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Secret Keepers: The Complete Series

Page 84

by Jaymin Eve

  I nodded. “Yeah, it’s just … not my usual scene.”

  Understatement of the year.

  “I’m not even wearing shoes,” I added, swallowing hard.

  “I can help with that!”

  That enthusiastic voice belonged to a beautiful girl with long dark hair. She was dressed impeccably in a knee-length black dress and heels. Her clothes looked designer, the boat neckline showing off her slender shoulders.

  “Come with me. I’ll find you something to wear. I’ve been collecting clothes for the secret keepers,” she added, holding her hand out to me.

  “Uh.” I hesitated, my eyes moving to Xander’s even as my brain screamed at me not to rely on him for anything.

  “This is Star,” he said, his smile lighting the dark planes of his face. “Lexen’s sister. She’s in charge of our fashion.”

  Star slapped her hand over her mouth. “Oh, gosh, I am so sorry. I’ve heard so much about you through the network, I feel like I already know you.”

  I had to chuckle. Star had a way about her that put me right at ease immediately, a skill I wish I possessed. “It’s lovely to meet you. I’m Ava.”

  Star nodded, her eyes sparkling as she ran them from the top of my head to my toes. “You’re much taller than I expected,” she mused, not really talking to anyone. “Slim and toned. You probably prefer lighter outfits that are easy to ditch in the water.”

  “I do,” I said with another chuckle, interrupting her.

  “What size are your shoes?” she asked.

  My lips twitched, but this time I managed not to laugh out loud. “I’m usually a nine. Sometimes nine and a half, depending on brand.”

  She reached for my hand again, but Xander intercepted her, sidling his body between us. “Roland has some news. Avalon can’t leave until she hears it.”

  Star nodded a few times, that pondering look back on her face. “Yep. Yep, no worries. I will grab the clothes and be right back.”

  She was gone as fast as she appeared. “She’s got a … lot of energy,” I said, blinking at the spot she’d just occupied.

  Xander made a noise of agreement. “Yep, Star has a heart that is pure. A rare find in any world. Since Marsil, all of the Darkens have been grieving. It’s good to see a fraction of her spark return.”

  The thought of that beautiful, sweet, kind woman grieving made my chest ache. Some people should never have to face the darkness in the world; they were too gentle for it. Lexen, he was more resilient. I expected he did his grieving in private, maybe with Emma. Star wore her emotions out there for all to see.

  I hadn’t noticed until we moved further in the room, but there was more than just one stranger standing at the far end of the long table. The first one I saw was a man who looked a lot like Lexen, right down to the dark hair and overlord marks on his head. I was going to guess this was his father. He wore authority like it was part of his outfit.

  As we got closer, I examined the two other people at the table, a man and woman, quietly staring down at the wood. Emma and Maya looked confused, standing a little to the side while Lexen and Chase spoke to Roland.

  “What’s happening?” I whispered to Emma when I reached her side.

  She turned to me, shrugging as she said, “I have no idea. I’m just waiting for Lexen to fill me in.”

  As if he’d heard her, he turned and addressed all of us. “I’d like you all to meet Shirley and Jet.”

  Shirley was a curvy woman, looking not much older than us. She had long red ringlets, large green eyes, and a fair complexion. She smiled and waved, some animation coming back into her face. Jet was tall, with blinding white teeth that stood out starkly against his dark skin. He didn’t wave, but he gave us a smile that was somewhat friendly.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Maya said, reaching out to shake both of their hands. She was so confident. I was a little envious; social interaction didn’t come as easily to me. I was surprised to find Emma acting standoffish as well though. She was usually so friendly.

  “She is comfortable with the secret keepers. Considers you all family. But strangers, not so much,” Xander whispered in my ear.

  I didn’t question how he knew what I was thinking. I often couldn’t hide my emotions. And I’d been staring right at Emma as she shied back toward Lexen.

  “Jet and Shirley are former secret keepers,” Roland said, his deep, accented voice vibrating around the room. “We managed to track them down, hoping they might be able to give us some additional information.”

  I paid closer attention to them now. All of us did. Emma especially, leaving the background, stepping right up to take a seat across from them. She leaned forward, eyes wide.

  “You both look so young,” she exclaimed. “But you’re almost a hundred years old?”

  Jet nodded, a wry grin tilting up his lips. “I aged normally to twenty, but from then on I have barely changed,” he said, his voice a rich timbre.

  Unbelievable. I mean, they’d told me about the aging thing—very briefly—but being confronted with it like this … it was a lot to take in. Life could be really hard at times. I wasn’t sure I was ready for hundreds of years of that. Maybe if I found that home I was searching for though, it wouldn’t seem so bad.

  “Which house were you born in?” Maya asked, taking the seat next to Emma.

  “House of Leights,” Shirley said.

  “House of Imperial for me,” Jet added.

  Maya’s face lit up. “Do you feel connected to nature?” she asked the woman, leaning much closer. “Since the moment I learned to communicate with the trees, I’ve been so energized and rejuvenated by nature.”

  Shirley’s eyebrows drew slowly together, and she shook her head. “No, I’ve honestly never felt anything like that. Outside of aging slowly, there have been no other effects from being born in Overworld.”

  The silence felt heavy then, and I wasn’t sure what everyone else was thinking, but I was surprised. I was very different to the average human. It was the reason I’d always thought I was a mutant.

  Everyone turned to Jet, and he shrugged. “I’m with Shirley. I’ve never shown any signs of being different to a regular human, outside of the aging.”

  “Do you feel a connection to each other?” I asked, because I would never forget that moment the four of us girls touched.

  Shirley and Jet exchanged a look and my mouth almost fell open when they both shook their heads. “No, not really,” Shirley said, sounding unsure. “I’ve never met Jet before today, and I have to say, so far there is no special bond springing up for me.”

  “Same,” he agreed.

  Emma lurched half out of her chair, eyes locked on Roland and Lexen. “Why are we different?” she demanded to know. “The original secret keepers are nothing like us. We have a bond to each other. It’s a tangible thing. And … the way we are all soul-mated with overlords of the four houses—”

  “Except me,” I cut in.

  Xander grumbled under his breath, and Emma paused before shooting me a half grin.

  “Yes, except Ava and Xander … allegedly.” She winked at me and I stuck my tongue out but didn’t say another word. I couldn’t deny there was an attraction between me and the Royale asshole, so her theory did stand.

  “So why are we different?” Maya finished.

  Shirley and Jet shrugged. “I have no idea,” he said.

  Chase let out a low breath, and we all turned to find a contemplative look on his face. “I’ve always thought that the energy of the secret keepers had an ancient feel to it. It reminds me of the ancient overlords.”

  “How do you even know what these overlords’ energy feels like?” Maya asked. “Are they still around? I mean, I assumed that some of them … died off.”

  Chase nodded. “The ancients died long ago. Most of our people eventually choose to end the longevity. No one wants to live forever.”

  I didn’t even want to know how they ended it. Hopefully it wasn’t like sacrificing themselves on
their blades or something similar.

  “So … how do you know the energy?” Emma pushed.

  “All overlords are blessed at birth with crystals from the ancients,” Roland said in his quiet, commanding voice. “It is said that in the beginning there was only one house. House of Daelighter. Four overlords ruled the lands together and controlled the full network. Each of them had a crystal excavated from their favorite part of Overworld. They molded them onto the top of long staffs, and each piece was infused with their energy.”

  “This worked for a long time, and there was peace,” Chase added quietly. “But, over time, different Daelighters started to take different gifts from the lands … the network. Nature segregated them. And then they segregated themselves.”

  “There was jealousy and fighting,” Roland said. “Everyone wanted something that another had. The ones with the same gifts banded together and formed their own little groups. Eventually, they had to split the four lands, the four peoples, each going to where their gifts were strongest.”

  “We’ve been divided ever since,” Xander added, sounding less cynical than he usually did. “A land divided will eventually fall.”

  “We’re working together now,” Roland declared. “For the first time in many, many years, we are putting all differences aside. All four houses working together as one.”

  Something didn’t make sense to me though. “How did the four overlord minors manage to become such good friends?” I asked, hoping this question wasn’t a huge faux pas. “I mean, if the four houses have an inbuilt standoffishness with each other, then how are Lexen, Daniel, Chase, and Xander besties?”

  Xander snorted under his breath. “Besties? Seriously, human … never refer to us as besties again.”

  I tilted my head to the side and faked a broad smile. “Seriously, alien … would you prefer BFFs?”

  His lips tilted up, and I worked really hard to push down the memories of our kiss. Of how soft his full lips were. Of the way my body was craving our first moments together. His grin grew and I had to turn away. I was already in too deep.

  Focus on the physical. I could not let emotions enter the equation.

  Lexen, ignoring Xander, answered my question. “We have been friends from a very young age. There was just this … bond between us from the start.”

  “It was instant,” Chase agreed.

  Roland let out a low chuckle. “They thought they hid it from us, but we all knew they snuck around to meet each other. With the exception of previous Imperial overlords, we all agreed it was a great way to start returning unity to our land.”

  Lexen made a rough sound of disbelief. “You knew?” he asked, shifting forward. “And approved?”

  Roland nodded at his son. “I’ve always known, but it was safer for you all to keep it hidden. So … even though it pained us as parents, we never advised you to bring it out into the world. Not until you were all capable of defending yourselves. Defending this brotherhood.”

  I could see that the three overlord minors in the room were honestly astonished by this. Emma and Maya looked surprised as well. I had no opinion on it, because I’d never really known any of this information until now. The original secret keepers were quietly observing and didn’t say anything. It kind of felt like they knew even less than me about the politics of this world. I was going to assume they’d always just lived as humans, with no reason to know about Overworld outside of the basics.

  Xander stood a little straighter, understanding crossing his face. “I dismissed a lot of Emma’s theories about our ‘fated” existence simply because it’s not in my nature to accept the thought of being controlled, even by a higher power. But … only an idiot would deny it any longer. Even the simple fact that I feel protective toward Avalon tells me that this is beyond a simple right-time, right-place circumstance. The overlords and secret keepers are bonded, and now … now I want to know how they managed this. Because…” He gestured to Jet and Shirley at the table. “The previous secret keepers did not have any sort of bond. They were not closely connected to the houses. So why now?”

  My breath had caught in my throat the moment he said he felt protective toward me. I didn’t really know how to process that. Attracted was one thing. That was purely hormonal. But protective … that spoke of something deeper.

  Dammit. Damn him to hell. He was not allowed to bring anything deeper into it. I didn’t want to feel anything for him. Because the ending was always going to be the same: Xander and me separate.

  “We have to find the Draygo who blessed each of the secret keepers’ births,” Lexen said, speaking almost to himself. “He’s the one who also hid the starslight stone. I don’t think anyone but that Draygo can give us answers.”

  “How will you find him?” Emma asked. “You said no one has heard from that particular Draygo for eighteen years.”

  Eighteen years? That was a long time to fall completely off the radar.

  “How is this Draygo avoiding the network?” Maya asked, resting her face on her hands. “Wouldn’t someone that powerful be easy enough to find?”

  Chase reached out and rubbed her back, his movements gentle and rhythmic. Her eyes got all blissed out and she probably missed it when he said, “There are ways to hide yourself if you don’t want to be found. Sort of like a do not disturb on a cell phone. This particular Draygo is on a permanent DND.”

  Lexen studied the table in front of him, his darkly handsome face contemplative. Finally he said, “I wonder if Qenita could find him. The draygones are able to tap into energy beyond anything Daelighters can touch. The Draygo are somewhere between the two—Qenita has a lot more power than I do.”

  Emma was on her feet in a heartbeat. “Ask her! Now! We have no time to waste.”

  I swallowed hard. “When you say draygone … you mean…?”

  Because it had sounded a lot like dragon-with-an-accent. I knew this was an alien world … but….

  Maya and Emma both turned sparkling eyes and broad smiles on me. “Oh yeah, you know it, girl. Dragons!” Emma chirped.

  “Motha-freaking-dragons,” Maya added.

  Well, I’d be damned. They had dragons here. “Is the myth on Earth taken from Overworld?”

  Emma and Maya both nodded. Chase answered. “We’re not totally sure, but there is a high possibility it was from stories passed on by Daelighters that crossed to Earth in the early days. Long before there was any treaty.”

  “That’s cool,” I said softly. “It’s kind of nice to know there is an extensive history between our people. And no wars.”

  I had no problem with peaceful invasions by aliens, that was for sure.

  Lexen rose to his feet and reached down to lift Emma from her chair. “Em and I will speak with Qenita. If she thinks she knows the location of the Draygo, then we’ll take off to find him straight away.” He turned to Chase and Xander. “I’ll let you both know through the network. Keep an eye on the girls. Keep them safe. We’ll be back soon.”

  Emma rushed to give Maya a hug first, then she threw her arms around me. “You’ll be safe with Xander and Chase,” she murmured in my ear. “See you soon.”

  I squeezed her a little tighter, lowering my head so that no one saw the pain in my eyes. I didn’t like her going off without me. It was bad enough that Callie was not with us. I had this insane urge to keep our group together; splitting up felt like a bad idea. Maybe it was the fact that I’d only just found them. More than that, it was a feeling deep in my soul.

  Splitting up would be the destruction of us all. Only together could we defeat Laous.

  Chapter 12

  There was a moment of silence when Emma and Lexen left. Then Jet said, “I think it’s time we returned as well. Sorry we weren’t more help to you all.”

  Shirley nodded, getting to her feet. “Outside of the fact that I’ve barely aged since I was twenty, there isn’t much about Overworld I’m familiar with. Once the line of secret keepers was broken and I didn’t even have to check in, I did
n’t have any other contact.”

  Roland shook both of their hands. “Thank you for giving us the information you did. You helped more than you think. I’ll escort you both back to Earth now.”

  We all shook their hands, then they started toward the main door. Roland stopped and turned back to us. “You’re all welcome to stay here as long as you want. My wife…. She’s not dealing very well with our son’s death. But Star can show you to a room. Might be a good idea to wash up and get some sleep while you can. We know Laous will be planning his next move. It’s not in his nature to give up.” He walked away, before pausing at the door and turning back once more. “Oh, and Maya, your family and Brad are in the west wing. Star is pretty familiar with their suite. She’ll take you there as well.”

  Maya’s face lit up like a kid at Christmas. “I have missed them so much,” she almost cried, her eyes shiny.

  Roland nodded. “They have missed you terribly as well.” With a final wave, he was gone, ushering Jet and Shirley with him.

  Doors banged open then on the opposite side of the room to where Roland had just left. “I’m back,” Star cried, rushing through. “Sorry for taking so long. I got stuck helping Jero go through some new security measures he’s implementing.”

  Her hands were filled with bags, jumping about haphazardly as she crossed to us. She dumped all of them into Xander’s hands. “Can you take care of Ava for me? Your normal room is ready to go.” She swung around to Maya. “Brad is annoying the ever-living hell out of me. He knows you’re back and is demanding you visit him ASAP.”

  Maya smirked. “Same old arrogant best friend. I’ve actually missed his bossy ass.”

  Star shook her head, a smile breaking out even as she fought to contain it. “He’s certainly entertaining.”

  There was the slightest of pink tinges to her cheeks, and I hazarded a guess that Star might find Brad annoying for more than one reason. Just like I did Xander.

  “Will you be okay?” Maya asked, turning to me. “I know you’ve just entered an alien world, and this is all probably very overwhelming.”


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