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Renaissance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 5)

Page 12

by Rebecca Lynn

  “You have.”

  She looked at him, his eyes staring into hers. “I have, haven’t I?”

  “Yes. Remember that. You’re no longer that same woman. You’re stronger, smarter, and you’re about to embark on a great new adventure showing the world just that.”

  Her heart welled up with emotion. “Yeah. I am,” she said more emphatically. “I like you, Doc,” she uttered suddenly.

  He chuckled. “I like you, too.” A sweet moment passed while he continued looking at her, then he continued. “Are you ready for the fundraiser? It’s only a couple of weeks away.”

  “I’m ready. I’m finishing up some details with Janie on the menu and the guest list is looking promising.”

  “Good. It’ll be a fun night and it’s sure to bring in some good money.”

  “Fingers crossed,” she smiled, wondering if he would be bringing Katrina.

  They had arrived to her place and he automatically put his hand on hers just as she was reaching for her wallet. “I’ll take care of this.” She growled in frustration, while he pushed her gently out the door. “Come on, I’ll walk you inside.” He turned to the cabbie. “Can you wait for a sec?” The guy nodded and kept the meter running.

  “Let me give you some money,” she began. “And you don’t have to walk me in.”

  “DNA,” was all he said as he put his hand on her back and walked her inside past the doorman and to the empty elevator area. Before hitting the ‘up’ button, he turned to her. “I guess I’ll see you in a couple of weeks,” he breathed.

  She nodded with a smile, the air crackling around them. “Thank you for tonight, for, well, everything. Everything was great.”

  “Good.” He didn’t hesitate and pulled her into his arms for one of his stupendous hugs, bringing her flush against him. She felt his heat, smelled his clean scent. Mm, he felt incredible against her.

  “You give such great hugs,” she said before thinking.

  She felt his chuckle rumble through his chest. His hand went up her back to rest at the bottom of her neck, where he cupped her head. His mouth went to her ear. “I’m glad you think so,” he whispered.

  Just as she was naturally curving her neck toward his mouth, he pulled away. She licked her lips, looking at his face so close to hers. All she had to do was lean up an inch and –

  “‘Night,” he smirked.

  His expression made her want to either jump him or punch him. “Good night,” she said casually, as if she hadn’t a care in the world.

  He gave her one last look then turned and walked away.

  Chapter 6

  The elevator ride took forever. She felt like she was crawling out of her skin, all hot and prickly, and ready for the man. Biting down on her lip as she unlocked her door, she dropped her bag and turned to lock back up. What was he doing to her? Every touch, every glance made her want to rub up against him like a cat in heat.

  She played over the words they’d shared that night, knowing that something had shifted, but not really sure what it was, or how it had happened. She just knew that it had, and her body felt the energy of the new found knowledge.

  She walked through her apartment, dropping her belongings on various surfaces, then she headed into her bathroom where she stripped, letting her phone fall to the floor along with her clothes. Setting the water temperature to cool, she stepped in and directed her face to the stream, letting go of a pent up breath as the lukewarm water trickled over her body.

  Her hands ran through her hair, slicking it back then lathering it up with shampoo. As the suds slid sensually down her breasts and nipples, she closed her eyes. Drew’s face appeared; his lazy smile, his heavy lidded eyes, his soft but firm lips. And that body. She just knew he was ripped with those wide shoulders and hard chest.

  Her fingers toyed with the rings through her nipples, causing her breath to catch. She let one hand skim lightly down her body...

  She was jolted out of her fantasy when her phone began ringing. Startled, she rubbed the soap out of her eyes and pushed the shower curtain out of the way to look at the phone on the floor. It was on its front, so she couldn’t see who was calling. It was late, fast approaching midnight, so she didn’t know who could be calling unless it was an emergency. She finished in the shower, and still dripping, grabbed the phone just as a text came in.

  It had been Drew who had called. Her heartbeat accelerated. The text right afterwards had been from him as well.

  DREW: Thought you’d still be up. U around?

  Her hands were still wet so she hit the microphone icon, and said, “I’m around.” Then she hit send, and began drying off.

  Why was he calling her?

  She quickly toweled off her hair and body, then moved into her bedroom where she grabbed her lounge pants and t-shirt.

  Her phone rang.

  “Hey,” she said, sounding out of breath. “What’s up? Everything okay?”

  He chuckled. “I should be asking you that question.”

  She frowned. “Why?”

  He cleared his throat with an amused sound. “What was your last text to me, Tiff?”

  She was so confused. “You mean the one from a second ago?”


  “‘I’m around’?”

  “Take another look.”

  “Hold on.” She quickly scrolled back to her text screen and in horror saw her message to him.

  TIFF: I’m aroused.

  Shit! Fucking autocorrect. Truer words had never been said...or texted in this case. She couldn’t help but groan out a laugh.

  “It autocorrected,” she stammered, her mind racing, wondering at what he thought when he read those words. She was so embarrassed, she missed whatever it was he mumbled. “What?”

  “Nothing,” he said, sounding like he was smiling.

  “Why did you call?”

  “Well, I was just going to finish up with a text, but when I saw yours I thought I’d call back to make sure I wasn’t missing anything,” he chuckled.

  “It autocorrected,” she babbled again. “I was in the shower and I was all wet, so I just hit the microphone to speak it and it changed what I said.” God, she was digging herself in deeper and deeper.

  “No worries.” He was totally laughing at her, she could tell.

  “Did you need something?”

  “Carly got home and called me. She wanted to send you her friends’ contact info but she forgot to get your number.”

  “Oh,” she said. “Okay.” She still didn’t understand why he was calling her. “So,” she paused, “you gave it to her for me?”


  “Great, thanks.” There was a moment of silence. “Is that why you called?”

  There was another beat of silence. “Yeah.”

  “You could’ve left me a message or just texted that to me.” It was time to call him on the carpet. Enough of this dancing around the issue.



  “I don’t really know why I didn’t leave a message. Though that text certainly got my attention, and I felt like I needed to call to check on you.” He was having fun with it for sure.

  “It autocorrected.”

  “So you’ve said,” he chuckled. “Many times.” He paused. “Are you sure you were okay tonight? At the concert?”

  She snuggled into her pillow and smiled. “Why are you asking?” she asked quietly.

  “I don’t know. After Carly called, I started thinking about your reaction to that song. I guess I just wanted to make sure you were good.”

  She smiled even more. “Is this a DNA thing again, Doctor?”

  “Probably,” he muttered. “Listen, I’m sure there are a million and one things people obviously don’t know about your time with your ex, but I just wanted to remind you that you survived. You did that. And now you’re thriving. I’m genuinely excited for you. I think you’re going to be great, Tiff.” He added, “I think you are great.”

  She blushe
d. “Thank you.” After a second, she continued, “I feel like my life is beginning all over again, and I’m excited too. It’s good to see glimpses of the woman I once was before I met him. Like I said, I certainly can’t place all of the blame on him, but he had a way of,” she paused, “manipulating and convincing me to do things that I still can’t believe I did.”

  Shut up, Tiff. For the first time in ages, she actually listened to herself.

  He hesitated, then said, “Can I ask you something?”


  “Did he ever hurt you?”

  She sighed. “That’s such a loaded question. Do you mean was he physically abusive?”

  “Yes. I know I have no right to ask it.”

  “It’s okay.” And it was. “I trust you.” She took a moment to think through how she would respond. “He wasn’t physically abusive, but he liked to play emotional and mental games. I certainly allowed him to get me to do things I didn’t want to do physically.” She felt her face grow hot.

  There was a beat of silence, then, “I hope I never meet him.”

  “Careful, Doc. Your DNA is showing again,” she said with a quiet smile, feeling cherished and protected by this man whom she was quickly coming to adore.

  “I’m serious. I honestly don’t know what I would do if I met him, but I don’t think it would be pretty.”

  “Drew,” she tsked. “You’re,” she stumbled, “an incredible man. I don’t want you to spend any more time thinking about it. It’s over. He has no power over me anymore. As you’ve said, I survived and now I’m going to thrive.”

  “Absolutely.” She heard him sigh deeply. “I should let you get to sleep. I didn’t mean to bug you.”

  “No problem. When I heard the phone ring, I thought it might’ve been an emergency.”

  “Not an emergency. Just me.”

  “Thanks for giving Carly my number.”

  “You got it. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks then.”


  “Bye, babe.”

  She stilled at the endearment. “Have a good night.”

  Once they were disconnected, she fell back on her pillow. You’re not in love with him. You’re not in love with him. You’re not in love with him. She turned onto her side and stared at her closet door. It’s just lust. Your libido is just charging along, that’s all.

  Then why do I want to just hang out with him, talk to him, snuggle into him? Let him hold me and protect me? Why do I love hearing him say how proud he is of me?

  She let go of a frustrated sigh.

  Because you’re in love with him.

  The next two days seemed to fly by. She took Sunday to laze around, but Monday got right back into the fray of the final details regarding the fundraiser. Those two days had also been spent contacting the girls to tell them about the impromptu concert date along with the coincidental ‘bump into each other’ when she was out with Todd. The news was met with tempered excitement, and by the time she talked to Ryann on Monday afternoon, Ryann had already known all of the juicy details from Ayanna.

  “So, I was thinking,” Ryann began. “Jem and I were talking with Janie and your brother, and we’d like to have a dinner party for you.”

  “For me?” she laughed. “What on earth for?”

  “Because you’ve been working your booty off for months with the foundation and we won’t really be able to spend time with you at the fundraiser to talk and celebrate you. You’ll be working, understandably, and Janie and Ayanna will be doing the catering. I don’t know, Jem and I just thought it would be good to have a little gathering at our place to show you how much we love you, and how happy we are for you.”

  “Oh, Ry. You guys are too sweet.”

  “Are you doing anything this Saturday night?”


  “Nice. Let’s party then,” she said excitedly. “I’ve already planted the seed with the girls so I’ll give them a buzz to get the ball rolling.”

  Tiffany hemmed and hawed a bit, then said, “Who’s coming?”

  Ryann chuckled knowingly. “The normal crew, and yes, I was going to include Drew. Is that okay with you?”

  “Of course,” she said casually.

  “And for the record, I think you should bring Todd.”

  “I’ll ask him. He’s working on a big project so he might not be available.”

  “Just check anyway.”

  “Okay.” She paused. “Were you going to tell Drew to bring Katrina?”

  “I was going to leave that up to him, but you should definitely bring Todd.”

  “Match make much?”

  She giggled. “Let’s say seven o’clock, okay?”

  “Okay. Can I bring anything?”

  “Yes, Todd. Stay with me here, Tiff.”

  She laughed. “Fine, fine. I’ll see you this weekend.”

  “See you then, babe.”


  A frisson of excitement coursed through her at the thought of seeing Drew in a few days. She called Todd, who happily accepted the invitation. He would be working on his project in Brooklyn, but said he’d meet her at Ryann and Jem’s place, which was in the West Village.

  By Thursday, Tiffany was chomping at the bit. She’d had a productive few days, finally hiring a security firm for when the warehouse was open full time, and she’d gotten a text from Carly who’d sent along the names of her friends. Tiffany had contacted them both and had already set up appointments with them for the next day.

  But it was the anticipation of the weekend that was killing her.

  Thursday night, she sat on her sofa twirling a glass of wine in her hand and flipping through channels with her other. She’d begun running more and was beginning to feel the soreness in her muscles, so she got onto the floor and did some Yoga moves to loosen up her legs. At that moment, Carly popped into her head and she realized she hadn’t asked her about her daughter. She looked over at the time. Too late to text.

  But maybe it wasn’t too late to text Carly’s brother.

  She really was pitiful. But she sincerely wondered how Carly’s daughter was doing, so fuck it. She was doing it and grabbed her phone.

  TIFF: How’s your niece? Forgot to ask Carly how she was. Is she ok?

  She continued stretching on the floor, then finally made it back up to the sofa where she caught the tail end of a Friends episode. Just as she was dozing off, her text went off.

  DREW: She’s fine, but Carly was glad she went home.

  Tiffany let out a contented sound. She just wanted to curl up in bed with her phone and talk to him, stay connected to him for as long as she could.

  TIFF: Good to hear. I meant to ask Carly when she contacted me this week.

  DREW: What r u still doing up?

  TIFF: I was just starting to fall asleep. R u at work?

  DREW: Got off rounds and saw your text. Go to sleep, it’s late...and I’ll see u in a couple of days at R and J’s, Miss Guest of Honor.

  She smiled and bit down on her lip.

  TIFF: Oh. Were u invited to that thing?

  DREW: Ha ha. You’re funny, Daniels.

  She laughed.

  TIFF: Just a little humor, Doc. Lighten up.

  DREW: U bringing Todd?

  TIFF: He’ll be there later, but yes. Katrina?

  DREW: She’ll be there.

  TIFF: Okie dokie.

  DREW: Go to sleep. I’ll see u Sat.

  TIFF: Yes u will.

  DREW: Good night.

  TIFF: Night, Doc.

  She couldn’t wait.


  “I’ll definitely be there by eight,” Todd said late Saturday afternoon.

  “No problem,” Tiffany said into her phone. “I knew it might be tricky for you to get there. Are things too crazy? Do you want to just ditch it tonight?”

  “No, no. I want to be there. Text me the address, okay?”

  “Okay. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  “You bet.”

>   They disconnected and Tiffany sent him Jeremy and Ryann’s address, then finished getting ready. She chose her outfit carefully, pointedly not choosing red this time, but a brilliant blue multi layered top that highlighted her eyes. For herself though, she did wear red lingerie underneath it. Her skinny jeans and boots finished her look for the evening.

  Eventually, she headed out and took a cab over to the West Village, looking forward to the evening ahead. By the time she arrived, her body was humming with anticipation at seeing Drew. Jeremy let her in.

  “Hey, there she is,” he beamed and pulled her into a huge hug. The man was definitely a handsome man. And with Jeremy, Luke, and Mike all standing at six foot three, they were a sight to behold when they were all together. The three of them were striking in appearance, each in their own way, and taller than the average man. Jem’s green eyes twinkled at hers, his dark hair catching a glint of sunlight while in the doorway.

  “How are you doing, honey?” he asked.

  “It’s good to see you,” she smiled, hugging him. He had been her brother’s best friend for twenty years, and in turn, one of hers as well. “I’m good. How ‘bout you?”

  “Awesome. Come on in. Where’s Todd? We’ve all been wanting to check him out.”

  “He’ll be here soon. He’s working on a brownstone in Brooklyn so he’ll be late.”

  “Good,” he said, sounding relieved. “Be forewarned. They’re all in a matchmaking frenzy. Especially Mikey. I swear, ever since Emily tossed him on a mat, he’s turned into the love guru.” Jem pulled her through the hallway where all of her friends were talking, eating, and drinking.

  “It’s about time you got here,” exclaimed Sergeant Michael Callahan. He unfolded his large frame from the sofa and walked over to give her a bear hug. Mischievous, demonstrative, and an outrageous flirt, Mike wasted no time in getting down and dirty.

  And currently, he wanted to get down and dirty about Tiffany’s dating life.

  “So, before Drew gets here,” he began.

  “Stop right there. I do not want love advice from you, Michael Callahan.”

  The girls began laughing. “I told you she’d tell you to shut up,” Emily yelled.


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