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Of Blood and Sacrifice (Royal Fae Guardians Book 2)

Page 9

by Heather Renee

  A sense of numbness crept into me, pushing me to accept the darkness that simmered within my depths as I raced along the forest and ignored those around me, including Ryland who screamed my name over and over again.

  “Dom, don’t touch her,” I heard Jordan call out, but it was too late.

  My instincts took over, and I slammed enough volts of magic into the chest of my attacker that I was certain he was dead.

  What surprised me the most was that there was hardly any remorse filtering through me. It was as if my humanity had been turned off and I was finally free.

  Jordan raced past me without a second look, her eyes wide with fear. “Dominic? Dominic, wake up!”

  Her cries sounded behind me, and the realization of what I’d done finally registered, but I still didn’t move to do anything about it. It was time for me to leave them for good, though as I took my first step, Stryx and the others arrived, giving me pause. Deep down, something in me still cared for them.

  “What happened?” the owl asked me.

  “He attacked me, and I think I killed him,” I answered with very little emotion.

  Stryx hooted and soared past me to Jordan who was hysterical on the ground, trying to wake up her bonded animal.

  Ryland grabbed a hold of me, forcing me to look at him. “Kaliah Grace, snap out of it. You can’t do this.”

  Confusion filtered through me. I wasn’t doing anything. There was nothing wrong. For once, I didn’t feel anything, and it was amazing.

  “She must have gone through some dark magic or someone hit her with something while you were running,” Brooke said, and I laughed.

  “I am dark magic.” I spoke the words, but I didn’t recognize the voice.

  “No, you’re not. You’re better than this. Fight it, Kali.” Ryland’s fingers grasped my chin and pulled me close as I tried to get away from him.

  I didn’t want to be bonded to him anymore. I was done being what everyone else wanted me to be. I was done caring.

  “No. I won’t let you do this.” Ryland slammed his lips down onto mine and kissed me with every ounce of goodness he held within him.

  I tried harder to push him away, even bit his lip and drew blood, but he wouldn’t stop until I yielded beneath him.

  Feelings began to rise within me. Love, guilt, sorrow, friendship, companionship. Things that had and could hurt me. I didn’t want or need them in my life. I just wanted everything to go away.

  Power rippled through me, and I was finally able to push Ryland away. “Leave me alone!” I screamed in his face.

  Cynder circled me while Oliver and Brooke watched my every move. I wasn’t afraid of them. I could kill them all with a single snap of my fingers.

  That gave me an idea, and I called a storm to me. First with the rain and wind, followed by thunder, and I saved the lightning for last.

  Clapping hands sounded in the shadows as two men appeared. “Alaryk will be so pleased, Kaliah. Come with us, and we’ll take you to him.”

  My head twisted as new emotions tried to enter my mind. I knew these men. They were full of darkness like me, but they were monsters. They’d taken something from me that I’d never get back. They’d taken the only good left in my life.

  These men had to die.

  “Where is Alaryk?” I asked before making my move.

  “Your king awaits you, and we will bring you to him,” the blonde one said proudly.

  “Tell me where he is.” I demanded.

  He tsked. “I don’t think so. Our spell might have worked, but nobody gets that location without proving their loyalty.”

  “Fine. I’ll find him myself,” I snarled.

  Hands tried to wrap around me once more, but there was no stopping what came next. I called the lightning to me. I let the storm within me rage like never before. These lands were made for me, and I would soon rule them. This would be my home, and anyone who didn’t like it could either leave or die.

  The first bolt of magic struck the blonde one, and he burned to a crisp within seconds. Worthless magic user.

  The second one was smarter. He’d hung back, but he wasn’t fast enough. I threw a paralyzing orb at him and stalked closer while lightning struck the ground around us, inching closer by the second.

  “Are you going to be smarter than your friend?” A purple orb swirled within my palm, ready for use.

  “Go to hell, you psycho—”

  I didn’t let him finish before I threw a punch. I had no time for insults. I knew what I was, and I didn’t care.

  Shouts sounded from all around me, but nothing could stop me from killing my parents’ murderers. The darkness within me recognized my need for vengeance and fueled me along, urging me forward. I called the inky blackness of my core to my palm, watching the purple orb lose its light until it was merely a murky blob.

  Slowly, so that he suffered, I pushed the magic into his chest and let my power do the rest of the work.

  The storm continued to rage around me, and I stood, smiling at a job well done. The euphoria of victory was a high like no other.

  That was until talons clawed into my shoulder blades, making my knees buckle, and I fell to the ground as the world around me faded away.

  I’m sorry, Kaliah. It’s for your own good.

  A nightmare played over and over in my head until I was finally able to force myself awake. My chest ached from the anxiety of the visions that kept being forced into my mind. Reaching over, I tried to find my comforter, but all I felt was grass.

  Where the hell am I?

  I opened my eyes to find Stryx standing on my chest and Ryland kneeling next to me. Both of them were eerily silent. “Where are we?”

  “You don’t remember anything?” Ryland asked, his voice rough and filled with a sadness that had me reaching out to him.

  He flinched at my touch, and a piece of my heart crumbled.

  Oh, God. What had I done?

  “Kaliah, we’re in the Otherworld. Do you remember coming here?” Stryx asked next.

  Closing my eyes, I tried to remember, but all I could see in my head was the nightmare. I’d gone dark like everyone had feared. I’d lost control. I’d killed people.

  My body shuddered. “No, just a nightmare.”

  “That’s not a nightmare, young one. I can see what you’re seeing, and it really happened.”

  My head started to shake slowly, then I remembered more. Jordan and Dominic. How could I have hurt my best friend like that and not even care?

  I was the monster.

  Anguish consumed me until I was quivering uncontrollably.

  Stryx flew away, and Ryland moved in. His arms lifted me up and tightened around me, but I didn’t want his comfort. I didn’t deserve it.

  “Kali, it’s okay,” he murmured.

  “No, nothing is okay. I…I…” I couldn’t even say the words. I was a coward.

  Footsteps approached, and I opened my eyes, staring over Ryland’s shoulder. Jordan had burn marks on her arms and tear tracks down her face, but she didn’t appear as furious as I expected. I was going to welcome her punishment, and a small part of me even hoped she killed me to end my suffering.

  I would never be able to live with myself after what I’d done.

  Ryland moved aside at Jordan’s request as she kneeled next to me. “Kali? Is that you?” I nodded and she smacked me across the face. When I didn’t retaliate, she began to cry. Then, surprising the hell out of me, she hugged me.

  “I thought we lost you,” she mumbled into my shoulder. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I should have never left your side.”

  What? She was apologizing to me? I didn’t understand. She should hate me right now. I killed her bonded animal.

  Stryx came back, and wind smacked me in the face. “Kali, listen to me and trust my words. You did not do any of this. You were struck by dark magic and had no control over yourself.”

  I gently pushed Jordan aside and stood since Stryx was on a branch. “How can you say that
? I knew exactly what I was doing. I murdered the people who actually killed my parents. I not only ended their lives, but I enjoyed it. I. Am. A. Monster.”

  His beak snapped in frustration. “No, you’re not. Yes, you made a mistake. You acted out of darkness instead of light, but there is nothing you did last night that is unforgivable.”

  Turning toward Jordan, I didn’t understand. “What about Dominic?”

  “You hurt him, but Stryx healed him. It’s why it took him so long to get to you. Ryland and Brooke tried, but your lightning burned them both when they got too close. It even got me after you were passed out.”

  A miniscule amount of relief seeped through at knowing I hadn’t taken Dom from Jordan, but it still didn’t excuse my other actions.

  “Kali, Alaryk did this. He sent his people to look for you, and they spelled you. Do not take blame for this,” Stryx said, but I had a hard time believing him. Even Jordan being okay with it all seemed unreal.

  Jordan stood. “I need to go back into the cave. Dom needs me, but everything is fine, Kali. Nobody is angry with you. We all understand.”

  My shoulders shook. They shouldn’t have needed to “understand.”

  Stryx left with her, and I was once again alone with Ryland. I wasn’t sure where he stood. Yes, he’d hugged me and offered me comfort, but he’d also flinched at my touch when I’d first awoken. This was exactly why I hadn’t wanted to bond with him. I was bringing him down with me.

  Who knew how many more times this would happen before I was able to kill Alaryk? Hell, if I was even able to do it.

  The last day, or night—or whatever it had been—completely took any confidence I’d been building right out of me.

  “You don’t have to stay with me,” I said without looking at him. I didn’t want to see whatever emotions might flicker across his face.

  “Kali, I’m sorry I—”

  I waved him off. “You have nothing to be sorry for. This was all my fault.”

  “No, it was those two pieces of shit who did this. They began all of this the moment they sided with Alaryk and touched your parents.”

  His voice was stern and truthful, but I still couldn’t believe him, because for me, all of this started the moment I was born and prophesied to be anything other than good.

  He reached for me, but I was the one who flinched this time. “Kali, don’t push away from me.”

  “It’s for your benefit, not mine,” I snapped. “You should go back to Arvayta and get as far away from me as possible.”

  This time when he grabbed me, one hand wrapped tightly around my waist while the other gently tilted my chin up. “Kali, we are forever. Don’t you ever say otherwise.” His lips pressed to mine in a demanding kiss that took my breath away. My hands gripped his shirt as I clung to him and the light he provided.

  The harder he kissed me, the more I began to see reason. He was bringing me back with every sweep of his tongue and press of his body against mine.

  “You are mine, Kaliah Grace. Nothing and nobody can ever change that,” he whispered in my ear as I finally gave in.

  “Don’t let me go.”

  “I have you, I promise.” He kissed me once more, and I let myself believe his words were true, even if it meant the hurt would be all-consuming later when things ultimately got worse. Because, if there was one thing I was certain of, it was that our situation wasn’t going to get any easier.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ryland led me into a dingy cave. The only light came from a small fire lit in the back that our friends currently sat around. Jordan was off to the side with Dominic, and I really wanted to go to them and apologize but chickened out.

  “Come eat something.” Ryland squeezed my hand and I agreed.

  I had no idea how long I’d been unconscious, so food was probably a good idea. He handed me a bottle of water and a meal bar from his bag.

  “How long was I out?” I asked and opened my snack.

  “Most of the night. It’s nearly dawn now, but the sky doesn’t really give anything away for the time of day,” he answered me while taking a seat next to me.

  “Have you opened the box yet?” I asked, referencing the one Queen Navi had given us.

  “No, how come?” he replied between bites of his food.

  “She said we should keep the items we need inside it. We should probably get the vampire blood in there,” I said, trying to be useful.

  Brooke came closer, and I cringed at the sight of the burns covering her body. “I tried to open it while he was with you, but it wouldn’t budge, and I didn’t see a key.”

  “Brooke, I’m so sorry.” I didn’t understand why she wasn’t trying to pummel me into the ground. “Stryx, can you heal her?”

  She shook her head before he could answer. “The owl has given enough already. I’ve already healed considerably. The rest of the marks will be gone by end of day.”

  So, accelerated healing was a vampire thing. Good to know.

  Trying to shake off the guilt, I reached for the box, giving myself something to focus on since nobody was saying anything. The fact that they were neither mad nor surprised that I had gone dark hurt worse than anything else.

  My fingers traced over the mahogany wood until they landed on the lock. I’d remembered thinking we needed a key but assumed the queen wouldn’t forget something like that. Bringing the box closer, I peeked at the latch and noticed a button. I swiped my thumb over the metal, and it popped, drawing blood.

  “Ouch.” I set the box down and pressed the pad of my thumb against my pants. “That thing bites. Literally.”

  Ryland was already moving closer, inspecting the container. “Your blood unlocked it. Interesting that she wouldn’t have told us that.”

  Brooke took a deep breath. “Man, you’re lucky I don’t hold grudges. You really do smell good.”

  My eyes widened, and she winked before walking away.

  “Was she kidding?” I whispered to Ryland.

  He shrugged like it was no big deal.

  Before I could press further, Brooke returned and snuck up on me again, her head right next to mine. “You should probably lock this up.”

  I made an inhuman sound and almost peed my pants. The vampire was definitely pissed I’d hurt her, and she was getting back at me without even touching me.

  Once I recovered from the scare, I took the vial of vamp blood. Placing it in the box, I closed the latch and watched as the lock reengaged on its own.

  “Looks like you’ll need to be the one to open it every time we need to put something in there,” Ryland said as he began cleaning up our food.

  I took a long pull from my water bottle and didn’t respond. Instead, I wondered if I was going to be around long enough to even help them. The dark magic spell I’d been hit with had shaken me. It showed me the truth about who I was, and the worst part? I’d enjoyed who I’d turned into.

  The girl who was in control while killing those monsters didn’t have any distractions. She had a singular goal and made it happen at whatever cost. At one point during my initial grieving, I had felt the same way without needing dark magic, but I’d let my friends and Ryland back in, and it had changed things.

  Though, I’d yet to really decide if it was for the better, especially after the night before.

  Oliver approached us with Cynder at his side. The panther narrowed her cat eyes at me, then turned her head up as if she didn’t have time for the likes of me.

  “Glad to have you back, Kali,” Oliver said with a smile.

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  He turned away awkwardly, only making me feel worse instead of better.

  “Things will go back to normal soon,” Ryland said.

  I turned to him. “Which normal? The one where I’m still me and Alaryk is threatening us, or the one where I’m no longer your problem and the rest of you can go back to the way things were before I ruined everything?”

  “Kali, that’s not what I meant. Don’t dwell on what hap
pened. You need to focus on the good things, or the next time…” He cut himself off, but he didn’t have to finish. I knew what he meant.

  The next time I went psycho on them, I might not come back.

  Wind brushed against me, and I glanced around until I saw Stryx. He was still with Jordan and Dom but looking right at me. I can’t change the way you feel, Kaliah. Only you have control of that. As much as I would like to make this better for you, you have to do this on your own. I know you’re hurting, and you feel guilty, but you have to find a way to work through it.

  Instead of replying, I slowly put my wall back up. Stryx didn’t need to be saddled with the dark thoughts rolling through my head. He already had enough to deal with.

  “There are a few succubus hangouts I’d like to check out if everyone is ready to move,” Brooke announced.

  Jordan stood first, then wrapped her arms under Dom’s hips to help him up. When he was finally on all fours, Stryx landed on the lion’s back and spread his wings, covering as much fur as he could reach.

  Ryland moved in next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. “Keep watching.”

  It felt like a private moment we shouldn’t be intruding on, but since nobody else was leaving, I stayed put. A minute later, Stryx’s wings began to glow, and sparks of magic flew off of him. Dom shook, barely keeping himself upright as Stryx continued whatever it was he was doing.

  Jordan’s shoulders hunched over as she covered her mouth. Without thinking, I went to her and hugged my best friend. She was hurting, and I wanted nothing more than to make it better.

  “Stryx healed most of him throughout the night, but there were some lingering side effects.” Jordan’s words were muffled, but I heard enough to have the guilt slam into me again.

  “I’m so sorry, Jord. I never meant to hurt anyone.” Tears pricked at my eyes as I continued to watch the lion quake under the weight of Stryx’s power.

  “Just because I’m sad doesn’t make it your fault, Kali. Bad shit happens all the time. Don’t make this about you. Understand that you were a victim like the rest of us and move on. None of us are dwelling on it, so why should you?”


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