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Circle of Time: An urban fantasy (The Kazi Chronicles Book 1)

Page 8

by Riverr Ravenswood

  What the fuck is happening? Not only the time lapse and the Liberator and all, I now have this magic power angle as well?

  Lexie giggles. Then looks at Enzo who strolls forward and kneels down in front of me.

  “Why don’t we call it a night today and head to bed? Vince and you have to be in college tomorrow. Plus we have to see if you do remember… because if you don’t then we have to prepare for the possibility of you kicking and screaming tomorrow morning when you wake up in a strange house,” he says, gently tucking my hair behind my ear.

  It is such a gentle gesture that my mind cannot compute.

  “But wait.. Why do we have to be there? If I remember tomorrow, then I can continue working and understanding further right?”

  “No Stellina. Everyone who has interacted with someone else, has become a part of their reality as well. Imagine if Vince’s football had not connected with you everyday, it would have changed your reality, right? Similarly, you have to maintain your role in Nikki’s reality. She is the only one you interacted with, so you cannot change that.”

  Well damn…

  “Okay.. But what about the professors and all the students who saw me?”

  “Seeing is also an interaction. Why else do you think Vince is stuck every morning there playing football? Because by mistake he ended up there on lapse day.”

  “How is seeing an interaction? I mean I understand that someone sees you and you are a part of their reality. But, it isn't as grave as someone talking to me right?” I ask them while handing over my empty coffee mug to Ryan who has moved forward.

  “It isn’t. But, what if someone is following you, or is admiring you, or has a huge crush on you? What if the sole reason someone goes to the college is to get a look at you? Then you are a major part of their reality. And we cannot alter that in any way…” Ryan replies.

  “Okay. So….. I have to be there the whole day?”

  They all look at each other and think about it, except Ryan, who is looking at me. I pass him a small smile.

  Enzo finally says, “I think it should be okay… I think if Vince and you get there on time and then leave after your first class after which you didn't have any interaction with anyone, then it should be fine. If there is an issue, I am sure we will know about it soon enough…” He shrugs.

  “Wait.. What is your hierarchy type? Is one of you the boss?”

  “We will talk about it tomorrow, love. Let’s go hit the bed.” Lexie says. “You and I will share as this mansion only has five bedrooms. Two of the other rooms have guys in it and two rooms are for Sensei and Pa… unless you want to bunk with one of them…?” she enquires.

  “Oh. No… Lexie.. I can take the couch here. It seems pretty comfy. You sleep in the room. I am not imposi-”

  Lexie shuts me up with a raised hand and a sharp glare.

  “You are a part of the team now. You are one of us. You have always been one of us. Pa might not have told us who his daughter is, but there is a reason we all got together as housemates. There is a reason why we always felt a pull towards you and I felt bad that we are leaving you alone, or why Ry went every morning to check on you. So you are going to stop with this ‘don't want to impose’ bullshit, yeah? Just get your ass up and I will take you to our room. And yes, it is going to be our room from now on!”

  Wow. I mean Lexie is a sexy girl. Her straight shoulder length red hair makes her fiery just by the looks of it. But the annoyance and honesty in her vibrant blue eyes coupled with that stern voice is enough to shut anybody up.

  And I ain't no Bruce Lee to mess with her.

  “Thanks Lex…Immagonnacallyou Bruce from now on,” I tell her.

  “Lee or Wayne?” she asks after looking at me for a moment.

  I tell her smiling, “I was thinking of Lee. But Wayne is much more suitable.” We both laugh at that. We always joked that if we were superheroes, she would be the one with the batmobile and I’d be the one with the changing skin like Mystique.

  Getting up I look around for my bag, when I notice Ash has it on his shoulder. He jerks his head towards the staircase and starts going up them.

  “Well, into the batcave we go then!” I say jumping and catching hold of Lexie’s hand and running after Ash on the stairs.


  I wake up with my alarm. It’s a struggle, but I make it.

  Opening my eyes, I jump up straight and notice I am not in my room. Frantically looking around, I see Lexie snoring softly on the bed next to mine.

  What the hell am I doing in Lexie’s room?

  I throw the covers off and walk slowly towards one of the doors I can see in the room. My duffle bag catches my attention. I continue on to the door, shaking my head to ward off the confusion my mind is swimming in.

  Just as I twist the door handle, last night comes rushing back to me in a flash.

  The Gods. Their history. Vyhdir being kidnapped. Time standing still. Dad!

  I turn around and go back to my bed to get my phone. As soon as I have it in my hands, I speed-dial Dad.

  “You remember?” he says as soon as he picks up. And he picks up as soon as the call connects.

  “Dad…. I remember…” I almost sob.

  “My babygirl… Okay, now be prepared. One of the others will clue you in on everything. Read all the journals and documents we have there about this history. Have Enzo tell you everything about the plans we have and the connections we have made. You are a part of this now. Tonight, we all get on a call with Sensei. He will be thrilled to see you Baby girl..”

  I almost laugh at the manic-sounding voice of Dad.

  “Yeah, yeah okay Dad. I will do as you say. Love you….”

  “More with every breath babygirl, more with every breath.”

  I disconnect with a smile and make quick work of bathing and dressing.


  As I walk into the kitchen I find all the guys sitting there, in various degrees of dressing, or rather undressing. They startle as soon as they see me and get up.

  I guess they are waiting for me to start screaming upon finding myself in a strange house. But I smile at them. And as soon as I do, their faces split into wide smiles.

  Ryan is the first one out his chair and next thing I know, he is holding me tightly and whirling me around as if I am a child. I laugh. What could it have been growing up with all them?

  As soon as my feet touch the ground, Vince catches hold of me and gives me a hug. “Ready for the day to repeat all over again, but with a twist?”

  I nod, laughing. The excitement on their faces is too good to see. Ash is clearly not a morning person, because he just gives me a side hug and then goes back to his coffee, grumbling “welcome to the circle babe. I will show you more excitement later…”

  I laugh again and turn to see Enzo standing a little further away with a tentative smile on his face.

  “Well, you aren't happy to see me remember everything? Or are you still sleepy?'' I taunt.

  “He never slept...worried about you. Kept all of us awake too.” Ash grumbles some more. Ryan taps Ash’s head lightly and rolls his eyes.

  I look back at Enzo to find him looking down at the floor rubbing his neck.

  He stayed up worried for me? All of them did? Well fuck….

  I go to Enzo and wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tight. It is like that's what he was waiting for. He melts and hugs me back. There is this protective feel to his arms that I am left with no doubts he would protect me wherever we are.

  I step back and give him a smile, trying to lighten the mood I say, “well Voldey… didn’t know you had it in you to not be venomous like your Naagin..” I wink, and sit down with the pancakes that Ryan whipped up.

  He is still looking softly at me when Vince laughs and slaps his back. “I have heard the venom is directly proportional to the size… Well Voldey, how venomous is your naagin?” he winks at Enzo, then turns to us. “What do you think guys? Looking at him is his naag deadly venomous, mild venom
ous, or not venomous at all?” staring suggestively at Enzo’s pants.

  I sputter into my coffee, and Ryan and Ash full on inhale coffee and start coughing. While Enzo looks on open mouthed…

  “I would think deadly...” Ryan says, looking Enzo up and down.

  “I think he is not deadly at all… I don't even know the last time he took his naagin out for a stroll, not even a mission,” Ash says, completely awake now.

  Oh God what have I done… poor Enzo.

  “I am sorry” I mouth to him.

  He is standing so still.

  “Oh come on guys… I think he is mildly venomous.. What do you say Ada? Would you like to test?” Vince says, not letting up.

  First, it is too early in the morning to deal with this.

  And second. Poor, poor, Enzo.

  “You guys are dicks. Have you all not read or seen Harry Potter, morons. Stop making it hard for him..”

  I realize my mistake as soon as I have uttered those words. The table erupts with laughter. Coffee is freely sputtered around, followed by hoarse coughs.

  Oh my God. These boys are kids.

  “That is exactly what we are trying to find out, Goddess… how hard the venom is..”

  I face-palm.

  And Enzo? He is standing in the same spot, looking at me the same way, mouth hanging open eyes wide, as if he really couldn't believe the words the others are saying.

  “Umm guys.. Can Voldey get into shock? I think you guys broke him….” I say to the other, eyeing him.

  They turn to him and start laughing harder.

  I hiss at him then. “Lorenzo, snap out of it! We have a lot to discuss, and tonight we have a video call with Dad and Sensei.”

  That literally snaps him out of it. Not only him, that statement snaps everyone out of whatever funk they were into.

  “What? All it took was Sensei’s name to get you all to behave? Pfft.. Pussies..”

  They laugh again but at themselves. “No Ada. Sensei and video call in the same sentence is a celestial weapon that will bring anyone out of the stupor. Including the sects against us.” We all laugh at that as I roll my eyes.

  “Let’s head to campus. New day, same shit. We have to be discreet. I will fill you in on the plan on the way,” Vince says. He is wearing a T-shirt over his shorts, but I am sure he will take it off once we reach the campus.

  I nod at him as I clear my dishes.

  I could hear them laughing and talking in the kitchen as I move to the garage. Just as I am about to open the garage door, I feel Enzo behind me. I turn around to look at him and his eyes widen. He recovers quickly and smiles at my raised eyebrow.

  “It was you,” he says quietly.


  He steps closer to me and tucks my hair behind my ear. Gently. So softly. It takes everything in me to not tilt my head and lean into him.

  “It was you who broke me. Years ago. The four year old you. Just never knew it was you who saved us too,” he presses his forehead to mine and says softly, “It was always you…and always will be.”

  With that he kisses my forehead and leaves.

  What the hell just happened?

  I walk into the garage and find Vince leaning against his car, looking at me. “Not just him babe. All of us.”


  Walking over to me, he tugs me to him gently. “We have thought of you for so long. But never had the guts to ask Pa about you. We have a lot to talk about. And we will.. But for now, let’s move.” He kisses the top of my head and takes my hand. As he leads me to the car, I cannot stop the butterflies in my stomach. Whether it is for the times to come, or for these guys...but whatever it is, it is going to be exciting.

  Chapter 17


  “So you are saying that if you hadn't hit me with the ball, then you wouldn't need to be at the college every day?” I ask Vince as we enter the campus grounds.

  He has removed his shirt and his glorious body is on full display. I know everyone goes gaga over men with abs, and chiseled pecs. But for me? Every man has something that draws my attention to him. And for Vince, it is his thick corded neck and the swimmer’s shoulders. Man oh man does that look delicious.

  Umm excuse me? Ada? Have you fucking left your brains back home?

  I come out of my stupor and see that Vince is looking at me expectantly. I shake my head and give him an apology smile.

  “What? Admiring my abs?” he asks.

  “No, your shoulders and neck actually…” I wink at him and continue.

  He stares at me for a brief moment and then barks out a laugh.

  “Sexy shoulders eh?” he says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders in a side hug.

  “Orgasmic shoulders Vince..”

  More laughter. His dimples peek out and it transforms his face. That makes me smile too.

  “You understand what is going to happen today, right, Ada?” Vince asks looking over the playgrounds.

  I nod.

  “I meet you at the parking lot after my first class. And we head back to your place. Till then, I am to proceed without interacting with anyone else, except Nikki, who will talk to me about her birthday party. Attend the class. And that’s it.”

  “Yeah. Just, do not alter anyone else’s reality in any way. And with that I am gonna go and start playing.” He gives me a hug and then stepping back, starts walking backwards. “Take care babe. I'm taking you home tonight..” he winks and turns around.

  Rolling my eyes at him, I take my phone out and start reading about various mythologies online. I am giving it ten minutes before I run inside and dodge the ball. Have to maintain the illusion of realities…

  I start walking inside and get ready for the day. New day, same shit. Vince catches my eye and gives an almost imperceptible nod. He whirls the ball towards me, I dodge it, and hear Nikki call out to me.

  And so it starts.

  Let the games begin.

  With a deep breath, I turn around and wave at Nikki.


  Once you know the missing puzzle pieces, you get so many ideas and angles it is not even funny. Like now, as I sit in the first lecture, I see that even though the Prof is wearing the same clothes, his hand movements are different. Like Nikki’s doodles are different, and have been different each day. And like that guy who I have never spoken to - Mathew - who sits in the front, is continuously looking back in his notebook as if trying to catch up. Could he also be remembering things differently?

  But what catches my attention the most, is the group of five guys outside the hall, standing casually and talking to each other, who were not here yesterday, or the day before that. And even though their stance tries for casual, their eyes and tight set of jaws is screaming alert, focus and attention. They are trying hard to not look inside the classroom, but every now and then, one of them will flick their eyes inside, real quick.

  I take my phone out and start typing a text to Vince.

  Me: Five guys outside. New addition. Alert but trying for casual. Another sect? Shall I move on to the next class or come to you?

  I continue making notes all the while looking out at the guys in my peripheral vision. None of them scream dangerous to me, but what do I know. The Prof asks us to read the next two pages of the chapter we are at, and I take this chance to find some answers.

  I let go of my mind and reach the theta state. After years of training it is almost second nature to me now. This meditation, like divination, is an amazing tool to ascertain certain things. Connecting to the land, and connecting to the pure energies of nature, I ask questions and the Universe sends me answers via my body. Pretty cool. The idea is that our energies are connected far wider than our physical bodies are. It is these energies that tap into nearby situations and people, and gives us answers. They won’t tell us about the other person. But we can ascertain certain things about what they and their energies mean for us. Like, whether their energy is repulsive for ours or not. That kind of thing.

As I go deeper, while looking at one word on the page, I am blasted with the mental images of Vince, Enzo, Ryan, Ash, Lexie, Dad, and my Baba. What was that for?

  Are they in danger? My body sways slightly. No

  I take a deep breath realising they are fine. I start with the next set of questions.

  The boys outside, are they a threat? Maybe

  Are they allies? Maybe

  Shall I speak to them? No

  So then what the hell am I supposed to do.


  One more deep breath.

  Suddenly my eyes focus on the word I had been staring at all this while.


  We are reading something about Christianity. But what about Mathew….? What am I supposed to do?

  I come out of the theta state and let my eyes drift outside. My gaze slowly takes in the whole room. As my eyes land on Mathew I find him looking at me, dead-on.


  My phone buzzes and I check to see it is Vince’s message.

  Vince: I am outside. I will wait for you.

  I type my reply quickly.

  Me: What do you know about Mathew?

  Three dots appear almost instantly.

  Vince: Sort of arrogant. But studious too. Haven't interacted much. Why?

  Me: He is giving me death glares. And it is new.

  Three dots.

  Vince: What shall we do?

  Me: Let’s see what the guys outside do…..?

  Vince: Okay, come straight to me Ada. Don't stop anywhere, don't interact with anyone else. Straight to me. Got it?

  Me: *eye roll emoji* aye aye captain.

  The class comes to an end. I hug Nikki bye as every day, collect my belongings and start walking towards the door with everyone.

  I walk outside and find Vince waiting for me. The college primadonna Victory is trying to catch his attention, holding his arms, batting her eyelashes, and pushing her tits up to his face.

  A sudden wave of jealousy hits me so fucking hard that I am forced to halt my steps and try and make sense of what I just felt.


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