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The Demon Inside (Hell's Creatures Book 1)

Page 13

by Katerina Degratte

  “That could be fun. Depends on the game, though.” He winks, a suggestion of more. He wishes.

  I laugh at it, resting my head on his shoulder for a moment, enjoying the warmth of my increasing buzz. We were friends, comfortable around each other. It was only normal to do that type of stuff. Sitting up, I tell him my brilliant idea. “Twenty questions?” I look at him, pleading for his entertainment.

  He remains silent for a few moments, considering. Worry works its way through me, before he laughs like some jackass. “All right, I can’t say no to that face,” he says and twiddles my nose.

  “There should be rules though, if someone refuses to answer a question, they have to take a drink,” I pan out. While it was something to kill time, I wouldn’t subject either of us to answering unwanted questions. Skeletons hid in their closets for good reason.

  “Seems fair.” He pouts. “I guess I must rethink the questions I’m asking though, because you probably will refuse to answer some.” He smirks, a knowing look in his eyes. Tease.

  “Such as?” I can’t help but ask as the curiosity gets the better of me.

  “I’ll save them for later, first the elementary questions.”

  Likewise, all the things I would want to know about the mysterious vampire that’s been around for who knows how long. After a prolonged silence, I start us off. “What’s your favorite color?”

  He scoffs. “I don’t know that sounds a bit personal.” he smiles, acting wounded. His hand inches its way towards the booze.

  “Answer or drink it up.” I waggle my finger in his face. He teasingly tries to bite at it, causing me to erupt into giggles.

  “How about both?” He takes a gulp of his bottle before answering. If a human drank as much as him, they would likely die from alcohol poisoning. “Blue,” he answers.

  That piques my interest. “What type of blue, and why is it your favorite color?” The questions rush out. It was a gorgeous color, could be bright, royal, lively, or cold as ice. Such an expressive color.

  He laughs, “I believe it’s my turn now but if you want to continue grilling me all about my favorite color, then do so next turn.” Smart ass.

  His laughter was pleasant, and a bit contagious. I feel myself mimicking him without meaning to.

  “Since you asked me the most generic question ever, I might as well follow up.” He feigns boredom as I act like I’m hurt.

  “Sir you wound me deeply.” I place a hand over my chest.

  “Shut up.” He rolls his eyes, not taking the bait. “What’s your favorite food?”

  I act as if I’m taking deep consideration of it before answering, “Anything potato related.” Something fried and battered sounded so fucking insanely wonderful right now. Probably the booze. “Fries are the bestest. Could live off of them.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” He looks pensive, before his attention returns to the bottle he’s holding. “Ready to grill me more on the blue?”

  While that would be fun, it would be a wasteful way to use all my questions. “Not exactly,” I respond, taking a drink as I felt left out. Maybe not the best response to such an emotion.

  “Easy there.” He grips my arm. “Not everyone has vampire drinking abilities like my exceptional self. I don’t want to have to explain to Gabriel how his little angel died from alcohol poisoning.” He gives me a serious look.

  I scoff. “As if you would let that happen, I’m not even drunk yet,” I hold my head up high, slightly falling over and burst out laughing from the hilarity of it. “I’m not his little angel.” What the fuck bullshit was that about?

  “Says the girl who is falling over.” He pokes my side, not believing a word of it.

  “Just let me have my fun, plus I’m an angel so I’ll be fine.” I roll my eyes.

  “I’m pretty sure that doesn’t support your case,” he chides. “If anything, it makes it a tad bit worse.”

  Spoiler alert: Angel’s aren’t known for their ability to drink you under the table.

  I stick my tongue out at him childishly. A question makes its way into my mind that I feel the need to ask. “Why do you care so much about me?” It made little sense. Sure, he was a friend from back then, but...This was now. How did he even recognize me after all those years?

  He scratches his chin. “I wasn’t going to tell you, but I actually secretly hate you,” he says with all seriousness. Wow.

  Liar. “Asshole.” I say, shoving him under his arm.

  “I enjoy teasing you, you’re so easy to get a reaction out of.” He gives me a light smile. “Well, obviously I don’t hate you, or I would have left you outside the moment an angel passed over my threshold,” he explains. “I would have still helped you because that’s just the person I am but staying and accommodating your cat is more than that.”

  “That still doesn’t answer my question,” I point out, thinking over how he could have done that.

  “All right, miss impatient. The reason I care so much,” he pauses. “At first I was trying to do an act of kindness, while pissing off other people I know,” he says. It’s sounding like he’s describing me as a tool and for a few seconds I feel offended until he continues. “Then I got to be around you, and you’re so good to be around. When I’m around you, I want to be good. You bring light that I haven’t felt in a while, and that’s nice. Everybody can see it. You care about others so much, even those you don’t know that you put yourself at risk.”

  My brow furrows as his statement sinks in. I’ve never seen myself that way but was something that I got complimented for by Theresa when I was leaving. “I’m not that great,” I finally retort.

  “Keep telling yourself that, but others see differently.” He shakes his head. “Now for my question,” he changes the subject. “What was your first reaction coming back to the human world and having to help Gabriel?” He looks at me in curiosity.

  I take a deep drink, giving him a look that says, ‘save the lecture’. “Do you promise not to hate me for it?” I ask weakly, as my first reaction was not the best.

  “No judgment, nothing will leave this room.” He mocks a zip of his lips, assuring me of his silence.

  I let out a lengthy sigh. “I was terrified, I didn’t want to be around people, and I figured we should just kill him to fix the issue,” I let out, bracing my nerves for his response. “Obviously, I don’t feel that way now, but he certainly is still a piece of work.”

  He looks at me with sympathy, his eyes urging me to explain, but he doesn’t ask anymore. “It’s okay.” He gives me a hug. “Sorry if I brought memories to the surface you’d rather not think over.”

  I nod, inhaling his spicy scent of cologne I can’t place, and liquor. After my mind rests itself of that particular memory, I pull away.

  I take a sip, being cautious this time. I doubt I could drink to the point of poisonous excess, but it still wouldn’t be fun for Luke to compel all the hospital staff because of the absence of information about me, not to mention my unusual abilities. They would never let me go, and human scientists would treat me like a lab rat. Ew.

  “Well, this is getting more serious than fun,” he voices my thoughts, drinking wistfully. A smirk on his face, he asks. “Why do you own so much sexy lacy underwear when you don’t sleep with anyone?”

  My brows skyrocket up at the surprise of the question, and I give his chest a light shove as if to say pervert. “How do you know I lack a sex life?” The question sounds weak to my own ears. I went to work, tried to find ways to help Gabriel sleep—repeat.

  “I always do your laundry Aura, you can’t expect me to not know or be curious,” he says, giving me a coy smile. “Besides, you never leave the apartment for anything other than Gabriel. And judging by your interactions, I doubt you're getting down and dirty.” I look at Luke, horrified. I had too much self-respect to get for that asshat.

  “That confirms it.” He grins.

  I answer in a huff. “Just because I don’t sleep around doesn’t mean that I do
n’t like to wear it for myself, plus it’s comfy.” Makes me feel pretty. I had to give it to him, though that question took my mind off the foreboding.

  “No need to be so bashful about it. I’ve seen way more than an underwear drawer in my time.”

  Guys with their minds always in the gutter. I don’t even want to know what goes through his mind. Gross.

  “How many girls have quit their job because you slept with them?” I raise an eyebrow, challenging him. Feeling the need to do so after the last uncomfortable question.

  He sends me a dirty look. “You know I didn’t always sleep around, up until a few years ago.”

  “If you find it too personal, you can take a drink,” I say smugly, not that he hasn’t been doing that anyway though he just always gives an answer. It would be nice to not be the first one to refuse.

  “I got around a little.” He doesn’t seem the least bit guilty. “I tried to keep work and fun apart from each other like a good Samaritan. This one girl I was sleeping with though needed a job along with her roommate, so I hired them to keep their roof over their heads.” He scratches the back of his head. “But as you could see on your first day here that didn’t go well. She wanted more commitment, a boyfriend that would spoil her and the whole nine yards. I broke it off, and she quit her job. Along with her friend, who put her friendship before work, though she was jealous, she never got to see what I was like in the sack. Hence why she was a bitch to you. Your appearance intimidated her and was defensive,” he tells me, as I’m reminded of that stressful first day. “I also used to sleep with the betrayer, but that was before she worked here,” he refers to Minx. “Most females want the thing that I can never give them. I don’t want relationships. They're too much when it’s not the right person.”

  “Why do you bother with all the wrong people?” I question, wondering why someone would bother putting themselves and others through that type of pain.

  The bottle he’s working on at the moment is set down as he grips the sides of his head. “Not important.” He shrugs, and lifts the bottle again to take another drink. I let it pass, instead of grilling him on it.

  Before I know what, he's doing, he puts my bottle to the side to attack my sides with something horrible. Tickles. I giggle, “Stop it!” I hit his chest with my fists, kicking him square in the face. “Sorry.” I don’t entirely mean it.

  He’s hovering over me. I gasp. I’m pinned to the sofa, heart racing a million miles an hour. The sides of my tank top slip up to just below my breasts, his knees on either side of my thin frame trapping me in.

  He studies me, gulping, before stopping whatever game he’s at.

  He huffs. “Fine, then.” Allowing me to breathe normally again and regain my personal space. It looked like something flashed through his eyes in that moment, but it was gone before I could tell. “My next question will be why do you refuse to do relationships and anything that has to do with love?” He peaks.

  I let out a groan. “I’ll answer part of that question, but not the backstory behind it.” The second part I shouldn’t have mentioned, but I’m not exactly sober at the moment. “I think love is pointless, overrated, and someone will just end up hurt either way.” I take a long drink from the disregarded bottle.

  “Touché,” he agrees, not commenting further though probably begging to. Until he says, “It’s pointless until you find a person worth the pain.”

  “I don’t know what my opinion is on that just yet,” I mutter, wanting to disagree but it had got me thinking. There were others in the past who I thought would be my forever lover. Those types of things never lasted.

  “Are you really Gabriel’s uncle?”

  “Aura, I already explained that story to you.” His voice somber, annoyed that I would question it. With good reasoning, I suppose. When did Luke ever lie to me? Never?

  “Do you ever feel guilty about it?” I immediately regret the question as soon as it pops out. That wasn’t something I should have asked. “I’m sorry-I shouldn’t have.” I look at his harsh expression, wanting to comfort him. That didn’t define the type of person he was, the opinion me or even others would have of him. Absentmindedly, I stroke his cheek, feeling empathy for the guy.

  He turns toward me at the action, his expression softening. “I never answered your one question.”

  “Which was?” I was confused. He answered all the official questions I asked him.

  “Why blue is my favorite color,” he stares at me, looking into my eyes.

  Heat grows in my chest at the mercy of his intoxicating gaze. “It wasn’t an official question,” I stare at him lost. His amber eyes are gorgeous, which isn’t something I’ve taken the time to notice before.

  He shrugs as if it doesn’t matter that it wasn’t. Pushing a messy strand of blond hair behind my ear, he smiles. “Light blue is my favorite color because it’s the color of your eyes.” A shit-eating grin covers my face. That line was such bullshit.

  “You have really pretty eyes too.” I laugh, staring at his amber eyes.

  “Nah.” He shakes his head, not going for it.

  “Yes, you do.”

  He searches my eyes as if to find whether or not I’m lying, as he bites his lip and flashes a nervous glance at my own. Did he want to kiss me?

  My subconscious need taking over, I lean closer but am slighted when he pulls back. “What?” I question, confused. Did I want him to kiss me? Maybe I hit the bottle too hard.

  “You, missy have had a lot to drink, and so have I.” He laughs but it doesn’t cover his nervous demeanor. “I’m not the one you want.” I aim to protest, but he stops me. “And you’re not her, though you look so much alike.” I’m stunned.

  “Who?” I ask.


  “Are you all right?” I look at him worried, my mind slushy. He couldn’t mean her, just no. She was faithful; she wouldn’t have cheated on dad.

  He shakes his head, brushing away the emotion. “Just something that I need to get used to. Before either of us does something you’ll regret it in the morning, I’m going to go sleep in my room. You look really pretty tonight.” He dashes off, leaving me alone.

  I frown, curling up on the couch, full of confusion, but soon fall asleep wrapped in the warmth and comfort of his home.

  Chapter 22


  I awaken to the feeling of grass beneath my feet, the sun blinding my face. I run my hands across my chest to just feel skin. My eyes pop open. Why the fuck am I shirtless in the middle of the woods?

  Fuck. Who did he kill this time? Or maybe a drugged-up orgy? Either way, my memory was blank from however long the time had lapsed. Except, I remember when Luke’s jealous friend had me in a compromising position, and not the fun type. There were other girls around, chanting. Not even one in sight now. Huh. Plausible explanation, several possibilities.

  I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, a lonely 2% marks the battery life. The device is overwhelmed with messages. My eyes nearly pop from their sockets. This was the longest I’ve ever been out. Before I can reply to anything, the poor thing gives out. Fucking peachy. The carnage of the demon is unconquerable. He probably ripped those girl’s limb from limb. Hell, the world could be gone. By the bright sky, and the lack of lackeys around, that’s unlikely.

  Did I kill all those people? Witches, or whatever the fuck they were? My hands, I look at them to see them spotless in the morning sun. Then what?

  Why don’t you ask your old buddy Luke? His voice is quieter than usual, like it’s a struggle to get it out. Good.

  At least that’s a promising sign.

  What happened to you? I suppress a laugh, though I likely shouldn’t be egging him on. I should ignore him while he’s weaker but having him there is a hard habit to throw.

  Ask your little girlfriend Aura. She threw herself all over me. He coughs, spewing what had to be a lie. She’s never made a move towards me. So why him? That couldn’t be true. Could it?

  I fe
el a pang of jealousy crawl over me but try to push it off. He was just trying to get to me, and besides, I didn’t care about the pretty blonde angel. Dime a dozen.

  Her lips were all over mine. He puts the image of the two of them kissing in my head.

  Lies, he had to be fucking with me. He was weaker though, so could he really conjure up that image now? Unless that was a lie as well?

  How the fuck am I going to get to Luke’s from this damn remote spot?

  I spot a jogger passing by, and debate approaching her to borrow a phone. Well, it’s worth a try. Hopefully, she doesn’t think I’m a serial killer.



  I wake up to a meowing at my feet, and a pounding in my head, thanks to an unwelcome hangover. Why wasn’t I more responsible? Oh yeah, the fact that I blew off the head of my sister, was haunted with nightmares, then got drunk as a skunk. Minx had shape shifted to appear as her, but it didn’t make the imagery any less gruesome.

  “Aura,” Luke’s voice calls out, way too fucking chipper. Damn lucky ass vampires. “Hangover food.” The smell of fries hits my nose, causing my stomach to gurgle. Hopefully, it didn’t make me sick.

  “Luke, can I ask you something?” I fight the pangs of regret and misery ringing through my ears.

  “You’ve already asked something.” Smartass. A hint of a smile playing upon his lips. “Sure, ask away.”

  “When you mentioned Charlotte last night.” His face falls. “Did you mean her, the mom taken away from me in the middle of the night, all those years ago?”

  His face is solemn. “Yes.”

  How was that even possible?

  “How did you two know each other?” I try my best to make the question come out steady. They could have just been friends. She wouldn’t have had an affair.

  “We met long ago. Back before science was as developed as it is, her father captured me.” My brows furrow.

  “But she was human.” There was no way she could have lived that long

  “She was when I first met her, and the last time I saw her. But back to the story-” He gives me a look as if to say to let him continue without interruption. “I was lost, not feeding well and a vampire hunter caught me by luring me in with her. I thought he was going to kill me, ending my misery of existence. I so desperately begged him to.” He lets out a feeble laugh. “No. He wanted me because his wife was dying of the fathom disease. He thought my blood could heal her. So, he tested on me for a while.”


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