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Feta and Freeways

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by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright 2016 Susan M. Baganz


  Other books by Susan M. Baganz




























  SAMPLE: Pesto and Potholes



  Susan M. Baganz

  Copyright 2016 Susan M. Baganz


  Edited by Sally Shupe

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are the product of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Quoted Scripture is from the English Standard Version of the Holy Bible.

  Published by Prism Book Group



  First Edition, 2016

  Published in the United States of America

  Contact info:


  To the members of Jonah’s Vacation:

  Jim, Jeff, Rob, Mark, Eric, and Irene.

  Performing with you all was an honor, a joy, and a precious memory.

  Rock on!

  Other books by Susan M. Baganz

  Orchard Hill Contemporary Romances

  Pesto & Potholes

  Salsa & Speed Bumps

  Feta & Freeways

  Root Beer & Roadblocks

  Historical Christmas Novella

  Fragile Blessings

  Also featured in print in Love’s Christmas Past

  Regency Romances

  The Baron’s Blunder

  The Virtuous Viscount

  Short Stories

  Little Bits O’ Love


  The way to love anything is to realize it may be lost.

  G.K. Chesterton

  July 2012

  Sirens wailed, competing with Nikolos Acton’s voice and guitar as they combined with the band’s groove pounding through the speakers. Usually, nothing invigorated him more than the synergy of the mix of instruments and vocals. But today, as the audience joined in with the singing, what might have been a holy moment was marred by the dissonant sounds outside the tent. They played until the applause of the crowd drowned out the final chord.

  “Thank you for coming. Our album is for sale at the back table.” With a wave, Niko turned to his buddies.

  Emergency lights pulsed off the cars parked nearby, but the sirens no longer rang in the air. “Wonder what happened?” Johnny scrunched his eyes as he often did when he concentrated.

  Niko ruffled a towel over his damp curls and shrugged. “Let’s get packed up. I’m sure Tia will fill us in after we’re done signing merchandise and taking photos.” He tossed the sweaty cloth into the bin. Tia’d collect them later. Outdoor summer concerts tended to be hot.

  Marc frowned. “Whatever it is happened backstage.” He stepped closer and elbowed Niko. “Any cute blondes catch your eye?”

  “Not interested.” Niko rolled his eyes at his bass player.

  “Yeah, right.” Sam winked as he packed his guitar and slid his sunglasses back on. It had been an inside joke that flaxen-haired ladies seemed to love Niko and sought him out after every concert. In spite of their Christian faith and venues, some of the women crossed lines, which surprised him. Not only in the provocative clothing they wore but even with their suggestive remarks and innuendos. It definitely made touring a challenge in the struggle to stay pure.

  Niko shook his head at his bandmates. A festival worker in an orange vest motioned for him.

  “Be back in a sec, guys.” He headed over.

  “Nikolos Acton?”


  “We need you out here. There’s been trouble.”

  His adrenaline raced as Niko followed the woman out into the blinding sunshine. A wall of heat mingled with the hallucinogenic effect of emergency services lights. He squinted into the brightness. “What happened?”

  “Is Tia Bartel part of your entourage?”

  “Yeah, manager, handler, scheduler. She does everything. Why?” He couldn’t imagine Tia causing anyone trouble. His eyes scanned the scene. The police talked to a guy in handcuffs over by a squad car. The man glared at Niko and screamed obscenities. Niko remembered him from last night’s gig a few hours away. He’d been belligerent when he’d found Niko speaking to his girlfriend after signing her t-shirt. They were some of the last people they’d interacted with before tearing down.

  An officer approached.

  Niko pointed to the man. “What’s he doing here?” He clenched and unclenched his fists even though he knew the person was incapable of assaulting him.

  “Mr. Acton?” Officer Wilcox asked.

  He nodded. “That’d be me.”

  “Apparently that man attempted to gain access to the stage, intending to kill you. Miss Bartel stopped him, and he transferred his aggression to her. We assume he anticipated her as a minor obstacle, but she proved to be a fierce opponent.” The screaming man’s face turned red. A swollen eye and ripped shirt gave testament to the fight he’d been in. Niko’s eyes swung to where the paramedics worked.

  Images of blood and skin taunted him from in-between the busy bodies surrounding a stretcher. Tia? He started toward the paramedics, but the officer grabbed his arm. “Wait.”

  He gulped as fury churned in his stomach. “What’d he do to her?” His heart pounded. His vision tinted everything red.

  “We’ll let the doctors determine the extent of her injuries. A young man witnessed the attack and dialed 911. By the time we got here…well, our rescue didn’t go as planned, and he shot her. We’re transporting her to Mercy. You can head over there after you’re done loading up.”

  “No. I’ll accompany her. Let me tell the guys.”

  “You’d better hurry.”

  Niko rushed to his bandmates, weaving in and out of the fans. He grabbed Johnny and pulled him aside. “Tia’s been attacked. I’m riding with her. Pack up and join me at the hospital as soon as you can.”

  Johnny’s face paled. “Is she okay?”

  “No. Someone shot her. They arrested him. Tell the others.”

  Johnny nodded, and Niko pushed his way through the crowd, mumbling apologies and excuses about an emergency as the fans sought to stop him.

  He bolted to the back of the festival stage as they loaded the gurney onto the ambulance. “I’m coming with her. She’s our manager. I’
m the closest thing she has to family here.” The paramedic gave him a hand up, and he sat by Tia’s side.

  He examined the young woman. Blood coated her sandy brown hair, and her right eye was swollen shut. Her face was a mass of bruises extending down her neck. The vision sickened him. And that was only what little he could see.

  Leaning forward he whispered to her. “Tia? It’s Niko. I’m here.” She didn’t respond. He glanced up to the paramedic. “What did he do?”

  The paramedic’s sad eyes met his. “She’s been beaten, strangled, and shot.”

  Niko closed his eyes and found them damp with tears. “Is she going to be okay?”

  “We’ll do everything we can, but her injuries are severe. She put up a fight and has a wound to her head. Along with a bullet hole in her left side.”

  He prayed. Lord, please heal her.

  Tia was always available for them. She made things happen. Taking care of them and ensuring they were successful. She let him do his job and cheered them on from the sidelines. But it struck him now that while she knew a lot about each of them, the relationship had only been one-way. Did he need to call her parents? A boyfriend?

  That last thought shook him. He’d admired their manager. She was cute and feisty but could be strong and businesslike when she needed to be. She put the needs of the band first. Was there some special man in her life? Somehow, he’d assumed Tia would always be there. She was as much a part of their group as any of the band members. Specific Gravity didn’t exist or succeed without her quietly working her magic behind the scenes.

  But why would an attractive, young, single woman do that? If she fell in love with someone, would she leave? The thought terrified him.

  He wondered who Tia Bartel really was and kicked himself for taking so long to even ponder that question.

  * * *

  At the hospital, Niko paced the waiting room. He signed papers as the responsible party for her bills. Somehow, they’d find a way to take care of her.

  Johnny strode in first, followed by Marc the keyboardist, Sam their bass player, Wayne their drummer, and Rocco their driver and soundman.

  “Hey, guys. Did you bring her wallet?” Niko asked as he rose to his feet.

  Johnny handed Niko a bag. “I left her other stuff on the bus.” The men surrounded him.

  “It’s weird going through a woman’s purse.” Niko pulled out the wallet to search for an insurance card.

  “So you realize she’s a woman?” Johnny’s voice was solemn and soft. He supported the purse in his hands as Niko rummaged through its limited contents.

  He glanced up, and their eyes held. “Kind of obvious. She has all the parts. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Only because you’ve been blind to the fact she adores you.”

  Niko laughed. “Right. I’m nothing special.”

  “All the blondes on the road think so.” Sam quipped.

  “Yeah, they aren’t acquainted with me like Tia is.”

  “True, she’s seen your good, bad, and ugly sides.” Wayne commented.

  “Still doesn’t mean she holds any special affection for me.” Niko defended.

  “Yeah, you keep lying to yourself about that.” Johnny whispered.

  Niko regarded the men. “There’s nothing here. Call Jazzy Records. They should have the information.”

  “I’ll do it.” Sam offered. Niko handed him Tia’s phone. She was the only one who dealt with their record company, negotiating their contracts for them. Sam started searching the contact list and went outside to catch a better signal.

  “What happened?” Johnny asked.

  “Police will come here to talk to us.”

  “Us? What does this have to do with us?” Rocco asked.

  Niko shook his head and shrugged.

  After a few short minutes, Sam returned. A frown marred his narrow face. “She isn’t insured through the label.”

  “What? Why not?” Wayne stepped up to Sam.

  “Back off, dude. It’s not my fault. Angela at the office said they couldn’t afford someone to travel with us. Tia struck a deal for her company, as an outside contractor, to join us. No pay or benefits, only commission paid after we return based on concert revenue.”

  “What?” Johnny asked.

  “She’s been covering her own expenses.” Sam frowned. “Apparently, they didn’t think we’d do this well. Tia disagreed and negotiated to go out with us on this tour. Angela said tours like ours are expensive and hard to break even with. Tia insisted, promising the extra radio interviews she arranged would make up for it and increase sales. They agreed to the deal since it cost them nothing.”

  Silence dropped like a bomb between them. Niko closed Tia’s purse after dropping her phone back in.

  “Were any of you aware of this?” Niko asked.

  A chorus of “no’s” returned to him.

  Johnny piped up. “What happened to her?”

  Niko shook his head at him as tears filled his eyes. “She stopped a guy from coming backstage with a gun. He intended to kill me.” He gagged on his own tears.


  “He beat her up and strangled her. He shot her when the cops tried to intervene.” Niko leaned back against the wall and allowed himself to slide to the floor. Exhaustion, hunger, thirst, and terror pushed him over the edge as the reality of what she saved him from hit him.

  She might die.

  He dropped his head into his hands as the purse fell to the floor. He bawled like a seven year old who lost his favorite pet.

  Johnny knelt down and wrapped his arms around Niko. Although Johnny was two years younger, they were cousins, best friends, and had weathered numerous storms together. “Hey, Nikolos. We’ll get her through this.”

  The rest of the band crouched down around them, and Wayne prayed out loud. “Lord, our hearts ache for Tia. Please heal her and bring her back to us. Give the doctors wisdom and guide their hands in providing her care. Help us too, Lord.”

  “Amen’s” chorused.

  A nurse approached. “Are you here with Tia Bartel?”

  The men rose, and Niko stepped forward as he dried his tears. “Yes.”

  “Are Johnny and Niko here?”

  He raised a hand in front of his chest. “That’d be us.” He put a hand on Johnny’s shoulder.

  She nodded. “Tia’s asking for you both. Come this way.”

  * * *

  Niko followed the nurse down the corridor to a room separated from the hallway by a curtain. He almost forgot he was carrying a purse, but he held it close like a talisman—even though he didn’t believe in that kind of thing. Johnny trailed behind.

  A doctor glanced up as he entered. “I’ll allow a few minutes. She’s going into surgery.” With that, the physician left them alone.

  He nodded and headed to her side. Her one good eye peeked up at him.

  “So sorry.” Barely a whisper—Niko read her lips more than heard her words.

  He shook his head and reached to touch her face. He refrained because of the swelling where she’d been struck. His heart squeezed at the thought of anyone hitting her. A soft curl tempted him, and he let it wrap around his finger. “You’ve nothing to be sorry for, Tia.”

  “Johnny?” she mouthed.

  “Yeah, I’m here.” He leaned over and gave a slight peck to her unbruised cheek, about the only spot that wasn’t injured.

  “Call Roberto.” Her voice could barely be heard, but it obviously cost her a lot to speak. Tears coursed down her cheeks.

  “Sure, I’ll call him.” Johnny assured her.

  “It’s all over, and I missed it.” The words were barely audible. She stared up at Niko as her body shuddered.

  “It’s not over. You’re going to be fine. The doctors will take care of you, and we’re here praying.” Nikolos grabbed her hand lightly, taking care with the tubes attached.

  She shook her head. Her mouth moved, but no more words could be heard.

  Johnny piped up. “You ca
n talk after surgery. We’ll be back to see you then.”

  She turned her head aside and wept. Her hand lightly squeezed Niko’s and fell slack. He reluctantly set it down on the cover. He leaned forward and spoke into her ear. “You’d better come back to us. Please. For me?”

  A nurse entered to check on her. “She’ll be in the operating room. The waiting area is on the third floor, and you can wait there for the doctor.”

  Niko and Johnny walked back to the emergency room lobby. A police officer awaited them with the rest of the band members. A nurse escorted them to a consultation room.

  After getting all their pertinent information, the officer began. “The attacker is a one Howard Merkle. He was bent on revenge, but your manager, Tia, stopped him. He admits to beating her up. She fought him. He strangled her and held a gun to her. He claims it accidentally went off and he didn’t intend to shoot her.”

  “He planned to shoot someone.” Sam’s soft voice broke in.

  “We believe he intended to kill Mr. Acton. We have a young person who was witness to the fight and called 911.”

  “What do you need from us?”

  “Did you, Mr. Acton, rape Shana Amstead?” The officer flashed a photo.

  “Excuse me? Is that what he claims? I’m a Christian and don’t engage in sex outside of marriage. Forced or consensual.” Niko’s jaw dropped. He’d never faced such accusations before.

  Max spoke. “We were with him all night at the hotel. We share rooms and don’t go anywhere by ourselves. Too hard with the crowds. You could verify that with the security video. Johnny shared his room.”

  “Why do you think Mr. Merkle would make such a claim?”

  Niko sighed. “I chatted with Shana after the concert—signed a t-shirt and had a photo taken with her. That was it. She asked to go out with me, but I refused. This Merkle guy came up and jerked her away. He said a few choice words to me as well.” Niko shook his head.

  “Could Miss Bartel testify to this?”

  “She was with us, yes.” Sam said. “She’s our manager.”

  “She is in surgery right now. We need to get up upstairs.” Niko added.

  The officer nodded. “I have your information. Don’t leave town for a few days, Mr. Acton.” He surveyed the band. “I believe the rest of you are free to go.”


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