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Circle of Time: An urban fantasy (The Kazi Chronicles Book 1)

Page 16

by Riverr Ravenswood

  There is a beat of silence around the room, then as one everyone erupts, except Sensei and Ada.

  “What did he give you.”

  “Why did he call her Kazi..”

  “He pledged his life and sword..”

  “And how are you so calm about all this Ada?” Ryan asks, shaking his head.

  But what is she supposed to do? She doesn't even know anything.

  “Why the fuck would you put your life in danger?” Enzo booms.

  The other boys start asking more questions, shouting at her, while Ada sits there calmly.

  “Enough!” Sensei shouts and everyone stops. “Like I said, think, is this the time and place to ask her all of this? Her reality just shifted. Knowing what you know about her now, you are telling her that she shouldn't have helped someone else? And Enzo?” Sensei looks at him, and then in a menacing voice tells him, “do not ever use that voice on her again. Else you will answer to me!”

  Enzo pales, then hangs his head. After taking a few deep breaths he looks at Ada and tells her, “Sorry Ada. I was just worried…”

  She opens her mouth for a rebuttal, but understanding lights up in her eyes. “It’s okay,” she shrugs. “Anyways, anybody wants to know what he gave to me? Or you all want to play who-is-the-baddest-wolf-of-all some more?”

  “Forget them, Gudiya. What did he give to you?” Sensei asks her.

  She smirks and then slides her fingers into her back pocket, pulling out a piece of paper.

  She unfolds it and places it on the table. We all lean in to see what it is.

  ‘Look there, where no one is known to return from.’

  What does this mean?

  “I think Mathew wanted to tell me about Vyhdir. I just get a sense. What about you?” she asks everyone, but looks at Pa and Sensei a bit longer.

  Sensei and Pa are on full alert, their eyes doing that glassy thing as if they are in some other world, in some other time.

  Finally, they both come out of wherever they were. “Okay, sorry baby girl. I think we need to unblock your magic. Others know of you, and one of them gave you this,” Pa says looking at the paper on the table. “How do you feel about it? About unblocking your magic now?”

  “I never had a problem with it, Dad. I would love to know what it is and what I am capable of. And if there is a minor chance, even one percent of a chance, that my magic or powers, whatever they might be, could help you all in any way, then I need it unblocked like yesterday!” A fierce determination lights Ada’s eyes as she says this.

  And without even realizing, my chest inflates as well with pride, along with every other person’s in the room.

  But Sensei starts laughing.

  “Oh Gudiya… you can help one hundred percent, even without your magic. I am just wondering what all of you will be able to do once it is unblocked.”

  She giggles at that, forcing a giggle out of me too. I think the sound itself is so unexpected, from me at least, that everyone looks at me like I have grown another head. I am looking at myself too, in my mind's eye. Ada starts laughing full on.

  “Well, female world domination!! Lexie and I are coming!!!” she says raising her fists in a warrior’s pose.

  “Okay okay enough of this tomfoolery. Let’s get to work,” Sensei says, getting up.

  “But I want to know what all of your magic is too. After mine has been unblocked?” Ada asks, as she picks up her cake and candy packets.

  “Yes later Adi. Let’s get this done first,” Pa says, with a finality in his voice, as he moves to follow Sensei.

  I step up to Ada, and help her pick up her packets.

  “Promise I won't take them,” I tell her, feeling her gaze burning holes in my head.

  “You better not. Because then I will have to kill you,” she says with a wink, but I believe her.

  She must have seen it on my face when she bursts out laughing causing me to laugh as well. Throwing her arms over my shoulders, she walks with me to where everyone is.

  “I wasn't lying about world domination Bruce! Let’s get this done.”

  We both laugh at this and move towards the much anticipated change - because I know in my heart that with her magic unblocked, world domination is inevitable.

  Chapter 27


  Since the basement is out of commission for a while because of our guests from last night, or the night before last, we all gather around in the study. Sensei has Ada sit in the center, with the five of us positioned around her in a rough circle/pentagram formation.

  Pa is seated a little farther away from our circle, facing Ada, and Sensei is right behind me.

  “Okay Gudiya, I want you to open your senses, and just let it all happen. We want theta state. Nothing will happen to you, you are safe at all times. I can’t tell how this is going to go since your magic has been locked for a long time, and it was done by Shakti, one of the most powerful beings to have ever walked this plane. But what I can tell you is that we won’t let anything happen to you. Alright?”

  “Yes, Baba,” she replies, closing her eyes.

  I see Pa nod to something that Sensei must have said.

  “When I say now, all of you add your powers. Keep it ready. It might not be required. But just in case. Look, observe, adjust. Questions?” Sensei asks us.

  We shake our heads and that is a cue for Pa and Sensei to start. My eyes are drawn to Ada, sitting in the center, lotus position, spine straight, a look of utter calmness on her face. No matter how much I try, I cannot look away from her.

  Pa and Sensei start chanting, in an ancient language. I see Pa’s eyes change colour. From its brown colour, they change to a fiery red, as he chants and focuses his entire attention on his daughter. I am sure Sensei’s eyes have changed colour too.

  As they reach the fourth verse of their chanting, the room becomes charged, vibrating with anticipation. Sensei steps inside the circle and we see Ada lift off the ground slightly, hovering just half a foot above ground.

  Sensei moves and positions himself in front of her, facing her, palms outstretched, one pointed at Ada’s forehead and the other at her stomach. She seems oblivious to what is happening around her. The calmness still on her face.

  Pa coaxes his fiery red magic out. Coiling around his hand, I can see his magic waiting for a command. It is a red ethereal snake-like thing, his magic, ready to strike. This is our cue to get our magic ready as well.

  Enzo’s purple powers come out the fastest, as if his powers are dying to go and be closer to her. But he reins it in, lest it hurt her, and keeps it around his body.

  Lexie’s orange streaks come out and slither up and down her arms. Vince’s blue misty chunks rotate around his face and neck, his right palm turned upward. Ryan’s yellow waves cover his hands, a slit appearing in his pupils. My white, electric, DNA-looking braids come to rest on my palm, reaching upwards, towards my head, prepared to do my bidding should the need arise. We hold it there, waiting for the next set of instructions.

  Ada’s hair rustle, her clothes whipping around her, a coil of smoke and mist whirling around her body. As if a gust of wind was moving around her. Could be so, even though we feel nothing.

  Sensei continues to chant.

  Ada’s body starts taking on a glittery glow. Like shimmery confetti is stuck to her skin. Sensei makes a subtle pushing movement with his palms, and a second later, a bubble of teal mist forms around Ada.

  “Now,” his soft command reaches us and we let our magic fly to meet that bubble, including Pa.

  Sensei closes his eyes, their chants become louder. Pa motions for us to step backwards and disconnect our magic.

  Doing as we are told, we all take three steps back, as does Sensei. Then, as their chanting reaches its zenith, he closes his fists and opens them again, pushing something towards the bubble.

  I watch in both amazement and horror, as all the different colours, mists, everything crashes around Ada. A scream rips out of her making me want to run to her. I see ev
eryone else is prepared to leap as well.

  Then, her body is thrown in the air, her limbs pulled in all directions, making her look like a star. Suspended in the middle of the room, in the air, Ada’s hair change from black to glittery golden and brown. The same colour currents writhe and move on her body, everywhere, on and around her.

  Her screams subside, as her head tips back, face pointed towards the ceiling. Her body is brought to a horizontal position, gently. The golden glitter around her takes on the shape of ethereal arms, cradling her, caressing her.

  I dare not take my eyes off her.

  As golden misty wings appear behind the ethereal arms, surprised inhales can be heard in the room. A rainbow like shimmery glow surrounds her, the golden arms, and the wings.

  The wings and the arms lower her gently to the ground, the protective bubble still around her. It looks like an angel herself is lowering Ada to the ground. As she is placed on the ground, the glittery arms come on top of her body, palms down, and move up and down her body. Then the arms and the wings dismantle, or fade away, into current-like strings, diving into her skin.

  I watch in amazement as those strings draw different designs, runes, tattoos, animals, shapes and symbols on her skin, all over her body. I am assuming it is all over her body because we can only see what is visible on her arms, legs and face. It looks a lot like that magic is happy to find a new canvas and is just doodling or playing.

  As if, listening to my thoughts, the strings stop their ‘drawing’, and then unravel to form a massive mandala looking design, with its complexity, runic symbols, and beautiful lines flowing in and out of the patterns. Someone takes in a shocked breath, but I don't have it in me to move my eyes off her.

  The whole design settles on her body, then seeps into her skin. Her skin glows with the design, for ten whole seconds, then everything disappears, leaving one vine like string with a pointed tip, resembling the nib of a pen.

  That string goes to her left shoulder. She is wearing a white dress with a boat neck. I can see the string drawing something there. It vanishes underneath her clothes, then comes out on her left forearm, and continues to draw something.

  Everyone moves a little forward to see what is happening. As we all get in position, I see the most beautiful lotus drawn in glittery golden and black colours. It is seated on a sea of golden and black, and connected to something coming from underneath her sleeves.

  Once it stops moving, everything around seems to hold its breath. The entire design glows and for a brief second I get a glimpse of the intricate pattern drawn on her skin. The pattern pulses three times, then fades, into her body. Except for the part of her forearm - the lotus and the water.

  It is a beautiful design. But no tattoo artist, no matter how talented, could have made it look like this. It seems to shimmer. The water seems to be moving in ripples, and the lotus literally glows on her arm.

  A crashing sound puts me on alert and I turn around to find Pa stumbling over a chair. Sensei is looking amazed at Ada, where the lotus glows and the water pulses. Ry and Lex go to help Pa up. He looks shaken, ecstatic, amazed, and scared - all at the same time.

  Maybe this design means something?

  Enzo catches my eye, while Vee crouches low next to her. There are no indications that she is opening her eyes soon. Her breaths are deep, her face is calm, hair fanned out beneath her head. She looks utterly peaceful, in deep sleep.

  “Shall I carry her to their bedroom?” Ry asks Pa and Sensei.

  They both nod, eyes on her face. Ry looks at us, worry etching his features. For Pa and Sensei to have agreed to let Ry carry Ada is a big thing.

  Ry doesn't waste time though. He lifts her up, with a gentleness that belies his strength and mountain like structure. He tells Lexie to come with him.

  Ada gone, Enzo, Vee and I fall back onto the ground on our asses, eyes hovering over the place she had just lain.

  “Pa, Sensei, what's wrong? You need water? Is she okay? Talk to us,” Enzo speaks softly to them.

  Footsteps seem to bring them out of their stupor. Lex and Ry enter the room and give us a thumbs up. Meaning she is tucked in and safe.

  Sensei and Pa look at us, look at each other, then take a deep breath in. Sensei steps up to Pa and pulls him into his arms.

  What the fuck is happening?

  Tears start flowing down Pa’s face. Lexie’s hand flies to her mouth and Ry pulls her backward, towards me. She looks at us bewildered. Before I can ask why, Sensei pats Pa’s back a few times, speaks something in his ears softly, and turns to face us.

  The reason for Lexie’s shock is clear in Sensei’s tear streaked face.

  He looks at us meaningfully. Taking a deep breath, then says, “Shit just got real. We start training tomorrow. Like I used to train Ada. Each of us will take turns in helping her with her magic, with her powers.” He raises his hand to stop any questions coming his way. “We don't know yet what her powers are. But we know she is powerful. For her magic to draw, pulse, glow and disappear like that, means that she is probably one of the most powerful in the world - like you guys.”

  He turns around to look at Pa, who is looking at the place where Ada had lain. Feeling eyes on him, he looks to us then says, as if on autopilot. “We have to help each other, trust no one but us, and train harder than ever. Hand-to-hand, weapons, strategy, survival, manipulation, every single tactic.”

  We nod, then share uncomfortable glances with each other.

  “What is wrong, Pa? You said you don't know what her powers are, yet you both look pale and exhausted. What is going on? Is she okay? Does she have evil powers or something?” Lexie asks. “I don't care if you think the powers are evil. If there is anyone in the world who can put something to good use, it is her. So why are you so worried?”

  Sensei and Pa continue looking at her. Not saying anything, skyrocketing our anxiety even higher.

  Could she have evil powers? And what even is evil powers?

  “What? Does she have evil powers?” Vee asks, a deep burrow on his forehead.

  Sensei looks at our face then blinks. Once. twice. Thrice. Then looks at Pa. Then at us.

  And then, to our horror, he throws his head back and laughs. A heart warming, booming laugh. Pa smiles at him. Sensei steps forward and hugs each of us, tightly, fiercely, protectively, and steps back to hug Pa once again.

  He hugged us like he hugs Ada.

  And for that brief moment when he had his arms around me, I felt cocooned, safe, cherished, protected. Ada feels this way all the time with him.

  “No, there is nothing evil about her powers. Lexie, please enforce the wards, so that what we speak does not leave this room,” he tells her.

  She nods and sets out to set up the wards.

  She returns a minute later and looks at Sensei with a nod.

  Sensei nods and says, “this remains amongst us. Before I say anything, know that shit just got real, as you youngsters say it. Ada’s safety and protection just got bumped to the top. Alright?”

  We nod. Still unclear as to why or what or how…..

  Sensei looks at Pa, eyes twinkling.

  Pa takes a deep breath, his chest inflates - with pride or love, I cannot say which. But it is a good emotion, I can tell.

  “We had been looking all around us, all this time. But we needn't have,” he says, and Lexie covers her mouth with her hands. I think I know what he is saying. But I need to hear him say it.

  Pa takes his time, looks at us, one by one then at the spot where Ada was. He closes his eyes, clutching the locket that has his wife, Shakti’s, and Ada’s photos.

  When he opens his eyes, everybody in the room, including Sensei, gasps and takes a step back. His eyes are blazing a lava-red-orange, his protective fire. Literally blazing. That is his power. He is The Protector. It is said when a protector like Cael finds Kazi, his ward, his eyes would blaze with the glory of the Gods. And he has found his.

  “Ada, my daughter, is the Kazi.”

Chapter 28


  I wake up slowly, feeling the calmest I have ever felt, like I am coming out of a desensitization chamber. I am on my bed in Lexie’s and my room in the mansion. I don't remember coming back here.

  With a flash, everything from last night comes back to me. The ceremony, Dad, Baba - my magic.

  I take my hands out and hold them in front of my face inspecting them, nothing seems different. I don’t see anything. But I feel different. Good, different.

  I get off the bed and look at the bedside clock. It shows the time to be 8:00 AM. Lexie isn’t on her bed.

  Shit, I was supposed to be in campus!

  I rush to the bathroom, finish bathing and everything, come back, and start getting dressed. As I am putting on my white shirt, I notice it.

  On my left forearm, in beautiful glittery golden and black ink, is a tattoo of a lotus sitting on water.


  I go to the vanity mirror and turn around, all the way. No other designs or tattoos, just the lotus. What the heck… maybe the magic….? My skin seems to have a glow about it, and my hair is shinier. Wow, magic?

  Well, thank you magic.

  I quickly finish getting ready and head out of the room to find the others.

  Voices reach me, from the kitchen. As I head inside I see everyone seated around the dining table, and Dad cooking pancakes. The sight fills me with warmth. I am not sure if it is a magic thing or just seeing my father here with me.

  I look around and find Vince sitting here too. He didn’t go too.

  “Hey,” I say as I enter the kitchen.

  Seven heads snap towards me, amazed and bewildered. And then Dad is running towards me and I am in his arms.

  It takes me a moment for my mind to register what happened.

  “Good morning to you too Dad… What’s happening?” I say hugging him back.


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