I find out who it is."

  "Thank you. I almost seize up with fright when someone comes here, thinking it's one of Jim's thugs come to fetch me back."

  "You are a free woman Abigail. The Sheriff was clear about that and you have nothing to fear."

  The person at the door knocked again. "I'll just be a moment."

  A young woman with a large bag stood waiting on the doorstep when he opened the door. "Hello, I'm Millie and my husband is the Sheriff you were speaking with this morning. I've come to meet Abigail and brought her a few things she might need."

  "Please come in Millie. I'm Pastor Jeremy St. John."

  "Pleased to meet you Pastor. Jake tells me you acted bravely last night and have managed to bring some evil doings to light that none of us, to our shame, knew anything about."

  "I was in the right place at the right time, but please, come through and meet Abigail. She has kindly agreed to be my housekeeper."

  They made their way through to the kitchen where Abigail had put her hair to rights and put the food away."

  The two young women took to each other immediately and Abigail realized at once, she now had a friend close to her own age. She felt blessed, with Emma providing friendship as a mother figure and Millie the friend that teenage girls crave as they come to womanhood.


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