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BLADE_The villains also love

Page 13

by Mari Sillva

  Maldonado knew he should not be there exposing himself like that was crazy. The two hyacinth-colored spheres were at once in the girl's innocent dance, but sensuous, and in the hundreds of security guards circling, whispering to each other, looking suspiciously at the sides, they knew that the thief was among the guests. He was confused and surprised by his own actions, that was not him, he was behaving like a caveman marking territory on a land that was not his, and he did not want it to be. He turned the whiskey in one swallow, determined to leave and forget that strange night, especially on account of a certain "Michelangelo" who had appeared from the fifth of hells and, like him, was admiring Jesse dancing. You better get out before I do a triple-murdered public homicide, that idiot is asking to die.

  He took one last look at her before turning his back to leave, she kept her eyes closed, moving her body to the rhythm of the music. For a moment Blade almost did not go, but let the reason speak louder and went his way. He did not take two steps when he heard loud laughter and saw what it was about. His whole body went rigid, his expression more serious than usual. Jesse was lying on the floor anyway she had inexplicably stumbled on her own foot and dropped abruptly, actually lost her balance as she watched him go. Due to the force of impact, the coke had shattered, leaving a mess of curls on his face. He did not care about anything or anyone. Michelangelo stared at the scene with his heart aching, immediately jumped the counter and went to the girl's aid.

  -Dance with me, - Maldonado ordered. The bartender was quick, but not enough.

  Jesse looked up in shock he had reached out to help her up. Still half-dazed, she gently grasped his hand, feeling the strength and stiffness of his hand that lifted her with the greatest ease, freeing herself from the contact immediately. Carter noticed when he wiped his hand on his jacket, looking disgusted as if he'd touched a mangy dog.

  - I can´t dance! - She replied awkwardly, staring at her feet, biting her lower lip.

  That was not what it seemed to me when I was barely stirring my body like a rattlesnake, swinging the rattle, much less to the masculine looks that were on that piece of cloth that calls a dress. She ran a hand over her uncomfortable hair as she remembered Jesse did not understand the harshness in his voice.

  -Why do you want to dance with me if you can´t bear to touch me? That does not make sense, -she said confused.

  -I'd also like to know the answer, - he replied rudely, even a little nervous perhaps.

  -Thank you for the invitation, but I do not think so. - she threatened to leave.

  -It was not an invitation, and I think it's good for your safety, and that of the others present does not contradict me.- I can be very destructive at times, you will not want to pay to see.

  Discreetly he opened the suit suitably so that she saw the two guns at her waist, the young woman felt a chill run down her spine.

  - Okay, I'll take it. - Instinctively the researcher put her hand on his shoulder. He immediately felt his muscles tense he might have regretted the invitation.

  To his surprise, he felt the tip of Blade's fingers slide around his waist, pulling her close to him, but leaving a considerable distance between them.

  - That's better! - He tucked her hair behind his shoulder, arranging that mess of curls, too gentle in her opinion.

  - Thanks! - She thanked him shyly, without taking her eyes off the buttons of his jacket. Gradually they began to dance. He was good at it, very much.

  - Thank you for not falling or breaking anything, I have already realized that you are good at it. - His movements were light he sounded like a professional dancer.

  -I think we'd better stop by then, it's safer. - She stopped dancing at the same moment, avoiding looking at him.

  -Just be quiet and relax. - He reassured her by taking her hand and dancing again, trying to keep as much distance as possible, of course. He did not want such an insignificant being touching him, few had this regalia. In those they had, they were hand-picked by him.

  -What are you doing here, sir? -This does not seem to be a place he frequents here, -she said innocently, without any kind of malice.

  Her eyes passed around them, noting that all the women had their eyes on Maldonado, whether they were engaged or not, he attracted everyone's attention.

  -I told you my name is Blade. - He frowned at her, like a teacher berating his pupil. -You do not know anything about me, much less the places I go to. Visibly do not understand anything connected to fashion, and it is here too. -If I did not know him, I would have been deeply hurt by his rudeness.

  -I like my clothes, they're comfortable. What's more, I paid with my money and nobody has anything to do with it. -It was not a bad answer I just said what I was thinking.

  -Watch out for that killer foot, if it stays that way, I'm going to finish this crippled dance. -It was ironic, abusing too.

  -sorry! - she kept her eyes on the ground for fear of stepping on his feet again.

  -Look at me, you do not have to worry about investigating, I do not bite. - He looked at her with malice, full of ulterior motives. -Not unless you want this, of course! - She shuddered, trying to change the subject immediately.

  -Your name is so different I guess I only saw it once in a vampire movie in my teens if I'm not mistaken. - He sighed deeply, trying to have a normal dialogue with him.

  -This is not my real name, just a nickname my father gave me in the world of crime as soon as we were born we got a nickname from his father and used it along with his last name. If I ever need to change my identity, I have a real name and my mother's middle name, totally unknown to start over, -she explained, too polite to her surprise.

  -Your father was very creative. - She smiled sweetly.

  -What's going on between you and the angry man? - He sent it right away.

  - Anything! - She was visibly embarrassed by the subject. - For a while! But you did not hide your intentions.

  -Forget it you'll never be able to compete with Snow White. - He tried to make a joke, but it was too serious to say anything funny.

  -I've never liked Disney princesses. - she shrugged. Blade said nothing more, involuntarily was paying attention to the lyrics of the song he started playing it was slow but intense at the same time.

  When a Man loves a woman...

  When a man Love a Woman)

  When a man Loves a Woman

  Can´t think of anything else!

  He would trade the world.

  For the good things he found in her.

  If she is bad, he does not notice.

  She never makes mistakes, even though she is in the way.

  He turns his back on his best friends,

  For her, yes he would do it...

  When a man Loves a Woman

  Spend your last penny

  Trying to cling to what he needs,

  He would give up all his comforts.

  And I would sleep outside in the rain.

  If she said that this is the way

  That should be...

  So this man loves a woman.

  I gave you everything I had

  Trying to cling to your precious love

  Baby, please do not treat me badly

  When a man Loves a Woman

  Deep in your soul

  It can bring you much suffering,

  If she makes a fool of herself

  He is the last to know

  Passionate eyes can never see...

  When a man Loves a Woman

  He can never hurt her.

  He would never like another girl.

  Yes, when a man loves a woman

  And you know exactly what I'm talking about,

  He loves to take this woman in his arm…

  -If I knew who wrote this fucking music, I'd shoot him! - He snarled. But Jesse did not even heard.

  She was almost dozing with her head against his chest, smelling the scent she'd been avoiding for days, listening to the thug's heart beating hard and fast as a kissing flower. He did not eve
n see when she approached him in that intimate way, but strange as it was to have her so close, he did not push her away. Instead, his hand went lower down her waist and brought her closer to him.

  - It is with great pain that I want to announce the theft of the Fox company jewels, which were loaned to the fashion show by Nayla Borges. According to the security chief the thief is here among the guests with the stolen parts, so this event ends here. No one leaves without being searched the place is all surrounded by the police.

  - Announced the security chief, causing a wave of stress among the guests, ending the party. -Blade felt Carter paralyzing in his arms, took two backward steps in horror. He knew what she was thinking and did not feel remorse, not really.

  Mysteriously the lights flashed and the way it appeared it disappeared in the blink of an eye. The investigator looked everywhere but did not find her. Nayla had disappeared too, taking her cell phone and keys. As the police officers present knew her it was not searched, she left without any problem.

  -At least I did not have to be touched by anyone, and I did not even have my bag all rolled up. - She sighed in relief, walking around looking for a bus stop since she'd lost her friend's ride. - Wait, I do not have a purse. Her eyes widened in alarm at a volume hanging from her shoulder. It was small brown leather, identical to a woman who was dancing near them.

  - Asshole! -she practically screamed as she opened it and saw the jewels inside her, he had no idea how he did it. Blade knew she was not being searched for being a cop, so she used it to leave the pieces without generating any suspicion. He had used it to get away, so he had called her to dance. He had everything planned, so he got close to her. he would go through security without any problem they could turn it upside down and find nothing. And now what would he do with those jewels? How would you explain to the best friend you were with? she felt used, the worst human being in the world.

  -This day can´t get worse, - she muttered as she thought about what had happened that night, wanted to believe he had nothing to do with it, but the answer was obvious.

  Jesse felt a chill wind touching the tip of his nose as he crossed the third block, accompanied by a raindrop. Behind that came several others, now the nostalgia moment was complete. In addition to being humiliated, with no cell phone and key, she was soaked. I knew I was stupid, I just could not imagine it was that bad. It was incredible how everyone approached her with the intention of using it. Now he had no dignity left, in a way, whether she wanted to or not, she was his accomplice. She heard a rather familiar snorting of a motor running slowly beside her, not daring to turn her face to confirm what she suspected.

  -You can get sick under the rain. - His voice sounded softer, he knew she must be very angry with him.

  Carter pretended not to hear, she kept walking with her head held high, looking forward.

  -Do not make me go out and get you by force, investigator, that suit cost more than you earn in a year.- She could not stand it, she stopped in her rage.

  -It's only in money that you think do not you, shithead? - If that's what you want to take and walk away, I never want to see you again. He tossed the purse through the hitchhiker's window, hitting him in the face, she had a good target and ran out of the street in the rain. She could hear his footsteps growing faster behind her. Jesse tried to look back, but not seeing a pile of garbage in front of him, eventually sprawled on top of her.

  -Next time you send me to hell it will be you that will stop there!

  He lifted her anyway dirty and wet, dragging her into an alley next to the wall, shaking Carter's arms tightly. She was so nervous that she did not even notice how she was crying in alarm, only stopped screaming when she saw that the paint on her face had gone out, making the mark of her father's cruelty to her obvious. Blade literally paralyzed, his eyes sparking. He had never been nervous before, blood was boiling in his veins he looked like the devil himself.

  - Who did this to you? - he yelled in a frightening way, ripping off her two gloves. He put his hands on his head he was out of his mind.

  -No one, that's none of your business, - she said in a trembling voice, afraid of his explosion.

  - Fuck off! - He punched the wall next to her face, opening a hole. She remained silent, looking away.

  -Whoever did it I'll find it even in hell and kill him in the worst possible way, - he said wickedly with his dark gray eyes. By his tone he was not joking, and he was not.

  Chapter 9

  Even though it was an icy night because of the rain, Jesse could feel the heat of his breath catching on his face, a mixture of whiskey and gin. Blade pulled her into a more discreet, dark corner of the alley, close to a bunch of old things and puddles of water, where even if she screamed as loudly as anyone else would hear her. Her new sneakers were soaked. He squeezed her arm tightly, but careful not to hurt her, resting his other hand on the wall beside her shoulder, Jesse was trapped. Carter's scent was different from the women he used to hang out with, light and soft. Not too sweet and naughty or flashy. She had nothing that would catch anyone's attention, especially his. So it intrigued him so much, it left him confused and irritated. He should not care so much about what happened to her, but he did care.

  - When I ask a question, I expect a quick answer, investigator. - His voice sounded vicious, deadly sexy.

  Jesse, for her part, was irreducible. She turned her face to the side, averting her eyes from his, two sapphires lit with hatred. Blade watched as the drops of water fell on the girl's delicate face, tracing a slow and painful path slipping down her neck, playing a little on her lap then hiding inside the generous neckline of the Black Swan fantasy corset. He noticed that her breasts look so much closer together than they seemed. She could smell the scent, her heart beat fast like a frightened little mouse. How could anyone dare hurt an angel like her as fragile and delicate as a flower?

  -Pay attention, because I'll just ask you one more time.- I want the damn name now! You understand what I said, Jesse?

  Carter merely stared at him the authoritarian way he was approaching her was beginning to irritate her. What right did she have over her life? He spoke as if he owned her or had the right to treat her in such a way. She was tired of it, of the people treating her like a puppet, a helpless being. Who could not defend herself I could not bear to feel humiliated, used by others.

  -Why do not you just shoot and go on your way?- I'm no longer useful to you, so stop pretending you care about me because we both know you do not. - His voice came out more to a whisper, so low he almost did not hear. She should have had the guts to look into his eyes, but she did not, unfortunately. He would have seen that maybe he cared, yes, even more than he should.

  Blade watched her naturally submissive posture in front of him, the lack of courage to stare at him, her lips trembling, her eyes blinking several times to contain the cry, wide open as if they had seen a monster. And it was in front of one! Jesse was scared and afraid of him.

  He released her immediately, taking two steps backward, backing away.

  -I would never hurt you! - His voice was low as if he had thought out loud. -Never, - he finished with a certainty that startled both of them, especially him.

  - But you hurt me a lot today! -She looked up at him, her eyes watering, her lips fluttering out a little, trembling. - It is not necessary to leave marks to hurt someone, certain actions hurt more than a shot. The only difference between you and my father is that the marks he left on me are visible, yours are not.

  She intentionally brought her hand over her heart, lowered her head, letting the tears she had been holding for a long time. The Lawless Man could not see, his vision was barred by the robe of wet hair that covered her face. And at that moment a feeling he did not know took over, felt compassion or even guilt perhaps. Maldonado threatened to approach her, but he gave up as he watched her wrap his arms around his own body, shrinking more and more against the wall as if he could walk across it and run away from him. So helpless! It could be destro
yed with a breath!

  -I'm good at hurting people, investigator. - He shoved his hands into the pocket of his black cloth pants, always doing so when he was nervous. She left him like this without action.-But in you, I would never touch a finger.

  She lifted her head to face him he could not distinguish whether it was the rain or tears that rolled down the girl's face like a river. Blade's words sounded sincere, just did not understand the heavy expression on his face as he uttered them.

  -And I'll make sure no one else touches you! - He shortened the distance between them, this time she did not back down. -Not even your father, - he said firmly.

  -But you're threatening me. - Her voice was tearful.

  -When I really want to kill someone, I did not notice the person before. - He brought her mouth close to hers. - I act silently.

  She shuddered.

  -Are you going to kill my father? - He asked, afraid to hear the answer.

  -Killing, no ... - He left the rest of the sentence loose in the air, like an aimless gas balloon.

  - Thanks! - She smiled shyly, staring down at her hands, making all his anger disappear.

  How does she do it? Just with a smile...

  -But you will not live with him anymore. - It was strict, with no openings for arguments.

  -I have not lived for two weeks now, it's just me against the world, - she exclaimed proudly.

  Living alone? This can´t be, someone has to take care of her.

  -You're not alone anymore. - He looked deep into her eyes in a very intense way. Carter was more afraid of him this way, calm than when he was stormy.

  - I need to go. He practically ran but felt his arm jerked.

  - You have two alternatives you can walk very slowly without trying any fun and enter my car with closed mouth and stay all the way this way. Or be on my own, but I'll tell you soon that you will not like it at all. She chose not to risk it, and she took the first alternative, it was safer.

  - Where are you living now? - Blade asked as he set the car in motion.


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