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Night Marks

Page 6

by Amber Lynn

  “How the fuck does he explain the watermelon?” I ask pissed on her behalf.

  “No explanation. Doesn't remember any of it. Claims he blacked out for about a month.”

  “That pig!” I yell letting my anger out.

  “Believe me I have called him names much worse than that. Anyway, enough about me. There isn’t anything that can be changed and I have come to accept my situation. You are here about Fliss, so why don’t you ask your questions?”

  “We should probably get back on that subject, but if you want me to, I can go remove Pete's stick and berries so he doesn't get away with what he did,” I offer.

  “That is a nice thought, but I really need to put it behind me. He will never know his son and that is good enough for me right now.”

  “I will leave my number in case you change your mind later. As far as Felicity goes, do you know where she and Harvey are? Her parents seem determined he kidnapped her, but I am not jumping to that conclusion.”

  “They are idiots who think Harvey isn't good enough for her. Smalls and Fliss wanted to get away for a while, so they did. No harm in that. Actually, I talked to her yesterday and she said they are coming back tomorrow. She just didn't want her parents to get in the way of the wedding.”

  “So they eloped. Did you mention that to the police? They are treating it like a kidnapping.”

  “Of course, I told them everything was fine, but the senior Willards have most law enforcement agencies in their back pocket, so they will only believe what they are told.”

  I look over to Jonas. “You know, at this point, I am pretty happy I never had to deal with my own parents.”

  He smiles. “Can't speak for your mother, but I highly doubt your father would have been that bad.”

  “Well, I thank you for your time Jillian, but I don't think I have anything more to do here. Do you know what time the newlyweds will be back tomorrow? I am going to have to stop in and have a chat, so I can collect my fee.” It is going to be the easiest fee I have ever picked up, but it is still my money.

  “I think she said her plane was landing around one in the afternoon. I am supposed to pick her up at the airport, but I might just have to call her a cab. I am to the point where I don't move around all that easily,” she says finally taking a seat. I should have probably insisted she did that before now.

  “If you want, we can take care of that. I need to meet with her anyway.”

  “I couldn't ask that of you.”

  “It's no problem. I have a large SUV, so I will have plenty of room for them and their luggage.”

  “Wow,” she says starting to tear up. “Sorry, my hormones are all over the place. You are so nice. First offering to castrate Pete and now playing chauffeur for me.”

  “I am pretty sure you are the first person to ever call me nice. How about you write down the flight information and me and Jonas will get out of your hair.”

  She quickly jots down the information on a piece of paper from the table beside her. With the paper in hand, me and Jonas rise to leave.

  “Thanks again for your time, Jillian. It was nice to meet you and I don't say that to too many people. I hope everything goes well with you and the baby.”

  “I am sure we will be fine. Thanks for allowing me to do a little venting.”

  She remains sitting and looks to be about to fall asleep as we make our way out of the apartment.

  “See, that was a piece of cake, just like I said it would be,” I say leading the way, skipping just a little, back to Jake and the Suburban.

  “Get any good leads on the missing heiress?” Jake asks as we climb back into the vehicle.

  “Yup. Airport. Tomorrow. One o'clock,” I reply.

  “Is that someone landing or us taking off?”

  “Landing. The happy couple will be returning from their honeymoon then.”

  “I am guessing that means we don't get to watch you kill somebody.”

  “That would be correct. Unless, of course, you decide to really get on my nerves and need a firsthand demonstration,” I reply starting up the car.

  “Now come on, we both know you could never kill me. I'm like a brother to you,” he states acting innocent. Sure, a very annoying brother that I would have tried to sell as a child.

  “No, you are like a persistent fly that has a death wish,” I say ready to move the conversation away from my irritation with Jake. “Do we have a set place we should stay tonight or am I looking for a hotel?”

  Jonas, picking up on my cue, quickly says, “Alex has a safe house here and wants us there. Since the sun is down, I imagine Smitty is already there waiting for us.”

  “Great. Tell me where to go. I am getting a bit hungry. How about you guys?”

  “When we get to the house, one of us will go to the store to stock the kitchen, if it hasn't already been taken care of,” Jonas replies.

  “He means me,” Jake says sulking. “For some reason, he has decided I am low man in the pecking order.”

  I totally agree with Jonas' thoughts on the matter and follow the directions to the safe house, after turning on the radio to end any bickering that would indubitably occur otherwise.

  Chapter 9

  What? Squirrel? Where?

  The safe house isn't in the city proper. Thank God. I have decided being around humans makes me itchy. I wouldn't be surprised to find I have broken out in hives under my clothes.

  As I pull in the drive, Smitty walks out to greet us. He is dressed in a black dress shirt and matching slacks. If he hasn't had dinner yet, I imagine he is looking for a high-end donor.

  “I see you mutts have kept her safe today. Did you run into any issues?” he asks walking towards us to help carry my bag.

  “I can carry that myself you know,” I say throwing a mock fit. If he wants to pretend he is a gentleman, I won't really stop him, even though a few weeks ago I would have probably challenged him to the death for doing such a thing.

  “Since your boyfriend isn't here, he requested me to act in his place, as far as taking care of you goes. Since he is my master, I cannot refuse the request.”

  “I can imagine how much it grates on you that he asked. Don't worry. I will tell him it was just like having him around and you can act like you normally do around me.” In Smitty’s case, that is usually with a high dosage of disdain.

  As I have been making “friends” with the wolves, I have found it hard to find much common ground with Smitty and Marcus. We aren’t really hostile towards each other; we just kind of give each other all the space allotted when we are forced to be together.

  I guess, Marcus and I have made up some ground, but I have a feeling Smitty believes I am some sort of an abomination. Being what I am, I cannot really fault him for that belief.

  “Oh, if it were just that simple,” he says sighing and leaving us for a second to put my bag in my room. “You didn't tell me how the mission went.”

  “It was fine. We are meeting the missing girl tomorrow when her plane lands. No stress or problems at all,” I reply as I find the kitchen and investigate the protein situation. Sadly, Old Mother Hubbard's cupboards are bare.

  “That's good. I hate being out of Night Owl and in the human world. Their manners are atrocious and they kind of smell,” Smitty says as we meet back up in the living room. Jonas and Jake also return from dropping off their bags in their respective rooms. Smitty's attitude towards humans is kind of funny when they are his main food source.

  “Speaking of smells. The apartment we were in today reeked of demon. The roommate had a crazy story about her pregnancy and I am not sure how the two of them fit together. If they don’t somehow link, I would be amazed. She said the father is human, baby tests human and the pregnancy is in its third month, but the baby is eight months along,” Jonas informs the others.

  “Interesting, but hardly worth our concern. Humans cannot always be relied upon to know what is going on with their bodies. With all the drugs and other stimulants they take, th
ey tend to be clueless,” Smitty says in his pompous voice. Something has really crawled up his ass tonight.

  “He is right. The pregnancy and demon really aren't our concern. Jillian seemed cool, but maybe she made a deal with the demon and was just playing us. She was really obsessed with that Pete guy. Demons like to play tricks, or so I have heard. Maybe she made a deal to get the guy in the sack and the demon twisted it that Pete forgot all about it after the fact,” I state. Now, that I am away from the hormonal pregnant woman, my charity seems to have vanished.

  “Sounds good to me,” Jake says bouncing a little, clearly bored with the subject. “I probably better go get the princess her food before she turns furry and starts gnawing on our ankles.”

  “Hmm. Ankles. Don't remember the last time I had a good ankle bone.”

  “Exactly. You probably haven't, but I have learned you aren't afraid to try new things. I will be back in fifteen.” He quickly runs out of the room. Maybe he is a little hungry himself.

  “Is it just me or does he get stranger every day?” I ask taking a seat on one of the comfy looking sofas.

  “He has always been a weird bird. I have known him since he defected from the Collective and I don't remember him not being a touch flighty. These days he may be a little worse, but I figure it is just the fact he isn't used to guarding someone with boobs,” Jonas says with a shrug.

  “You mean he actually notices them? I cannot tell they are there most days.” If I wanted to go undercover as a dude there would be no need for tape to flatten them. It is something I have just grown to accept over time.

  My statement causes both men to laugh. “Even without them sticking out loudly, you do smell a bit different than just one of the other guys. Jake is still pretty young and, even though you are spoken for, exponentially I might add, you are a hot little lady. Your small size brings out the protective streak in all of us,” Jonas informs me. “And before you get huffy, we all know you don't really need the protection.”

  “Well, at least you admit it. So, does this place have any amenities or are we roughing it?” It really isn't much more than a little country cottage or cabin. It is cute from what I have seen. There are two grandma style flowered couches in the living area, a beat up looking green recliner, and a small dinette with four chairs.

  That does it for what I can see. There is no visible television or any other electronics, for that matter. Thank God for smart phones.

  “It is really just a place for us wolves to hunt when we have to come into the city. Being around humans for too long brings out the earthiness in us and the woods behind the cabin are full of game.”

  “Going for a run sounds like a fun time. I have only shifted a few times and I don't see anything better to do tonight. Smitty, you are going out for dinner, right?”

  “I don't like fur in my teeth and I am pretty sure taking a sip from you would make me ill, no offense,” he says with a wink, showing that he may not totally hate me.

  “Ill maybe, dead for sure,” I supply with a smile. “I figure we could go for a quick run while you were out and then the guys are probably going to need to alternate naps, so you will have to make sure I stay out of trouble.”

  “You get in trouble? Never. At least I have wings in case you try to fly away.”

  Him and Jonas share a chuckle. My guards, such comedians. Jake returning draws their chuckles short.

  “Food,” I shout jumping up and grabbing a couple bags from Jake's hands.

  “Calm down, tiger. I have plenty of food and it will only take a second to put some heat to it.”

  I growl at him softly. “I am so hungry I think raw will work tonight.”

  Jake shakes his head. “Fresh off the bone raw is one thing, but this has probably been sitting out under harsh lights at the grocery store all day. Trust me, you want it at least seared.”

  He puts his sacks down and grabs a pan. Taking one of the butcher paper wrapped packages, he quickly pulls out the steak and throws it on the heat.

  “Twenty seconds each side will be enough tonight,” he says flipping the steak over.

  “While you play with your cow, I am going to head out,” Smitty says. “I should be back in three hours or less. I have some regulars in the area, but I think I am in the mood for some fresh blood. Enjoy your run.”

  Before I can respond, he is out the door. At this point my food is done, so I really don't care. Barely waiting for it to hit the plate I dive in. This is probably worse than the bacon I had for breakfast, but as I may have already mentioned, I don't care. I am hungry and as long as the guys don't have their phones out videotaping, it is going to stay between the three of us. I will make sure of it.

  By the time, Jake cooks a steak for Jonas and himself, my plate is totally clean. I quickly start doing the dishes while they finish up. We are only going to be here the one night, so I don't want to make too big of a mess.

  “Ready to get furry?” Jake asks as I finish with his dish. While I was zoned out on my steak, Jonas must have clued him in on our run plans.

  “Sure, let's head out back, I hear nature calling.”

  I walk to the sliding glass door at the back of the living area. I try to move the door, but it doesn't budge, so I flip the little lock and it moves much easier on my second try.

  There is a gentle westerly breeze. The air smells nothing like Night Owl City. There is a heavy staleness that makes my stomach a little queasy. Even with a city full of living, breathing humans not that far away, the air feels dead to me.

  “Takes some getting used to, doesn't it?” Jonas asks coming to stand next to me. “My nose isn't as good as yours, but I sense it too. It is one of the reasons you won't find wolves in heavy populations of humans. They make the air just wrong.”

  “Yeah. Even the ones like me that like to toy with the human girls, don't do it very often or we figure out a way to draw them to the closest paranorm community,” Jake adds. Jake has to be the only paranorm I have met that would stick his male bits into any species of woman.

  “I guess I didn't notice it when we arrived.”

  “You were too busy worrying about getting some food. Your stomach overruled your nose,” Jake says with a smirk. “Don't worry. It happens to the best of us.”

  “Whatever.” I take off in a run heading for the tree line. Halfway there I focus on the way Alex smells. I figure my wolfy side is a big slut since his smell seems to draw it out of me quicker and easier than anything else does.

  A flawless shift comes over me and I am instantly running on four legs instead of two.

  “Catch me if you can, suckers,” I taunt as I dodge through the woods.

  “You can have some fun, but try not to get too far ahead, Princess,” Jonas dictates and I can tell he is in furry form.

  The world is so different in wolf form. I have great senses when I am a humanoid, so that isn't all that different. It's my instincts that are radically changed. It took a couple outings, but I am proud to say I don't go “oh squirrel” every time one passes in range anymore. Talk about embarrassing.

  Tonight, I can sense wildlife in the forest everywhere. I feel how they tense when they hear me charging by and see many smaller creatures darting away. I feel alive and very playful.

  After running and playing keep away from the guys for two straight hours, I am worn out. I head back towards the cabin and allow them to catch up.

  “I'm calling it a night,” I say shifting back, after breaking the tree line. “I haven't woken up as early as I am planning to tomorrow for a long time, so I need to sleep now or you really won't want to be around me.”

  “Lack of sleep makes you more difficult?” Jake asks as he shifts as well. “I don't think that is possible.”

  “Laugh it up all you want fur butt. Just make sure I am awake by ten, if my alarm clock somehow finds itself flying out the window by mistake.”

  “Gotcha boss. Sweet dreams.”

  I leave the two of them to plan the rest of their night
and quickly fall asleep, after I get rid of my weapons. I don't even take the time to look around my room, once I follow the scent of my bag to it.

  Chapter 10

  High school days are here again

  A knock on the door jolts me awake the next morning. I look over at the alarm clock and see it says 9:55. Ack! They couldn't let me sleep five more minutes.

  “Enter to receive your beheading,” I yell at the jerk.

  “Sorry, Princess. Alex on line one. You haven't called him since you left and he isn't happy about it.”

  “What the fuck is he doing up at this hour? This is prime sleeping time.” If I wasn’t planning on earning fifty grand today, there isn’t a bribe in the world you could give me to get me out of bed at this hour.

  Obviously, that is not true because I am doing it for the now measly looking amount of said fifty grand.

  “Some early morning meeting,” he explains handing me his phone before leaving the room.

  “I am so not happy with you right now,” I say moaning and moving myself out of the bed.

  “You didn't think it necessary to call to let me know you arrived safely?” he asks in what sounds like a mood matching very closely with mine.

  “I figured Tweedle Dum and Dee had to report in, so you would get the message,” I reply heading to the bathroom to take care of my morning business. Just outside the door, I drop the phone so it isn't with me while I tinkle.

  “Of course, they reported in. It isn't exactly the same thing as having you tell me you are okay.” Even with the phone outside, I can hear him talking. “Hey, are you listening to me?” he asks when I don't reply immediately.

  I flush the toilet and wash my hands before picking the phone back up. “I didn't think Jonas would like me taking his phone with me to the bathroom, so you had to wait outside.”

  “Nyx, as my mate you need to take things a little bit more seriously. Not alerting me of when you arrive safely at your out of town destination is a big no-no.”


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