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Scars of My Guardian Angel

Page 6

by Russell L Martin

  Allayer explains. “This tribe of Indians has lived here for over two thousand years in peace and harmony. They are taught the Word of God from birth with no influence or contact from the outside world. No mortal has ever witnessed what you’re seeing. God has made this valley invisible to the rest of the world. Satan can’t even see it, he has no idea it even exists. ”

  Nipper chimes in, “The people here call God, the Great Spirit and some of the elders call Him, Jehovah-Jireh.”

  “Why did God want a village way out here separate from the world?”

  “We don’t know, I guess it was like His special project. All we know is he really loves this place and the people. Generation after generation and nothing changes, and you can see how happy they are.”

  “I know, this is so amazing, I can’t believe I’m witnessing how they lived two thousand years ago.”

  “We believe God comes here sometimes to fish.”

  “What? Fish? God goes fishing?”

  Nipper smiles, “You think God needs a license?”

  “Well No, I just figured…”

  “You figured what? Remember what we told you earlier, stop thinking like a mortal.”

  “Okay, okay. Hey guys, I like to fish too. You think God might let me go with Him? Or maybe even turn me on to some of His honey holes?”

  Both Angels start laughing, with Nipper saying “I would probably not hit God up on His favorite fishing hole.”

  “Hey, I haven’t seen our Warrior Angel since we got to this valley. Where is he? Or where did he go?”

  Allayer lets me know, “He has probably already left.”

  “Left, what do you mean he left?”

  “Well, he knows we’re no longer in any danger here in God’s Valley. We may not see him again until we enter Heaven’s Gate.”

  “What if we are attacked again?”

  Nipper grins and says, “Remember we are on holy ground.”

  “ Oh, yeah, holy ground, God’s favorite place on Earth. Yeah, total protection, I get it. What about our Warrior Angel’s name? You guys never told me. ”

  Nipper and Allayer seem to be having a minor disagreement, or maybe it’s just a discussion they don’t want me to hear.

  “Hey do y’all mind letting me in on your thoughts? What’s the big secret, guys? You can’t tell me his name?”

  Allayer tells Nipper to explain.

  “ Well Chado, Warrior Angels are very secret about their names. Some like Gabriel and Michael are known throughout history, but down the ranks of God’s Warrior Angels they are very private. The name of each Angel is given straight from God and with each individual Angel’s name, a unique power is given to them. This helps in the battle with the principalities of darkness. It’s hard to understand, but it goes along with the power in God’s spoken Word. In this case, the power in the names He gives.

  You’ll see. Well anyway, God’s Angels know each name of the fallen. When the fallen angels were cast out of Heaven, over the centuries they have forgotten the names of all God’s Warrior Angel’s. This is part of the curse that fell on Lucifer and his fallen during the Great Rebellion.”

  “Yeah, I read about that, when this happened, God kicked a third of the angels out of Heaven, right?”

  Nipper tells Allayer to fill me in on details.

  “Yeah guys, what happened?”

  “Yes, there was a rebellion in Heaven, it was awful. Lucifer was one of the most beautiful angels and had awesome power. You’ve probably read about the five ‘I wills’ that Lucifer used to show everyone his awful Pride against The Almighty God.”

  “Hey guys, can you refresh my memory how Satan got into trouble with the five ‘I wills?’”

  Nipper says, “I’ll tell him. God’s Word is written from Isaiah 14:12: ‘How you are fallen from Heaven,

  O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground .

  You who weakened the nations!

  For you have said in your heart;

  I will ascend into Heaven.

  I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;

  I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north;

  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,

  I will be like the Most High.’

  We believe this was the beginning of the war in Heaven and the creation of Hell. The casting down of Satan resulted from a great battle between the hosts of Heaven and the followers of Lucifer. In this battle, Heaven’s Warriors forced Satan and his fallen angels, forever from the Heavenly realm.

  The evil entities are those angels who rebelled with Lucifer and were cast out of Heaven with him. Their minds and understanding have been covered with the horrible darkness of deception, the same method Satan still uses to lead his victims astray.”

  Nipper asked me, “Chado, do you want to learn another mystery that the people of Earth have gotten wrong for years and are blind to a simple truth?”

  “Sure, I love a mystery.”

  Nipper tells me, “The scientists, archeologists, and atheists have used the bones of what they think is prehistoric man to try to prove their theory of evolution is real, but they are so far off.”

  “What are you talking about, Nipper?”

  “Allayer, you want to fill him in?”

  “Chado, you’re going to love this!”

  “What? Let me have it with both barrels.”

  “All the schools are teaching kids their theory of evolution, and convincing the weak minded, well that’s a bit strong… should we say the minds and hearts lacking of the Holy Spirit. They are truly co nvincing most everyone the opposite of the truth. This group of scientists fell right into one of the oldest tricks in Lucifer’s handbook of lies.”

  “Okay, can you explain to someone with only fifteen percent brain capacity?”

  Nipper starts laughing, “For a dead guy you’re pretty funny. Okay, you remember in the history books when they dug up and discovered Neanderthal man, dinosaur bones and so on?”

  “Sure, I’ve even seen some in the museums. What? Weren’t they real?”

  “Sure they were real, let me explain. When all this took place, I mean the war in Heaven, or should I say the royal butt kicking of Lucifer with a third of the fallen angels.

  God had just formed the world and it was a violent place. The Earth went through what I guess you could call growing pains: Earthquakes, violent storms, hurricanes that would last for years, mountains literally rising up over night with the Earth constantly trembling and shaking, oceans forming and overflowing creating lakes, seas and huge rivers, and going through several ice ages, almost totally uninhabitable.”

  “Man, that wouldn’t be a place to go on vacation.”

  “That’s the point, Lucifer and his crew were cursed and cast down to Earth when all this was taking place. God was so upset, He not only stuck them on the most violent planet in all the galaxies; He took away their beauty. He distorted the bone structure of their faces, lengthened their arms, shortened their legs and covered their bodies with stiff hair like you would see on a wild boar. He also gave them teeth like a jackal to be able to eat raw meat. At this point in time, these fallen angels would now be called the dammed of the Earth.”

  “My God, that’s incredible. Well I guess it was a sad time in Heaven. ”

  “Yes, we think God was hurt. He loved all the angels, but He is a just God and He means business when it comes to rebellion or turning away.”

  “So what happened to all the fallen, that were cast down to Earth?”

  “He gave them an allotted time to live, which was several hundred years and then they finally died and became demonic spirits and angels of hell. They have been roaming the Earth ever since, angry at God trying to help Lucifer steal as many hearts and souls as they can before the final battle. Lucifer has figured out a way to transform dark and lost souls into a type of demon. They aren’t very strong but they do his bidding, and there are millions of them. Lucifer has a
false hope of defeating God. We can tell you this, that’s not going to happen. Hey Chado, you want to know one of Lucy’s tricks?”

  “Lucy? Who’s Lucy? Oh I get it, Lucifer. You bet, let me hear it.”

  “Lucifer made sure, when each fallen angel died, he would place their bones where the scientists of your time would dig them up and have worldwide exposure in the news with the headlines…

  (Neanderthal Man Discovered – Evolution Real)

  The theory of evolution has sent millions down the road of deception. It’s just a slick lie being forced down the throats of generations.”

  “Well what about the dinosaurs?”

  “Oh yeah, that’s the funny part. Whenever they first touched down on this violent, shaking Earth, God had a few surprises waiting for this prideful crew. Having all their angelic powers stripped from them, with no defense of any kind, they were immediately being chased by huge dinosaurs. This forced them into caves living like wild animals.

  That wasn’t all. God also took away their additional brain capacity and left them with a very low sense of thought. He gave them just enough to barely survive. ”

  “Wow, that’s amazing. So all these years this was a trick to fool millions?”

  “Yes, I guess you could actually say that was the oldest trick in the book.”

  “Do you guys know when this all took place?”

  “We think it was a couple million years before Adam and Eve came into the picture.”

  “You’ve got to be pulling my leg. How old is the Earth?”

  “We don’t know exactly, maybe you can find out when you get to Heaven.”

  “I reckon so. Come to think of it, I’ve got a lot of questions.”

  “When we get you there, you have eternity to ask whoever you feel the need to ask. But remember; when we enter into Heaven, your mind is free from mortal thoughts and open to a spiritual view of how things work, and you won’t need to ask a lot of questions, you will just know. God blesses all who enter with knowledge.”


  Written In Stone

  A fter hovering over this beautiful, ancient village, for what seemed like only a few seconds, I could tell Nipper and Allayer were ready to move on.

  “Hey guys, are we about to leave God’s Valley?”

  “Yes, it’s time to head out. Are you ready for more adventure?”

  “I am. Well, is it Heaven bound? Or do you guys have more surprises waiting?”

  Nipper laughs. “We always have more surprises, and you will love what we are about to show you.”

  They carry me across this gorgeous lake at a very slow speed, heading in the direction of a steep cliff facing back toward the village. As we near this beautiful rock formation, I could see chiseled writing from the top of the flat face, all the way back down to the bottom of this very tall mountain. The letters I think are in another language. “ Hey guys, what language is that?”

  Dead silence.

  “ Okay guys, a little help here?”

  Nipper looks over at me with a huge smile and says, “Here’s a small hint, Hebrew.”

  “Nipper you are too funny. And thanks, so it’s Hebrew. Do the folks back at the village speak Hebrew?”

  “ Yes they do, and they also were taught every language known to man.”

  “What? That’s impossible.”

  “Nothing is impossible with God. He blessed them with an abundance of knowledge, pretty much like he did Solomon back in the day. Do you remember in God’s Word when He asked Solomon what he desired? Solomon didn’t ask for worldly treasures, he asked for knowledge, and God blessed him with knowledge, more than any other human that ever lived on Earth.”

  “So are they smarter than Solomon?”

  “We don’t think so, but they run a pretty close second. It all has to do with how much knowledge God blesses you with and when He feels the need to do it. Savvy?”

  “Yep, I understand. I guess that additional knowledge hasn’t happened to me yet. I still have a hard time with English.”

  Nipper and Allayer burst out laughing “Yes we can tell you were raised living next door to Einstein.”

  “Very funny guys. I can’t help I was raised in the back woods. And I still for the life of me, oh yeah… the death of me… can’t imagine why God would choose to show me all this.”

  “Yes, that is a mystery. He must see something in you.”

  Nipper chimes in, “Hey, God used an ass a couple times in the Bible to get His point across. He could use you!”

  “Thanks a lot Nipper.”

  As we got closer to the face of the mountain, I could see numbers in front of each line and the letters had to be at least fifty, no, that’s got to be seventy five or a hundred feet long, measuring vertically from top to bottom. How could anyone hang from ropes and chisel out something so perfect from this giant mountain ?

  As we get closer; my goodness the depth of this writing was four or five feet deep into the rock.

  “Guys, did the people of that village do this? It had to have taken them the whole two thousand years they lived here to accomplish a task like this. Not to mention, how could it be humanly possible to chisel what looks like granite? I just can’t believe anyone could do it, even with today’s machinery and the best mountain climbers in the world. Now would you guys please tell me what the writing means, how and who did it?”

  Nipper and Allayer start their giggling “We want to see if you can figure this one out. It’s actually very simple. Just give it a little extra thought and while you’re going through this minor struggle of figuring it out, we are going to show you another great wonder.”

  As I look over at these huge letters written in a foreign language, a bell goes off. I need to use our English numerals and count out the lines as we pass by. Duh.

  “So, there are ten lines, what could the writing mean? Okay, this is God’s favorite place on Earth. Ten lines, hey I’ve got it. It’s got to be the Ten Commandments!”

  “Hey, give the dead guy a couple angel wings. You got it!”

  “Wow, so did He have the villagers chisel all this out?”

  “Nope. Tell him Nipper.”

  “Okay, you bet. Alright Chado, you know how no one knows where the Arc of Covenant is located?”

  “Right. Where is it?”

  “God took it away from mankind and placed it in the mountain that you’re looking at. Then the finger of God touched the face of that cliff, writing His law in the stone of this mountain for a reminder to this tribe, that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

  You’re witnessing the fingerprints of God.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I wish the whole world could see this. ”

  Allayer tells me, “Through the centuries, God has shown His signs and wonders. He sent the prophets, He sent His son Jesus Christ to die on the cross of Calvary. His unchanging Word has been written in millions of Bibles scattered all over the world, and still man cries out, just show me a sign and I will believe. God has given man a free will and most have chosen the wide road to destruction and have turned away from God.

  God still continues to bless man with miracles and the people that recognize these miracles are usually the ones that truly worship and adore Him. The unbelievers can’t see it, and as long as they don’t have the Holy Spirit, they will never see it. Just like this wonder you’re looking at, the unbeliever would explain it away with some stupid theory. So, do you think He needs to reveal this? God has nothing to prove, just look around at His handiwork. Can anyone say there is no God?”

  “I understand. Thinking of it all like that makes me sad for the millions that will perish and miss out, not only on eternity with a God that loves them so much, but an awesome life here on Earth. Right Nipper?”

  “Yes, we try not to think about how many souls that won’t make it to Heaven, but instead are transported to Hell. Allayer and myself are glad we don’t have that job, we enjoy the opposite, seeing people enter the Gates of Heaven.”
/>   “Yes, let’s change the subject. You guys were about to show me something else.”

  * * *

  I feel a slight tug, and Allayer lets me know we are going to back off about a half mile from the cliff because he wants to see if I can make anything else out. So we move out over the lake and start hovering at a certain point.

  “Well guys, I don’t see anything other than the writings.”

  Allayer tells me, “Wait for it.”

  “Wait for what?”

  “Patience Chado, keep watching the face of the mountain.”

  Just about the time I’m ready to give up, the sun peeks between two other mountains on the back side of the lake and the sun’s rays bouncing off the water create a colorful barrage of golden rays shining on the Ten Commandments. Now I can see a silhouette, no, it’s like a mural painting of Jesus. He is kneeling over a Lamb with a huge Lion sitting behind him looking down at Jesus and the Lamb. I ask Nipper, “What does this represent?”

  “We think it represents the Holy Trinity, but like the other thousand questions you ask, God will reveal everything to you when we get to Heaven.”

  “Okay, okay. I get it, patience.”

  As the sun slowly rises behind us, each letter of the Commandments seems to come alive with gold pouring down from one line to the next, moving very slowly like lava from a volcano. But it’s not pouring, it’s gold shining when the sunlight hits inside the letters. This mountain must be made of pure gold with the limestone covering the face of this magnificent rock structure.

  Nipper asks me, “How’s that for a surprise?”

  I am totally speechless.

  Nipper giggling, “Hey, Chado, you can close your mouth now. Not saying anything with your mouth wide open makes you look funny.”

  Then, within a couple minutes, as the sun continues to rise, this beautiful scene disappears. Jesus, the Lamb and the Lion vanish, with only the Ten Commandments remaining.

  Allayer tells Nipper “We need to be moving along. ”

  They bring me up and sit me down on top of the very same mountain that God had placed the Ark inside. They both at the same time tell me to take off my sandals.


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