Heart Thief (Black Market Billionaire Book 1)

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Heart Thief (Black Market Billionaire Book 1) Page 23

by Skylar Sweeney

  Rex groaned, and I wriggled between his legs, needing so bad for him to touch me.

  “Then, once you’re hard, that’s when I’ll make your Brothers leave. After they’ve all seen my breasts and watched me massage your cock with my face.”

  “Tell me more,” Rex whispered, dropping his head down and running his tongue along my breast. “More, Mason. What will you do once I’m hard?”

  “I’ll get down on my knees in front of you while you open your pants.” I moaned loudly as he bit down gently around my areola, using his tongue to toy with my nipple.

  “I’ll open my mouth as wide as I can and wait for you to put it all in. All at once, all the way to the balls. I’ll try not to pull away, but if I can’t stop myself, you’ll be there to help me. You’ll push me back down, give me the strength to take it all, until I feel the tip of your dick up against the back of my throat. Then I’ll swallow and suck and swallow and suck while you thrust in and out and in and—”

  I let out a scream as Rex’s cock shoved deep inside me without warning, slamming into my soaking wet hole as far as it could go.”

  “Buried like that?” he hissed, and I moaned, nodding rapidly.

  “Yes! Yes, just like that!” I tried to thrust, but he had me pressed hard to the ground, his muscular body trapping me so that he could remain buried deep.

  “Just. Like. This,” he said along with small thrusts that drew him out no more than a half an inch before slamming back in. It was like being so happily full, then getting a little hungry and being stuffed with delicious food again. But I wanted more.

  “Harder,” I ordered, glaring up at him. “Go harder!”

  “M’am, yes, m’am,” Rex muttered, then he threw back his head and cried out as he pulled his hips back until only his tip was caught inside me. The emptiness made me shudder for more, and I had it a second later when he slammed back in hard enough to make a slapping sound.

  Again and again he thrust hard and deep, and I began to slam my fists on the ground, eyes squeezed shut as the painful pleasure brought me closer and closer to the edge.

  “Need more,” I moaned in frustration. The pleasure was so very close, moments away, and yet it just wouldn’t come. Why wouldn’t it come? I needed…

  I screamed as Rex picked me up at the waist and sat up, taking me with him, still deeply impaled on his cock. He thrust upward into me, angling the motion in a way that very gently brushed my cervix without really striking it. The sensation was overwhelming, and I cried out as the orgasm washed over me, digging my nails deep into his shoulders.

  I had enough sense left that I wanted desperately to take him with me, so I shivered and clamped myself as tight as I could on his cock.

  He grunted and gave one more massive thrust before crying out, a huge grin spreading across his face.

  I collapsed and he wrapped his big arms around me, holding me up as I panted against him.

  For several minutes we sat there, enjoying the warmth of one another’s bodies as we basked in the afterglow, until finally I spoke, voice husky and laughter on my tongue.

  “I think that’s actually better than teasing.”

  He chuckled and lifted me into his arms, picking me up off the floor and carrying me back to the couch, where he settled me down gently.

  “You must lift some serious weights,” I said with a small smile, and Rex chuckled.

  “When you’re a teenaged boy who cries at the sight of a pricked finger, you have to do something to make yourself seem manly.”

  “Ah,” I said, nodding. “That explains it.”

  Rex moved back to the wet bar, grabbing the bottle and two glasses, while I took the blanket Sonny had left for us and wrapped it around myself, kicking off my bright yellow boots.

  I took the glass from Rex, snuggling up against him as he settled down beside me.

  This was so perfect. Or it would be, if it weren’t for Bambi’s little act of bodily-solicitation-meets-terrorism.

  “I really hope they find her,” I said, wishing I’d slapped the slut when I had the chance.

  Rex shook his head. “Or figure out who she’s working with. I really don’t think she’s in it alone. The person behind this knew too much about me that I’ve never put on the net for the singular reason that I didn’t want cunts like 3wishes finding it. Plus she was apparently the one paying Kansas, so there has to be someone she was protecting you from.”

  "You think it's someone she's working with?" I said, frowning. "Why would one person on the team want me hurt and the other want me protected?"

  Rex frowned. "They probably realized that killing you would seriously fuck me up in the head, but 3wishes is a Robin Hood, so she probably felt she had to keep you safe."

  I nodded. "That makes sense, though I don't know who the hell would have any idea that you would care about me being hurt. I certainly didn't."

  Rex frowned. "Yeah, that's why I still think there's an inside man. This person knows too much about me."

  "And you're sure it's not Wesley?" I said carefully, wincing when anger crossed his face.

  "It's not Wes. He's messed up, but he's not a terrorist."

  I nodded slowly, not entirely sure I believed that, but knowing better than to try and argue. “I still can’t believe Wesley is your brother. I would never have put two and two together, not with the way he talked about his father versus how you do.”

  Rex stiffened, turning his head so that we were fully facing each other. “What do you mean when you say that?” he asked slowly.

  I shrugged. “When we met up, he gave me a story about how his father worked at King Corp and helped develop the heart. He claimed that it was supposed to go to his dad, but you stole it, firing his dad from the company so that you could have it. He wanted me to take it back for. Or that’s what he said. Obviously it wasn’t true.”

  Rex stared at me long enough that I started to wonder if I had semen on my face, then he made a frustrated sound and slapped a hand across his own face hard enough to make me wince.

  “I’m such a fool! How could I have not seen this before? Probably because my dad and Wes haven’t actually talked in something like eight years, but I shouldn’t have put anything beyond that bastard. I should have known the second I realized both you and Wesley had been pulled into this mess that he had something to do with this! Who else would my brother be so afraid of? And who else would he do such crazy things just to please?" He dropped his head back, rubbing at his eyes.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, feeling completely lost, and Rex growled.

  “It’s Avery. He’s the one behind this. I should have known when Wes was too afraid to talk to me! Not to mention when it looked like there was a hit out on you. He used to say he would put a hit on any girl I dated to prove my balls were too small to protect her like a real man would. The psychotic shithead. No offense to Val, because Avery is so much worse.”

  “You really think your father organized all this?” I furrowed my brow. “From what you've said about him, I can see him doing crazy shit like ordering a hit on me and putting the fear of God into Wesley for the fun of it—but why would an American Senator want anthrax?”

  Rex laughed bitterly. “For the exact reason Bambi said: It’s worth the risk to reap the representation. Representation.” I shook my head, and he sighed. “Avery is Chairman of the Counter Bio-Terrorism Committee. There’s a vote coming up on whether or not to increase or reduce funding for the committee. If it’s increased, King Corp will gain more contracts. If it decreases, we’ll lose some. Avery is a major shareholder in the company--under the table, of course. Wouldn’t want to seem biased.”

  “And so he wants the anthrax for…?”

  “A scare, I’m guessing,” Rex replied, face sour. “That’s the only thing I can think of, anyway. Hell, knowing him and his love of media, the son of a bitch is might even snort the stuff himself then head straight to the local hospital, where anthrax cure is readily available. He’d be fine
, but imagine the attention it would stir up. Avery and his little committee would be all over the news. Bambi Hood probably thinks she’s helping keep the country safe from terrorism, while in reality Avery just wants to up his profits and become more famous.”

  “That’s insane,” I said, meaning it literally. “Who would infect themselves with a deadly agent just for money and fame?”

  Rex gave me a look. “Considering the deadly agent has a cure, most of America probably would. Honestly, it sounds like something they’d do on reality TV.”

  I blinked. The man had a point.

  Rex stood, tossing back the last of his drink. “Get your clothes on, gorgeous. We have a politician to destroy.”

  - rex -

  “…I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride! I’m WANTED—waaaaaanted—dead or alive!”

  I winced as I heard Valentine belting out Bon Jovi lyrics that applied to Mason and I more than I liked.

  “He’s got a great voice,” Mason said as we walked down the hallway toward the server room. “Such a nice kid, too.”

  I started to laugh, then came to a frightened halt when I realized she wasn’t joking.

  “Mason,” I said slowly, “you are aware that he is a psychopath, right? I mean that literally.”

  She rolled her eyes, waving the words away. “I get it—you all had your crazy super training, Valentine included. And he had some mental issues. That doesn’t mean he’s not a nice kid.”

  I grimaced, shaking my head slowly. “I mean that he’s actually been committed for—you know what? Nevermind. We’ll discuss it later. In the meantime, please never agree to go to his home. Or let him clip your fingernails.” I opened the door to the main server room, and Valentine spun in his chair, turning his back on a wall of screens showing everything from Sonny's office surveillance—he better not have watched us fuck—to what I’m pretty sure was Ke$ha in her bedroom.

  “Hey, Mr. Rex,” he said in his usual cheerful voice while he flashed his evil little grin of happy. Or maybe his happy little grin of evil? They were remarkably similar. “I did a little research while you two were riding the elevator down, and it looks like you’re right that Avery is the one behind this. I found the hit for Mason posted on the Dark Web, and it definitely came from him. Also, it looks like he and Luke have been getting chatty chatty for the past few months.”

  “What?!” Mason said, her mouth dropping open in disbelief.

  Valentine nodded. “Yeah, I think that’s where Luke got the information about the bio-heart to feed you. None of our lawyers know anything about our classified R&D projects.”

  “Asshole,” I muttered, scowling. Limpy Luke working with my father. Well, they had one thing in common at least—the part that refused to rise.

  “Can I kill him dead?” Valentine said, eyes flashing as he flashed his teeth.

  “No,” I replied shortly as Mason made a frightened noise. Apparently she hadn’t seen Val’s more murderous side yet.

  His face fell, the twinkle vanishing from his green eyes with the realization he wasn’t going to get the chance to nail someone to a wall. Poor kid.

  “Do we have any info on what Avery may do with the anthrax?” I asked, and Valentine shrugged.

  “Spray it in his own face? Release it on a school bus? Something in between? I don’t suppose we could just kill him and take it back?”

  I shook my head. “Mason and I were the ones who gave access to Bambi, so if we want to convince Wong to let us off, we need to give him someone else to blame it on.”

  “Someone like Avery,” Val finished, nodding.

  “This is his fault, and we’re going to take him down for it.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out the short speech I’d scribbled together while Mason cleaned up and got dressed. “I need you to put this together for me. Can you do that?”

  Valentine studied it for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, I can find most of these words from files online. But some of them… if you want it to pass voice recognition, I’ll need them straight from the bitch’s mouth.”

  “That’s not going to be a problem,” I said, tossing Mason a smile. She smiled back, looking a little wary.

  “So what is the plan, exactly?” she asked.

  “We’re going to make Avery admit to stealing the anthrax,” I said, flashing her a grin. “In a way where none of his connections will matter. He’ll be spending the rest of his life in prison.”

  “Prison is boring,” Valentine informed us. “Especially in North Korea. That’s why I broke out.”

  Mason blinked as she followed me out of the room. “Um, is this, by any chance, a story you could actually tell me? Because I would definitely love to hear it.”

  “Another time,” I muttered. “Come on,” I said, leading her back to the elevators. “I’m going to take you someplace special, m’lady.”

  She laughed, eyebrows shooting up. “That’s some quick recovery.”

  I chuckled. “Oh, I could go again, but this isn’t that kind of special place. We’re going to the land of misfit toys.”

  Her brow furrowed up as we stepped into the elevator and I began hitting buttons for a variety of floors. First six, then one, then eighteen, then twelve, then thirty.

  “Are we doing a tour of floors divisible by the number six?” Mason said dryly, and I winked as I hit number twenty-four and the elevator lurched to a start, heading down. And down. And down, until we were well below the basement garage.

  “Where is this?” Mason questioned, obviously noting that the elevator showed no floor.

  “This is the Big Vault,” I said, stepping out when the doors opened into a small room with a giant vault door.

  I stuck my hand to the fingerprint scanner as the retina scanner did its best to blind me.

  “Identity confirmed: Bennett, Rex. Access granted.”

  The lock popped, and I shoved the very heavy vault open, gesturing for Mason to enter.

  “Wow,” she whispered as she stepped inside. “This is the big vault.”

  I nodded as I glanced around the room, which was at least the size of two gymnasiums and was stuffed full of everything from black market artifacts to thousands of dollars in non-sequential, unmarked bills to the thing I’d come here for today:


  “This way,” I said, leading Mason toward the separate section of the vault created for the storage of biologicals. I entered the code to the safe, stepping in and opening up the proper locker, removing a small vial covered in orange ‘TOXIC’ stickers.

  “What is that?” Mason whispered, like the stuff might hear her and burst out of the vial, providing her with a quick death.

  “It’s what we’re going to use to catch the fucker I once called ‘father’ in the act,” I said, smirking. “It’s anthrax.”

  “What?” Mason said, looking completely lost, and I grinned at the frustration in her voice. She was obviously getting tired of being out of the loop. “How does more anthrax than he already has help us catch him? Are we going to frame him for a crime that he’s already done?”

  “Something like that,” I said with a chuckle.

  She scowled, crossing her arms over her chest. “There’s still something you’re not tell me about this, isn’t there?”

  “Not at all,” I lied. Truthfully, I simply didn’t trust that Mason, practically the worst liar I’d ever known, would be able to pull this off if she knew everything. “Well, there is one thing…”

  “What’s that?” Mason asked, and I made a sheepish face, holding up the tube.

  “I’m going to need you to stick this deadly biological weapon between your tits.”

  - mason -

  “It will work,” Rex stressed to General Wong over his phone as the Pinto chugged down the highway as fast as it could manage. I hadn’t realized these junk heaps could break a hundred miles per hour, yet somehow we’d made it to DC in barely four hours. “You get your people there and let me worry about the details. Yes. Yes, I do understand
, sir. Thank you, Marshall. Please let Mrs. Cho know I’m praying for her.”

  “What did he say?” I asked as he hung up, and Rex sighed.

  “He’s on board, but leery. I think the idea of being known as the one who took down a dirty Senator has his ego hooked.”

  “Someone’s got itty manparts,” I murmured, and Rex snorted.

  “How long until we’re there?” I shifted around, still feeling the after effects of our little ‘lesson’ this morning. “It feels like we’ve been on the road forever.” I popped a pretzel in my mouth, suckling the salt.

  “Did I mention teasing is illegal?” Rex said, and I giggled.

  “You’re a criminal, right? Why should I follow the rules?”

  “Um, because I’ll throw you down and teach you what happens to bad girls if you don’t? We should be there soon.” Rex paused. “Mason, I wanted to talk to you about something before we go any farther than this.”

  I glanced at his sharply. “By ‘go any farther’, I’m assuming you’re not talking about our road trip?”

  He shook his head, fingers tightening on the steering wheel, which I only just noticed had a Ghostbusters cover on it. “I mean us.”

  My lips tightened, and I crossed my arms protectively over my chest. How exactly did he think you could go farther than proclaiming love in an elevator and making crazy sex in an office while wearing rainboots?

  “There’s one issue we’re kind of avoiding,” he said, glancing over at me. “Your brother.”

  My shoulders tightened, and I dropped my eyes to my seatbelt, tugging at it awkwardly just for something to do. “Franklin’s gone,” I said, my voice cracking on the words. “You’re here.”

  “You never got your revenge,” Rex said, and I slumped down, blinking rapidly.

  “It was stupid anyway. Never gonna work. I just wanted…” I bit my lip.

  “What, Mason? What did you want?”

  I shrugged, swallowing hard. “A reason to live?”

  Rex nodded slowly. “I understand that feeling. If I lost Wesley…” He shook his head, grimacing. “Visiting a memorial wouldn’t do it for me. I’d have to kill the person who hurt him.”


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