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Iska Page 5

by Arcadia Shield

  Iska snorted and looked away. “I have company when I need it.”

  “Not company in that way.” Avril imagined Iska had plenty of female interest. With those muscles and that gleaming pale fur, he’d be a popular choice for a lot of women.

  “Are you enjoying the view?”

  Avril had been staring for too long, her train of thought completely abandoning her. She sucked in a breath. “Shall we play a game sometime?”

  “You’re inviting me to play with you?” His teasing tone remained.

  She shrugged and looked away, pretending it wasn’t a big deal she’d just asked him to play with her. Avril never asked anyone to join her in the games. She had other players she sometimes met up with for missions but usually played alone. This was the first time she’d officially invited someone to join her.

  “Only if you want to. It’s no big deal. Play with me, play on your own, whatever works best.”

  The look in Iska’s eyes suggested he knew otherwise. “It would be an honor to play alongside you, Warrior Princess. I accept your invitation.”

  Avril felt something inside her relax. “Then it’s a date.”

  Iska tilted his head. “Sure, why not. Let’s play. I’d like to see what you’re made of.”

  Avril licked her lips. “You already know how I play.”

  He stepped closer and smiled. “Now I know who you really are, I imagine you’ve been keeping secrets. I’d like to find out what they are.”

  She gulped and looked away. What had she just gotten herself into?

  Chapter 6

  “You need to concentrate, or you’re going to end up with your tail dislocated.” Kiske’s fist grazed the side of Iska’s cheek.

  He reared back and rolled his shoulders. He was back in the fight ring, sparring with his favorite trainer, Kiske. He was a no-tailed Mehab and was in deep with illegal fight clubs across this galaxy. The scars Kiske carried on his sinewy body showed the beatings he’d taken over the years. Beatings he’d survived and grown stronger from.

  Iska never underestimated Kiske. They’d met years ago and shared a love of the fight. Kiske was ruthless in the ring and never held back. You thought you had him on the ropes, and he always had one more punch in him. It was usually the killer blow.

  “What’s with you today?” Kiske asked as he dropped his guard. “This isn’t a challenge.”

  Iska shook his head. He kept thinking about that red hair and those green eyes and the spark of defiance he’d seen in Avril when he’d challenged her. She hadn’t screamed or cried when he’d jumped her last night; instead, she’d fought and questioned him. He admired her spirit.

  “It’s nothing, just a woman.”

  Kiske grabbed two bottles of water and threw one at Iska. “Then you’re in trouble if you’ve got a girl on your mind and she’s distracting you from the fight. Who is she?”

  “No one you know.”

  “A Mehab?”

  “A human.”

  Kiske smirked. “Humans are adorable. I find their lack of fur disturbing, but their skin is always smooth. They smell like candies. I always get the urge to tear off their clothes and lick them until they squeal. They like to squeal.”

  “Aren’t you a bit old to hound dog on women?”

  Kiske tipped him a wink. “Women like maturity and experience. They know I’ll show them a great time.”

  “Have you been with a human?” Iska drank down half his water.

  “One or two. They make great bed mates. When you get them purring, they are sexy as fuck.”

  Iska grunted. It had been awhile since he’d had anyone in his bed and never a human. He’d been so focused on his work that that particular primal urge had taken a back seat, and he had to be satisfied with his hand. It wasn’t enough, and he knew it.

  But he didn’t commit, not to anybody. Not yet. He wasn’t ready for that. Iska had plans to have a mate and produce a litter, but not until he had everything he needed to provide for them. To do that, he needed to secure his next bounty.

  “What’s so special about this human female that’s got you messing up in the fight ring?” Kiske asked.

  Iska rested against the ropes of the ring. “She’s a fighter.”

  “In the club? We don’t have many females here and no humans.”

  Iska snorted a laugh. “Not here. She wouldn’t last ten seconds in the ring. She is tiny.”

  “Where does she fight?”

  Iska narrowed his eyes. “Don’t laugh, but in the holo suite games.”

  Kiske coughed into his hand and grinned. “You’re into role-playing?”

  “It’s a fun way to break heads without getting anything bent out of shape. This whole virtual reality crap is so real, you can taste the blood when you make a kill.”

  “I’ll pass. Why pretend when you’ve got the real thing right here?” Kiske gestured to the fight ring.

  “I met her in there. She’s a kick ass fighter, and she’s aiming for the top. She wants to win the whole damn thing. The girl has ambitions.”

  “You’ve met her in the real world?”

  “I have. She’s... interesting. Different from other women. She’s got this scared little mouse vibe going on until you get to know her.”

  Kiske huffed, and his fur bristled. “You want to hunt her?”

  Iska did, but not so he could dominate and terrify her. There was something about Avril’s innocence that appealed to him, but it was more than that. “I tracked her last night.”

  “She claimed you? You mated?”

  Iska shook his head. “Nothing like that. I’m not being claimed by anyone yet, not until I have my own den set up just right.”

  “And your father notices you.” Kiske nodded his head slowly.

  Iska scowled at him. His father, Tarle Matusa, sat on the Mehab High Council. He was corrupt, twisted, and enjoyed nothing more than slamming any joy out of Iska’s life.

  Kiske kept on nodding. “I watch your father. Whenever he talks about family, he only mentions three sons.”

  Iska squashed the water bottle in his hand. “I’m the fourth, the one who shouldn’t have lived.”

  Kiske’s fur bristled even more. Iska had confided in him over the years they’d known each other. He considered Kiske more of a father than Tarle had ever been.

  “Fuck what your father has to say. You find a female, you take her. You don’t always have to provide a den for your mate. I have several females with cubs. They’re proud of their independence. They know how to look after themselves.”

  Iska knew all about Kiske’s inability to settle for one female. Mehabs sometimes had several mates, but Iska never wanted that. He waited for the one female who would be his life mate. They’d rear their litter together and be true partners in everything.

  Kiske found this idea amusing, but Iska didn’t think he risked missing out. More like, he saved himself a lot of ball ache by avoiding headstrong mates who pulled his attention in several directions.

  “If you’re into this human, then you should go for it.”

  Iska inspected his bruised knuckles. “I never figured I’d be with a human.”

  “There’s not much choice these days unless you’re into tentacle loving. I hear the Sachrin females are coming to this station. You ever fancied having your dick hoovered up by one of them?”

  Iska shuddered. “Slime and fur do not go well together.”

  Kiske laughed and slapped him on the back. “You need to make sacrifices when it comes to love.”

  “You’re fortunate you found your mates before the attack.” The Mehab home planet, Downie, had received a blast of targeted radiation that made ninety percent of the females infertile. Mehabs risked extinction if it weren’t for their ability to breed with humans.

  “I count my stars every day.” Kiske was fifteen years older than Iska and had claimed his mates several years before the devastating attack.

  Iska dumped his crushed water bottle over the side of the ring. “Th
is human is weird. Her coloring is strange. Her hair looks red in some lights and blonde in others.”

  “Interesting. What else?”

  “Her eyes are green. They’re almost catlike.”

  “That doesn’t sound unattractive.” Kiske flashed his own amber eyes.

  “It’s not. It’s just different. It’s a unique look.”

  “Does she like you?”

  Iska scratched his fingers through his fur. “Why wouldn’t she?”

  Kiske chuckled. “It must be your modesty that appeals to her.”

  Iska smirked. “I don’t seem to scare her. Well, she gets flustered around me, as if she has trouble speaking. She can’t get her words out sometimes.”

  “Which suggests she is either terrified of you or interested in you. These humans aren’t as upfront as our females. If they like you, they don’t stalk you, jump you, and fuck you. You’ve seen the info pod crap they push onto anyone who comes on board. Play nice with the cute little humans; we’re all different but the same.”

  Iska nodded. “She stood up to me after I tracked her. In fact, she asked me to play a game with her.”

  “So play, providing it gets your head back in the fight ring. There’s a big match coming up in a few weeks’ time. You need to be ready for it if you want to take part.”

  “I will be ready. You know I never lose a fight.”

  “You will if you don’t practice.” Kiske threw a punch, which Iska easily dodged. “You should go for this female. You never know. She could be the mate you’ve been looking for.”

  Iska shook his head. He needed to be sure. He knew all about rejection. He’d had it since he was a cub and was rejected for being the runt of the litter. He wasn’t ready for more of that. Rejection stung worse than Kiske’s punches.

  “Decision made?” Kiske asked. “You’re going to see this girl? Give her what she’s craving.”

  “Is that what you think she wants?”

  “Rough sex with a stud like you?” Kiske grinned. “Why not? Even I’m standing to attention at the thought.”

  Iska scowled at him and scrubbed an itchy spot on his fur.

  “Fuck, get her out of your system so you can focus on more important things. Go take her, have some fun, and move on.”

  “It’s not worth it. She’ll understand. You’re right. Avril’s most likely interested in me because she’s tempted by a bit of rough.” It made sense when Iska thought about it. Someone as cute and innocent as Avril couldn’t be interested in him. He was damaged and brutal. By staying away from her, nobody got hurt.

  “It’s your loss.” Kiske slung his bottle over the side of the ring and raised his guard. “Ready for another round of getting your furry ass kicked?”

  “I’d like to see you try, old man.” Iska moved into a fighting position.

  He had his bounty to hunt, and fighting to do that was all he needed to focus upon. That was his life, and it was good enough.

  Chapter 7

  “These are the completed training records for the week.” Avril sat opposite Vegas in the My Single Alien office. “One hundred aliens all inducted and ready to meet their mates.”

  Vegas scanned through the tablet Avril had handed her before nodding. “That’s excellent work. Diadora will be happy.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Diadora happy, but at least she won’t shout at me for missing my targets.”

  Vegas placed the tablet down. “I heard about the incident in the holo suite.”

  Avril ducked her head. “I meant to tell you. I lost track of time. It doesn’t mean I don’t care about my work. I’m so involved in the game right now. I’m so close to winning.”

  Vegas grinned. “Relax, I know you do an amazing job. We all run late for things. It’s just a shame Diadora noticed a room full of anxious Sachrins and came to find you.”

  It had been a week since that had happened, and Avril still felt bad. “It won’t happen again.”

  “I know it won’t.” Vegas tilted her head. “Is everything okay? You haven’t stopped jiggling your fingers since you arrived.”

  Avril shoved her hands into her lap. “I’ve got a date tonight.”

  “Who’s it with?” Vegas leaned forward in her seat.

  Although Vegas was her boss, Avril considered her a friend. Vegas was fair and supportive, never getting in the way of Avril’s work and always encouraging her to get out more and see life outside the holo suite.

  “I’ve known him for a while through the games. We met in person last week. His name is Iska. He’s a Mehab.”

  Vegas’s eyebrows shot up. “Aren’t they a bit... tricky?”

  “Tricky how?”

  “Well, they’re known for liking violence.”

  “Solan likes violence.” Avril knew Vegas was crazy about her huge Galaxar alien warrior. A warrior who happened to do an excellent job in bashing heads when the time called for it.

  “Solan fights to protect others.”

  “So do Mehabs. Some of them hunt down fugitives for money. That’s sort of the same thing.”

  Vegas twirled the tablet on her desk. “I suppose I’ve always found Mehabs a bit scary to be around. They always look like they’re hunting you or appraising you to see if you’re a threat. They get that cold, focused look in their amber eyes.”

  Avril shivered. She’d experienced the same thing with Iska but hadn’t found it scary. It had excited her, the thought of being hunted by Iska. “I can’t say I’ve noticed.”

  The main office door opened. Ivy Blain and her mate Karn walked through.

  Karn held their new baby in his arms like he was the most precious thing he’d ever touched. There was a gentle expression on his face. Karn was known for his sarcastic side, just like Ivy, so this was a new look for him.

  Ivy and Karn had had a whirlwind romance. Ivy’s accidental pregnancy had changed them both. What might have been a casual fling had turned into a deep, unbreakable love.

  Becoming a mom had softened Ivy and opened her heart to love. She still came with a few spikes and sharp words, but having a baby and falling in love had been the best thing that had ever happened to Ivy.

  As for Karn, he’d served a short stint in prison, where he spent his time attempting to make clothes for the baby and keeping his nose clean. Since becoming a father, he was a changed Forka. He cared about others and put their needs before his own.

  Avril grinned as she stood up. Love was a powerful thing. She’d experience that one day and get some guy looking all dopey and happy when around her.

  Vegas followed her over to where Ivy and Karn stood.

  “How are you?” Avril held out a finger, and the baby took it. He was absolutely adorable and had inherited Ivy’s dark hair and Karn’s color-changing skin.

  “Karn is being too protective,” Ivy said.

  “Of course I’m going to protect my family.” Karn slid an arm around Ivy’s waist. “What else am I going to do?”

  Ivy tried to look irritated, but the smile on her face spoiled it.

  “Have you decided on a name yet?” Vegas asked.

  “Brock,” Ivy said.

  “Not Brock. Datha,” Karn said.

  “We said no to Datha.”

  “We said maybe.” Karn kissed Ivy’s head.

  “He might get bullied with a strange name.” The last time Ivy had brought the baby into the office, she’d been debating with Karn over what to call him. It seemed like the debate was ongoing.

  “Both are lovely,” Avril said.

  “His name is Brock,” Ivy said. “That’s an end to the discussion.”

  “Wasn’t there a kid’s cartoon character called Brock?” Vegas asked.

  “It’s a character in a kid’s book,” Avril said. “He was a badger.”

  Karn tilted his head. “A badger? Is that a fierce beast on Earth?”

  “They can give you a nasty nip, but we’re not talking dragon level scary,” Vegas said.

  “He’s not being call
ed Brock,” Karn said. “Datha is a strong name.”

  “Nope, it’s a dumb name. But I agree our boy isn’t going to be named after a freakin’ badger,” Ivy said.

  “Brock is off the table?” Karn asked.

  “It is.” Ivy slid him a sly glance. “How about Thor?”

  Avril and Vegas both grimaced.

  “Our boy is still having an alien middle name if he has to have a strange human name,” Karn said.

  Ivy sighed. “If you insist, but no one will know what it is. The middle name is always something people are embarrassed by, so you can think up whatever weird sounding name you like.”

  “It’s not an embarrassing name I’m thinking of giving our child. It’s a proud name. Something people will respect.”

  “Everyone knows a middle name is used to embarrass kids.” Ivy lifted the baby out of Karn’s arms and passed him to Avril.

  She shook her head and backed away. “I’d love a cuddle, but I need to leave.”

  “Where are you going?” Ivy handed the baby to Vegas instead.

  “Avril’s got a date.” Vegas cuddled the baby and kissed his head.

  “You have a date?” Ivy sounded cynical. “Which loser have you convinced to ask you out?”

  “He’s not a loser,” Avril said.

  “Come on, spill. Who’s interested in you?” Ivy asked.

  “It might be nothing.” Avril edged closer to the door. “We’re sort of friends. We’ve known each other for a while.”

  “He knows you’re into role-playing?” Ivy asked.

  “That’s how we met.”

  “He’s a role-playing geek too?”

  “He’s not a geek,” Vegas said. “He’s a Mehab.”

  “They’re definitely not geeks.” Ivy arched a brow, her expression suggesting she didn’t believe Avril.

  “Mehabs prefer to fight for real, not in a game,” Karn said.

  “He does that too.” Avril pinched her lips shut before she said any more and revealed she’d visited an illegal fight club and seen Iska in action.

  “Who is he?” Karn asked.

  “His name’s Iska.”

  Karn grimaced. “Tall guy with pale fur?”


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