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Iska Page 4

by Arcadia Shield

  He inhaled again and grasped the scent of something faintly floral on the air. Iska lowered his head and ran. He loved a challenge. It looked like Avril had just given him one.

  He hoped she wouldn’t live to regret that choice.

  Chapter 5

  Avril’s heart pounded harder than her feet as she raced away from the fight club.

  A hysterical sounding giggle jumped from her mouth. What had she been thinking, venturing into that fight club? She’d stood outside for ten minutes, working up the courage to go through the door.

  Despite the dizzy inducing speed her heart raced, Avril couldn’t deny it had felt amazing to do something so real and experience such raw emotions.

  The air in that place had been full of anger, excitement, and heat. She wrinkled her nose. There had also been a lot of sweaty, overly ripe armpits. The audience attending those fights could learn a thing or two about regular showers and deodorant.

  She let out a breath as her feet slowed. It had been incredible. She’d wanted to stay longer, but there was a problem. Avril had only been in there a few moments when she’d been spotted by Iska.

  She couldn’t believe he’d picked her out among the crowd. She was even more surprised given the fact he was the one in the ring, slamming the fight out of some huge, scary looking Dackin. And Iska didn’t even look like he was trying.

  Avril had kept her head down when she’d entered the club and deliberately dressed in black, so she wouldn’t stand out and could hide in the shadows at the back. Clearly, that wasn’t a good enough disguise for fooling Iska.

  He’d smiled when he’d spotted her; she was sure of it. No, it was more of an arrogant smirk, as if he’d expected her to come looking for him.

  She hadn’t, not deliberately. Although finding him there, with his abs on show and his skin damp with sweat, hadn’t been a terrible thing. He was hot with or without his fur on display.

  Avril giggled again. All that testosterone was giving her ridiculous thoughts. Iska was a gorgeous, aloof, dangerous bounty hunter. He probably went for equally hot, leggy blondes with a liking for pleasuring guys on their knees and who called him daddy.

  She fanned her face with her hands and slowed down. She was more of a tea, comfy slippers, and early night sort of girl. She didn’t object to a bit of fooling around in the bedroom, but her sexual encounters were more comedy than cosmic orgasm. Her two relationships had been with sweet but clueless humans, who’d tried their best but had always finished too soon and had no idea what to do with a clitoris.

  One boyfriend drummed out the beat of his favorite indie song on her sensitive parts as he’d tried to convince her that a beats-per-minute of one hundred and eleven was all she needed to get off. She didn’t, and it had been humiliating as he’d kept on thumping away with his fingers until he got a cramp, and they’d decided to have a cup of cocoa instead.

  Avril’s hood fell away, and her hair slipped out of its band and slid to her shoulders.

  The fighting had thrilled her more than she’d expected. Seeing two aliens in their prime attacking each other, their focus on nothing more than inflicting pain and winning, should have disturbed her, but it didn’t. Instead, it had sent heat flooding through her, and a warmth she hadn’t felt in a long time tingled low in her stomach. She’d seen the raw male energy and power and had loved it.

  She was glad she’d gone, but now felt a twinge of guilt. Avril hadn’t wanted anyone to know she’d gone to check out the fight. She’d lied to Heather when she said she was turning in for the night as she’d left her and Loka to puzzle over Dingbat.

  As her excitement faded, Avril realized it had been a dumb move. If something had gone wrong, no one would know where she was.

  She’d put herself at risk. Some aliens she’d encountered since joining My Single Alien could easily rip the arm off a human.

  She’d had fun tonight but wasn’t sure she’d go back, especially not since Iska had spotted her in the crowd.

  Avril glanced over her shoulder, getting the sense someone was watching her. There was no one there, but she couldn’t shake the feeling she was being tailed.

  The hair on the back of her neck prickled, and she increased her pace. Avril just needed to get back to her living quarters, and she’d be fine. She’d spooked herself by going to the fight club. It had been thrilling but stupid. She’d had a taste of the real world and felt safer in her games. That was where she belonged.

  To be on the safe side, instead of heading straight to her living quarters, Avril made a detour and headed to the right, circling past the offices and stores on the station.

  She slowed as she came to the closed doors of the Enchanted Captain. She could go in and hide for a while. Something alcoholic sounded perfect right now. Her nerves were jumping; it must be the reason she thought she was being followed.

  Avril shook her head. This was not the time for alcohol. She’d never sleep if she started drinking this late at night. She’d do another lap of the station and then head home. If anyone was following her, they’d get bored and lose interest. She was nervous and overexcited; that was all. There was no reason for anyone to be chasing after her.

  Her thoughts drifted to Iska and the glorious sight of him stripped to the waist when fighting. Even though she knew he was a Mehab, he’d looked uncannily human with his pale fur concealed. When she’d squinted at his skin, she’d seen the ripples of the fur beneath it, as if it waited to spring out at any second.

  Avril changed direction again and hurried past the engineering section. The throb of the station’s engines was louder here and rumbled through her shoes and into her chest. She headed back toward the dining hall, completing her loop, and going in the direction of the living quarters.

  It was quiet when she entered this part of the station, away from the noise and distractions of the offices and stores. Given the late hour, there was no one else around. The station hum was barely audible at this end of Prodigy.

  The quiet noise of the engine settled her. When Avril started working on Prodigy, the noises and strange sounds had kept her awake at night. She’d never thought she’d get used to it. Now, she’d miss it if she was away. This felt like home. It was a weird and wonderful place in the stars, but it was her home, and she loved being here.

  Avril let out a sigh of relief as she turned the corner. She was almost back to the safety of her quarters. If she was being followed, she’d lock the door and keep them out.

  She looked over her shoulder again and shook her head. She was being an idiot. No one was following her.

  “Get a grip on yourself,” she muttered quietly.

  Avril pulled off the sweatshirt she wore. She had on a white tank top underneath. She’d be glad to get out of these clothes and cool down after tonight’s thrills. That’s what she needed, a long cold shower after seeing all that gorgeous alien flesh on display.

  “I really need to get laid,” she mumbled.

  One more corner and she was home.

  Avril hurried to her door, ran her hand over the scanner, and scurried inside.

  Two strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind and threw her to the floor.

  “What the hell?” Avril yelped as she was pinned under someone hot and solid.

  Her fall had been cushioned by her attacker’s arms around her, one hand holding her cheek, so her head didn’t hit the floor as she fell.

  Avril gulped. The hand that cushioned her was covered in blond fur.

  “Why are you following me?” A low menacing voice sounded in her ear.

  Avril squirmed on the floor but couldn’t get out of her attacker’s grip. “I wasn’t following anyone.” She tried to see if her hunch was right and it was Iska who had her pinned to the ground, but he wouldn’t let her move.

  Instead, he dropped more weight on her until she gasped and stopped wriggling. This alien was heavy. It must be all the fur and muscle, and Iska came with a healthy dose of muscle. She should know; she’d been lusting aft
er it not half an hour ago.

  “I’ll ask you one more time. What business do you have following me?”

  “I’ll scream if you don’t get off me.” Avril felt something soft swish against her hand. She grabbed hold of it and yanked hard.

  A harsh hiss spat in her ear. Her attacker thrust his hips against her backside.

  Avril stilled as she felt a hardness against her ass. That was not muscle she felt. Well, it was, but not the kind she’d expected to feel. She yanked hard again on what she was pretty sure was Iska’s tail.

  Another low hiss spat out of her attacker. “If you keep tugging on my tail like that, we’re going to have problems.”

  Avril dug her nails into the soft fur until she felt hard muscle beneath it. “I know you. You’re that Mehab.”

  “And I know you, princess. You’re going to find yourself naked and screaming my name if you keep teasing me like that.”

  Avril dropped her hold on his tail. She blushed despite herself. Mehabs had a thing about having their tails played with. It was the most sensitive part of their body, and she’d just been yanking and pulling on it like it was a piece of old rope.

  At least it had gotten his attention, although not in the way she’d expected to. Her eyes widened as she felt his erection grow even larger.

  Iska’s tail swished away, but the hardness pressed against her butt remained in place. “Explain yourself. Why did you come to the fight?”

  “What ma-ma-makes you think I’m not a regular?”

  “I’ve never seen you there until tonight.”

  “I like to blend in.”

  “Impossible with that hair.”

  Avril grimaced. “You couldn’t see it.”

  “You’re hard to miss.”

  Despite the fear churning in her gut, she felt a ping of pleasure. He’d noticed her.

  Iska’s hips became even heavier. “Why did you try to shake me off?”

  She sucked in a deep breath. Maybe if he realized she could identify him to security, he wouldn’t do anything foolish like mate with her and then kill her. “If you let me up, Iska, I’ll explain everything.” Avril struggled to move, but he kept her pinned down.

  A purr rumbled out of him. “You remember my name.”

  “Of course.” Avril squirmed again. “I never forget a...” her words trailed off. She’d meant to say gorgeous face but realized how lame that was.

  “I’m unforgettable?” He laughed softly against her ear.

  “I didn’t expect to see you fighting at the club tonight. I didn’t think there would be anyone there I knew.”

  “What’s a cute little thing like you doing in a shithole like that?”

  Avril swallowed her nerves. It looked like she wasn’t getting out from underneath Iska anytime soon. The thought made her squirm a little in pleasure. There were worse positions to be in. “I was... curious.”

  “Curious about me or curious about the fight?”

  Iska’s weight vanished. Avril flipped onto her back and stared up at him. She refused to shrink away from the fury in his amber eyes. She also saw curiosity in them. He was interested in her.


  Iska smirked. “It was an accident that we met earlier today and then you turn up at the fight club on the night I’m fighting?”

  “It must be.” Avril sat up and adjusted her tank top. “What are you doing stalking me through the corridors and then jumping me?”

  Iska’s tail swished behind him. “You followed me.”

  “Why would I do that?” She ignored his outstretched hand as she climbed to her feet.

  “Why else would you be there?”

  Avril gave a quiet huff at his arrogance. “I could be a regular. It might be something I enjoy.”

  “I’ve never seen you there before.”

  “I like to blend in.”

  Iska snorted. “At least we have that in common.”

  “Why chase after me when I left?” Avril’s cheeks felt hot. She missed the feel of Iska pressed against her.

  “I don’t like to be noticed. You noticed me. I want to know why.”

  “You assumed I went to the fi-fi-fight club just to see you. Do you think you made that much of an impression on me after one meeting?” Avril glared at him but then looked away. In truth, he had, but she wasn’t going to let him know that.

  Iska’s tail stopped twitching. “You were really there just for the show?”

  “The same as you.”

  “I doubt that. I was also looking for a bounty. That’s why I was more focused on the audience than my junkie opponent.”

  Avril’s eyes widened. “There’s a criminal on Prodigy?”

  Iska laughed. “There are criminals everywhere. That’s why I’m here, to collect the bounty and get a pay off.”

  “If that’s true, you need to get better at following people,” Avril said. “I knew you were on to me.”

  “And I knew you were on me when you had your hand wrapped around my tail.” He grabbed the end of his tail and stroked it.

  Avril bit her bottom lip. “I needed to get your attention. I needed to get you off me.”

  “You almost did get me off. You have skills few females have in that department. You are experienced with a Mehab?”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Avril stared at Iska’s black boots and tried to calm her racing heart. “I wasn’t trying to arouse you. I don’t have experience in jerking off aliens.”

  “That’s a shame. I could do with someone jerking me off while I’m here.” Laughter traced through Iska’s words. “Isn’t that what you do at My Single Alien, offer relief to aliens in need of a good screw?”

  “No, we’re a matchmaking agency, not a brothel.” Avril tilted her chin.

  “That’s a pity.” Iska dropped his tail and swished it behind him.

  The silence grew in intensity. Avril felt sweat prickle on her top lip. This alien did weird things to her insides.

  “The fight club isn’t the only thing you enjoy. You’re into gaming, aren’t you?” Iska asked.

  Surprised by the question, Avril glanced up at him. “What makes you say that?”

  “It was something your friend said when we met today. Something about a warrior’s spirit never being broken.”

  “Okay,” Avril said slowly. He couldn’t know anything about her life inside the games. He was just messing with her.

  “I know a certain warrior princess in a holo suite game who uses the exact same expression.” Iska took a step closer, his amber eyes intense. “You’re her. You’re Warrior Princess.”

  Avril struggled for breath and couldn’t meet Iska’s gaze. He knew who she was. “What if I am?”

  Iska held out his hand, a smile softening the frown lines on his face. “Then it’s good to meet you in person. I’m Fang.”

  “Wait, you’re Fang?” Avril’s jaw dropped. “No way. You’re the huge black-clad warrior who’s been messing with my game all this time?”

  “Not messing, helping you. And having a hell of a lot of fun while I do it.” He wiggled his fingers.

  Feeling awkward, Avril stuck out her hand. She couldn’t help but gasp when Iska grabbed it and kissed the back, bowing low over her hand.

  “You’re an incredible fighter in the game.” He kept hold of her hand as he stood. “I haven’t enjoyed killing so much until I entered your set-up.”

  “I’ve got years of experience gaming,” Avril said, still stunned by his revelation. “It was my only hobby on Earth. It’s a great way to escape.”

  “I don’t blame you for wanting to escape Earth. Why continue to play up here? Life on Prodigy can’t be that tough.”

  Avril couldn’t help but notice that Iska still had hold of her hand. “It has its moments. Teaching a bunch of aliens how to keep human females happy is not the easiest job in the world.”

  “I bet they love you. I bet you’re their favorite teacher.”

  “I do okay. I get the occasional thank you
gift.” She ran a thumb over Iska’s knuckles and felt how silky smooth the fur was. For the briefest of seconds, she wondered what it would be like to be naked and rub herself against him.

  “You play to escape?”

  She met his gaze and nodded. “Partly. I’m also planning to win the competition.”

  Iska’s brows rose. “You’re after the holo suite credits?”

  “The credits will be great, but it’s more than that.”

  “You’re after respect.” Iska’s tone grew serious. “You’re in this competition to earn everyone’s respect.”

  “I know they will respect me when I’m the best. I’ll go on the winners’ board and never be forgotten. Everyone will see what I achieved. It will be my legacy.”

  Instead of mocking her as she’d expected, Iska bowed again. He turned over Avril’s hand and kissed the palm. It was a surprisingly intimate gesture. “I understand. I always play to win.”

  “You’re not trying to win the contest?”

  Iska finally let go of her hand. “No, but I know what it’s like to have a goal and pursue it no matter what.”

  “What goal do you pursue?”

  Iska took a step back, and his expression blanked. “It’s a personal journey.”

  Avril felt a flash of disappointment. He didn’t feel he could share with her. “Was your pursuit of me included in this goal of yours?”

  “No, but I’m not sorry for that.” Iska’s hand went to his tail again. “I’m still not convinced you didn’t follow me to the game. You’re interested in me.”

  “I didn’t. I’m not.” She pressed her lips together. Iska didn’t need to know how she’d found out about the fight. It would only make him more suspicious that she was tracking him and digging into his private affairs.

  Iska’s eyes narrowed. “Knowing my enemy is crucial. Being a bounty hunter doesn’t make you everyone’s best friend.”

  “I’m not your enemy. I guess you could say we’re friends, at least in the gaming world.”

  Iska huffed in surprise. “You could say that, Warrior Princess.”

  She smiled tentatively. At least this was something they could agree on. “Do you play in the games for the company?”


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