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Hearts of Emerald Bay

Page 13

by D G Barnes

  “Sorry,” she said, giving Mac a quick peck. “It’s my agent. I need to get this.”

  She retrieved her phone and put it to her ear. “George! Hey! What’s up?”

  “Hi, Dana,” the familiar voice said. There was a pause before he spoke again. “Where are you? What’s all that noise?”

  “I am a hundred feet in the air. Stuck at the top of a broken-down Ferris wheel.”

  “Oh, my god! Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, we’re all fine. They’ll have us down shortly.”

  “Good to hear. Anyway, I called with some good news for you.” George sounded excited.

  “Do tell!” A knot of anticipation grew in her stomach.

  “You’ve been nominated for the Romantic Novel of the Year in the category of Contemporary Romantic Novel at this year’s Atlantic Canada Literary Awards!”

  “Really? Wow. I don’t know what to say,” she said, smiling at Mac who looked at her questioningly.

  Dana listened while George filled her in on all the details of the ceremony, which would take place in Halifax in the coming days. She said goodbye to George, then glanced down at the crowd of people milling about and spotted Ellie and Monica sitting on a nearby bench. As she watched the two teens sitting close together, Ellie took Monica’s hand in hers and shifted a bit to face her friend. Dana held her breath, and her stomach tightened wondering if what she thought was about to happen would. Oh, how she wished she could read lips. Then, as if on cue, each girl leaned in slowly until their lips met. Dana’s heart swelled with happiness for them, and she breathed a soft aww.

  She sat back and stared out over the water at the pale moon. Should she tell Mac what she witnessed on the bench below? Or should she let Ellie tell her on her own terms? After all, she was sort of spying on the teen. Maybe she should keep it to herself for now. Yeah, that would be best.

  “Dana? Is everything okay?”

  A warm hand touched her arm and brought her back to the here and now. “Huh? Oh, yes. Fine.” Dana giggled. “Just lost in thought.” She went on to explain the award ceremony and her nomination. The whole time though, knowing of Ellie and Monica’s kiss and not telling Mac nagged at her.

  “That’s wonderful; congrats. I hope you win.” Mac sounded as excited as she felt about it.

  “Thanks, I appreciate that. I would love it if you and Ellie could come with me. Be my plus two?” She took Mac’s hand and kissed her knuckles.

  “I would be happy to, and I bet Ellie will be too. But we will need to find a sitter for Max.” She bounced the bunny on her knee.

  Dana laughed and took a quick glance back down at Ellie and Monica who were standing now but still holding hands. The girls were looking up and spotted her as she peered over the side, and they waved wildly at her. About to return the wave, the Ferris wheel lurched, and a thunderous cheer went up from the stranded riders.

  Safely back on terra firma, Dana and Mac met up with the girls, and they found a spot on a grassy hill looking over the water where the fireworks would soon start. Dana snuggled close to Mac for added warmth against the cool night air, wishing she had brought a sweater.

  “Cold?” Mac put an arm around her and rubbed her upper arm. “The fireworks will start any minute now, then we can get out of here.”

  “I’m fine. You’re all I need to keep me warm.” It was true; Mac made her feel warm and safe. She loved being around her; she loved everything about her really, and the way she made her body feel when she was near. Well, she loved that too. Whoa! Did she just use the word love? She gave herself a shake as Mac gasped.

  “What?” Dana sat up straight and glanced around for something amiss. Not immediately seeing anything, she looked to Mac and followed her gaze to a spot several meters away where two young girls sat side-by-side on the grass. They had their arms around each other’s waist and were sharing little kisses. Dana sighed as she watched Ellie and Monica, lost in a world of their own. She also felt a weight lifted from her shoulders now that Mac knew, and she no longer had to feel guilty for keeping what she had seen from her.

  “Holly crap!” Mac finally managed to whisper.

  Dana chuckled. “I think they make a cute couple.”

  Mac’s brow furrowed, and her eyes flashed. “She’s only 14. Well, 15 in a month. But still,” She protested and looked back to where the girls sat, now looking toward the harbor where the fireworks would soon come to life.

  “Relax, Mac; it's just a crush,” she said and kissed her cheek. “I doubt they are making plans to elope.”

  “You’re probably right.” Then she gave a snort. “Huh! I guess mom was right too!”

  “Of course, we’re right. We’re both very intelligent women.” She poked Mac’s arm.

  “And I’m not?”

  “You are a super sexy redhead who is a terrific bartender and is doing a magnificent job of raising her adorable and talented niece.” Dana mimicked Ellie and placed many little kisses on Mac’s lips.

  Mac took her face in her hands and nipped at her lower lip. “You’re avoiding the question, young lady.”

  But before Dana could respond, a brilliant flash lit up the sky and a tremendous bang reverberated over the landscape as the first firework of the night exploded above a cheering crowd, sending streams of multi-colored lights drifting earthward.

  They sat, snuggled together, and watched as the little rockets took flight, many shooting straight up in silence before exploding into a brilliant star of light while others whirled in a spiral, screaming as they climbed skyward only to shatter and rain down in a million sparkling bits. Reds, yellows, blues, and greens reflected on the waters of Emerald Bay much to the delight of the couples and families that sat around the large viewing area.

  As the spectacle reached its climax, the air filled with a cacophony of sounds and a multitude of shapes and colors. Dana saw the clouds of smoke drifting away with each flash of light, and a faint smell of sulfur filled her nose. When the last explosion faded away, she turned to Mac and captured her mouth with her own. She held the kiss, enjoying the warmth of it and the feel of Mac’s hands on her back. After a moment, she pulled back and gazed into the green eyes that sparkled from the lights of the nearby bandstand.

  “Thanks for today. It was truly wonderful.”

  Mac smiled and dipped in for another kiss. “My pleasure,” she said and pushed an errant hair behind Dana’s ear. “How about we round up the girls, then back to my place for a nightcap?”

  “Umm. Sounds wonderful,” Dana purred.

  They quickly located Ellie and Monica and made their way to the Jeep. After a short drive, they stopped in front of a single level rancher not too far from the fairgrounds. The property was neat and clean but in need of updating and repairs. Dana guessed Monica’s family probably didn’t have much. Ellie walked Monica to the door and after a couple of minutes, kissed her goodnight. The two adults giggled softly, pretending they saw nothing when she returned. The drive back to Mac’s was quiet, and when they arrived, Ellie said her goodnights and went to bed.

  Dana plopped down on the sofa after kicking off her sneakers and rubbed her tired feet. Mac was soon beside her, handing her a glass of wine. “Mmm, thanks.” She took a big sip. Then, to Mac’s utter amazement, she downed the rest of it. Taking Mac’s glass from her, she set it on the coffee table. Dana shifted her position and straddled Mac’s thighs.

  “I didn’t come here for a nightcap,” Dana said, her voice husky. Being so close to Mac all day had her in a state. The touches and the kisses had her body thrumming, and now that they were finally alone, she couldn’t wait anymore. She wanted her. Now!

  “No?” Mac said, her hands finding Dana’s hips and moving under her shirt.

  Fire shot through her, and the delicious heat in her belly moved downwards. “No. You started something in my bathroom earlier. Now I need you to finish it.” Her mouth found Mac’s and there was an urgency in their kiss. God how she loved the feel of her mouth, her lips, her tongue. She
explored and savored every inch, every moment, not wanting to stop until she felt Mac pulling her shirt up her torso. She sat back, raising her arms.

  “This has to go,” Mac said in a hot, raspy voice as she rid her of the shirt and tossed it to the floor. Mac leaned forward and pressed her face into Dana’s cleavage, kissing the exposed creamy smooth skin. Dana murmured, and tangling her fingers in the long red hair and pulled her in. Without taking her mouth away, Mac undid the lacy blue bra and pushed the straps from Dana’s shoulders, letting the garment fall away.

  Mac sat back and took in Dana’s exposed breasts, then she cupped them and looked up at her. “You’re beautiful,” she whispered. Mac squeezed her breasts gently and traced circles over her nipples with her thumbs. They were sensitive and little needles of pleasure pulsed through her, heightening the desire she already felt.

  “Oh, god, Mac,” she croaked, her mouth dry.

  “You like that?” Mac asked. “Then how about this?” She leaned in and took a pointed nipple into her mouth, chasing it with her tongue. She focused her attention on one, then switched to the other only to come back to the first one.

  Dana’s body quivered, and she rolled her hips against Mac, desperately looking for something to quell the ache she felt. Sensing Dana’s need, Mac pulled at the button of her Capris. “Stand,” she commanded. “These need to go too.” She obeyed without question, and soon the pants lay in a pool at her feet. She stepped out of them, and Mac quickly had her kneeling again. Their mouths met in a hungry kiss as Mac's hand slipped into Dana’s underwear.

  “You’re soaked,” Mac whispered against her mouth.

  Dana groaned. “You did that to me,” she said and rocked her hips in rhythm with soft caresses. Their pace increased, and Dana had to grip Mac’s shoulders for support, the pressure building, bringing her ever closer. Mac’s thumb found the spot where she needed it most. She rubbed small circles and then withdrew, and Dana whimpered at the loss of contact.

  “Mac.” It was a plea. Mac answered by sliding inside her. Dana bucked and cried out as Mac withdrew. She slid in again and pulled back. Dana was going wild, and she buried her face in Mac’s neck, her body burning with need. “God, Mac, please. Make me come.”

  Mac took mercy. Her thumb quickly found the spot, and with only a few light circles of pressure, Dana fell over the precipice into sweet oblivion. Holding Mac tight, she rode out the series of intense aftershocks that hit her.

  As Dana recovered, Mac stroked her gently, slowly bringing her down. She didn’t move from where she was, choosing instead to kiss Mac’s neck and enjoy the pleasant sensations of her touch.

  After a few moments, Dana straightened. “We should go to your bedroom. Max is watching us.” She nodded toward the fuzzy blue bunny that sat on the coffee table where she had put it earlier.

  Mac stood and took the hand she offered. Safely in Mac’s room and with only the glow of a bedside light to see by, Dana stood in front of Mac. She wanted this woman, craved her. She wanted to undress her as if she was opening a special gift. When Mac reached for the buttons of her shirt, Dana took her hands and placed them at her sides. “No,” she whispered. “Let me.” Mac nodded and stood still, her own eyes hooded with desire. Her hands trembled with nervous excitement, and she worked each button until Mac’s shirt hung open. Catching Mac’s eyes, she grinned, then pushed her hands under the shirt and eased it over her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

  She gave Mac a soft kiss on her lips before moving to her neck and tracing her tongue along its length. She kissed her shoulder and to the tops of her magnificent breasts. Pulling away for just a moment, she admired Mac’s beauty. “Damn,” she murmured. Not wanting to wait any longer to have her naked, Dana dropped to her knees. She freed the button on Mac’s jeans and lowered the zipper. Tugging them over her hips, she let gravity do the rest before helping Mac step out of them.

  Dana placed both hands on Mac’s flat, tight abdomen and caressed the skin before moving them to her hips. She placed a kissed just above the waistband of her panties and sucked on the flesh as her thumbs pushed the panties down. Mac quivered beneath her mouth. The heat of her skin radiated, and the scent of her arousal filled her nostrils. She gently pushed Mac’s thighs apart and swiped once with her tongue, right where she knew Mac would be most sensitive. She wasn’t disappointed with Mac’s response. A loud gasp and a hand to the back of her head told her she had done well.

  She stood and made short work of Mac’s bra before guiding her to the bed and easing her down. Moving beside her, she captured her mouth with her own as she gently massaged a breast. There was hunger in their kiss and their mouths mashed together and tongues danced. Dana broke the kiss and moved her mouth to an erect nipple, sucking it into her mouth and dragging her teeth not so gently across it. Mac arched up and groaned, but Dana wasn’t finished, not yet. She moved to the other breast and repeated the action for only a moment.

  “I need to taste you,” she whispered before kissing her way downward.

  Dana found the spot she had been before and set to her task. She adjusted her position to match what Mac’s body was telling her she needed. Dana reveled in the sounds coming from above, and she had to steal a peek as she worked to pleasure her. With her eyes closed tight and her mouth opened, Mac’s head thrashed on the pillow. Dana took her entirely into her mouth and slid a finger deep inside. It was all Mac needed to send her skyrocketing into orgasmic bliss. She pushed her hips off the bed and cried out Dana’s name.

  She held onto Mac and eased her down gently. After a time, Dana crawled up beside her and watched her for a moment. Her eyes remained closed, and Dana followed her chest with each rise and fall, the thin film of sweat shimmering in the lamplight. Finally, Mac’s eyes fluttered open, and she turned to look at her, giving her that killer smile.

  “You like?” Dana asked, kissing her softly.

  “Un-huh.” Mac purred. “The undressing thing you did to me was almost my undoing.”

  She chuckled and snuggle in. “Yeah? It was kind of a spur of the moment thing.”

  “Lucky me.” Mac wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.

  “I’m the lucky one. That, what you did to me in the living room. Wow!”

  “I rather enjoyed doing that to you. I’ll have to do it more often.”

  Dana moaned at the thought. “You won’t hear me complain.”

  “I didn’t think so.” Mac kissed her forehead.

  They lay in each other’s arms, Dana’s head on her shoulder, until they both drifted off into a blissful sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rhonda hadn’t lied when she said foot traffic picked up during Lobster Days Festival. Today, the busy sidewalks of Main Street, Emerald Bay, were reminiscent of downtown Halifax during a warm summer’s night. The street itself was something to see on its own. Vibrant banners celebrating the festival flew from lamp posts designed in a classic style. Ornate stone planters, which overflowed with colorful flowers, dotted the cement sidewalks, their light gray in contrast to the red brick inlay that ran along their edge.

  Every shop had its front door propped open, and placards sat outside with advertisements for specials to lure customers in. From what Dana could tell from her vantage point inside Between the Covers, the signs were working. She wondered how busy The Rusty Anchor was. A quick check of her phone told her it was nearly twelve-thirty, and hungry tourists probably filled every table there. Mac would be behind the bar with Ricky for the rest of the afternoon. Mac had told her that morning as they lay in bed that the tavern would be non-stop for the rest of the weekend.

  The sensation of something warm and wet caressing her ear had drawn Dana from her dreamless sleep. She had opened her eyes only to close them quickly when the bright light of the morning sun greeted her. Turning her head, she tried her eyes again. Better, much, much better. This time it was brilliant green eyes and a sexy grin that met her.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” Mac said softly. “
Sleep well?”

  “Un-huh.” She yawned as she stretched. “Like a baby, and a good morning to you too.”

  Mac moved closer and brushed her lips against Dana’s. It wasn’t really a kiss but rather a hint of something to come. Whatever it was, it caused her breath to hitch and sent a tingle through her body, a trace of anticipation exciting her. Their lips pushed together in a languid kiss. Mac’s hand moved under the sheets and rested on her belly. Dana moaned, the anticipation building. Her hand moved downward, and Dana spread her legs, giving her unfettered access.

  Skilled fingers caressed sensitive flesh, and soon Mac brought her to the edge only to bring her back, then to the edge again before finally pushing her over. Dana shuddered, and held Mac tight, never breaking the kiss until the last of it faded away.

  She pulled back and studied Mac for a moment. Those eyes she couldn’t get enough of, her red hair, now loose and hanging. “Wow!”

  “Wow?” Mac grinned.

  “Yeah, wow!” Dana said and tapped her nose with a finger. “You made me come so easily. Not that I’m complaining or anything. It’s a wonderful way to start a morning.” Dana leaned over and kissed her.

  “Yes, it is, and speaking of starting my morning, I need to do that right now.” Mac gave her a kiss on the nose before moving to get up.

  “But, I want to pleasure you too.” Dana whined and stuck out her bottom lip in a pout.

  Mac chuckled. “I would love nothing more, but I do need to get to work. It will be a madhouse today. Rain check on the whole pleasuring me thing? Maybe tonight? Ellie will be away for the weekend for her grandfather Stanley’s party.”

  “Okay.” She sighed in resignation.

  “Great. I’m going to take a quick shower and then make us breakfast.” Mac padded over to the robe that hung on the bedroom door.

  Dana followed her with her eyes, drinking in her sexy body. “Nice ass. Can I join you in the shower? You know, in an effort to save water and stuff.”


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