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Bearing Secrets

Page 10

by Marissa Dobson

  “That’s enough.” Turi growled. “I’ve stood here and listened to you, hoping you’d work through this irrational anger and support Ivy because you’re her family and she loves you, but no more. We know about her heritage, and that changes nothing. We love her and will protect her—even from someone she considers family.” He wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her snugly against his body.

  “Ivy was worried sick about you and now that you’re here, this is how you treat her? It’s a disgrace to the word family.” Trey stepped up to her other side and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “They’ll hurt you. Bears are notorious for hurting the ones they’re supposed love. Leave with me now, or I’ll wipe myself clean of this own situation, and your blood will be on their hands.”

  The first of what she knew would be many tears splashed down her face. “Leave. I’ve heard enough. I’m staying here…I love Turi and Trey, if you can’t accept that then I’ll grieve for you but my choice has been made.”

  “Don’t do this, Ivy.” Chad’s shoulders sank; his whole body seemed to cry out that he couldn’t believe what she was saying.

  “Please, just leave.” With her heart already breaking, she brushed away the tears. As he turned on his heel and stormed from the house, her stomach sank, and she wondered if it would be the last time she saw him.

  “My sweet angel.” Trey tried to sooth her, but the tears wouldn’t stop.

  When the front door slammed shut, her legs gave out from under her. As if knowing she’d rather stay right where she was then be carried to the sofa, the men eased her to the floor, each keeping their arms around her as they came to the floor with her.

  “What happened? Why did everyone turn on me?” She couldn’t figure out in such a short time how her life went from perfect to this.

  “We haven’t.” Trey smoothed her hair out of her face.

  “First Edith, now Chad. He was the last piece of family I had left.”

  “You have us,” Turi reassured her. “And the sleuth.”

  “The Alaskan Tigers, Milo, Ty, Adam—”

  “Trey, I think she gets the idea.” Turi told his brother, which brought halfhearted laughter from her. “I know this is hard, if there is anything we can do…”

  “You’re already doing it.” She rested her head against Turi’s chiseled chest, breathing in the spiciness of his cologne and beast. “I don’t know what his issue is but I’m not going to allow that to stop me from living the life I was meant to have. He won’t keep me from my mates.”

  “He seemed to despise the fact you were mated to bears. Any history with him and bears?”

  “Not that I’m aware of. Hell, it’s stupid but I didn’t even know there were bear shifters. Stupid…if there are tigers why wouldn’t there be others?” She shook her head.

  “It’s not stupid, not all animals have shifter groups. I’ve never seem an elephant shifter.” Turi smoothed his hand down her arm.

  “An elephant shifter.” The very idea was hilarious. If she was a shifter, there wasn’t a chance in hell she wanted to shift into an elephant. She’d much rather be something dangerous like a bear, tiger, or lion.

  Suddenly she straightened against Turi’s body and steered back to the issue at hand. “I suspect Chad will want to leave the island soon, if your dad doesn’t kick him off first. Mason will too…I should talk to him. I need to know if he’s changed against me as well. He welcomed me into his clan with open arms, took my commitment to the clan with honor, but if it’s all changed I need to know.”

  “Are you sure, angel?” Trey looked to Turi for back up.

  “I know you want to protect me, but I need to know.” Touched by his concern, she laced her fingers through Trey’s.

  “Trey, go find Mason, bring him here. I don’t want her to run into Chad again, not until he gets his shit together. I won’t have it—” He stopped as she tensed in his arms. “I won’t apologize for protecting you. The way he spoke to you was uncalled for.”

  There was nothing she could say to that. How could she blame him for something that was so ingrained in them? It wasn’t just the beasts within them, but also the alpha males inside them. She rose up on her knees ready to stand. She’d get this over with and then she could spend time in her mates’ arms, which was where she wanted to be.

  Chapter Twenty

  With speed and precision, Trey moved through the grounds toward the final destination: Mason’s cabin. He didn’t like the fact his mate was set on finding out if Mason was against her now too, but he’d do anything she asked. If, in the end, it broke her heart further, Turi and he would be there to put it back together. To help her move on and rebuild her life…no, not rebuild, but to make it better. Now with the proposal and the forum, she’d have a new purpose in her life. No one would look down on her because she was human, or treat her the way Chad did. Not on his watch. She was his now, and Heaven have mercy on the next asshole that hurt her.

  The scent of Chad drifted through the air, bringing the bear to the surface and full of anger. The beast within him wanted to go after Chad, to beat the shit out of him for hurting Ivy the way he had. Ivy had been worried sick about him, and instead of showing a care, he degraded her about mating with bears, as if she had a choice.

  Unable to hold it back, Trey tipped his head back and roared. After his bear was finished letting off a little steam, he was able to relax a little. The muscles in his shoulders were still tight, and anger pulsed within him, but at least he wasn’t on the verge of killing his brother-in-law.

  “Trey? Or are you Turi?” A man asked as Trey neared one of the two guest cabins.

  “Trey.” He held his hand out to the other man, the scent of the tiger and the air of authority letting him know he’d found the right person. “You must be Mason.”

  “That I am.” With a firm grip, he shook Trey’s hand. “I believe you’ve already had a run-in with the Captain of my Guards, Chad.”

  “You could say that. He seems to have a real hatred toward bears, or maybe it’s just the ones his sister mated with.”

  “Chad’s out for a run but if you have a few minutes we could sit and I could give you a little insight to your mate’s brother.” Mason tipped his head to the porch.

  “I don’t know how that will help, but okay.” Trey led the way to the porch, scanning the island to check to see if Chad was returning.

  Mason took a seat in one of the rockers Theodore custom built. “Chad’s been very protective of Ivy all her life. To just stop doing it because she’s mated is hard, but even harder because of who she’s mated to.”

  “You mean bears.” Trey’s top lip curved up on one side and he couldn’t stop from growling.

  “Yes, but not for the reason you think. Chad’s anger stems from the fact that his mother was killed by a bear, not a shifter but an actual bear. Now all he can see is anger. I don’t even think Ivy knows the full details of what happened, only that she was killed while she went on a hunting trip with a group of clan members.”

  “How does something like that happen? She should have sensed the bear long before he was able to get close enough to endanger her life.” Trey leaned against the porch railing, watching Mason.

  “It was mostly women on the trip, kind of a getaway from the mates and kids. Alcohol and drugs played a part, and she was attacked while she was unaware. The others took off leaving her behind, and she was killed.”

  Trey silently sat there for a moment with many things running through his head. Even after hearing what had happened to Chad’s mother, it didn’t give him a valid excuse to treat Ivy the way he did. “I understand, but Ivy deserved better than being the target of Chad’s anger. He knows she had no control over who she mated. Wishing her dead was a dagger through the heart for her.”

  “I’ve already spoken to him about it, but all he can see is his belief that she’ll end up dead like his mother.” Mason ran a hand over the leg of his jeans. “Due to that, Chad and I will be leavin
g this afternoon. It will give him time to cool off, and hopefully he can come to his senses.”

  “That might be for the best.” Trey nodded. Without Chad on the island, he wouldn’t have to worry about Ivy getting hurt by his nasty comments. “I came to find you because Ivy would like to speak to you. She needs to know if you’ve turned against her as well.”

  “I’ll speak with her.” Mason rose from the chair and came to stand next to Trey, looking out on the land and water. “She’s had a rough time. Some of the clan questioned her reasoning behind this proposal, and now this. It’s good she’s found you and your brother, she needs the love and protection.”

  “Trust me, she has it. We’ll protect her, even from the one she thinks is family if that’s what it comes to.” He turned to face Mason. “If Chad can’t get past this anger over who she’s mated to, then I’ll have to ask that he has no contact with her. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like she’s less than him.”

  “Human or not, Ivy has always been a valued member of my clan. She was never put in areas of danger. Doing administration work kept her among the trusted of the clan and overall a cherished member. She will be missed.” Mason took a moment to look at Trey before nodding. “I suspect you’ll encourage her to finish the proposal. It’s something that could be useful to our kind and if anyone can put together a strong case for it, she can. Know there will be opposition, most likely that stems from her being a human, but in the end it will be worth it.”

  “We’re behind her in that, and actually we’ve added some suggestions. One of them being a forum where shifters can be kept updated, communicate with other clans, and more. We’re still working out the details but it will be kept tightly guarded and monitored to ensure no additional dangers or threats are recorded.”

  “It seems she’s found the perfect mates.” Mason smiled before tipping his head. “What do you say we go find Ivy and put some of her fears to rest?”

  Trey nodded, and pushed off the railing. “She needs to know where Chad’s anger comes from.”

  “Once we leave, you can tell her that. I only want to relieve her doubts when it comes to me and any of the Arizona Tigers who are left.” Mason followed Trey down the steps. “Over the years she has become like a daughter to me, she needs to know nothing has changed. I’m happy she’s found mates who don’t think less of her because she’s human and who can protect her from whatever the future holds.”

  As they made their way back to Ivy, Trey was relieved about Mason’s stance. Knowing there wasn’t yet more opposition against Ivy made it easier for him to allow another man close to his mate. There was no doubt in his mind that if Mason had been as full of hatred as Chad, he wouldn’t allow him within a hundred yards of her. She was his mate and he’d protect her, even if she didn’t want him to.

  Taber stepped out of the cabin he used when on the island and waved to them. “Mason, wheels up in thirty.”

  “We’ll be there. Thanks.” Mason nodded.

  “You and the others leaving?” Trey hoped that Kallie and Courtney might be around a little longer in case Ivy needed a woman to talk to after what she went through with Chad.

  Taber shook his head. “I’m flying them to the Alaskan Tigers’ compound, but I’ll be back by dinner. Something up?”

  “Just thought before you leave a family dinner would be beneficial to Ivy, especially having the women there. Maybe tomorrow?” Trey shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

  “Sure.” Taber nodded and leaned against the porch pillar. “We could grill out, have some steaks, Mom’s delicious macaroni salad, and the works.”

  “Tomorrow it is. I better get back to Ivy.” Trey continued leading Mason the short distance to Turi’s cabin, the one that had become theirs now that they’d found Ivy.

  “Ivy’s going to need the support of not only you and Turi but your whole family,” Mason said, his brow furrowed in thought. “Having two sisters-in-law instead of just more men, might be what she needs. The only close female friend she had turned against her at the very end. Hopefully, Kallie and Courtney can help her learn to trust again.”

  Trey caught an expression of sadness rushing over Mason’s face before he tucked it away and turned to look toward the woods.

  “Don’t worry about her, we’ll take good care of her.” He smirked, knowing the tiger had good motives, but Turi couldn’t wait for him to be gone. With the last visual reminder of her past life departed, maybe she could embrace her new life and the possibilities it held.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Snuggled on the sofa with a blanket around her shoulders and a mug of tea Trey had so thoughtfully brought her, Ivy let the stress of the day roll away from her. Mason’s visit had left her full of conflicting emotions but also gave her peace knowing he hadn’t turned against her too. The thought of her former Alpha without his clan pained her almost as much as the loss of them. For the first time in her life, she felt like an orphan. No one was left now that Chad had turned on her. No one except her mates, and Mason.

  She was her own woman, one who’d always been strong, but now her real strength was emerging. Tomorrow the sun would come up and she’d embrace a new life, with new goals and desires. She’d dive back into the proposal and make it better than ever. Maybe in time Chad would come around, but even then she knew things would never be the same between them. There would always be the tension and painful memories of his anger toward her and her mates. That concern was for another day. Tonight she would seek comfort in the arms of her men.

  “Anything I can get you?” Turi asked, coming back from the kitchen where the twins had been starting dinner.

  “You.” She held out her hand to him. “Will you join me?”

  “I’d do anything for you.” He crossed the room in three quick strides, and sank down next to her on the sofa. “I’m sorry for everything…”

  Setting her mug aside, she snuggled into his chest, wrapping her arm around his waist and holding him close. The spicy aroma of cologne and his beast teased along her senses, making her want to press her face against him. “None of it’s your fault.”

  “That might be the case, but when one mate is hurting we all feel it.” He wrapped his arm around her, his finger playing gently down her arm. “I know you’re still hurting after Chad’s words, but maybe he’ll come around. He just needs time to adjust to this.”

  “My brother has never come around for anything. It’s always been his way or no way, but I can’t think about that now. Instead, I need to focus on us. This is a time for us to grow as a trio, to move forward, and for me to start a new life. Having you, Trey, and your family, I couldn’t ask for more.”

  Trey popped his head around the corner and glanced at them. “I heard my name.”

  “Come join us.” She slipped her legs off the sofa so that he could come and sit on the other side of her. “I want you both.”

  He came to her, the jeans riding low on his hips, with the tight T-shirt just barely meeting them. “What did you have in mind, my angel?”

  “Wicked things.” When he sat down next to her, she looped her leg over his.

  “A woman after my own heart,” he teased, pressing his body along hers.

  “Tonight I want to forget everything and just enjoy us. Right now, this mating is what matters. The proposal, the forum, and everything else can wait until tomorrow. Tonight, make me forget all that’s wrong in the world.”

  “That, my angel, we can do.” Trey turned enough to plant soft kisses along her shoulder and up toward her ear.

  With a soft moan, she arched her neck into his caresses. “Not yet. I want to change first. When I get back, you’d better be ready.” She slipped from between them, giving them a saucy look before she moved down the hall toward their bedroom.

  Once out of their sight, she jogged to the bedroom, unzipping the suitcase she had yet to unpack, and lifted the package from Kallie. The handwritten note attached caught her attention again.

  This wil
l stop those twins in their tracks.

  Inside the thick brown paper was a creamy white baby-doll nighty with light blue trim. Never seeing a reason for anything sexy before, she felt a rush of excitement course through her. She stripped her clothes off quickly and pulled the nighty over her head.

  A glance in the mirror, a fluff of her blonde hair, and she was ready. She took a deep breath and made her way back to the men waiting for her. They’d make her forget her troubles.

  “My angel, we’re ready for you,” Trey called.

  “I’m coming.” She sped up her pace. “You better be naked and ready.”

  “Oh, we are,” they replied just as she came around the corner.

  Ivy skidded to a stop. Her lungs squeezed against her heart as she took in the sight before her. A bed of blankets and makeshift pillows had been laid out before the fireplace, with candles adding to the glow from the roaring fire.

  “It’s beautiful.” When they didn’t reply or even move toward her she met their gaze. “What?”

  “Damn, woman. You’re beautiful.”

  “My sweet angel, you’re gorgeous.” Trey echoed Turi’s sentiments in his own words.

  “You like it, then?” She teased as if she’d been worried about it.

  “Yes would be an understatement.” Trey nodded, his shaft standing at attention.

  “I love it, but want you naked. I want to see the fire dancing off your body as your face tightens and your body convulses around my dick.” Turi advanced to her, his fingers grabbing the hem of the nighty and sliding it up past her hips.

  Trey knelt on the makeshift bed and held a hand out to her. “Come here.”

  Before she could do as he asked Turi pulled the baby-doll over her head, making her as naked as they were. “Lie down near the fire so you don’t get chilled, and let us show you how amazingly sexy we find you.”

  Lying in the middle of the makeshift bed, all her worries disappeared, need and desire replacing them. “Please…” She reached out, her hand landing firmly on Turi’s chest, who was kneeling between her legs, his erection pressed tight against her thigh. Trey laid beside her, his lips claiming her nipple. They had her captive between their bodies, making her feel safe and wanted.


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