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A New World

Page 13

by Lina J. Potter

  One reap, then another...


  You bastard!

  That wasn't the cattail, which Lily treated as tenderly as she could. That was hogweed.

  * Heracleum, a weed widely prevalent in Russia and not often encountered in North America. Also known as Bärenklau (German) and cow parsnip. It can be poisonous but also useful.

  Devil take it!

  Lily remembered her mother cursing at that weed once when the children got too invested in playing pirates.

  Hogweed's long hollow stem seemed perfect for a spyglass.

  As soon as one of the kids put the spyglass against his face, he got burned so much he went blind in one eye. The local army brats knew that it was dangerous, but those were newcomers whose fathers had been reassigned to that area only recently and brought their families with them.

  They would have to remember that one game for the rest of their lives.

  Lily stepped closer to the hogweed and looked it over.

  It seemed to be hogsbane, specifically, but she was no expert, knowing just enough to treat the burns if anything happened. That's why she had taken pains to learn about the poisonous plants so she could heal or discourage overly curious people from messing with them.

  So, was that one poisonous, too?

  Apparently, it was, and it could also cause burns. Would she risk plucking it?

  Lily looked at her gloves. The lace they were made from was pretty thin. The sap was bound to hurt her skin. That wouldn't do.

  She had no desire to risk her hands. Maybe a handkerchief would help?

  The plant was a pest, but she needed it. It could be used to treat gallstone disease, digestive issues, even toothache.

  While a cup might be poison, a teaspoon might be a remedy. Lily knew several dozen recipes of potions made from hogweed, as long as they were prepared just right.

  Ugh, that one was a real giant.

  She supposed she could get servants to harvest it for her. Let them cut it and give it to her with all due respect.

  Maybe that was the best idea. Really, she was still far from a true noblewoman. A proper countess wouldn't have even gathered reeds, either. Okay, time to memorize the location. A river bend, a cliff, steep but small... It was just tall enough for her to reach the water if she lay down on her stomach. Actually, if anything went wrong, she could wash her hands immediately to get the sap out.

  Hmm, come to think of it, burns and blisters didn't make a woman any prettier, and her hands were something she treasured, too.

  Lily cursed but didn't get the chance to deal with the hogweed, as a new character appeared on stage—Baron Lofrayne.

  "Your Grace, finally, I've found you!"

  "You have," Lily agreed, still thinking about the hogweed.

  She wondered if there were any other useful plants around. It would be good to prepare them for medical use. She would have to talk to Tahir. Although hogweed probably didn't grow in the Khanganat—maybe she should ask Jamie, he might know about it, being a local.


  Lilian turned to the baron, who was already standing right next to her.

  "Lilian, I implore you!"

  "For what?"

  "Can't you see my torment?"

  As if Lilian paid any attention to his appearance. Well, maybe his health?

  "If you have abdominal pain, I can suggest an enema. A bucket-sized one," the cruel countess informed him.

  Tony gritted his teeth and decided to carry on.

  "Lilian, don't you care about my feelings even a little bit?"

  "Not in the least," she assured him. "Please leave them to yourself and let me be in peace."

  Tony realized that the countess was hopeless and decided to go all-in, and by that, he meant grabbing her and kissing her senseless. What if that would finally impress her?

  After all, it had always worked in the past with other women. His favorite technique couldn't misfire, could it?

  But it could, and it did.

  "Lilian, I beg you, just one kiss..."

  And then, it would be another, and one more after that, and when the lady came to her senses, her skirts would be already over her head. What could she do after cheating on her husband? Cry her heart out...or do it once again.

  At least she would enjoy it.

  Those thoughts were all but written on the baron's face, in huge letters.

  Lilian knew that she was in a precarious situation.

  Alone Aldonai only knew where, unable to kick up a fuss... What the hell, really?

  Someone was trying to assault her, and she couldn't even yell, "A rapist! Help!" She had to think of her reputation.

  Nobody would care that he was at fault; they would think that there must have been an excuse. And she had children, maybe more of them in the future, and a husband prone to jealousy. She wanted to avoid risks.

  So, she couldn't cool the baron's ardor?

  Well then...

  Lily deftly pulled at the string in her skirt.

  Anthony stopped, shocked. That's why Lilian Earton's riding habit was so great. With a flick of the wrist, the skirt transformed into a rag to be thrown off and discarded. That left the countess in short leather breeches designed to protect the wearer from the horse's sweat that could easily penetrate simple fabrics. Unwilling to deal with skin rash, Lily had decided to play it safe.

  The skirt ended up in Lilian's hands, and she waved it in the air.


  Why did that occur to her?

  Most likely, it was a half-forgotten childhood memory when kids were pretending to be bullfighters and taunted the local rooster. Honestly, that bird was just as dumb as a bull, and he could charge in just the same way. He even managed to get his beak on some of the "matadors."

  Tony, who hadn't expected anything like that, froze.

  Lily wasn't going to wait for divine providence.

  She skillfully wrapped the skirt around the huge hogsbane and pulled at its stem with all her might, easily breaking it.

  Then she swung the entire bush at the baron.

  Tony, apparently, was familiar with local flora. He was quick enough to shield his face with his hands, but it was rough on his arms, which were bare.

  One lash, another...


  She jumped a foot back, still holding her improvised weapon.

  "I suggest you get into the river and wash your arms before you get burns!"

  So what did the baron reply?

  Such words weren't said to respectable women or even disrespectable ones. Words like that one could only say to a cat...if you tripped on it in the darkness and fell down the stairs.

  Lilian snorted and threw the remains of the hogsbane on the ground, shook it down, and...

  In a minute, the skirt took its rightful place, and Lily grabbed the pile of reeds.

  Tony was already lying on his stomach on the cliff and washing his arms, all the while cursing violently.

  Really, who would blame Her Grace?

  She couldn't resist. Nobody could, in her place.

  The baron's position seemed perfect. He wouldn't get hurt; the water was deep enough, she had seen that—the river had no algae or overgrowth in that spot, only becoming shallow several feet downstream.

  Lily made two movements.

  The first was a slight push, and the baron fell into the river headfirst, never stopping to swear as he flew down. Then she snatched up the reeds and took flight as if the Devil himself was chasing her.

  Yes, she had helped Tony. Really, that was an act of mercy!

  That way, he definitely wouldn't get any blisters, yet something told the countess that the baron wouldn't thank her for that.


  Apparently, true masters of gossip were connected to the noosphere and got all their information right over there. It couldn't be explained otherwise.

  Lily had been missing for only half an hour, and the baron, for an hour more.

She entered the camp from one side, and he, another.

  Lily brought the reeds and defiantly started to peel them right in public; the baron didn't bring anything.

  Still, someone, somehow, had managed to start a rumor that the baron had started making advances on Countess Earton, and she pushed him into the water!

  Who did it?

  How did they know?

  Nobody witnessed their encounter; Lily was sure of that!

  Yet they still managed to get it right. Damnable telepaths.

  Lily could only hope that Jerisson would ask her first before having it out with the baron.


  In the evening, Lily sat next to her husband.

  Jess had wrapped her in his cloak and looked shamelessly happy and content. He had managed to ride down a deer, so the meat Lily was chewing on had been procured by him. There was really something quite primeval about all that.

  The venison, by the way, was pretty tough. Lily suspected that the deer had been a lover of sports and wanted to die of old age, but she wasn't going to tell that to her husband. Instead, she would praise him.

  He was a hunter! A breadwinner...well, meatwinner,

  Even if a cat brings you a dead rat and puts it on your pillow, he shouldn't be scolded for that. After all, he tried to provide for you, took pains to bring you food. The husband also deserved praise. Let him keep providing for the family.

  Nanook was lying by his mistress' feet. He was rather upset, having missed the opportunity to tear apart the arrogant bastard because of the hunt. Really, he could have eaten a whole Avesterian instead of those animals!

  Naturally, Lily had told Jess the entire story. He had just come back from the hunt and was washing himself above a basin inside the Earton tent. That's when Lily came in.

  For a second, she froze, stunned. Her husband was a really handsome man. The way his muscles flexed under his smooth skin when he moved, the way his black hair curled when moist, his smile... It was so defenseless, so sincere. When he looked at her like that, Lily knew that he truly loved her. How could one risk a feeling like that for a fleeting intrigue? People were funny.


  "Come to me, honey..."

  Lily shook her head. Then she smiled.

  "Oh, no."

  “Why not? Lilian?"

  "Because the tent isn't soundproof. I don't want people to mock me later," she explained.

  Jess snorted.

  True, Lilian was incompatible with being quiet, and the tent... She was right. It was better to wait until they were home. Their relationship was nobody else's business.

  "That's all right. I'll think of what interest I will take for waiting."

  Lily smiled in turn, but her eyes remained serious, and Jerisson stopped smiling, too.


  "Jess, please give me your word that you won't do anything before talking to Richard."


  "I'm fine; everything worked out; nobody even laid a finger on me."

  "Who dared?" Jess stressed what was important.

  "Your word!"

  "The name!"

  "Your word, honey, and don't raise your voice if you don't want everyone else to hear you," Lilian pushed.

  "Lily, either you tell me the name or I—"

  “What? Will you turn me upside down and shake me until you get the name?"

  Jess pictured that and laughed. The fit of anger dissipated, leaving only clenched fists in its wake.

  “I won’t. But Lily, please tell me."

  Lily sighed.

  "Your word, my love, or I'll tell the whole story only in Their Majesties' presence."

  Jess ground his teeth. Still, if his wife refused to budge...

  “Fine. You have my word.”


  Lily didn't drag it out further and told everything about her encounter with Lofrayne: the start, the finish, even the flowers for good measure.

  As Jess was listening, his fists kept clenching so much that Lily had to do something. She walked up to him and sat in his lap, hoping that he wouldn't push her off right away.

  The story of the baron's flight into the river seemed to appease her husband. Jess imagined that and burst out laughing.

  "Lilian, you're a monster."



  "Then, you're the monster's husband."

  "I'm the hero! It should be obvious!"

  "Some hero you are. I thought they were using spears of another type to fight monsters."

  "Well, who knows? Those are stories!"

  Lily snorted.

  "Oh yes, I can just see a knight chasing a monster and yelling, 'Wait, villain, I'm going to impale you!" The monster would cry for mercy then, 'Help me, people, get this pervert away from me! Kill me, just let me keep my honor!"

  That prompted another laugh from Jess.

  "You monster."

  "You hero."

  Blue eyes met with green.

  Oh, to hell with soundproofing! Let them be jealous all they want!


  Anthony bit his lips.

  Well then.

  If Lilian Earton didn't want to play nice, he would have to do it the hard way.

  He would discredit her and get her into his bed.


  Oh, come on! She would love every second of it!

  After all, everyone always had. Why would she be an exception? Impossible!

  That arrogant bitch would beg him to continue!

  Her butt... Her legs...

  The way she did that with her skirt...

  Tony wasn't quite sure what exactly he felt, but there was definitely a dash of admiration in his frustration. What a woman!

  Jerisson Earton and Ativerna were lucky, and it wasn't fair. Time to share.

  Of course, after everything that had happened, he couldn't stay at the picnic. Everyone laughed, even, it seemed, the horses. Although the people snorted just like the horses, anyway.

  Those hooved bastards...

  Wet and sulky, Anthony Lofrayne rode back to Laveri, thinking about his plan.

  Lilian Earton would be his, and there was something else he could try... Let's see if she would still be laughing when one of her loved ones was in danger!

  He would get even. That bitch wouldn't get away with it. She would come to him herself and beg for it, and he would wait and see. Oh, yes, he would.


  Jerisson was quite calm when he went to see Richard. He told him everything, fair and square.

  His Majesty could only shake his head.

  "What did your wife say? Milord Count, your wife fell into the sea, and there are sharks swimming around?"

  "Why would I save your sharks?" the count finished the joke. Maria, who was also present, giggled.

  "Yes, poor sharks."

  "Actually, Lilian saved that Avesterian. He would have gotten burns all over his face if not for that river. At least now, he'll survive."

  "He already has. He asked me to let him leave, and I did."

  "For Avester?"

  "No. For Laveri."

  Jess chuckled, thinking. Richard wagged his finger at him.

  "Don’t even think about it!"

  "About what?"

  "I know what you're thinking! No duels! I forbid it!"

  "Can he just fall down somewhere by accident?"

  "He can. In Avester."

  "Hmm...I'll mull this over."

  "All right," Richard agreed. "Lilian is a smart woman. She didn't start a scandal. Our relationship with Avester is bad as it is, and we don't want a war on top of that."

  “I know."

  "Then listen to my promise. This Lofrayne will get his accident; I will even help. Got it?”


  "Then go to Lilian. We'll deal with this bastard, I promise."

  Jess nodded and left. When the tent flap closed behind him, Maria glanced at Richard. His Majesty put his finger on his lips, and
she got the hint. She walked closer and whispered into his ear, "Richard, is this the truth?"

  "I'm certain of it."

  "What a scoundrel... Will you deal with him?"

  "I promise, dear."

  Maria touched her husband's cheek with her lips.

  "I don't know what I would have done in Lilian's place... I would be lost."

  Richard ground his teeth.

  Yes, he didn't love Maria the way he loved Tira and probably never would. Still, she was his wife, and it wasn't right that she was scared of someone in his own kingdom, especially when that someone was some pretty-boy foreigner.

  "Maria, I promise I will teach that troublemaker a lesson. And everyone will know the reason why."

  "But there will be no evidence?" Maria beamed, realizing his point.


  "Darling, you're so smart!"

  Richard pulled his wife closer and gave her an affectionate kiss.

  "You're such a smart girl, dear."

  Her Majesty lit up. Suddenly, it occurred to her that she was going the right way.

  That's the spirit!

  She would never become that woman, but she could still be irreplaceable for her husband, and it was already something, wasn't it?


  What would one need to get intimate with a lady?

  Your own house, so nobody would infringe on you at the worst moment.

  Servants. Well, the embassy had enough of them.

  And then, the lady.

  Unfortunately, that presented a problem, as Lilian Earton had no wish to associate with the baron anymore or even pretend to.

  Well then. If he couldn't approach the mother, why not try the daughter?

  At the very next ball, Anthony invited Miranda Catherine Earton to a dance. The girl hadn't yet started to officially come out yet, but she was a regular fixture at the palace as Her Majesty Maria's lady-in-waiting and friend and as a friend of Joliette and Angelina.

  Being the Eartons' daughter...well, Mirrie could entertain herself as much as she wanted, and her parents didn't mind. Lilian trusted her daughter and knew that she wouldn't get into any trouble.

  After all, what awaited Mirrie?

  Let her dance while she could. Lilian trusted Amir and believed that he would love and cherish her daughter, but in the Khanganat, women were treated differently. They didn't dance with men, but for a man. Only one man.


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