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The Lady Who Saw Too Much

Page 20

by Thomasine Rappold

  Landen’s eyes widened.

  “How do you know this?” he asked.

  “Sissy told me. Kit has been helping them stay afloat with his inheritance.”

  “And I suppose Kit also arranged the meeting between Alex and Sissy?”


  Landen nodded, looking more reflective than angry. “Does Alex know?”

  She shook her head. “He didn’t. But I advised Sissy to tell him at once.”

  He stared at her for a long moment before he gave her a nod. “Sound advice.”

  “Trust is everything.” She fiddled with her hands on her lap. “I have learned just how important trust is between people. And how difficult it is to earn back once it’s lost.”

  She glanced up, fearing his reaction. But instead of the skeptical frown she’d expected, his expression remained thoughtful and serene. He was, no doubt, too concerned for his brother to focus on Gia’s admission, but she needed no acknowledgement. She’d needed only to say it, to let him know she was sorry for her hurtful deceptions. Despite the necessity of her actions.

  “Sissy promised to tell Alex,” she reassured him. “She’s a good girl. I believe she truly loves him.”

  “And what if she doesn’t? Am I to sit back and let him make a mistake?”

  “What is the alternative? Demanding he break off their relationship will only push him further away.”

  He ran his hand through his hair, considering this. His shoulders slumped with the weight of his dilemma.

  “Alex is happy. And Alice is too. Be there for them if they need you, but trust them enough to let them live their own lives.”

  He turned to face her. “And if I can’t do that?”

  “Trust should run both ways, Landen. If you refuse to accept this, you will lose them.”

  * * * *

  After seeing Aunt Clara off to Saratoga the next morning, Landen looked forward to enjoying some more private time with Gia. He’d considered asking her along on the ride, but he hadn’t the heart to wake her. The memory of her sleeping so soundly, her glimmering hair surrounding her lovely face, made him hard with arousal. Even the heated discussion he’d had with Aunt Clara on the way to the stage depot hadn’t tempered his present lust for his wife. He quickened his pace up the stairs.

  He stepped into their room to find Gia reading in the window seat. Her hair hung in loose waves down her shoulders. She still wore her nightclothes. His pulse jolted.

  “Did Aunt Clara depart as scheduled?” Gia asked.

  “Thankfully, yes.”

  Gia smiled.

  “I saw Kit fishing down at the lake,” Landen said. “Is Alex fishing as well?”

  “No.” Gia glanced down at the book on her lap. “He and Sissy took Alice into town.”

  “To see the gardener?” He tossed his coat to a chair. “Let’s hope she continues her newfound enthusiasm for socializing once we return to the city,” he muttered.

  Gia pursed her lips at his sarcasm. “Alice will miss Ben.”

  “Alice will get over it.”

  “Despite your obvious reservations, you must admit her fondness for Ben has helped her come out of her shell.”

  “Yes,” he said. “But seeing her these past weeks mooning over that boy makes me want to push her back into it.”

  Gia smiled. “You’re her big brother, that’s natural. But if you spent some time with the young man, you might feel differently about him. He’s really very sweet.”

  “Sweet or not, she could have a variety of suitors in the city. She needn’t settle on the first one that comes along.” He shook his head. “Nor the first one Aunt Clara finds charming.”

  “Aunt Clara?”

  He sank to the bed. The conversation with Clara in the carriage had sapped his patience, but he’d held his ground. He wanted to do right by Alice, and his aunt’s plans for his sister did not feel right. “She enlightened me with her latest brilliant idea.”

  “What brilliant idea?”

  “She wants to match Alice with Kit.”


  He flinched at her reaction and the stricken look on her face. His heart sank like a rock. The last thing he wanted was to have Kit as a brother-in-law. The man was too old, too worldly for Alice, and he’d told Clara as much. Landen had had every intention of telling Gia the same—until now.

  “I mean, he’s not right for her,” Gia said to cover her outburst. “Besides, Alice cares for Ben far too much to consider Kit.”

  Landen eyed her warily, doubting that was Gia’s reason for her opposition. Yesterday at the picnic, he’d noticed Kit stealing glances at Gia. Landen sensed Gia had noticed it too. Throughout the day, she’d gone out of her way to avoid Kit, as though it pained her to be near him. There’d been an awkward tension between the pair that made Landen furious. And jealous as hell.

  That damn dream Gia had had about the man with a cane still dogged him. Ridiculous, he knew, but true just the same.

  “Is that your only objection?”

  She tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “I got the impression you liked him.”

  “I don’t like him for Alice.”

  Landen believed her. The question was why didn’t she like him for Alice? Would having Kit in the family be a painful reminder to Gia of what she’d lost by marrying Landen? Would having the man around be too tempting for her to resist?

  “Well, Aunt Clara does.”

  “You must talk her out of it, Landen.”

  “And why is that?” He feared the answer, but he pressed for it, anyway.

  “Because he’s not good enough for Alice.”

  “And the gardener is?”

  “Yes. Wealth isn’t everything. And I told you. Alice cares for Ben. He’d make a far better match, money or not.”

  “Well, Clara thinks Kit is good enough, and once she sets her mind to something—”

  “You must dissuade her against him. He’s not the right man for Alice, and I couldn’t bear her unhappiness.”

  “Her unhappiness?” He couldn’t help himself. “Or yours?”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Come now, Gia. Surely you haven’t forgotten about your dream. The man who walked on a cane and all that?”

  She gaped at him. “How dare you insinuate such a thing.”

  Fueled by his uncontrollable jealousy, the flames of his anger spiked higher. “It truly isn’t so difficult.”

  She winced at the insult. The hurt in her eyes turned to anger. “If you care for your sister, as I do, you will not allow it.”

  “And why is that?”

  She gritted her teeth as though biting back whatever sharp-witted response she wanted to voice. He stared at her, egging her on, daring her to tell him what he dreaded to hear.

  “Give me one reason why my sister shouldn’t be matched with Kit Richardson.”

  She took a deep breath, lifting her chin. The defiance in her stance chased the air from his lungs.

  “Because the despicable man kissed me.”

  Chapter 26

  The words stabbed through Landen like a knife. He shot to his feet, inhaling a sharp breath through the clench in his chest, his clenched teeth. “He kissed you?”

  She nodded, staring into his eyes. “Yes.”

  His first reaction was to storm from the room, find Kit, then beat the living hell out of him. His second reaction was to grab Gia and shake the truth from her. The chance she might be lying was the only thing stopping him from heading to the door. The knife twisted in his gut. She’d told him her parents were dead—he couldn’t put anything past her.

  Her eyes narrowed, as though sensing his thoughts. “I’ve told you about my visions, Landen. And you know all about my past. I have no reason to lie.”

  He searched her face for the truth, his jaw trembling with anger.

  “He kissed me,�
� she said. “In your house.”


  “The other night in the kitchen. He was drunk.”

  “And you said nothing?” He stared, incredulous, as she averted her eyes. They’d spent all day yesterday together, and all of last night. She’d had ample opportunity to mention she’d kissed another man, and yet she’d kept Landen in the dark. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She lifted her chin. “You know why.”

  He couldn’t deny her answer. He didn’t trust her, and she knew it. He’d told her enough times.

  “But I am telling you the truth. The man kissed me.”

  The image of Gia kissing another man—especially Kit—ignited something infernal inside him. He stood helpless against the burning pain and the rage he could not tamp out. “And you let him?”

  She gaped.

  “Did you?”

  She flinched at the accusation, shaking her head. “I did not.” Indignation flamed in her eyes. “I slapped him.”

  He clung to the words, wanting so badly to believe them.

  “I have learned to take care of myself,” she said. “But I am thinking of Alice.” Her voice cracked with emotion. “You mustn’t let him near her. He’s not who he seems.”

  The plea for his sister’s welfare wrenched in his chest. Despite everything, he could not deny Gia’s affection for Alice. And despite all Gia’s previous lies, he felt himself believing her now. He was either the most gullible man on earth or the most pathetically besotted.

  He was definitely the most furious. He shoved on his boots.

  “What are you doing?”

  Ignoring her, he charged across the room.

  “Landen, wait. You need to calm down.”

  “The hell I do,” he called over his shoulder as he stormed out the door.

  * * * *

  Landen charged across the lawn toward the lake, his pulse thundering at his temples so loudly he could hear little else. From a bench on the shore, Kit cast his fishing line into the water. Landen bridled the urge to toss Kit in after it.


  Kit turned toward Landen. His eyes flashed wide at Landen’s furious demeanor. He reached for his cane, then shoved to his feet. “Good morn—”

  “Did you accost my wife?” Landen asked.

  The air stilled around them, tense and thick.

  Kit’s expression turned deathly sullen. “Is that what she told you?”

  “Answer the question.”

  Kit shook his head sadly. “It pains me to have to tell you this, friend, but you’ve got it all wrong.”

  “Are you denying it?” Landen took a step closer.

  Kit held up a hand in surrender. “I’d had too much to drink and failed to foresee her intention. But her kiss stunned me sober. I stopped it at once.”

  The confirmation that this man’s lips had touched Gia’s churned in Landen’s gut. Fury roiled like hot lava inside him, about to erupt. His body trembled. The only thing stopping him from beating Kit bloody was his lameness, and Landen sensed the bastard knew it.

  “I did not reciprocate. You’re my best friend’s brother.”

  That Kit might have divulged this story to Alex—that he would disgrace Gia this way—was too infuriating to fathom.

  Kit shook his head, as though reading Landen’s thoughts. “Of course, I did not speak a word of it to anyone,” he said. “You and your wife are newly wed. I did not wish to stir trouble.” He tilted his head. “Perhaps she feared I might tell, and the clever thing turned the table on me. Or perhaps in her shame, she has distorted what occurred, even to herself, by denying her actions.”

  The rough edge of Landen’s anger was smoothed by Kit’s articulate tone. He spoke calmly, each placid word enunciating his innocence. Gia’s guilt.

  Landen’s head spun amid his confusion. His doubts. Gia had been upset that night when she’d returned from the kitchen. She’d been trembling, and he’d attributed her distress to another of her nightmares. Had her attentions toward Landen been nothing but merely a consolation to her disappointment of Kit’s rejection? Had she made love so eagerly to Landen because she couldn’t have Kit?

  The thought hurt too much to consider, and he balled his fists to contain his emotions.

  “You’re understandably angry,” Kit said. “As a man who’s suffered the heartache of an unfaithful woman, I know how you feel. There are unscrupulous men in this world who don’t care if they compromise another man’s woman. But I assure you that I am not such a man.”

  “And I do not know you well enough to make that determination.”

  “I suppose not,” Kit said.

  The pity in his eyes made Landen angrier.

  “She is your wife, and you are duty-bound to defend her. No matter what.”

  The statement hit home. A man should be able to defend his wife’s honor without doubting her honor. Only Kit and Gia knew what really happened between them that night. That the pair shared this secret made Landen feel sick.

  Whether Kit was guilty or not simply didn’t matter. The man’s presence—his mere existence—roused doubts Landen could not bear. Doubts about Kit. About Gia. About Landen, himself.

  Did Gia feel this same torment when she looked at Charlotte? Or was he fooling himself on that score as well?

  “I suppose this unfortunate business puts an end to my welcome,” Kit said.

  “You suppose correctly,” Landen ground out. “Now go pack your bags and get the hell out of my sight.”

  * * * *

  Landen holed up in his study, trying to calm down. He felt so angry, so damn betrayed, he didn’t know which way to turn. Love and doubt waged a battle inside him, pulling him apart.

  His control over his emotions was slipping away. Or perhaps he’d ceded the reins to his stability the moment he’d laid eyes on Gia.

  With every tattered fiber of his being, he wanted to believe in her. She’d wedged open a part of him, invaded a place he’d forced tightly shut with the pain of his past. A place so deep and dark and remote, he’d forgotten it was there.

  And she’d filled it completely.

  He’d married a woman he didn’t trust, but if there was any hope for their future, he had to trust her now. He needed to. He loved her. The fact made him angrier.

  The door to Landen’s study flew open, and Alex stormed inside. His eyes looked wild. “What the hell did you do?”

  Landen sighed in dread of this conversation.

  “Kit and Sissy are packing,” Alex said. “Kit told me they’re leaving, and I want to know why.”

  “What reason did he give?” Landen asked warily.

  “Some twaddle about being summoned home, but I do not believe it.”

  Whether Kit’s discretion was out of honor or guilt, Landen hadn’t a clue. The bastard was protecting himself, plain and simple. While Landen would have preferred to keep the whole sordid incident under wraps, Alex deserved to know the truth.

  “Have a seat,” Landen said.

  Alex lifted his chin and remained where he stood. “Why are they leaving?”

  “It’s for the best. Trust me.”

  Alex narrowed his eyes. “Trust you?” He slammed his palms to the desk, leaned forward, and glared. “I am not a child.”

  “Then stop acting like one and sit down.” Landen ground back his own anger and tried to stay calm. Their sibling discord had been brewing stronger for months, but this situation had the potential for disaster.

  “What happened?” Alex demanded.

  “Kit and I had a disagreement,” Landen said. “Sit down,” he repeated, “and I’ll explain.”

  “There’s no need to explain. I already know. You don’t think Sissy is good enough for me because her family has no money.”

  Landen stared at him. Just once, Landen wished Alex didn’t have to think the worst of his every move.

  “I know Gianna told you about Sissy’s finan
cial situation,” Alex said. “Just as I know you told Kit to take Sissy home.”

  “That’s not true. This has nothing to do with Sissy.”

  “Why can’t you let me be happy?”

  The stricken look on Alex’s face wrenched Landen’s heart. Did Alex truly believe Landen would purposely hurt him? Memories of the boy Alex once was and the brotherly bond they had shared poured over Landen, a dose of the past that reminded him of all he had lost.


  “I’m sick and tired of you controlling my life. You’re my brother, not my father.”

  With each verbal blow Alex struck, Landen’s temper spiked higher. He inhaled through his nostrils to restrain his anger. “Let’s discuss this—”

  “No! No more discussions. I’m finished listening to you!” Alex started away.

  Landen shot to his feet. “But you listen to Kit!”

  “Kit is my friend,” Alex said, turning to face him. “A good friend. Unlike you, he treats me like a man.”

  Landen stood speechless, his heart hammering. His brother, whom he loved so much, was singing the praises of Kit, the son-of-a-bitch who’d accosted Gia under his roof.

  “You’re a damn fool, Alex.”

  “And you’re so damn envious you’re green,” Alex shot back. “You’ve always been envious of me for being father’s favorite. Now that he’s gone, you’re making me pay for it.”

  Landen winced, shocked by what he was hearing. He’d had no idea how much his brother resented him. How little he trusted him. The disdain in Alex’s eyes was so blatant, so foreign, Landen could have been looking at a stranger. Or his worst enemy.

  “Well no more,” Alex said. “I am finished. I’ll not live my life under your thumb any longer.”

  “And how do you propose to live, little brother?”

  Alex narrowed his eyes at the veiled threat Landen posed. “I will make do with the paltry allowance father left me, or I’ll borrow from Kit. You’ve no control over that.” He pointed his finger. “Either way, I am going to marry Sissy Richardson as soon as I finish school. And nothing you say or do is going to stop me.” He lowered his hand. “Until I head back to school next week, I will stay at the hotel.”


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