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The Rule Book

Page 6

by Kitchin , Rob

  ‘We do have a note and some business cards,’ Bishop said hesitantly, ‘but at this stage there is no indication of their veracity. They might simply be a decoy to confuse our investigation.’

  ‘Does that mean that you think this is a one-off murder?’ the journalist continued. ‘Perhaps by a family member or someone she knew?’

  ‘It means we have an open mind on things while we sift through the evidence. It’s too early to jump to any conclusions.’

  ‘But what if it was the first of a set? What are you doing to protect the public?’

  ‘We’re trying to catch the killer,’ Bishop hissed a little more harshly than he intended. He changed his tone. ‘I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen, that’s it for now. Barry here,’ he motioned to the press liaison officer, ‘will set up the blue screen for photos of the sword. He also has copies of the statement and can arrange for you to receive further statements via email.’

  ‘Can you tell us what the note said,’ the journalist called out, starting to make his way to the front of the room.

  Bishop stood and walked behind McEvoy, down the couple of steps from the podium and out the door. McEvoy retrieved his jacket from the back of his chair and trailed after him.

  Bishop stopped a few feet down along the corridor and turned, his face flushed red. ‘I’m going to kill the stupid bastard who told that fecker about the note and cards. I want his name, okay?’

  ‘There’s 80 to 100 men working the case between our lot and the locals. Gossip travels through the ranks and into the pubs. It’s just the way it is,’ McEvoy tried to reason.

  ‘Well, it’s time that changed,’ Bishop snapped. ‘Come on, let me walk you to your car and you can fill me in further on where you’re at.’ He turned and set off again without waiting for a reply.

  McEvoy rolled his eyes and sighed silently, then took off after Bishop, falling into step at his side.

  McEvoy leant against the door of his blue Mondeo, Tony Bishop standing on the other side of the wing mirror, his gold braided cap wedged under his arm.

  ‘So what are you going to do now?’ Bishop asked, his face still flushed red.

  ‘I’m going to get hold of Barney Plunkett and see how things are progressing. Then I’m going to go and find Laura’s homeless friend, Karen, and see what she knows.’

  ‘Whatever resources you need, just ask, okay? If he starts a killing spree then we’re going to come under a lot of pressure – from the public, the media, and from the politicians. I’ll do my best to protect you, but you have to play the game my way.’

  ‘What’s that mean exactly?’ McEvoy asked cautiously.

  ‘It means that you keep me in the loop on everything. You ask my advice on anything sensitive or any key decisions. You leave the press work to me, which is something that you probably want to avoid in any case. And you bring me in when you need to talk to anyone important or you’ve snared the bastard. In return I’ll watch your back and give you the resources you need.’

  McEvoy nodded, but stayed silent. What Bishop meant was he’d do all the donkey work, be the brunt of any criticism, and the chief super would get the limelight and a share of the glory at the end. If he messed up, he’d be cut loose to fend for himself.

  This was why he was never going to make chief super. He just didn’t have the political ambition to play institutional politics and climb the greasy pole. He was more interested in the job than the career. At least Bishop was being open. Half the time the bargain was assumed but left unsaid, meaning you never really knew what was going on or who to trust.

  ‘Well?’ Bishop prompted.

  ‘Sounds fine to me,’ McEvoy said, feeling like a cheap fool. He needed a cigarette. His hand played with the still sealed packet in his jacket pocket.

  ‘Good,’ Bishop said. ‘I’ll let you get on.’ He turned on his heels and headed back to the building without looking back.

  McEvoy opened the door and sank into the driver’s seat. He sat for a few moments trying to collect his thoughts and calm himself a little before taking his mobile phone from his pocket. He pulled up a number.

  It was answered on the third ring. ‘Plunkett.’

  ‘Barney, it’s me. How are things?’

  ‘Slow. Very slow.’

  ‘Anything significant to report?’

  ‘Not really. We’re still trying to piece together everyone who’s stayed here who has a violent, criminal record. So far it’s got 18 names on it. I hate to think how long that list is going to get. Half the republican and loyalist prisoners must have been through this place on reconciliation courses. My guess is it’s going to be a who’s who of The Troubles. Plus they’ve had victim support meetings up here – some of Mountjoy’s finest have wandered through.

  ‘It doesn’t help that a good portion just used their first name to register. We’ve managed to fill in some of the blanks by cross-checking the register with the centre’s paperwork – sometimes there’s a manifest for the group. Their filing though is all over the place. Sometimes there’s material to match the register, other times not. We’ve started to use the accounts files to contact some of the organisations that brought people here to see if they have records. Many of them are in the North and they’re not the keenest to help out. In fact, most of them have told us to get lost.

  ‘Jesus,’ McEvoy muttered. ‘Just do the best you can. Maybe try and narrow it to people who have killed in cold blood and at close range, or have seriously injured someone. Maybe with a knife or gun, rather than those that have set off bombs.’

  ‘Okay,’ Plunkett replied, uncertainty in his voice, ‘we’ll do our best, but there’s still going to be loads of them. With the amount of punishment beatings in the North, there’s bound to be a whole bunch of them that fit that profile.’

  ‘I know, but whoever killed Laura has probably killed before and he was familiar with that centre. If nothing else we have to try and eliminate them from the enquiry.’ McEvoy paused and stared out at the grey sky. ‘That bastard really knew what he was doing, didn’t he? He knew we were going to have to sift through all the lowlifes and scumbags that went through that place.’

  ‘We’ll get him, don’t worry,’ Plunkett replied firmly. ‘He’ll have made a mistake; then we can reel him in.’

  ‘I hope so, Barney. If we don’t catch him and he carries out several murders we’re going to be in all the history books for all the wrong reasons. Have we found our missing four homeless people yet?’ McEvoy asked, changing tack.

  ‘We’ve got one more. I reckon the other three have headed out of town. We’ve done a few sweeps at this stage.’

  ‘Keep trying. We need to find them. How about our friend, Dermot Brady?’

  ‘He’s been out helping some of our lot trying to find those missing three. He dropped into the DHC centre this morning, but that’s it. Nothing out of the ordinary.’

  ‘No surprise there, I guess. Anything from the questionnaires or the search round the centre?’

  ‘A lot of noise from the questionnaires. Several different cars parked on the side of the road near to the centre over the past few days. Red this, and white that, with no registration details beyond county identification. Probably all hikers wandering about on the moorland. Nothing from the search. If he dumped the stuff from the room, he did it a long way from the centre.’

  ‘How about the Schmidt connection?’

  ‘I’ve had someone checking things out with the German embassy, but it’s going to take a few days to try and work out the family tree of Walter Schmidt. It might prove impossible – Schmidt’s a really common name. Plus the loss of records during the war and the post-war upheaval isn’t going to help things.’

  ‘Jesus! We’ve got bugger all!’ McEvoy snapped, frustrated with his morning – the traffic, the press conference, the lack of progress, Bishop’s pact. ‘For Christ’s sake!’ He tipped his head back against the headrest and stared up at the car’s roof.

  ‘Something’ll turn up,’ Barney t
ried to reassure. ‘How did it go with the media circus?’

  ‘I think I was the clown. The usual stuff. Someone had told one of the reporters about the note and business cards; Bishop saw red. We’ll see if it does any good beyond generating noise. Look, keep plugging away at your end and I’ll ring you later this afternoon.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll speak to you later.’ The call was disconnected.

  McEvoy pulled the packet of cigarettes from his pocket and ripped off the cellophane wrapper. He flipped open the lid, teased a cigarette from the pack and jammed it between his lips. He fished a lighter from his pocket, lit it, and sucked down the smoke.

  He blew it out slowly, savouring it and regretting it at the same time. He closed his eyes, listening to the rain starting to patter against the windscreen and roof. He took another drag and popped smoke rings, his mind sifting through the past 24 hours trying to find a fresh angle on the case.

  McEvoy pulled the car to the kerb and looked across the road at the red brick, terrace housing. The properties looked tired, battered doors, paint peeling from window frames, and litter spread across the wet pavement. One of them had its windows boarded-up, a large padlock hung below the door handle. It had probably been bought by a property developer buying up stock for future re-investment. A couple years’ time and the whole area would be gentrified, a different set of people mixing with and pushing the older residents out.

  He crossed the road to the boarded-up house, pulling up the collar of his suit jacket as if that would stop the light drizzle. There was no obvious way in. He headed right to where an alleyway led in past the end terrace. It was the smell, rather than the boards, that told him when he’d reached the right spot – the stench of rotting rubbish heavy in the air.

  The dark green, wooden gate had been wedged shut. He pushed on it, testing its strength and then gave it a hard shove. It creaked open a few inches, enough to let him squeeze past into a yard piled high in household waste, some of it bagged, some of it thrown loose. A rough path had been kicked from the gate to the back door and he crept his way along it.

  He grabbed the handle and let himself into a kitchen that looked as if a bomb had exploded in it. He waded through the debris and into a hallway. There were two doorways and a set of stairs leading upward. He opened the first doorway and stuck his head through the gap. In the dull light he could see a man of indeterminate age lying on a tatty, blue sleeping bag on top of bare floorboards across which were scattered beer cans and cigarette butts. In one corner of the room were a handful of used syringes, jutting at odd angles.

  ‘Fuck off,’ the man spat.

  ‘Where’s Karen?’ McEvoy demanded.

  ‘Who am I, her fuckin’ keeper? Upstairs.’

  McEvoy closed the door and headed up the stairs, two at a time. There were three doors open off the landing. One led into a stinking bathroom. The door opposite the top of the stairs was slightly ajar. He pushed it open. The room was dully lit, the boarded-up window blocking out the sunlight.

  A skinny woman was sitting on top of dirty blankets, her back wedged into the corner facing the door, her knees drawn up to her chest. Her thin face was drained of colour, strands of her long, black hair hung across it, her eyes downcast looking at his shadow. She was wearing a purple vest and grey jogging pants. Her arms were bare and she was shivering. Even in the poor light, McEvoy could see the tracks and bruising along the inside of her arms.

  ‘I don’t have it,’ she muttered, barely audible.

  ‘You don’t have what?’ McEvoy asked.

  ‘I don’t have your fuckin’ money,’ she hissed. ‘I’ll owe you. I’ll do whatever you want, but you’ve got to give me some. You’ve got to.’

  ‘I need to know about Laura.’

  ‘What?’ She looked up. ‘Who the fuck are you?’ she asked, her voice changing tone.

  ‘Detective Superintendent Colm McEvoy. You’re Karen?’

  ‘What d’ya want?’ she replied, ignoring his question, her body language becoming both anxious and defiant at the same time.

  ‘I need to know about Laura,’ he repeated.

  ‘I don’t know a Laura.’ She drew her knees tighter to her body, lowering her eyes again.

  ‘That’s not what I’ve heard. We found Laura’s body yesterday morning. Someone had rammed a sword through her head.’

  Karen flicked her eyes up at him and then closed them. ‘I told you, I don’t know a Laura.’

  ‘We need to catch him, Karen. He’s going to kill again.’

  ‘Go fuck yourself,’ she murmured.

  ‘I know you knew her, Karen. She thought you were her friend.’ McEvoy threw a cigarette onto the bedding.

  She grabbed at it, digging a lighter from between the folds in the blanket. She lit the cigarette and inhaled deeply.

  ‘Tell me about Laura,’ McEvoy asked evenly.

  Karen stayed silent, letting the smoke trail from her nostrils.

  ‘Karen?’ McEvoy prompted.

  ‘Like what?’ she answered sharply.

  ‘What was she like?’

  Karen shrugged. ‘She kept herself to herself.’

  ‘But you were friends?’ McEvoy pressed.

  ‘I hardly knew her. Nobody did.’

  ‘Where was she living? She must have been sleeping somewhere. Here?’

  ‘No, no. She wouldn’t come here. Didn’t trust the others. She was a loner.’

  ‘So where?’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘Come on Karen, where?’ McEvoy said, frustration in his voice.

  ‘I don’t know,’ she spat. ‘She never told me; didn’t tell me anything.’ She sucked greedily on the cigarette.

  ‘On the street? In a hideaway? Another squat? On a derelict site?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ she hissed. ‘I told you, I hardly knew her.’

  ‘Well, who did? Did she hang around with anyone? Did you see her with anyone else?’

  ‘No. She was always on her own. I never saw her with nobody. I need to go.’

  ‘Did she talk about anybody?’ McEvoy continued. ‘She talk about any friends?’

  ‘I told you, she didn’t say anything. She was just some lost kid.’

  ‘How about drugs?’ McEvoy pressed. ‘She take them?’

  ‘Never saw her. She just used to sup her vodka or gin. She could sink a bottle, no problem. She fuckin’ loved the stuff.’

  ‘Where’d she get the money for that?’

  ‘Begging. She used to hang round Connolly Station or sometimes O’Connell Street. Just sat on the pavement holding out a cup.’ She shifted her body. ‘That’s all she did. Just fuckin’ sat there.’

  ‘She do anything else, maybe a bit of prostitution?’

  Karen stayed silent, drawing on the cigarette.

  ‘Karen?’ McEvoy pressed again.

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘But she might have done?’

  ‘You’d have to ask her.’ Karen crossed her arms and hugged herself. ‘I ain’t her keeper.’

  ‘I would, Karen, but she’s dead. Someone put a sword through her head,’ McEvoy said matter-of-fact.

  Karen didn’t respond, trying to look strong, but appearing more like a petulant child. She sucked in another lungful of smoke and stared at the blanket.

  McEvoy pushed himself off the windowsill and headed for the door. ‘I hope you’re not hiding the killer from me, Karen. You never know, you could be next.’

  She stared up at him with defiant eyes, trying not to shiver.

  He closed the door and headed back down the stairs. He shook his head at the squalor, kicking aside junk. How did anyone end up in such a mess? Shooting up shit; trying to block out the world; living like shadows. He thought of Gemma and vowed to find some quality time with her. He slipped out through the kitchen and back into the dull light and drizzle.

  The man jerked his head back out of sight and then eased it forward slowly, peering through the dense foliage at McEvoy’s tall, lean figure emergin
g from the alley. It hadn’t taken the superintendent long to make his way to the squat. Perhaps he should have taken Laura last not first, but there was no point worrying about that now. What was important was to make sure The Rule Book was published in full.

  He watched McEvoy ease himself into his car and a few moments later pull away from the kerb, heading away from him. It had been stupid to follow him – against all the rules. He was putting himself at unnecessary risk, yet he’d felt compelled to see what was happening – to judge how well the guards were getting on; to see that everything was still going to plan; to try and control and shape things. He knew he needed to back away and let things unfold as they should.

  At the minute the guards still seemed to be concentrating on Laura, the body in Maynooth not yet discovered. Instinctively he glanced at his watch. He hoped he wasn’t going to have to give them a pointer; it wouldn’t do for the third chapter to be released before the second. The second body would also send them into a flatspin, dividing their attention and resources. He headed back to his dark blue Ford Fiesta and trailed after McEvoy, driving slowly past the squat, staring up at the boarded-up windows.

  The second killing had almost been a textbook affair. The victim had known nothing of the attack except for the brief millisecond between the satisfying, hollow thwack to the skull and unconsciousness. The only worry had been controlling his anger as he had approached Hennessey. It bloomed as a bright red sun, threatening to boil over and consume him. It had taken all of his self-control to keep it in check, to manage and harness it, rather than be engulfed by it.

  He was now its master, not the other way round. Not like when he was a child when he would fly into fits of uncontainable, blind rage-driven tantrums. As he’d grown older, become a teenager, he’d learnt to manage his anger, found ways to vent it in controlled ways, although occasionally it welled up and exploded into violence. Now he knew how to cultivate and harness it, draw strength from it.

  Once the figure had hit the tarmac he’d easily suppressed his fury. After that it had been easy, slipping the bag over the bloody and lifeless head and pulling the dead weight down through the yew trees to the cemetery wall.


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