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Of Blood and Sacrifice (Royal Fae Guardians Book 2)

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by Heather Renee

  “Ryland, the wind you yield will complement the storms Kali cannot control. Where one is weak, the other will be strong. You will need to rely on each other when faced with uncertainty. One cannot succeed without the other."

  Stryx was going to pound those words into my head until I gave in, but he was only making me more resistant. I wasn’t a fan of being told what to do, even if I was beginning to remember why I wanted to complete the bond in the first place.

  The only reason I was standing in the training field was because of Ryland, but even that wasn't going to last long if the owl insisted on taking every opportunity to remind me of what I was supposed to do.

  “I think that's enough, Stryx. Kali gets the point, so unless you have something new to address about that particular situation, then I suggest we move on,” Ryland said sternly. The others gasped, but I merely smiled.

  Ryland continued to show me everything that he was, including standing up for what he was passionate about.

  I glanced back at Stryx. “So, what next? Besides each of us blending well together with our different elemental abilities, how do you propose we beat Alaryk?”

  "You can't merely beat him. You have to kill him. From what I've learned, there is only one way to succeed in doing so, and it's going to take a group effort. Hence, the purpose of my display just moments ago."

  "I have no problems killing the dark fae. I just need to know how," I said confidently.

  Stryx twisted his head. "It's not that simple, and we're going to have to do some leg work before we can make it happen."

  I swear, if he mentioned me bonding with Ryland one more time, I was going to...

  "Alaryk will have spell after spell in place to keep himself alive. Like I've said before, he's been preparing for this possible fight for decades, so we need to think beyond our own abilities. There is a dagger that is said to kill any being that it strikes the heart of. We need to make that blade and use it against the dark fae before he learns what it is."

  "What do you mean 'make'?" Jordan asked.

  "The blade is not yet forged. It will take pure metal from the gnomes, blood of a vampire, and a heart stone gifted from a succubus in order to create the weapon you'll need to kill Alaryk," Stryx answered.

  I'd already met a gnome, and, while not appealing, he didn't seem completely unreasonable. Though, I wasn't too keen on meeting the other two beings unless all vampires were like Brooke, but something told me that wasn’t going to be the case.

  "I love the succubi." Oliver waggled his eyebrows, and Ryland punched him in the kidney.

  "We won't be there for pleasure, so keep your mind clear," Ryland snarled.

  Oliver's hands went up. "I was just kidding. Calm down, man."

  "You weren't kidding, and we all know it," Jordan added as I recalled the scorned vampire from the Otherworld. Oliver apparently got around quite a bit, but he had seemed remorseful about Brooke, and I wondered if there were more feelings there than he let on.

  "If we're going to be in the Otherworld, will Brooke be escorting us?" I asked Stryx.

  Oliver flinched at my question, which gave me the confirmation I’d been looking for.

  "Queen Navi will lend us her people, and I believe Brooke is one of them, so it's possible she'll be with us while we're traveling through the different sections."

  Oliver mumbled something under his breath, but I didn't catch it. All that mattered was that if Brooke was tagging along, he'd hopefully be on his best behavior since she didn't appear to put up with his crap.

  "Kali, I want you to work independently for today, and the others will assist you as needed. You three keep an eye on her. Don't ask, just act. The four of you need to work together seamlessly if you intend to keep yourselves alive."

  Well, that wasn't ominous or anything.

  Taking a step forward, my hands went to my crown, making sure it was in place and still plastered to my head.

  The first day I'd gone out on my own to let loose after losing my parents, I'd almost lost control. Power had been pouring so furiously from my body, even the crown had had enough. When I'd felt it slip down my forehead, everything within me began to ache. I knew then that Lorelle hadn't been kidding about what the crown could do for me, so I'd been extra careful the last few days when I'd needed a release. Even if, at times, I’d been tempted to see what would happen without it.

  "What should I do first?" I asked, ready to show them some of the things I'd been working on in private.

  I was certain Stryx was already aware of them, but the others had no idea what I'd grown capable of since letting some of my restraints go.

  "I want you to create a storm, but only keep it the size of this boulder," Stryx demanded.

  "But I can do one much bigger."

  "I know that, but bigger is not always better. Control is the ultimate weapon. If you have no control, your power is useless."

  The smugness of his voice grated on my nerves, but I'd left the house that morning so I could accomplish something. I needed to get closer to beating Alaryk, and if I had to put up with the know-it-all owl, then so be it.

  I tightened my ponytail, then rubbed my hands together. Magic began to gather at my core, and I marveled at how easily it came to me. Almost too easily as I fought to keep it from dumping out of me like I usually allowed when I was on my own.

  It was incredible to think that just the month before, I was technically only human. I might have known of Arvayta, but none of Stryx's training prepared me for the well of strength that flowed through me as I focused on creating the mini storm.

  A cloud formed above me, and I guided it with my hands next to the boulder Stryx still sat on. From the cloud, water poured into the ground hard and fast.

  Sweat built on my brow as I concentrated on pushing my abilities. The cloud was growing bigger by the second, and I could already feel my control slipping, but I doubled my efforts and contained it once more.

  The rain turned to ice, and thunder sounded from the cloud as small flashes of light flickered through the ten-foot-tall storm. A smile grew on my face until one of the lights ricocheted off a piece of sleet and smacked me in the face.

  Blinded, I lost my control over the storm and felt power rip from my chest. Pain tore through me like the storm I'd created, and I cried out.

  Wind began to whip around us, and I was certain I'd ended up in the center of the storm, but when I opened my eyes, Ryland stood next to me, his hands glowing and his face full of concentration.

  I followed his gaze and saw he was containing my storm. He was controlling my power. Power I simply let flow freely when I needed the release and had yet to take true command of on my own.

  Jordan nudged my shoulder, bringing me out of my shock. "He can't keep it locked down for long. Bring your magic back to you, Chuck."

  Shaking my head, I cleared my distracting thoughts and focused. I closed my eyes and called the storm back to me, starting backward from how I'd created it. When Ryland let out a sigh of relief, I finally opened my eyes.

  He reached for me, his fingers wrapping around my elbow. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah, thank you."

  I wasn't exactly sure what I was thanking him for. For stopping the storm from getting out of hand like it usually did? For caring about me? For simply being kind? Maybe all of the above, and hopefully he knew it.

  Ryland nodded and released me, giving me the space that I needed to catch my breath and focus on what had gone wrong.

  "Did any of you learn anything just now?" Stryx asked.

  "Kali is dangerous, and we shouldn't piss her off?" Jordan offered.

  Stryx snapped his beak at her. "Anything useful?"

  "I acted on instinct and helped her. I listened to my gut when it said Kali needed my help," Ryland said, proving Stryx's earlier point.

  "Yes, that's what I was hoping would happen." The owl's feathers ruffled.

  My arms crossed. "So, you were counting on my failure?"

  "As I've sai
d before, you're not capable of—"

  My hand went up. "Nope. I don't want to hear it. I got it."

  I didn't need to listen for the hundredth time about how I wouldn't be any good until I accepted my bond.

  I might have been broken, but I was also a strong woman. I didn't need a man to accomplish what I set out to do, and I'd be damned if I didn't prove it just to spite the owl, even if it meant denying myself happiness in the process.

  Chapter Four

  While porting back to my house, I'd decided there had been enough training for one morning. Maybe I'd feel up to going back out later in the afternoon, but Stryx had pushed my buttons one too many times. I needed a break before I did or said something I couldn't take back.

  Slamming the door closed, I stormed into the living room and really wanted to destroy something. Though, seeing the house clean after Jordan had done most of the work gave me pause. I was never a violent person before, but the rage swirling within me had changed everything I thought I knew about myself.

  Tapping sounded on the glass, and I turned around to find Stryx hovering at the door. My head shook, hoping he would go away when I didn't let him in.

  The stubborn owl glared at me. I'm not going anywhere, Kaliah. We can have this conversation mentally or out loud, but either way, it's happening. Right now.

  What’s left to say? I already know what you want from me. My arms crossed in defiance. Yes, I was aware I was acting like a child, but he seemed to trigger the response out of me as of late, and I couldn't stop the attitude from spilling out.

  I promise, what I have to say is not what you think. Please, let me in.

  Stryx's eyes stared me down, and the walls I'd erected around myself over the last five days wavered as memories traveled through my mind of how close we were before everything had gone to hell.

  Stryx had been a true friend. My bonded animal. Yet, I didn't understand why he had pushed me so hard. He’d pushed me until I was furious, even though he was already aware of my thoughts.

  After ignoring him for a solid minute and realizing he was as stubborn as I was, I finally let him in. He flew to the couch, and I followed, choosing to sit across from him.

  "I'm sorry," he began, and I felt the sincerity of his apology through our bond. "I thought you needed pushing, but I realize now that you need a friend more, and I've done a horrible job of that."

  Feathered owl says what? I couldn't believe Stryx was apologizing, but I appreciated it more than he knew.

  "I understand why you were pushing, and I'm pretty sure you were chosen for me because we're a lot alike. I'm not going to say I told you so, but you should have known better." I smirked at him, unable to stay mad for very long, especially when, just by those couple of sentences, it really did seem as though he learned his lesson.

  He clicked his beak like he loved to do when I irritated him. "We are much too alike. In that you are right, young one."

  "So, will you drop the bonding thing? Let me do this how I want to?" I asked.

  He sighed. "I wish I could. You don't know how much I wish you weren't going to be forced into this choice, but you need an anchor to your goodness, Kali. You need someone to keep you from succumbing to the darkness I can already feel growing within you, and Ryland is that person."

  "Why can't it be you? We're bonded, aren't we?"

  He flew to me, and I held my hand out, bringing him close as he brushed his feathers against my cheek. "Yes, we are, but not in the same ways. Before you were created, your soul came to me. I knew you before you even existed in the physical sense. Even still, our bond is not the same as a Meraki one. While I will always be a part of your life, I cannot do for you what Ryland can."

  This magic stuff was beyond what my mind could sometimes handle. I didn't understand how it was possible for Stryx to know my soul before I was born, but it was also fascinating.

  "Taliah also mentioned Ryland would be my anchor. That I didn't need to bond with Ryland because I was weak, but because my abilities were too great," I said, once again remembering why I had been so ready before.

  "Your grandmother is one of the wisest fae I have ever had the pleasure of knowing." His beak parted as if he was trying to smile. "I thought I would never have another bond like the one with her, but if you can forgive my persistence, then I'm certain I will be proven wrong."

  I lowered my forehead, pressing it against the side of his head. "Of course I forgive you, but only if you teach me how to keep you away from my every thought. We need to set some boundaries if all is to be forgiven."

  "I won't say no to that. Your thoughts can be rather distracting at times. It might be better for the both of us." His feathers ruffled, and I almost shoved him away, but I knew he was joking. Well, at least partially.

  "So, how do I block you?" I asked.

  His wings came around both sides of my face. "Close your eyes and build a wall within your mind. Make it out of whatever you want. Wood, brick, cement, metal, anything that is sturdy. Do it slowly and precisely."

  Concentrating, I did as he said, choosing brick and mortar, laying each row piece by piece until I was satisfied. When it was done, I added a bit of magic to it in my mind, sealing it with power I still didn't quite understand, but felt right anyway.

  "Very well. That was the final step and I didn't even have to tell you," Stryx praised.

  "What was?"

  "Sealing the wall. With that magic, you should be able to take the wall down as you please, and it will remain in effect for as long as you will it to. I can no longer hear your thoughts, but I can sense your feelings still."

  My eyes narrowed. "How do I know you're not just saying that?"

  "Kaliah, would I lie to you?"

  No, he wouldn't. He would drive me insane, but Stryx had never lied to me.

  "Thank you for teaching me." I hugged him close.

  "I'm sorry it took so long, but I needed to know you were safe. I had preferred to wait until you were bonded, but since you insist on delaying that, I hope you can accept this as part of my apology."

  Pulling back, I brought him up to eye level. "You really feel that strongly about my bonding with Ryland?"

  "I do. It is what will keep you safest, and your safety is of the utmost importance to me. It would crush me to lose you in any sense."

  What hurt most about agreeing to the bond again was knowing that my parents wouldn't be there to see it happen. It was part of the reason I'd been so hesitant. The last time had been so perfect with my mom helping me get ready and my dad waiting outside to escort us to the town hall. Everything had felt right that day until it wasn't.

  No longer would the bonding ceremony be something I could think back on fondly. The memories would always be tainted with the images of the bloodied room and my parents’ death. Even if nothing went wrong on the second try, I couldn't ever forget the first.

  Pressure pushed against the wall I’d built around my thoughts, and I recognized Stryx's essence. Lowering the block was hard, not only because it took a significant amount of magical effort, but also because, in doing so, I made myself vulnerable again. Once I worked past the obstacles, the love Stryx had for me flowed through my mind, and I was instantly relieved of the sadness that had been creeping in.

  "I know you still hurt, Kaliah. I wish I could make that go away, but it is also my duty to guide you onto the right path. Please don't mistake that for me being insensitive to your feelings. If I didn't believe you care for Ryland, I would not push so hard."

  I hugged him once more as overwhelming emotion overcame me, and I let fresh tears fall down my cheeks. "I know that. I've known it all along. It's just hard to think about moving forward without them. My heart doesn't know how to move on. Bonding with Ryland is like getting married. How am I supposed to do that without my parents?"

  Agony tore through me as grief stronger than ever before took over my every thought. I was only nineteen. I might be strong, but a girl still needed her parents. Watching them get murder
ed… It was too much. The hurt was too much. I didn't know how to move past it.

  "You are not moving on without them. Even though you can't see them, they are here, and I can guarantee with every tear you shed, they shed twice as many. But you need to know how proud of you they were. You were their everything, and all they wanted for you was your happiness. If you choose to bond with Ryland, it won't be something you're doing without them. I can promise you that."

  I had no more words to say, because I wanted so badly to believe he was right. To believe that my parents were there even if I couldn't see or feel them. So, I just squeezed him tighter.

  Warmth filled me from the inside, spreading through my chest and out toward my arms and legs. Love and pride swelled within me, and I went from crying to sobbing in a matter of moments.

  They really were there. I had no tangible confirmation that the feeling had come from my parents, but I let myself further believe Stryx was right and they were proving his truth.

  Moments later, when the tears dried up, I finally released Stryx from my clutches. "Okay. If Ryland will still have me, then I will bond with him, but I still stand by my previous decision to take things slow."

  His feathered head pressed against my arm. "I understand, and I know he will, too."

  "So, what now?" I asked.

  "Now, you tell your Meraki what you want, and we make it happen, on your terms. After that, we resume training and then head to the Otherworld within two weeks’ time. The guardians who already bonded with other animals are scouting Alaryk's known spots. So far, they've seen no sign of him, and I consider this a good thing."

  My face pinched. "How so? Wouldn't it be better to know where he is at all times?"

  His head shook. "If he isn't surfacing, he's hiding. You scared him, and that's good. Though, if we wait too long, we risk him doing something drastic. So, we will train until our time is up, then go in search of the items we need to forge the dagger."

  I shuddered at the thought of purposely seeking out vampires. It didn't seem wise to me, but all I knew about them came from fictional movies and books back on Earth.


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