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Circle of Time: An urban fantasy (The Kazi Chronicles Book 1)

Page 30

by Riverr Ravenswood

Ash and I chuckle. But despite me, my eyes keep going to the spot Ash’s hand is touching Ada. I am not sure if I am feeling jealous or settled. But I am feeling something alright.

  “Touche,” Ash says, rubbing his nose with hers.

  “Ada!” Pa’s voice cracks like whip and Ash and I jump a few feet away from her.

  She looks at the ground, bites her lip, and smiles.

  Fuck, her teeth and her lips.

  Turning around, she goes to where Pa is. Ash and I follow her, a few feet behind. Lexie snickers to my right and Ash flips her a bird.

  Pa introduces her to Ian. Ian is slightly older to us, by two years I suppose. I like the guy. He has proven his worth on more than one occasion. He is the guy who takes us in and out of missions. And we watch each other’s sixes.

  He has blond, chin length hair, currently tied in a top-knot. Lexie tells me that he is a hot dude. I have no opinion on the matter, except to say that he is a good fighter.


  I don’t think that is going to fly for long. Because he just gave a smoldering look to Ada, as she approached him, and the sweep. Head to toe. You know the sweep? The thing that guys do? Taking in everything about a girl, before deciding whether they have an interest in the girl or not? And if the gleam in his eyes are any indication, then yes, he would very much like to get to know Ada more.

  Over my fucking dead body!

  Lexie and Ash catch my eye, Ash is on the verge of losing his shit and Lexie has her jaw set tight. Of course, she can feel the lust, I am sure.

  The fucker has gotta go.

  It is decided.

  I have decreed.

  “She is also my daughter,” I hear Pa growl, and he looks taller than he is. And broader. Oh good. He noticed it too.

  We approach them, and Ian, who was holding Ada’s hand for a handshake, looks at Pa, eyes wide open, but doesn’t let go of her hand yet.

  “Yeah...and a good idea to let go of my hand,” Ada gives a soft laugh, and winks at him.

  Ian lets go, sure. But his eyes do not leave her.

  “Oh God, I had no idea that your daughter is also a part of Adishakti,” Ian says.

  “Adishakti is named after my daughter and my wife. Ada and Shakti. Did you forget?” Pa is stern and for once, I am glad that that tone is not directed at me.

  “I didn’t know your daughter’s name. But it is a great opportunity to meet you, Ada. I am sure we will get to have a good time on this trip,” he straightens and winks at her. “And maybe, many more trips to come.”

  Ada laughs and pats his shoulder. “I am looking forward to it, Ian. Happy flying!”

  She gives a smile to Pa and heads inside. Pa follows her, as do Ian’s eyes.

  Lexie clears her throat. Ian turns around and his face splits into a wide smile. “Lexie! Good to see you girl! No longer the only girl I see.”

  “She is not gonna be interested. Stay away from her. Do not mess her up,” she tells him in a calm, cold, and a threatening voice.

  Bravo girl!

  She doesn't wait for Ian’s response and goes inside.

  Ian looks at us and we do our side armed bro-hug.

  “Good to see you guys. All the best for the mission,” he says to us.

  “Thanks,” Ash replies. “Will you be bringing us back? Or is someone else coming to relieve you?”

  It is a valid question because most times, it has happened.

  “Nah, it is me,” he says with an easy laugh. His eyes dart towards the cabin again. “And I wouldn't exchange this for anything. Cael’s daughter! Can you imagine? I want to get to know her so bad.”

  Ash gets in his face before I can even move.

  “Stay the fuck away from her. You do not want to take on all of us, plus Pa and Sensei,” Ash snarls at Ian.

  “Whoa… Sensei? She knows Sensei?”

  “Who knows me?”

  We turn at Sensei’s voice and watch him climb the steps with his duffel on his shoulder, Vee behind him. That means Ry is already inside in the cockpit, being the co-pilot for Adishakti.

  “Sensei! Good to see you,” Ian says, bowing to him.

  “Good to see you too Ian! Fly well!” Sensei accepts and returns his bow. Then he asks, “who knows me?”

  “Ada, Cael’s daughter.”

  I watch in amazement as Sensei’s eyes harden and his face becomes an impenetrable mask. Experience has shown me that this is a dangerous Sensei to be around.

  Instinctively, Ash and I take a step back.

  “What about her?” Sensei asks. Calm voice, no emotion in eyes or face. Perfect poker face.

  “I just met her. I didn’t know that Cael’s daughter is also a part of Adishakti. And I was just wondering if she knows you. That’s all.”

  Ian has his easygoing smile going again. But Sensei doesn’t budge.

  “Yes she knows me.”



  “Does she know you well?”

  “I will ask you one time, and you need to answer carefully,” Sensei steps forward. “Why do you care?”

  “Because then it means that she is somebody important. And powerful. Because only the important and powerful ones know you. Right?”

  “She is Cael’s daughter. If that doesn't make her important, then what will?” Sensei raises his eyebrow at him, and before Ian could start, he leans in. “Do not try anything with her. You are a good warrior and I do not want to lose you. But you look at her funny, she will gut you Ian.”

  “Whoa whoa, why is everyone warning me away from her? Am I not good enough?”

  That fucker. I will tell him what good he is for.

  “Baba! They have the PacMan console! Come fast,” Ada comes rushing out bumping into me. I straighten her, but she is beaming at Sensei.

  “PacMan?” Sensei asks, while raising an eyebrow at Ian.

  “Cael asked me to arrange for some vintage video arcades. Why? You play well?” Ian asks Ada.

  “Are you kidding me? I am a PacMan ninja! Aiyya!!” She does the imitation of the Taekwondo kihap, drawing a little laugh from us. “Too bad you will be busy flying, I would have beaten you at the game.”

  “Gudiya, you are not playing with Ian.”

  “I know. He is flying, I got that,” she laughs and starts tugging Sensei.

  “No, I mean, ever.”

  “Excuse me?” She turns to glare at Sensei, and the rest of us take a step back, again. Because this? Eyes blazing fire, cheeks flushed and pressed lips? While she looks hot, she is going to blast. “Did you just tell me that I cannot play with someone, or something?”

  And honest to God, Sensei sputters.

  “I didn’t mean it that way. He is older to you and we think that he has intentions towards you that none of us want him to have.”

  “Hey!” Ian shouts, but Ada ignores him.

  “Excuse me, again,” my spitfire says. “First, it doesn't matter that you all think someone should or shouldn’t have certain intentions towards someone. That is wrong on so many levels. This is not Bollywood. And Second, what intentions? Ian is a natural flirt and I assure you that he has no such intentions towards me. And thi-”

  “Hey,” Ian interrupts her again, and we take one more step back. Because she hates people who interrupt. “Who says I don’t have intentions? You are an incredibly sexy girl and I would love to get to know you.” He gives her a cheeky grin to which Ada raises her right eyebrow and looks at him dead in the eye.

  That shit is weirdly hot.

  “Sorry. I was kidding. You are right,” Ian stammers.

  “Never again interrupt me or you will never know what the fuck hit you. Fun and humor and pranks is one thing. But Ian, man, my Dad and Baba will literally gut you if you think you can get away with these pranks by speaking things like you would like to know me. I know, trust me, I know,” she emphasises. What does she know? “I am not the one you have feelings towards. And though you are a natural flirt and I foresee us becoming good friends
in future, do not risk your life by trying to flirt with me. Got me?”

  Ian nods and winks at her.

  Ada turns to Sensei and continues, “and thirdly, age Baba, really, age? You are saying he is older to me? Do not get on my wrong side by playing a sexist and an ageist snail. Not with me. Either of you,” she points at us, “ever think of telling me what you think I should do, remember that I am Cael and Shakti’s daughter, and Oogway’s granddaughter. The only way out from that fiasco will be becoming my enemy. Hear me?”

  She doesn't wait and goes inside.

  Ian looks at us, then laughs heartily and heads to the cockpit.

  Sensei exhales long and looks at the sky. “I got told I guess.”

  Such a millennial statement that we cannot help the nervous burst of laughter that leaves us. Sensei’s lips twitch, but he doesn't laugh.

  “Could you have guessed someone would talk to me like that and live to see another day?” he asks us in his amused tone.

  “No, just…. never,” Ash says.

  “Well. All the best to you guys,” he starts walking, “if she can talk to me like that, imagine what will happen to you if you dare question her or stop her?” All the laughter comes to a stop.

  Sensei smirks and turns on his heels to enter the cabin.

  Vee, Ash and I look at each other, because we know how true that statement is. But also…

  Did Sensei crack a joke with us?

  Chapter 45


  “So, tell me about Kailamat, Dad. I mean I only know what I read in a few hours. But I want to hear from you,” I say while getting comfortable in a lotus position on the luxurious seats.

  “All I know is what I read too. I presume you have read all about it?” he asks me.

  “Not everything. Just fleetingly. To get my understanding to the level of you guys so that I am not lost when all of you break out into one of them discussions.”

  He raises his eyebrow.

  I shrug and tell him, “and you are a phenomenal storyteller.”

  He chuckles, and that catches the attention of everyone around.

  “What’s happening?” Baba says while walking up to us and sitting on the seat next to me.

  “Dad is just going to tell me everything he knows about Kailamat.”

  “Well, I don’t mind listening to it again. It might help us too now that we have a fresh pair of eyes and the most inquisitive mind,” Baba smiles at me and turns to face Dad.

  “Okay,” Dad starts. “When Paramaiah created Shivati, Aarya, Krimavi, Kshitara, and Brahakta, the destruction, preservation and creation Gods, He went about creating other Gods as well. Remember that the power to create Gods, or other living beings, is only with Paramaiah. After creating a few other Gods, they all realised that it would make sense to have elemental Gods as well.

  “And so He created Draidon, the God of Water; Wana-yu, God of Air; Muros-a-ya, God of Fire; and Vala-di-Somi, God of Earth. They are also called The Four collectively. For years, that would be millennia on Earth, they tried to get their powers under control. But elements are powerful. You can see all around you the level of power the elements yield. Even we, the human beings, are made up of all the elements. So attaining the perfect balance and knowing the fine line between destruction, creation and preservation for the elements was most critical at that time. Still continues to be.

  “These four, created together, are the closest to one another. They complete each other’s sentences, they think alike. It is said that these four are the fairest of Gods. Because they learned the hard way that true beauty and peace exists in balance and harmony. Harmony of the elements, emotions, energies.

  “Soon, the gods reached a stage where they wanted to create a realm, or a dimension, separate from Arhanyth. Like our Earth. Once it was created, they created portals. Kailamat, is the secret passageway to Arhanyth from here. But The Four’s powers were not stable. It happens with great magic. They kept messing up. You may have heard of the ice ages, or the lava ages when molten lava flowed on the surface of Earth for years. All those years of masses of lands shifting? Volcanic ages where an earthquake causes magma to erupt? All of that was the imbalance of the elements.

  “Paramaiah asked them to go to Kailamat, and get their powers under control. As long as it took. When ultimately they reached Kailamat, they realised that there is a special force field surrounding it. Nobody can enter or leave, until the purpose has been achieved. So no matter how much these four messed up or gave up, they couldn’t leave. They got burned in the fire that went out of control. They learned to survive in the caves when earth swallowed them. They survived every aftermath of their powers gone wrong, and knew that the only way to get out of there was if they learned how to control their powers. There was no help coming. Only Paramaiah could enter Kailamat since he had sent them there, and because, of course, He is the creator supreme.

  “They did control their powers and the rest is history. And now we know that Kailamat has forests, lakes and ocean, mountains, and volcanoes. All elements present in one small spot. Like you had decoded.”

  “Umm.. I have questions,” I tell Dad.

  He smirks and says, “Wouldn’t expect anything less. Shoot.”

  “So…. Do you know what Paramaiah’s thinking was when He created Kailamat? I mean, it didn’t have all the elements there to start with, right? Why did He ask them to come here? Arhanyth would have been much more suitable to handle the backlash of their powers, right? Why here?”

  “You want to take this one?” Dad looks at Baba, and all eyes turn to Baba.

  I give him a smile because I know that he is a phenomenal analyst. Whatever his analysis is, would be almost too close to the truth.

  He nods and thinks for some time. Once done positioning all his thoughts, he gives a nod again and takes a deep breath.

  “Paramaiah must have thought that Earth would benefit from this,'' I was about to open my mouth but don’t because I want him to continue. But of course he notices. “You have another question, I presume?”

  I give him a smile and nod. “But that can wait until after this. It is more of an essay kind of question.”

  He laughs and Dad chuckles.

  “Very well then. I think that firstly, these four are few of the most powerful and invincible Gods. They could have harmed or killed other Gods, if they were in Arhanyth. Other living beings didn’t come into existence until The Four mastered their powers. Because without them, nothing else could have been created. With me so far?”

  We nod.

  “Secondly, nothing spurs us into action if something isn’t at stake. And I think that is what Paramaiah did. By making sure that they understood the power of their powers and their responsibilities.”

  When he doesn't offer anything more, I ask my next question.

  “If Paramaiah created Gods, then why didn’t He just create humans and animals too? For Earth, I mean. And if He created Earth, then where did the ‘earth’ come from? As The Four were out of control and hadn’t learned their powers yet”

  Baba chuckles. “Paramaiah is the Supreme Being. He is full of magic and power,” Baba tells us. “If he alone was to create more living beings then all of them would come with some powers, they wouldn't simply be humans or animals. They would all be gifted. So he needed all the other aspects as well - like emotions, elements, energies - to make up the composition of people, of animals, of plants. He created the Earth. But the land that was Earth first, was magical. Kailamat was the most magical piece of land because of its connection to Arhanyth. The rest of the planet, however, was still magical. Not as strong as Arhanyth. Remember, that that early on, Earth wasn’t as defined. It didn’t have many things it has now. It was just a blank canvas.”

  “I don’t understand, His essence would still be in all of us, right? So how come we are not all gifted if he still created us? And Earth was magical, then what happened?”

  “Dilution and greed. He created Earth, and the first pairs of
everything. The generations that followed is biology. Those first men and women, animals, had some speck of magic or a gift in them. Just like the land. But over the generations and centuries, the magic has died down, diluting to such a great extent that that speck of magic is no longer apparent. Everybody has some gift. What people now call skill sets. We sometimes do get some truly gifted, like we have here in this jet.

  “Yes, there are still gifts that people have. But they aren't outrageous or conspicuous. Their gifts don’t have colours or physical presence. We have the diluted version of gifts. Like someone has the best luck in the world, or someone has the ability to talk their way out of any situation. Some are dancers, some are musicians. But nobody can dance like the God of Dance who could move the world with their movements. Those are the diluted forms of gifts.

  “That is why, to create the first pairs of every living being, He needed the powers of all the other Gods. Achieving the perfect mix and balance so that they had something like Gods, but not exactly. The land that was magical in the beginning, lost the magic after being drained of all the precious magical things by the early men. Mining, deforestation, everything. There is a reason some pagan cultures worship nature and earth because they realise the magic of the land.”

  “Okay,” I say biting my lip. “Umm… So how much do the Gods interfere in the lives of all the mortals? I mean, how much of fate and destiny is true? Do the Gods, I don't know, sit around discussing the fate of individuals? Do they listen to prayers? I am confused.”

  Suddenly, the jet lurches forward and starts bouncing. Ian’s voice comes over the PA system. “Sorry for that folks. Please grab onto your seat. Minor disturbance in the skies. We will be out of it soon. But just to be safe. And someone please grab Ada and ensure that she is safe and sound, yeah?”

  He clicks off the PA system and everyone around me grumbles. I roll my eyes, fastening my seatbelt.

  I am genuinely curious to know what actually happens? Do Gods really hear our pleas? Are they aware that so much bloodshed is happening in their names? What do they even do the whole day? Are the days the same on Arhanyth as they are on Earth?

  “You are thinking too loud, Stellina,” Enzo speaks from next to me.


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