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Trinity High: High School Bully Romance

Page 12

by Savannah Rose

  Last night, he snuck into my room and made me cover my face with a pillow so I could cry out his name without waking the entire camp up… He loves going down on me more than anything.

  “Why thank you, good sir,” I reply, fluttering my eyebrows and abusing a Southern drawl.

  “It’s a pretty day for a pretty girl, don’t you think?”

  He chuckles as he pulls me into his arms and kisses me. I welcome his taste on my lips, his tongue going in, possessive and curious as always. I could get used to this. He holds me tight, and heat quickly spreads through my body, as his mouth moves to capture my earlobe in another suckling session. That always gets me going.

  I groan softly against him, pushing myself away. “At this rate, I’m going to need a bucket of ice water, Kellan.” I giggle, barely recognizing myself. He has this way of bringing out parts of me I didn’t even know were there.

  Sure, our relationship is still in its early stages, and I’m not sure where it will take us, but I know I have feelings for him. We’re good together, and despite my ingenuity in matters of the bedroom, I’m eager to learn… and Kellan is one hell of a teacher. I love pleasing him. It’s the least I can do for the mind-blowing orgasms he’s given me so far.

  I stiffen quickly as Rhett comes out, putting on a pair of sunglasses. He smiles, but it doesn’t feel too genuine, and I’m not sure what to make of it. He knows we’re together, as Kellan is anything but shy in public where we’re concerned.

  “Morning, lovebirds,” Rhett says, his tone casual.

  Then why do I feel like I’m on the wrong side of history here? Maybe it’s because I’ve been pining for him since we met, and I fell for his brother, too. I definitely can’t share any of this with my mom. There’s a name for girls who get with two guys at once. Then there’s Gage. Shit, that’s three guys. Holy hell, Elly…

  “Where’s Tom?” Kellan asks.

  “Out by the creek. I think two of the girls went back for seconds last night or something,” he chuckles. I’m getting flashbacks of Gage pounding on Belladonna’s round, pearlescent ass, and I’m already contemplating the prospect of ditching anything Kellan might have planned for today, so we can lock ourselves in my room and reach new peaks of bliss. These guys have a startling effect on me, and all I can do is ride the wave before it’s all over…

  “Is he still with them?” Kellan replies.

  Rhett shakes his head. “Nah. He’s already gone to town and back and got us some cold beers. He’s waiting for us.”

  Kellan takes my hand as we head for the woods. “Fantastic. Let’s go.”

  “Where do you three think you’re going?” One of the camp managers emerges from the cabin, hands on her hips and white sunblock on her slim nose. I don’t remember her name, but I know she likes to be a hard-ass.

  Rhett throws her a sideways glance. “I doubt it’s any of your business.”

  “While you’re attending summer camp here, it is definitely my business,” she retorts, cheeks already red with anger.

  “We’re just going for a walk in the woods,” I say, trying to appease her. “That’s all.”

  “We have camp activities!” she insists, and I decide she’s hopeless, giving Rhett a faint approving nod. It’s like a green light of sorts for him. My permission for him to tease and get her out of our way. I don’t know when it got like this between us, but I find the whole concept empowering.

  I know The Hotshots would stop at nothing to protect me. It’s a good feeling to have.

  “And we have better things to do,” Rhett replies. “If you don’t like it, take it up with our parents. I’m sure they’ll want you to waste their time like you’re trying to waste ours.”

  “You’re better off watching over the kids,” Kellan adds with a grin. “We’re too old for you to babysit us, anyway. Consider it a breather, not an issue.”

  The camp manager tries to say something else, but Rhett stops her. “Ah, ah, ah! Call our parents. See what they say. Bye.”

  Half an hour later, we’re at the creek’s mouth, where it spills into the lake. Kellan brought a couple of blankets. Rhett has a Bluetooth speaker—it looks familiar. I think he nabbed it from Frizz. Gage has the beers in a cooler.

  It’s a beautiful day, with just the right amount of heat. I’ve got a swimsuit underneath, knowing we’ll definitely go for a dip closer to lunchtime, when the sun’s up and really hot.

  Kellan’s head is in my lap, while I lean back on a rounded rock. We don’t talk much, as we listen to the music.

  I take great pride in having gotten them to appreciate film scores more. We’re listening to James Newton Howard, now, and so far, he seems to be a favorite. Gage is texting and smiling, but he moves his head to the music. He’s into it.

  Rhett watches me, but he looks away when Kellan glances his way. I’m starting to think there’s definitely something between us, but I’m with his brother now, and I’m not sure what to make of this dynamic. Maybe I’m getting it wrong. Shaking the thought away, I decide to make conversation—anything to get my mind off him. Off what could’ve been.

  “So, any plans for college yet?” I ask.

  Kellan smiles. “Not at this moment. What are you looking to do?”

  “Oh, I’m not sure, either,” I reply with a shrug. “Maybe political sciences. My dad says I’d make one hell of a politician. Like, the good kind.”

  Rhett frowns at me. I’m confused. Kellan, however, is greatly amused. “Rhett here wants to go into political science, as well. You might end up in the same college. All the more reason to visit every chance I get, then!”

  My heart beats a little faster. Kellan sees us together after summer camp is over, apparently. I like that idea. He’s definitely someone I want to have in my life. Rhett, too. Going to the same school would make such an endeavor much easier.

  “What about you, Texty McFingers?” I say, looking at Gage.

  He shoots me a bright smile. “Chemistry’s my game, Elly. Mixtures and potions. Liquors and perfumes. The real kind of magic.”

  “So, Hogwarts, then,” Rhett mutters, making us all laugh.

  “Either way, college is still far away,” Kellan says, once the chuckles die down. “There’s no rush yet. Senior year is coming, and I’m looking forward to seeing what it’s got in store for us.”

  “I think you’d make a fine senator,” Rhett sighs, looking at me. “Your debate skills are impressive, and I’ve never seen anyone better at fact-checking shit on Google, so you’ve got that going for you.”

  “Thanks, I guess?”

  “Plus, you’re easy on the eyes,” Gage chimes in with a charming smile. “And there’s a naughty side to you that few people know you have. That’ll come in handy later, trust me.”

  I blush, realizing he’s talking about my first time with Kellan. It’s hard not to grin at such a compliment though. I take it, because Gage is genuine in giving it. Kellan’s phone rings. He grunts, his gaze darkening at the sight of the caller’s ID. Getting up, he answers. “Yeah?”

  He moves away from our spot, and I can hear him asking someone for details as he goes farther into the woods. He doesn’t want anyone to listen to his side of the conversation, and I can’t help but feel a little worried. Kellan doesn’t even pick up the phone when he’s with us. Something might’ve happened. Looking at Gage and Rhett, however, I relax a bit, as they don’t seem bothered.

  Gage is texting again. Rhett gets up and sits next to me on the blanket. “Political science, huh?” he asks, his voice low. My heart is already racing, my pulse frantic as I try to get a grip on these emotions that keep storming through me whenever he gets close.

  I nod slowly. “Yeah, it’s definitely my first choice. But I haven’t decided which colleges I’m applying to.”

  “Is it solely based on what your dad thinks?” Rhett asks.

  Gage’s phone rings. He picks up the call and walks away, too. Something’s off about this picture, but Rhett doesn’t seem to notice. He’s too
busy inching closer as he waits for my answer, and I suck in a breath when I realize we’re alone, now.

  Shaking my head, I give him a soft smile. “No. I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of years, now. I like politics, I read about it a lot. Most of the books in my room are history and politics and social sciences. I’ve read the Gettysburg Address fifty times, at least…”

  “How would you classify your political inclination?” Rhett replies, the hazel in his eyes consumed by shadows.

  “I… I’m not sure. I’d say Democrat, but I do appreciate some early Republican policies, too,” I mumble. He’s too close for me to focus. I can’t even think of a follow-up for what I’ve just said, though I would like to further clarify my position on the political spectrum.

  “What do you want from Kellan?”

  The question comes in like a slider. I almost miss it. “Wait, what?”

  “What do you want from my brother?”

  “I got the question. What do you want to know, exactly? I’m not sure I’m following your angle here,” I say, the debate master inside me waking up with a roar.

  Excitement glimmers in his eyes. There’s barely a breath of air between us, now, but we dare not move. Whatever this is, it’s going somewhere, and I intend to find out. My body fights me, my palms sweating. My breath is ragged, as my gaze drops on his lips for a moment. I wonder what it would be like to kiss him. Would Kellan ever forgive me? Ugh, I’m a horrible person, and I need to acknowledge that.

  “I thought I was pretty clear,” Rhett says.

  “I like Kellan,” I reply. “A lot. I thought that was obvious.”

  “Is he the only one you like?”

  My heart skips a beat. “Um… Why do you ask?”

  There I go, backing myself into a corner I know I’m going to have trouble getting out of.

  Rhett smiles—but it’s different this time. There is something deeply sensual about his lips stretching over his perfectly white teeth. Fires dance in his irises, and I’m not sure what a good answer would be, given the mixed signals I’m getting from him.

  “Because I’m not blind, Elly. And you’re not very good at hiding your feelings,” Rhett says, his voice low and rugged, sending electric pulses through my lower body. My knees stick together, as I try to keep myself cool. It’s becoming quite the challenge, as his scent finds my senses, and I take a deep breath, getting drunk off his musky cologne.

  “I still don’t know what you’re trying to say,” I manage.

  “I see the way you look at Kellan,” he replies. “But I also see how your eyes find me, almost inexplicably. How Gage makes you laugh with his idiotic jokes. Where’s your heart in all of this, Elly? What are you trying to keep all to yourself?”

  I exhale sharply. “Whoa. Pump the brakes there, Rhett.”

  He moves even closer, and my throat closes up. His nose barely bumps into mine, and I’m dangerously close to fainting. Rhett is too hot for his own good, and I am in so much fucking trouble because I don’t think how much more of this I can take before I betray Kellan.

  I’m a horrible human being. A terrible girlfriend.

  “It’s okay to be honest with yourself, Elly,” he whispers. “You’ll find the truth is more liberating than anything else.”

  “I told you. I like Kellan…”

  “In case you didn’t notice already, my brother, Gage and I talk about everything. We have no secrets. No hidden desires. No half-truths spoken solely for the purpose of saving face. So, let me rephrase my question, Elly, so you understand exactly what it is that I’m trying to understand…

  What is it you want from us?”

  My mind is a jumble of botched wires and glitchy signals, because I can’t make much sense of this updated question, either. But I try to be honest with myself nonetheless, because it’s the right thing to do. I like Kellan, yes. I didn’t lie about that. But I also like Rhett. A lot. And Gage makes me wet whenever he looks my way with that mischievous smile that reminds me of the creek. I think I definitely like him, too. Maybe I should be different. Maybe I should feel differently, but… how can I change? Why would I?

  Each of these three has left his imprint on my very soul, and it feels so good to fall a little bit more in love with them. There’s something so beautiful about our dynamic… I am actually scared it will fizzle away with the end of summer.

  Therefore, who am I to try and change myself in order to fit a certain social pattern? I’m debating with myself now, and it’s a tad hilarious… but I have to make sense of these feelings of mine, if I’m to give Rhett an honest answer. He values honesty more than anything.

  “I want you all to be yourselves,” I finally say. “I like each of you exactly the way you are, and I don’t want this summer to ever end.”

  Rhett nods once. His hand comes up, his fingers lightly touching my cheeks. “If I’m to tell you that we like you too, and we don’t want this summer to ever end, either… What would you say to that, Elly?”

  Am I getting this right? Are we actually talking about this in a serious fashion? Or am I completely misunderstanding his question?

  I fail to formulate an answer—not because I don’t have one. If I’m to take the question exactly the way I understand it, then I definitely have a more sincere answer. But Kellan comes back, and his face looks ashen.

  Rhett doesn’t budge, though. He stays close to me, while looking at Kellan, unaffected by his sudden reappearance. “What’s up, Kellan?”

  “It’s grandpa. He got sick today.”

  “Shit,” Rhett breathes. I’m still trying to get my bearings, so I don’t immediately register what’s happening here. My body is cut off from my brain, and it will take a while to reconnect both.

  “How bad is it?”

  “He’s back home, now, but mom says he’s going back for some tests next week,” Kellan explains.

  “Will he be okay?” I ask.

  Kellan settles back on the blanket, his head in my lap. To my astonishment, Rhett still doesn’t move. Furthermore, he slips an arm around my shoulders and holds me. Gage comes back from his own phone conversation, both eyebrows raised as he finds the three of us strangely together.

  “I like this view,” he mutters. “Harmony and whatnot.”

  “Who was that?” Rhett replies, looking at Gage’s phone.

  “My dad,” he says. “I take it you heard the news, as well?”

  “About grandpa? Yeah,” Kellan sighs. “I’m not sure if he’s going to be okay, though,” he adds, looking up at me, while I caress his face, the stubble brushing against my fingers. “I asked mom the same thing you did, but she only mentioned tests next week. I think they’re afraid it’s more serious this time.”

  “I really hope not,” Gage says as he sits on our blanket, crossing his legs. He stares at me, smiling gently. “Good people deserve long, good lives…”

  “It’ll be fine,” Rhett replies. “He’s bounced back before. He’ll do it again.”

  “What if he doesn’t?” Kellan asks. I feel like I’m missing parts of this conversation, but I can tell the three of them are worried. They didn’t see this coming, and they’re trying to find a solution to something that could very well be out of their hands.

  “We’ll think of something,” Rhett shoots back.

  “When my nana got sick, mom wanted us to go see her more often,” I say, digging through my own family history for something that can best convey my thoughts, right now. Rhett, Kellan, and Gage look at me with big, wondering eyes. “She said every moment we spend with her is precious. Not just to us, but to grandma, as well. We did everything we could to make sure she had every reason to smile upon giving her last breath… and she did… she died smiling.”

  “Elly,” Kellan murmurs, his brow furrowed.

  Rhett’s hand finds my face again, but this time it’s solely for the purpose of wiping a rogue tear I didn’t even realize had been rolling down my cheek.

  “I’m sorry,” I gasp, chuckling to
hide the sudden influx of grief. “Losing nana is still raw, I guess. Point is… If you think your grandpa is reaching the end of the road, you might want to be there for him. Being with his family is probably the best way to… you know, go…”

  “We’re not there yet,” Rhett says firmly.

  Kellan shakes his head. “Definitely not there yet. I mean, he’s the single most important figure in our lives, and he’s been a pillar in our family since always. The old man will not go down easy.”

  “Ol’ Quinn boy will die swinging and tackling the Grim Reaper himself, if he has to,” Gage scoffs, prompting Rhett and Kellan to burst into a heavy laughter.

  There’s concern in their eyes. I can see it, clouding their usually bright moods. Even as they try to laugh it all off, I know they’re worried about their grandfather. And I’m all the more worried about them. It’s a bit odd, as if I share their pain. Their fears.

  Someone disconnected and reconnected some wires in this group, and our hearts are somehow bound now, because everything that makes them laugh, makes me laugh, too. Everything that hurts them feels like a stab at my soul, too. If I’m to go back to Rhett’s question now, I guess I want us four to never be apart.

  Our paths have crossed, and I hope they never stray too far from one another, ever again. It would be a cruel, cosmic joke, for the world to come between us and keep us apart. I belong with Kellan. I belong with Rhett. I belong with Gage. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.



  Part of me refuses to let go of the idea that there’s still a way to reason with The Hotshots. At lunch time, I leave the classroom first but stay close enough to see who comes out and who stays. As if fate has realigned itself in my favor, Gage and Kellan head for the cafeteria, along with the rest of the horde, beauty queens included. Kyle goes off in a different direction, but he doesn’t spot me.

  The hallway is too crowded.


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