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Never Give You Up (Snakes Henchmen Book 3)

Page 21

by Alivia Grayson

  I don't technically have to work I have plenty of money of my own. When my uncle died, he left all of his millions to Avery, Draven, and me. Draven and I might not have been his children, but he loved us as if we were.

  However, that's not to say I've ever been lazy. I may have been forced to give up my job when my brother first found out about Jett and me. Hell, he forced me to give up everything, but I know I can go back to work whenever I'm ready to do so.

  I might even go back to school and get my degree in childcare. I love children, and I would do anything to help them in any way they needed. Childcare, nursing, even child psychology. Although, I don't know if I could listen to the awful things some kids go through.

  Who knows, but it sounds like a good idea to me, school, childcare. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

  “Why do you look so down, babe?” Brooke shrugs without looking at me. She seems so very down today. I've never seen her like this before, she's always so bubbly, usually.

  I know my best friend has a tough home life with all of her family. Not one of them isn't racist. Apart from her sister, but Brooke isn't allowed to see her anymore at all. I know that hurts her. I also know it's killing her keeping her relationship with Hawk a secret from her family. She's very proud of him. There is no reason she should ever be ashamed of him.

  However, this poor girl doesn't come from a family where she can go to them and tell them of her love for a man of color. It doesn't matter how white that man looks, but it's evident to anyone with eyes that man is of black heritage. He's also a handsome son-of-a-bitch, incredibly so.

  “Brooke. Talk to me.” I take her hand in mine. She's sitting beside me on my bed, both our backs against the headboard.

  “I've just been thinking a lot these past few days.”

  “About what?”

  I stroke my thumb rhythmically over the back of her hand. She drops her head back and lets out a long puff of air. “I can't do this for much longer, Maria. Sneaking around all the time, lying to my family, it's killing me.” She turns her head to the side and looks at me. “I don't want to be without Hawk, but my father will never let me leave.”

  “Brooke, if you want to be with Hawk, there is nothing he and the MC, even my brother should I ask it of him wouldn't do to make that happen. There's nothing they wouldn't do to keep you safe. You know that. Don't let you father rule your life.”

  “If I choose Hawk, I lose my sister. If I choose my family, I lose the man I love. I'm in a no-win situation. Ugh!” She shakes her head as if she's shaking away all thoughts of what is no doubt coming in her life.

  I don't know and can't even wager a guess as to what's going to happen in her life in the future. I hope – even if it's selfish – that I don't lose her. I've never had a friend like her in my life. She's the closest thing I have to a sister, other than Avery, who has finally come around and is talking to me again.

  I wrap my arm around Brooke, and she lays her head on my shoulder. “No matter what you decide, remember you have a family, Brooke. You have a huge family here with us. We all love you, and every one of us will take care of you should you choose to leave your family home. You will never lose Marnie either. Because, one day soon, she'll find a way to leave that monster and we'll be here for her as much as we are you.”

  She lays her hand on my stomach, and I kiss her head. “I love you. You always make me feel better.”

  “Love you too, bestie.”

  I have a horrible feeling inside of me that I'll be losing her soon. She's never going to be able to walk away from her family. Her father will kill her if she tries without even blinking once he has.

  I didn't hear Brooke leave; I fell asleep. She left me a note saying she'd see me soon. Jett has just walked through the bedroom door. I'm so happy to see him. I miss him when he leaves each day.

  “Hey, baby girl.” He leans over the bed and kisses my lips.

  “Hey yourself. How was your day?” I ask as he begins to strip himself of his clothes. My man is so full of muscle and tattoos that it makes my mouth water, especially looking at his eight pack. It also makes me lose my train of thought and my hearing.

  “Earth to Maria!”

  I shake my head. “Sorry, what?”

  He chuckles and climbs into bed next to me. “I said my day was fine, but you spaced out on me.”

  “Sorry.” He wraps his arm around me, and I snuggle into him as best I can. “You always distract me with your hot body.”

  “Is that right?” He's looking at my lips, and his chest is beginning to heave.

  I shouldn't have started this. It's so hard for me to find a comfortable position so we can have sex these days. I can't even suck his dick for him because I can't get to my knees without feeling sick. I guess bending over the bed while he's lying on it is easier for me to suck his cock, but he won't even let me do that.

  He does eat my pussy when I'm bent over like that though, and it feels so fucking good, I'm so sensitive right now. I don't know if it's because I'm so close to the end of my pregnancy or because I'm a horny slut when it comes to my husband.

  “Jett, I want you so badly.”

  “I know.” He kisses my forehead. I know what's coming and I'm not going to like it one little bit. He lays his hand on my stomach. “She'll be here soon. Once she is, we can get back to normal.”

  “Ugh!” I slap his hand away from my stomach and turn away from him. I hate that he does this to me. Three nights in a row he's denied me. I hate it! I know he's worried because of what happened, but that was weeks ago now. I'm fine!

  “Baby, don't be like that,” The bed dips even more as he moves closer, wrapping his arm around me. I want to push him away, but I don't. “I just don't want to hurt you. We're so close to the birth, and I couldn't stand it if I hurt either of you.”

  I smile at how sweet that sounds, but doesn't he understand that he's not going to hurt us? Well, as long as he's not too rough, that is.

  “You're not going to hurt us, Jett.” I grind my ass against his erection. He may not want to have sex with me, but his cock is definitely up for the challenge.

  “You're a naughty girl,” Gotcha! “Take your panties off. Right now.” He doesn't need to tell me twice.

  Panties off along with everything else I'm wearing, he pushes me to my side, grabs my leg and lifts it over his thigh. So, we're doing it this way? I don't care as long as I get him inside of me.

  His fingers dip between my legs, feeling how wet I am for him. How desperately I want him right now. “Oh, Jett,” I'm soaking wet for him. My pussy is already throbbing. My clit is pounding, and I can feel him already.

  Two fingers slip inside my wet channel, and I'm burning up, my pussy is on fire. “You're so hot and wet, baby.”

  I can do nothing but moan and grind myself against his hand. It doesn't take long for me to come screaming into my pillow. Before I've even come down from my much needed high, he's inside of me, stretching me wide open for him. God, this feels so different, I'm so fucking sensitive! I can feel him in every part of my body.

  I meet his thrusts with powerful ones of my own, slamming my ass back against him. He's gripping my leg so tightly, lifting it higher to get deeper inside of me, and it hurts so good like this.

  “I'm gonna come so fuckin' hard inside of you, Maria.”

  “Yes! Yes, come inside me, Jett. Fuck! Please, baby, I need to come. I want to come with you!”

  “You are so fuckin' hot when you beg!” I'll beg every day of the damn week if that's what he wants; if that's what makes him give me what I need.

  I scream his name to the heavens as I burst around him like a volcano erupting in the mountains. He thrusts harder, faster, coming deep inside of me, and I can feel the spasms of his cock right against my womb. It feels so fucking good.

  I will never get tired of this man. He's everything I have always wanted and needed.

  He pulls out of me and lowers my leg. I turn over and face him, and he kisses me hard before pulling a
way and smiling down at me. “I love you, Maria. So fuckin' much.”

  “I love you, too, my big bad biker husband.”

  Always will I love him.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight



  I look around at the members of my MC. my brothers. I know I'm lucky to be a part of all of this. We're a family in every sense of the word. Nothing is above us. Except maybe our women and kids.

  We've had a good run this past year. Everything has been quiet. Of course, we've had the odd run-in, but we're a motorcycle club, it would be strange if we didn't. We haven't lost any brothers through violence. We've gained a couple through initiation. We're ever growing and expanding. We are the mother charter after all.

  I'm the proud father of a one-year-old little girl. My Jessica. Just like her mother, she is my everything, literally. I would die for them every damn time, and I'd die without them. Jessica is a daddy's girl like most little girls are. However, she's a mommy's girl when she needs something.

  My beautiful wife is always smiling, always there when anyone needs her. She's become a real figure within the club. She's fuckin' amazing in every way.

  Of course, Draven Vidal is in love with Jessica, and that little girl adores him. Quite weird seeing him with her. He's massive, a total giant in every way, but he's as gentle as a butterfly when it comes to my daughter.

  She's a smart little thing, already walking, already trying to talk. She's always singing, dancing her little ass off. She's going to be someone amazing when she's older. I hope the guys who want to date her are ready for her huge family to bust their asses if they touch her.

  Not only does she have a very overprotective daddy, but she's also got a psycho mafia Don uncle, a crazy psycho biker uncle, and a shit load of biker uncles too. Ain't nobody ever gonna mess with her and live to tell the tale.

  As good as life is right now, we're having a bit of a problem with Hawk. Brooke's father found out about their relationship and forced her to choose. She chose her father. Hawk swears blind that he made her say it, threatened her somehow. However, he can't make the girl be with him, nor can he make her go against her father. He's an old racist piece of shit, and he'll get what's coming to him soon enough.

  BlackJack tried to tell Hawk that Brooke would come around and come back to him. All he has to do is be patient. Roman even told him to fuck her out of his system. They ended up punching each other out. Never tell Hawk to fuck the woman he loves out of his system, even if you are his cousin.

  Taylor's worried about him, but of course, she would be, she's his mother. She's been gone months, and Hawk is still grieving her as if she died. He'll move on when he's ready, but right now, Johnnie Walker is his best friend. Prez warned us all to leave him be, just as we did with Hammer when he was grieving the loss of his woman.

  Maria told me that she foresaw this happening and she'd tried to stop it. She even told Brooke that Draven would keep her safe, the whole MC would. However, the girl is gone, and Maria is lost without her best friend. She holds out the hope that Brooke will one day soon be back. I hope so too. For Hawk's sake if no one else's.

  I walk through the front door of my house to the sound of baby laughter and my wife's beautiful voice making silly noises to our daughter. I stand in the doorway of the living room watching them. Maria is in her PJ's looking freshly showered, my baby girl the same. Maria has Jessica's favorite stuffed bunny rabbit in her hand, waving it in front of her face, making Jessica laugh.

  My wife notices me watching her, and her face lights up. “Look who's home, Jessica.” She points at me. Baby girl turns her little head to see what her mother is pointing at. Her face beams as she scrambles to her tiny feet and waddles over to me as fast as she can. I snatch her up and hold her to me as my wife walks over to me and steals a kiss.

  “How's she been?” Jessica is Maria's mirror image, from the color of her hair to her smile, she's all Maria, though my mother tells me often that she sees a lot of me in my daughter. It's probably the fact she has my blue eyes.

  “She's been great. I picked her up from your mother a couple of hours ago. The first thing she asked was, where's her daddy.” She laughs and kisses me again. I still can't get enough of this woman. She drives me crazy.

  “Da-dee!” I tickle my daughter. I love hearing her laughter.

  “I can't wait to knock your mommy up and give you a brother or sister.”

  “Jett! Do not speak like that in front of her. How crude was that?”

  “What?” I'm utterly confused.

  “Knock me up? Where are your manners?”

  I laugh loudly. “Oh, baby,” I pull her into my arms. “I'm sorry.”

  “You should be. However, you can make it up to me later.” She winks and leans into me. “When you work on, ‘Knocking me up.’”

  She better believe it.

  The End!

  About the Author

  So, heres the thing. I’m quirky and crazy, and I’m not afraid to be just who I am. Why should anybody have to be afraid of who they are?

  I live in London, England with my man and three children, whom I love more than life itself.

  I am also a teacher of history and I enjoy every aspect of it. I love children, they can teach you just as much as you can teach them.

  A child’s mind is a sponge that absorbs informations from every person around them. Teach them well and they can do anything, be anyone.

  I’m probably too talkative sometimes, or so I’ve been told by my older siblings once or twice. But I believe it’s good to talk!

  So don’t be afraid to get in touch any time!

  Also by Alivia Grayson

  Strike Fast, Snakes Henchmen MC Prequel

  The One I Need, Snakes Henchmen MC 1

  All For You, Snakes Henchmen MC 2




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