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Scars of My Guardian Angel

Page 15

by Russell L Martin

  I wonder if some of the animals here in Heaven are larger than what we had on Earth. Or maybe they were the same size and could have gone extinct before mankind could document their existence. Nevertheless, that bear was huge, and I can’t get over that old man walking up and scratching that big sucker on the belly.

  I just wish Allayer and Nipper had been with us; I really miss those two Angels.

  This well used path led us through the narrow canyon, up to a rock gorge overlooking a beautiful valley that you could see for miles in any direction. As my eyes came into focus after leaving the shaded narrow pass, I could see herds of animals strung out across the plush green valley. The distance wouldn’t allow me to make out what kind of animals they were.

  As we turn to our right and start heading out of the canyon, the narrow trail has widened with a cliff wall only a couple feet to our right and to our left a bluff bank with a two hundred foot drop. The sure footed stallions go into a comfortable lope as we continued down the steep decline leading us to the valley.

  As we gallop along, I can see layers of gold streaking across the cliff wall. I had the funny thought, “I wonder if this is where the gold was mined for the pavement in Heaven ?” I chuckle inside and look back across the valley.

  The horses slow down to make their way through a herd of elk feeding at the foot of the mountain. They all look up as we pass within a few feet, and without any fear, they drop their heads back down and continue munching on the tender grass.

  On our journey across this wide valley, I see Heaven’s wall more and more clearly as we continue to close the distance .

  My amazement grows as we trot along; the different kinds of animals were so spectacular it would make a safari hunter go nuts. We were moving through giant herds of exotic animals that I have never seen before, even in books.

  To my surprise, a large flock of lambs are grazing within a few feet of several Bengal tigers; neither is paying any attention to the other. Three tiger cubs just ran out from under one of the lambs, and then back under as to be playing inside the flock. I can remember Allayer and Nipper reminding me of the saying; The Lion shall lay down with the Lamb. Well, it’s not lions, but its sure close enough.

  We travel another hand full of miles and the terrain changes from a flat plush valley to rolling green hills. Dandelions growing everywhere all nestled in tall bent grass. The smell of jasmine is in the air. Is that the dandelions giving off that fragrance? I actually don’t know what a dandelion smells like. I guess it could be.

  * * *

  Hill after hill we gallop along, and I start thinking of this gift of being here and seeing these great wonders, that I am so undeserving, a vagabond, unworthy to even be in Heaven. I suddenly feel the overwhelming need to praise and worship God. I look toward the great wall, letting go of the reins I lift my hands toward the City of Heaven. I feel the rush of the Holy Spirit slowly coming up through my feet, the warmth filling every cell of my body and finally leaving through the tips of my fingers.

  Yes I’ve felt this before, back on Earth several years ago. Was God allowing me way back then to have a taste of true worship like they have here in Heaven? It has to be. So I guess this will happen each time we worship? How cool is that!

  Both horses slow down as we break over a hill; my mouth flies open without making a sound. Behold the great woolly mammoth; there must be a hundred, all feeding on dandelions. I can’t believe my eyes; I’m actually looking at woolly mammoths.

  My horse comes to a complete stop, and then bows for me to dismount. I grab the two sacks off the saddle horn, reach in and get both horses the last of the apples. I grab my wine pouch, lean my head back and squeeze a mouth full of wine, suddenly I feel both spider monkeys tapping me on the leg and reaching up. “What do you guys want? Surely not the wine?” They both start jumping up and down. I lean back for another swallow and they both start screeching. I laugh as I hand the pouch over to my impatient friends. As I turn and head in the direction of the giant mammoths, I point and shake my finger at both monkeys, “Not too much fellows and when y’all finish put the pouch back on the saddle horn.”

  As I walk toward this great herd of mammoths, I’m wishing I had some of my close friends back home with me to share this awesome experience. I bet my ole buddy Matt would believe in God if he could see what I’m seeing.

  I slowly walk up to what looks like the bull of the herd. He’s quite a bit larger than all the others. His tusks must be thirty feet in length. What a sight, the sun reflecting off of his beautiful white ivory tusk.

  As I approach from his left side, I look into his big dark brown eyes, now staring back at me. I hold my hand out as a friendly gesture; I slowly walk closer, talking to him in a low soft tone. “It’s okay buddy. I just want to make friends.”

  Of all things, at this very moment I suddenly remember a cartoon I saw as a kid. A little mouse runs out and scares the giant elephant causing a stampede. “Dear God, please don’t let a mouse around us right now, I’d hate to get run over by a herd of woolly mammoths.”

  The great bull continues to munch on the dandelions and acts like he isn’t bothered by my presence. I reach up and touch the long hair of his jawbone, while slowly forcing my hand through the thick fur. As I feel the bone structure of his jaw I notice the vibration as he grinds his teeth while chewing his cud. After mowing down all the dandelions that he could reach with his long trunk he takes a couple steps forward. My hand slides away from his jaw as he moves; now I’m standing beside him. With his height I easily walk underneath his belly barely being able to reach his stomach standing on my tip toes.

  Curiosity from the rest of the herd brings them all over to where I am admiring this giant. Now I’m surrounded, and if I were back on Earth, this would be one heck of a scary event.

  Without any warning I felt something between my legs as a giant trunk scooped me off the ground. It was the bull- He picked me up, swung me around and before I knew it I was sitting on his back. I caught my breath and grabbed a hand full of hair making sure I wasn’t going to fall off this two and a half story building.

  I looked back at the horses, then back at the other mammoths and everything looked so peaceful as though this was all planned.

  As I get over the shock of the giant trunk elevator, I crawl around on his back as he continues to graze.

  Sitting on this giant reminds me of my horse back home, Ellie Mae. Sometimes a white crane would come and sit on her back while she grazed. The egret would wait on horseflies or other insects that would come flying around. I hope this bull mammoth didn’t sit me up here to swat flies. I actually haven’t seen any insects the whole time I’ve been in Heaven.

  I feel the mammoth take a few more steps as he moves up for fresh dandelions. I don’t know why but I lay down across his wide back with the right side of my face pressing down in the soft fur. As I lay still for a few seconds, I hear his heart slowly beating. It sounds like the slow rhythm of a distant bass drum. With the mesmerizing, boom… boom… boom; like a soothing trance, I fall into a deep sleep and begin to dream.

  A great lion walks out of the darkness, his eyes glistening from the reflection of a smoldering fire. I feel a hand on my shoulder, someone whispers, “Fear not Little Soul; fear not.” The lion has two scrolls in his mouth as he walks closer and closer. “Who are you lion? Why do they call me Little Soul?” I’m suddenly alone and afraid, I hear the sounds of wings getting closer and closer. I try running as fast as I can, my legs are bogging down in black tar, I’m at the edge of darkness, I’m falling, I’m falling.

  I suddenly open my eyes, Oh no ! I reach to grab fur as I roll off this two story mammoth, bracing for impact. I splash down in belly deep water. As I stand up embarrassed, I reach up and pat the big bull mammoth on his front leg, “Thank you big guy for standing in water. Thank you.”

  Totally disorientated, I look around to get my bearings. Apparently, I must have slept for a while because the terrain looks different.

p; Wow, that was one crazy dream, it seemed familiar, a lot like the one I had last night back at the barn. God let me know in my dream that it was okay to take the horses, I wonder if there is something significant about the scrolls? Oh yeah, horses; where are the horses?

  Okay, let me get my bearings, I see the wall, but no horses in sight, and where are those two little spider monkeys?

  I pat the mammoth on his back leg as a gesture of thanks and friendship while wading out of the stream. Standing on the dry shore, I turn just in time to see the giant mammoth stick his huge trunk into the surface of this crystal clear creek and take in gallons and gallons of water. Reaching over his back and with the sound of a gushing waterfall he releases his payload, drenching his entire body. I can’t help but laugh, “Hey ole friend, thanks for letting me get out of the way. ”

  Now, where did my horses get off to? I hope they didn’t head back to the barn.

  I walk up the gentle slope leading out of the creek bottom, still no horses in sight. Well, I guess I can whistle like I use to for my horses back home. Taking in a deep breath I let out a long Louisiana whistle, wait for a few seconds, nothing. I walk a bit further up the hill, and let out another. I listen with my ear turned in the direction that I think they may be in, and suddenly I hear the familiar sounds of hooves pounding the ground, heading in my direction.

  Now that’s an awesome sight. As I witness one of the two horses breach the top of the hill in an all-out run heading right for me, not slowing down, I throw both arms in the air. “Whoa buddy! Whoa!” He tucks and locks both back legs underneath his long body, sliding up to me and stopping within inches of where I am standing.

  “You lug head! You spooked me, and I was about ready to run for the creek. Where’d you leave your buddies?”

  He quickly spins around and does his bowing trick allowing me to easily mount, and then we’re off.

  I can see the other horse grazing under a big pin oak tree, but no monkeys in sight. As we join back up with the other stallion I look around, still no sign of our little buddies. “Okay guys, I need to be going, maybe they’ll catch up to us later. Let’s go.” I try to turn my horse in the direction of the wall and he won’t move. “Okay, it’s going to be like this.” I lean my head back, look up as if to ask God for some help with my stubborn horse. As I look up, what do you know; I spot two monkeys asleep about twenty feet up, both sprawled out on a limb with my wine pouch hanging on a branch between the two. I start shouting, “Hey you guys wake up! Come on, we need to go!” Nothing, neither of the two move, they are completely out. Suddenly I remember how anxious they were for a drink of wine. “Are you kidding me? Are you guys drunk? That’s all I need, a couple of stone drunk spider monkeys on my hands!”

  My horse takes a few steps and stops directly beneath the lowest hanging tree branch. After an easy climb I retrieve both monkeys. I take their limp bodies and drop them in the empty apple sack. Before I tie it off to the saddle horn I peep in the burlap sack to make sure they’re okay. They’re both curled up and still sleeping soundly with what looks like smiles on their faces.

  Both horses wheel around and get into a good smooth gait heading for the Great Wall.

  * * *

  As we put the dandelion meadows behind us, I can now see a road in the near distance. The entire thruway seems to have huge live oak and sycamore trees growing down both sides of the road. The horses slow to a trot for the last quarter mile. Both horses are now high stepping in a sort of prance on our last quarter mile before intersecting with the shaded road.

  I feel movement on my left leg coming from the burlap apple sack. As I look down both spider monkeys poke their heads out. “Well hello little fellows, how are my hairy hung over friends feeling today?” They both give off a screech, and then climb out of the bag. One swings himself around to the back of the saddle, the other hangs onto the saddle horn with one hand, while rubbing his eyes with the other. “Well now, that will teach you not to drink too much wine.”

  To my surprise he reaches down and tries to untie the wine pouch. “You little rascal, no more wine for you. It says in the Bible to beware of strong drink. Nope, you’re going to get me in trouble.”

  In an attempt to take the wine pouch away from my persistent hairy friend, I notice the lamb skin is bulging like it’s full. How could this be? Samson, Nipper, Allayer, both monkeys and I have been drinking from this pouch, so how can it still be full? The story of Moses comes to mind. They walked in the wilderness for forty years and their sandals never wore out. God provided food, water and everything else they needed. Well I guess I’ve just witnessed a miracle. Come to mention it, I’ve been munching on the sweetest fruit that I have ever tasted. This all has to be the hand of God.

  The sounds of my horse’s hooves change as we step on the gold pavement. The beauty of the golden road leading under the mighty oaks is unbelievable. The limbs of the oaks and sycamores stretch out, almost touching the ground on all sides. Now with both horses walking side by side, the two monkeys jump over to the other horse. “Hey guys y’all feeling better?” They both stare ahead, as if to tell me in their own way; ‘look!’

  Through the shaded tunnel of trees, I can see a large group of people walking down this highway of gold. I feel excitement start to swell up inside me as I see what looks like a portal. Every few seconds someone walks out and they fall in behind the rest continuing toward the base of the mountain.

  Before we reach the group of people, both horses stop. The one I’m riding bows down to let me know to dismount. As I slide out of the saddle continuing to stare at the portal, my horse nudges me from behind. I turn, reach back and rub both horses behind their ears, “Well I guess this is where we say good bye, right?” One of the monkeys jumped over to my horse untied the wine pouch then tossed it on the ground. “Well I guess it is good bye. Thanks for showing me the way and providing me with such a smooth ride fellows.” Both horses swing around and the click clock of their hooves on the golden road fades as they trot away.

  I grab Samson’s wine pouch off the ground, tie it to my side and start heading further on up the road .

  As I walk past the portal, I can see the faces of the new arrivals. I remember what Allayer and Nipper told me about the folks just getting to Heaven with so many questions, and then their minds are opened and they have their answers. Yes, they were right, I can see their expressions changing from a dumfounded look to a nice smile as they realize all is well and they are now in God’s hands. I remember Allayer also saying our minds would continue to expand with knowledge after a short time being in Heaven. I wonder if he meant after we’re on the planet or inside the city of Heaven, Oh well it doesn’t matter. I’m just glad to be here.

  I continue to follow the scattered group of people slowly making their way up the golden road.

  Coming up on the base of the mountain, the trees that were paralleling the road split off as to be growing around the base of the whole mountain. As far as the eye could see, in either direction the line of trees continued.

  At the foot of the mountain, the golden road changed into a golden stairway. The stairway seemed to go for miles, right up through the low hanging clouds.

  What I was witnessing reminds me of Moses in the Holy Scripture, Exodus 24:15-18,

  “Then Moses went up into the mountain, and a cloud covered the mountain.

  Now the glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days. And on the seventh day He called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud.

  The sight of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel.

  So Moses went up into the midst of the cloud and went up into the mountain.”

  It makes me wonder if the way I feel right now is how Moses must have felt a few thousand years ago. With each step, we are getting closer and closer to the dwelling place of the Almighty God!

  As I look back at the portal, the people coming through now look like ants
as we are almost at cloud level.

  I can hear a few people having conversation as we move along. I chuckle inside as it seems they are asking some of the same questions that I pounded Allayer and Nipper with.

  As I think back over my journey I know God is so good. He gave me Allayer and Nipper for the first part, then the two little spider monkeys. Then the two wonderful stallions; Yes God is good.

  Just before we get into the clouds, I step aside as to allow everyone behind me to easily walk by. I have the sudden urge to look back over the distant landscape, and the beauty can’t be put into words. I had been at several mountain overlooks where tourists would stop and look in awe at God’s creation. It was no doubt something to see back on Earth, but this was much more. It looks like a thousand rivers and lakes scattered through colorful rolling hills with the rivers all intersecting. Tops of distant snowcapped mountains line up on each side of the golden highway. The light reflecting off the golden road gives the appearance of glass. I see thousands of large birds flying near the wall. The wall glitters as to have different kinds of stone; could that be jasper?

  Yes, I remember somewhere in Revelation, I believe around chapter 21. John the Revelator wrote, “And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of Heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.”

  I count twelve layered foundations at the bottom of the wall, at the top of each foundation it looks like several hundred feet to each edge. Each foundation glitters with all sorts of precious stones. The first is jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. John the Revelator saw this very thing in his vision. He also said, “Now the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.”


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