Hearts on Fire: Romance Multi-Author Box Set Anthology
Page 4
He gathers up his gear. “Hang on. Geesh. Women!”
I laugh as I walk out the door into the bright sunshine.
It is a mind-blowing afternoon. I spend most of my time following Blaine as he takes me all over the mountain. We ski trees and backcountry areas I never would have ventured into on my own. At one point I fly off a cliff before I know what’s happening, and it’s apparent when I crash-land, ripping off equipment and gear. I’ll be a little sore tomorrow, but it was worth it.
“I know some great places for happy hour. Want to go?” Blaine asks. He has unzipped his jacket and taken off his helmet. His musky, spiced scent is tantalizing.
“If you’re okay with a nondrinker, I’d love to go.” I wipe the snow off my skis.
“You don’t drink? I thought you were drinking wine with Clara.” His skis clatter as he hoists them over his shoulder.
“I live in a boarding house, and the lady that runs it has strict rules. I can only drink on sleepovers.” Great, that sounds like I’m inviting myself to sleep over. A flush heats up my face.
“Let’s do hot chocolate instead. We can go to one of the more expensive hotels and sit by a fire. Sound good?”
Holy cow. Where did this guy come from? Hot chocolate by a fire in a quiet place? He’s just one surprise after another. “It sounds fantastic. Let’s go.”
Blaine takes my skis and goes to store them safely in his locker. I head to the ladies’ room to do something about my helmet hair. Looking in the mirror, I see I have a goggle-face windburn. With my fair complexion, that’s as close to a tan I will ever see and am happy I look like a local. With wet hands, I fluff up my curls. A quick swipe of my favorite lipstick, and I walk out the door.
Blaine has just come up from the locker room, and I notice he took a little time to primp too. His hair is damp and combed, and he reapplied the earth-spiced scent from earlier. I smile, thinking he did it for me.
We walk for a bit before he leads me into a large hotel. The entrance is spectacular. Hardwood floors with Native-American-inspired throw rugs that soften the clunk of our boots as we enter a massive lobby. Only lobby isn’t the right word for it, because the posts and beams make it seem more like a lodge. Soft light glows from the antler chandeliers, and the scent of mulled cider drifts toward us as we head over to the bar. After ordering two hot chocolates, we walk to overstuffed leather chairs by a fire. Pulling two close together, Blaine takes my coat and drapes it over the back of my chair.
He says, “I’m going to take my boots off. Please don’t be horrified by the man smell.”
I lean forward so nobody else can hear. “I’m going to take mine off, too. I’m pretty sure you’ll be horrified by my woman smell. If anyone complains, I’ll blame it all on you.” I glance around as I squint my eyes. “They’ll believe me. I hear I look too girly to have stinky feet.” I sit back with a grin.
He shakes his head. “I’m never going to live that down, am I?”
“Nope. Just you wait. I’m not joking.” I lean forward to take off my boots, and sure enough, his nose crinkles.
“Wow, that sure is some womanly scent.” He chuckles.
I offer an exaggerated sigh. “Unfortunately, it isn’t just ski boots. So there you have it. My fatal flaw.”
“You’re a trip. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl as honest as you are.” I frown before he adds, “That’s a good thing. I like it.”
A waitress comes over and hands us each a hot chocolate. I curl up in the chair with my cup in both hands. Warm chocolate coats my tongue when I take a sip, and I let out a groan of appreciation. The sweet, light flavor of the whipped cream tells me it’s freshly made. “This is heaven. Who knew hot chocolate could taste so good?”
“I know. Not a bad tour guide, am I?” Blaine sinks back into his chair.
“No, you most certainly aren’t. Thank you so much for this. It’s the best ski day I’ve ever had.”
“You’re very welcome. I had a great time too.”
When we’re done with our drinks, we return to the locker room, and he offers to walk me to my shuttle. Wind blows my hair around my face, and I ask, “Teaching tomorrow?” Pathetic. Of course he is.
“Yup. Cleaning toilets?”
“You know it.”
“So when do you get to ski?” He has stepped a little closer. Or was it me?
I say, “Mondays and Tuesdays are my usual days off.”
His face lights up a little. “Would you like to ski again next Tuesday?”
My heart skips a beat. “Yes.” Finally. That’s what I was waiting for. “Let me give you my number.”
He takes out his phone and taps it in. The whine and gasp of brakes announce my shuttle. “That’s you. Great day, Casey.”
Blaine gives me a tiny wave, and I get on the shuttle. Even though he’s not Jason, I had a great ski day. My eyes fill with moisture, and when I blink, a tear escapes. I swipe it away before anyone can see.
Clara is almost as excited for next Tuesday as I am. We’re cleaning a rental unit, and I sprinkle powdered cleaner on the metal sink to scrub. She entertains me with “Blaine is so great” stories, but I try not to get my hopes up. Since he’s a constant topic of conversation, I wonder what happened to send him here. I know I should let Blaine tell me, but curiosity finally wins. I wipe hair out of my face with my sleeve and ask, “What’s Blaine’s heartbreak story?”
“Heartbreak? He didn’t move here over heartbreak.” Clara frowns. “Well, unless you consider that he missed Tim too much.” Lemon scent drifts toward me as she dusts the wooden cabinets.
“Oh, he and Tim are inseparable. When we moved here, I think Blaine was heartbroken. He came here a year ago and hasn’t dated anyone. That’s why I’m so thrilled about you guys. You’re two of my favorite people, and I want to see both of you happy in love. Which reminds me, you’ve never told me what was so awful that you moved to Colorado. Feel like sharing?”
Not really. But she’s been a good friend and deserves to know some of it. Water sprays as I wash away swirls of white foam. “The guy I was in love with just wasn’t the one I was meant to be with. He never wanted to have a family, and you know how much I love children.”
“Oh, Casey. I can see how that would be hard.” She flicks the duster over the TV. “Do you talk to him at all?”
Jason. I think about our last morning together. No, I don’t talk to him. But I do think about him. More than I care to admit. “No. I wasn’t very good about letting him get over me. It’s better if I leave him alone.” I drop my head to hide the tears that come, and one splats lightly in the bottom of my bucket of supplies. I grab it and head to the bathroom. The fluorescent light flickers, and I stare at myself in the mirror. I’ve got to stop this pathetic crying over a man I can’t have. The toilet paper dispenser rattles as I grab a piece to wipe my eyes, and water rushes when I flush to watch it swirl away.
* * *
Tuesday rolls around, and Blaine said a few friends are coming along for our ski day. With that news, I can’t decide if it’s a date or just skiing. I decide to go with just skiing and dress down a bit this time and wear my black ski pants and a simple teal shell. I wait in the same spot, ready for adventure. Blaine’s friends are all instructors, and while I know I’ll be the worst skier, I’m sure it will be awesome.
They’re late, and I get more nervous every minute. Snow squeaks under my boots as I step around with anxious energy and try not to look too frantic as I adjust and readjust my gear. I notice Blaine before he sees me. He scans the crowd, and I guess he’s looking for my white outfit. “Blaine!” I raise my arm in a wave.
“There you are.” His face breaks into a grin. He’s with two girls and one guy. “This is Megan, Nick, and Jess. Guys, meet Casey.”
In unison, they say, “Hey.”
Nick has the stunning good looks of a Greek god, while Megan is petite and fair. He and Megan make a move toward the line. No time for
small talk, I see.
A chorus of ski bindings click boots into place as I glance at Jess. She’s pretty and working it to the max. Tight, in-the-boot stretch pants make me wonder about her skiing, though. They certainly make a girl look good, but so impractical the moment snow gets in your boot. She moves next to Blaine. Wow, I guess I’m riding alone.
Megan looks back. “I’ll ride with Casey. You don’t mind, do you, Nick?”
“Naw, I’ll find a single.” He flashes a pearly-white smile, and I think she swoons a little.
I slide up next to Megan. Is she feeling sorry for me? Can she tell I thought this was more than just tagging along on some double date?
“I hear you’re going to teach with us next year.” She bends down and opens her boot buckles with a snap.
“Yes,” I say. “I’m both nervous and excited. Do you teach kids or adults?”
“I teach adults. I love it. Kids are great, though. It’s like babysitting at times, but you can get adults like that too. Well, you don’t wipe their noses and put on their mittens, but you do get some high-maintenance people.” Her eyes twinkle with amusement.
The chair scoops us up, and I relax on the cushioned seat. As we get away from the loading area, Megan fills me in.
“Jess has a thing for Blaine. He’s such a nice guy, he never tells her to back off. She has you pegged as competition, so watch out. That girl has claws.” She pulls a sleeve over the edge of her glove as we bounce over a support pole.
“Thanks for the warning. It’s fine. Blaine and I are nothing more than friends.” My coat zipper grinds as I pull it up higher.
Megan turns a bit to look at me. “Really? I wouldn’t be so sure. He was eager to find you this morning. If you ask me, I think he might think of you as a little more than just a friend.”
I can’t help but smile, and Megan gives me a sly look as she says, “Judging by the look on your face, that’s not a bad thing, is it?”
Heat rises to my cheeks as I say, “No. It’s not a bad thing.”
“Good. That guy needs a girlfriend. He’s too great to be alone. I’ll see what I can do to pry Jess off him.” She lets out a sigh. “I’m not sure how she managed to horn in on this. Nick doesn’t like her any more than I do.”
The wind is cold on my face, and I pull my fleece up over my chin. “Is Nick your boyfriend?”
“Yes. When you get to know him, you’ll see why. He’s more than hot, he’s adorable.” She has a silly grin on her face.
Awww, she’s in love. The rest of the ride, she tells me cute stories about Nick and their relationship.
When we get off the chair, Velcro rips as I adjust the strap to make my boots tighter. I’ve just finished my buckles when Nick takes the lead. “We’re skiing the bowl.” I notice he’s up to something by the look on Jess’s face. She’s not pleased.
“Blaine, you know I don’t like bowl skiing,” she says. “Make Nick go somewhere else.”
Oh my word! She’s whining.
“Jess, you’ll be fine. I’ll help if you get stuck.” He pulls a pole strap over his glove as he speaks instead of looking at her.
Megan cuts in. “No. You won’t, Blaine. I think you should make sure Casey’s good, because she’s new here. I’ll look out for Jess.” Her tone is bossy, and Jess squints her eyes.
Uh-oh. I pretend my boots need another adjustment and bend down to avoid her gaze. But I caught the glare Jess gave me. I so want to glare back. I don’t. Instead, I rise and smile sweetly. “Jess, I’m an East Coast skier. We’re awful at bowl skiing too, so if anyone is falling and holding up the group, it’ll be me.” Like hell it will. I have every intention of crushing this girl, and the handles of my poles are hard against my palm as I grip them with determination.
Our skis gently scrape snow as Blaine moves up by my side. “Follow me. I have a line I think you’re going to love.”
“Does it involve a cliff?” My heart beats a little faster.
“Maybe. I promise to warn you this time.” I can tell he’s teasing me when a smile creeps on his face. “Honestly? I just want to make sure I get to enjoy this with you.”
Oh. My. Goodness. My heart beats even faster as blood rushes through my body.
Bowl skiing is an amazing experience. Not always, but most of the time, a concave, steep section of a mountain is whipped by winds, leaving the snow a consistency like buttercream frosting. Skis easily slice through, allowing a skier to descend the steepest of inclines for a thrill like no other. Shaped like the inside of a bowl, it flattens out at the bottom. But here’s the thing: a skier has to have good turns, or it can become a nightmare. It isn’t uncommon to see someone fall at the top and tumble all the way to the bottom. Most don’t get seriously hurt, but it’s a few minutes of sheer panic.
Nick takes off, and the sound is clean and sharp as he makes picture-perfect turns. Blaine traverses over to a different section, and I follow. The nervous sliding of skis is behind me, and I know its Jess. Curiosity makes me wonder what kind of skier she is.
Blaine stops and looks over his shoulder to make sure all three women are with him. “Ready, ladies? It doesn’t get much better than this.”
He leads the way with ski-instructor turns. I point my skis down and experience the stomach-lurching sensation of extreme steepness and the ultimate control of a good turn. My skis respond to my pressure in the beginning of my turn to snap me around and on to the next one. Much like music, the movement is about rhythm. When you get it right, it’s a sensual dance between you and the mountain.
Blaine has stopped, and I pull in just below him. “Wow! Just wow!” A grin covers my whole face.
He lifts his goggles as I lift mine. “Those were great turns. You can do that on ice, can’t you?”
“I sure can, but it’s not nearly as fun.”
“Can I give you a quick tip?” he asks.
He drops his hands down by his thighs and bounces slightly. “You’re a bit too forward on your feet. It certainly helps to control your speed, but it doesn’t leave you much room for error. One little bump can throw you forward, and you’ll tumble. Focus on feeling weight in your arches instead of the balls of your feet.”
“Got it. Thanks.” I flex up and down a bit and make sure I’m over my arches. “You can give me pointers any time you wish. I want to get better.”
Nick had pulled up by us during this little lesson. “Careful there, buddy. Teaching a girlfriend is not a good idea. Ask me how I know.” He pats Blaine on the shoulder.
Girlfriend? A tingle rushes through me before I’m distracted by Jess. I glance up the trail to see her slowly making her way down one turn at a time. I feel for her. She’s scared. But Megan is with her, talking her through. She may not like Jess, but I can see she is being patient and kind.
“Megan’s a good instructor, isn’t she?” I ask.
Nick says, “She is one of the most requested females for private lessons. She knows her stuff. She also doesn’t let personal feelings get in the way.” He turns to Blaine. “Dude, this is going to be a long day if you don’t do something. I don’t know why you let her come.”
“You know Jess. It’s not like no would work with her.” He sounds defensive.
“If you don’t get rid of her, I will. I won’t be nice.”
When Jess and Megan finally get to us, Jess slides up close to Blaine. “That was nerve-racking!” Looking at him, she says, “I didn’t see you go, and without a good line to follow, I was a mess.”
“Sorry about that. I was focused on Casey.” He glances at me and smiles. “She handled it brilliantly.”
Heat flushes my face as Jess purses her lips, and I think I see smoke come out of her ears. She says, “Let’s go over to the other side, Blaine.”
He hesitates before answering. “Sure, we can do that.”
Nick isn’t having any of it. “Casey, what’s your favorite thing to ski? We’ll go do it.”
I love him. A nice me would s
ay the smooth, groomed trails like Jess wants. The mean me would say another bowl run. Knowing bumps won’t be any easier for Jess, I decide that’s my best answer. It’s still mean but appears innocent. “Bumps. Any good ones around?”
Nick’s white teeth shine as he breaks into a grin. “There’s a great back shot on this bowl with bumps as big as Mini Coopers. Yes?”
I rub my mittens together in excitement on two counts, because that ought to send her running. “Heck yeah!”
Jess lets out an exasperated sigh. “I’m going to have to leave you guys. My knee is acting up, and bumps will hurt.”
As she skis away, Nick gives me a fist bump. He looks at Blaine. “Dude, you’re pathetic. But Casey? She rocks. Let’s go see what the flatlander can do.”
Once Jess is gone, it’s like a date. Blaine and I ride together on every chair, and only inches apart, our bodies touch often. He gives me pointers, and more than once, Megan gives me a secret thumbs-up behind his back.
As the day winds down, I don’t want it to end. Nick suggests we go to a local watering hole.
Blaine tucks his arm in mine and looks down at me with sparkling eyes. “I have a better idea. Hot chocolate again?”
I melt. “I would really like that.”
Megan looks at us. “Should we leave you two alone? Blaine?”
Blaine links arms with Megan too. “No, you should come. Has Nick ever taken you to The Jerome?”
“Wow, is that where you take all the girls? That place isn’t even on my radar.” Megan sounds impressed.
Nick snorts. “What girls?” He takes take my unoccupied arm. “Casey, you have no idea how happy I am to meet you. I was beginning to think Blaine here might need an intervention.”
I flash him an appreciative smile.
When we get to the locker room, Megan takes off her skis and hands them to Nick. “Nick, would you take these in for me? And grab my bag? I’m going to use the public restroom here with Casey.”
When we enter the bathroom, the sound of boots hitting tile echoes. Megan lets out a little squeal of delight. “He couldn’t stop touching you!” Mimicking his voice, she puts her hands on my hips. “Here, Casey, you need to move them like this.” Grabbing my hands, she says in his voice, “And here, Casey, you hold your poles like this.”