Heart Thief (Black Market Billionaire Book 1)

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Heart Thief (Black Market Billionaire Book 1) Page 22

by Skylar Sweeney

  “Valentine, obviously,” I said, sighing as I glanced back down the hall toward Angela’s Lab.

  Now that we were at Level 5, General Wong would be here from DC within an hour. The government would ‘find’ the black market biologicals we kept for them (because they didn’t know anything about them at all), and I’d be the one to take the fall. Not to mention that Mason would be accused of assisting 3wishes in an act of terrorism by bringing the vibrator of mass destruction into the building like the naive innocent she was.

  We were in such deep shit.

  I looked back at Mason. Screw it. If we were going to prison, we might as well enjoy our last few minutes of freedom.

  chapter NINE


  - MASON -

  I let out lusty sigh as Rex rose up from between my legs, my whole body collapsing back onto the desk, pleasure racing through me as he licked along the inside of my thigh in wet, lingering strokes.

  I smiled lazily at him as he grabbed a tissue and wiped his hand then leaned forward and kissed me deeply. I moaned at the taste of myself, and his hand wrapped around my breast—

  And Valentine's ever-cheerful voice shattered the perfect moment with psycho happiness: “As beautiful as this is, Mr. Rex, I think you’re going to want to see this.”

  I sat up with a yelp, eyes widening as Valentine stepped into the office, shutting the door behind him. I yanked down my skirt and Rex straightened up, looking more annoyed than embarrassed.

  “Seriously, Val?” he said. “Considering what we know is probably coming once the Department of Defense gets here, is it wrong to have a little fun?”

  “I wouldn’t have interrupted,” he said, honestly looking regretful. “But you really are going to want to see this.”

  Rex frowned and gestured for Val to set down the computer. I hopped off the desk, hoping the fact that I was about to die of embarrassment didn’t show on my face.

  “I took it back to 11:37,” Valentine said. “That’s four minutes before Mrs. Cho was shot. She was moving toward the building, so I assume she was already out?”

  “At lunch,” I said. “She always goes before Rex so that one of them is there if a guest arrives.”

  “No,” Rex said darkly. “She goes before me so that one of us is always there if there’s an attack on Angela’s Lab. And what’s the one thing that could get me out of the office while Cho is gone?” He chuckled, a deep scowl on his face.

  The hallway in the video was clear for about thirty seconds, then Rex rushed out, slamming through the door to the Emergency Stairwell.

  “Threatening your lady,” Val said in a dark voice. “This person’s knows what she’s doing.”

  About a minute later the stairwell door opened, and an almost scrawny (yet stunningly well endowed) woman exited. Her dark brunette hair was pulled up in an ugly ponytail, and she wore a lab coat with a King Corp logo on the pocket, along with thick glasses. Man, those were some perfect boobs she had there. Total fakes for sure. My eyes narrowed…

  “Wait a minute… is that Bambi? As in hooker Bambi?”

  Rex choked on his ego while Val simply nodded his affirmation.

  “Oh God, I saw her on the stairs,” Rex moaned, eyes squeezed shut like he was in pain. “She was in my way, and I shoved her aside so I could get by.” He walked over to the wall, punching it hard enough that I was surprised his bones didn’t crack against the concrete. Or possibly crack the concrete itself.

  Bambi glanced back and forth across the lobby, then took off down the short hallway, walking straight to Angela’s Lab.

  "Does she have the daily passcode?" I asked, and Rex frowned.

  "There is no daily passcode. It has a retina scanner. Much more effective than passcodes, especially since they are autonomous, linked directly to the classified database, not our servers."

  Valentine smiled cheerfully, and I winced, having a feeling this wasn’t going to turn out well for Rex. "Wait 'til you see how she gets past that."

  Bambi reached into her lab coat and pulled out a strange looking handheld device, waving it in front of the retina scanner.

  The door popped open and she smiled, looking much less dumb-as-fuck than she had that night at the club. Rex groaned, covering his bright red face with his hands. Someone’s manhood was having a very bad day.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  “The portable retinal scanner from the safe in my office,” Rex replied with gritted teeth. “She used it to bypass the system. The retinal scanners are uncrackable, so she cracked my safe instead. Then she used the portable scanner to unlock the built-in scanner.”

  “How did she get it?” I asked, confused, and Rex glowered and Val began giggling, clapping his hands together.

  “I love this girl. Can I have her Mr. Rex?”

  “No,” he snapped, and I frowned, having a feeling I was missing something.

  “She got the scanner when he took her to his office for fucking, Ms. Mason,” Valentine said cheerfully. “I’m guessing that using your office instead of a hotel was her idea, Mr. Rex?”

  “A brilliant assumption there, Val,” he muttered.

  “Did she also talk you into leaving her alone?” Val said, his grin growing even brighter. “Let me guess? She needed something that took just long enough to get that she was able to crack your safe?”

  “My condoms were missing from my wallet, and she didn’t have any,” Rex mumbled, and I had to cover my mouth to hold back my laughter. As much as I hated that Bambi slut, I had to admit… This was kind of funny.

  “I guess this is why Mr. Jones says you shouldn’t bring your prostitutes to the office,” Val said, cheerfully, and I couldn’t help myself.

  “Technically, she wasn’t really a prostitute,” I pointed out. “He actually brought a world renowned super hacker to the office. Totally different things.”

  Rex glared at me. “Pot, kettle, anyone?”

  I scowled. “Bet you the Undercover Vibrator was better at sex.”

  Valentine brought up a new screen, and we watched as Bambi, who I guessed was technically ‘3wishes’, moved to the back of Angela’s Lab, where a giant vault was built into the wall.

  “What’s that for?” I asked, frowning when no one answered. I sighed, tossing my hands in the air. “Will someone please tell me what’s in that damn lab already? I am getting really sick of trying to figure out what the hell this chick stole.”

  “Biological weapons,” Rex said shortly, and I gasped, my eyes going wide. “Like I said, we have contracts with the Department of Defense. King Corp creates vaccines and tests cures. The Brotherhood acquires newly developed disease strains and other various biological weapons on the black market. All at the DOD's request. And maybe a couple of other governments, too, but don't mention that to Wong.”

  “Mr. Jones will be mad at you for telling her this,” Val said, and Rex scowled.

  “Considering she’ll probably be one of the people arrested for terrorism if we can’t get back whatever that Bambi bitch took, I think she deserves to know.”

  “Arrested for terrorism?!” I cried out. “Are you joking?”

  “Don’t worry,” Rex muttered. “I’ll be tried right alongside you considering that the biological weapons contracts the government have with us are unauthorized. I’ll be the fall guy if this gets out to the media.”

  Valentine continued to type away at a screen of coding, even as we watched the video of Bambi beside it. “Okay, so it looks like Bambi used whatever device Mason brought in as a receiver so she could work on cracking Tyche like she was right here in the building. Hence the increase in recent test runs in the last week. That means since the receiver is dead now, we shouldn’t have to worry about any more infiltrations.”

  “I was never meant to do anything,” I said, feeling like an idiot. “Just get that thing in the building. They used my feelings about my brother as a way to get me to go to you for a job. No one even cared about the heart.”

  “Yeah, they’re quite the assholes,” Rex said, scowling.

  "But why me?" I asked. "Why didn't Bambi just bring the thing in when she screwed you?"

  Rex sighed. "Because you're a distraction. Whoever came up with this plan knew that nothing would make me more likely to make mistakes—like allowing Bambi in the building at all, leaving the office unguarded when Mrs. Cho was shot, and not checking the activation of a lockdown—than to involve you and Wesley. Believe it or not, thanks to my twenty years of indie military and intelligence training, I'm usually a lot more paranoid than this."

  "He really is," Val murmured, nodding.

  “What is she doing?” I asked as the image on the screen suddenly switched to inside the vault, and Bambi stopped in front of a locker, looking right at the camera. She grinned, tapped the locker, made an zero with her hand, and then winked before walking away.

  Rex made a furious sound. I frowned at him.

  “Smallpox,” he said. “That was smallpox.” He shook his head as I opened my mouth, looking pissed. “Don’t even ask.”

  “So if she’s not taking the smallpox—thank God—what is she taking?” I wondered as she slipped one of the units out and set it inside her bag.

  Rex sighed rubbing his forehead. “This is a nightmare.”

  Valentine shrugged. “It’s not as if you can’t make the stuff in a garden shed.”

  I growled. “Will someone tell me what she took?”

  “It’s Bacillus anthracis,” Valentine replied.

  “And in English that is…”

  “Anthrax,” Rex said. “She took anthrax.”

  - mason -

  “Do you really think we’re going to go to prison?” I asked softly as I cuddled up next to Rex on the couch in Sonny’s office, watching out the massive floor-to-ceiling windows as the sun rose slowly over the city. We’d spent the entire night hiding in here, wrapped in each other’s arms, while the gentlemen of the Brotherhood tried to come up with a way to keep General Wong from charging us both with treason the instant the lockdown was removed.

  Rex sighed, giving a small shrug. “I don’t know.” He hesitated, licking his lips. “There were certain…safety precautions on the lab. Things I did, personally, to make sure our city didn’t turn into a Michael Crichton flick if this hacker and whoever her partners are succeeded. Because of that, we may be okay, but since the media’s heard about the theft, Wong will need someone to blame.

  “You guys are golf buddies, right?” I said, and he chuckled.

  “He makes use of my services as a black market agent. One of those services is the understanding that I will take the fall before the client. Wong will be perfectly happy to throw me under the bus, and he won’t feel a bit guilty about it.”

  I ran my hand along Rex’s leg, and he stiffened, eyes squeezing shut for a moment.

  “Did that feel good?” I whispered, and he shot me a look.

  “Don’t tease me. I don’t like it.”

  “Oh, I bet you do,” I purred, moving my hand downward until I was stroking along the inside of his thigh. “I bet you love—”

  “No, I don’t.”

  I gasped as he wrapped his giant hands around my body, gripping me tight around the waist then literally rolling me onto the ground, his enormous body coming down on top of me as he pressed me hard against the very plush carpet.

  “It’s been a long day, Mason,” he whispered, gazing down at me with dark, lusty eyes, “and most of it’s your fault. I’m not in the mood to be teased.”

  Rex reached down slowly and tugged my blouse out of my skirt, wrenching it up over my head and pulling it off to reveal the emerald beaded bra underneath, which sparkled even in the dim lights of the classic ‘mancave’ of an office. I wouldn’t have minded if he’d spent a moment admiring it, considering it was quite glamorous and true vintage, but apparently Rex didn’t swing for the fab beaded bra team, because he yanked me up by the arms just enough to pull the bra off the same way he did my blouse—not the most comfortable way to remove a bra, but certainly efficient—and tossed it halfway across the room.

  “You don’t need that,” he said as he began to knead my breasts with his hands, massaging them and running his thumbs across my nipples, making them peak. “I like you better like this.”

  I moaned, hips thrusting up as shivers of pleasure dashed along my flesh, and Rex released my breasts, making short use of my skirt by yanking it down my legs, taking my panties with it and leaving me in nothing but my bright yellow rain boots.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he growled as he stared down at me. I started to sit up, but he pushed me back onto the carpet, grabbing me by the wrists and forcing them above my head. “Keep your arms above your head,” he said. “I’m going to teach you what happens when you tease me.”

  “I’m a pretty fast learner,” I whispered.

  “I hope not,” he replied. “Because this is going to take a very long time.”

  Rex grabbed me by the legs and lifted them up and up until they were straight in the air. He then began simultaneously spreading them apart and forcing my back to round so my legs angled toward my head, knees almost up over my shoulders. Inch by inch he maneuvered them wider and wider, like he was going to make me do the splits just so that he’d have my vagina right there, stretched out in front of him for his viewing pleasure.

  “I’m going to fold you in half, baby,” he said in a normal, friendly voice, but there was nothing normal about the need in his eyes or friendly about the lusty way he pushed my legs further back and wider apart, the pressure increasing more and more with every stretch until it was just on the edge of pain, and all I wanted to do was thrust my hips and beg him to press himself deep inside the dark pink hole we could both see clearly with my body pressed like this.

  The cool air of the room chilled my cunt, which was wet and almost dripping, exposed there for all to see.

  When I was stretched so far I couldn’t imagine going any farther, my legs truly almost in splits and my boots practically past my head, he reached down and directed my arms upward toward my legs.

  “Hold these, beautiful. Hold them while I tease you.”

  I moaned as Rex’s hands dropped down to my vagina and he began to pinch my lips, making me whimper at the sting as he twisted and played with my flesh. After a moment his fingers slipped inside me, and need for me ripped through me.

  “Nice,” he murmured as I thrust my hips, trying to impale myself deeper on those big fingers of his. “I love how you’re so desperate for me.”

  “Give me more,” I said, gazing up at those wicked brown eyes of his. “Fuck me.”

  “Now, Mason, what have we learned about teasing?” Rex asked, and I let out a choked laugh, my whole body quivering with need.

  “Not to?”

  “That’s not a very good answer, Mason. I’m not impressed. You must need more teaching.”

  Rex reached out and began to play the parts of me so proudly displayed for his pleasure, pressing apart my labia and running his thumb along my clit. I cried out and thrust my hips at him, gripping tightly at my legs, which wanted so badly to slip back to I could thrust freely.

  “Please, Rex! Fuck me already!”

  “Told you not to tease me, Mason,” he muttered as he slid two fingers inside me. “I’m a bad man. You knew that. You should have done what I said.”

  I moaned as he began to fuck me rapidly with those enormous fingers of his. Together they were as big as Luke’s dick, which wasn’t saying much for him but said a lot about Rex’s fingers--especially since they were a thousand times more skilled.

  “I need more,” I panted, nails digging into my own flesh as I tugged at my legs. I wanted so badly to reach out and grab him, yank him toward me…

  “Nope,” Rex said, pulling out his fingers and climbing to his feet. “You stay just like that, spread wide for me to see. I need a drink.”

  I make a sound somewhere between dismay and laughter, clenching my whol
e body to stay in the awkward and exceptionally revealing position he’d put me in as he stood and walked across the room, grabbing a bottle from Sonny’s wet bar.

  I glanced down, watching as my pussy twitched, red and wanting, desperate to know where the hell our favorite cock had gone.

  “Rex, pleeease,” I called out as he slowly sipped at the glass. I humped the air, desperate for some release, my thighs burning from helping my hands support my legs. “Please, please, please,” I whined, not caring that I sounded like a pitiful brat begging for more.

  “Getting a little desperate there, Mase?” he asked, sounding amused, and my face went red. “Beg a little more, explain to me what you’re not going to do, and maybe we can finish this.” He reached down and unzipped his pants, where his enormous cock was bulging.

  I whined, hands almost dropping my legs as I watched him caress his shaft up and down, the tip red and already leaking cum.


  “Please,” I whispered, feeling a little humiliated and a lot aroused. “Please, please, please come and fuck me. I can’t stand you just looking at me like that. I need you to fuck me. I’ll never tease you again, I swear.”

  Rex set down his glass and walked slowly back toward me, cock bouncing with each step, the man standing tall and proud. He dropped back down in front of me and leaned forward, pressing my arms back above my head and letting my legs drop onto his massive shoulders. I sighed in relief as the burn in my thighs began to dissipate, and shivered as the burn between my legs increased.

  “You’ll never tease me again, huh?” he said. “Then what will you do instead? What would you have done today, Mason, instead of putting your hands all over me?”

  I swallowed hard, images flashing through my mind. “I’ll put my head in your lap, I’ll put my face on your cock. I’ll rub it against you inside your pants, feeling through the fabric as you get hard against my cheeks and lips. I’ll pull my breasts out so you can see them. If your Brothers are there, I’ll show them, too,” I added, having a feeling that would turn him on. He and his Brothers were pretty close, after all.


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