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Feta and Freeways

Page 7

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “Really? So all it took was you getting shot for him to realize what was under his nose all along?”

  Tia chuckled. “Yeah, that and reading some of my journal entries.”

  “That is so wrong. What did you do when you found out?”

  “Told him how ticked I was and that I wasn’t sure I could trust him.”

  “Good. The man deserves a spanking.”

  “Get your mind out of the gutter. You’re not helping.”

  “Sorry.” Stephanie giggled, obviously far from repentant.

  “As it was, I did end up giving him a kick in a sensitive spot when I was having a night terror with this trauma. He walked bowlegged for two days.”

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about.” Stephanie snickered. “I should feel sorry for him, but he deserved some kind of punishment.”

  “You’re mean. Does Roberto know about this evil streak?”

  “He’s had his own struggles. So now you’ve straightened him out, kicked him, and all of a sudden he’s interested in you?”

  “He kissed me, is talking marriage, and wants me to meet his parents tonight.”

  “After years of waiting? Of avoiding you? Now he wants to talk about marriage?”


  “How do you feel about that?”

  “Confused. I love and adore Niko. I always have. I don’t regret protecting him from that man even though I still hurt.”

  “Nightmares any better since you got home?”

  “I don’t think so, but Ginny hasn’t complained, so I must not be making too much noise. We only just got back.”

  “Listen, from what you’ve shared, you’ve desired him for years. It’s always been Niko. No other man has measured up, and sure, he peeked at your journals, but I doubt he did it to be sneaky. Probably just curious as to who this mysterious woman is who has been there all along. Faithful. Supportive. Cheering him on.”

  “Maybe. I doubt his motive was nefarious.”

  “Good word, better applied to your father. Niko is not him, you know.”

  “I agree. Niko’s a better man by far. But this is happening too fast. They want me on the next tour, so I’m not out of a job like I anticipated. But with this, whatever it is, sizzling between us, I can’t go on tour and expect things to be like they’ve always been.”

  “Sizzle? I’m liking the sound of that. In that case, if he asks, I advise you to say yes. You’d be a fool not to.”

  “Just because you’re happy in your marriage doesn’t guarantee I would be that way with Niko.”

  “We’re talking Nikolos Acton, right? A man you’ve known and worked with for years. You know this man, Tia. I think you can trust that he’ll treat you well. He’s a man of God. You’ve talked about his spiritual guidance of the band. You’ve admired him. He’s your gold standard. Say yes.”

  Tia sighed. “But what does God want? He hasn’t told me that yet. I’m afraid all this talk of love and house and children and a dog will leave me more wounded than before. But how could I tour with the band if we decided to end this now?”

  “He hasn’t asked yet. Pray. Ask God. He promises to lead and guide you. But here’s the thing, Tia. If God says jump, do it. And if you make me your maid of honor, I get to choose the dress.”

  Tia laughed. “Fine. I have a few hours before dinner. Pray for me?”

  “Absolutely. How about right now? Heavenly Father, You say You delight in giving us the desires of our hearts, and You know that Tia’s primary goal has always been to love and serve You first before all else. Please help her know what to do about Niko. Make it crystal clear the path she is to take, assured that You are leading and guiding her with Your loving hand. Amen.” She sighed. “Let me know what happens.”

  “Thanks, Steph. I will. Love you.”

  “Love you back, girlfriend. Have a wonderful night.”

  * * *

  Tia shed a few tears as she read her Bible, wrote in her journal, and prayed.

  Lord, You know I’ve dreamed for years that Niko would love me, so now that he professes that he does, why do I doubt it? Can’t I trust You’ve had Your hand in all of this all these years as I’ve waited? Is it like Johnny said, that something good is coming out of the assault?

  I don’t want to say yes to marriage out of my longing to be wanted and loved. You’ve always proven to be enough, sustaining me all these years through the ups and downs, the rejections and challenges. It’s a heady thing to finally have the one man I’ve admired most finally paying me attention, but does that mean it’s right in Your eyes?

  And what about the nightmares? I would never willingly hurt him, and yet I’ve already done that physically. I can’t promise to never do so again. Will you ever heal me of this?

  I need Your clear answer, Lord. I promise to obey, whatever it is. Yes. Or no. Either way, no matter the fears I face, I will choose to trust in You.

  She dressed with care for dinner and fought to kill the butterflies in her stomach by humming one of Niko’s new songs. She hoped her makeup covered up the aftereffects of her earlier tears.

  Niko showed up promptly. He wore his standard outfit of black jeans, sneakers, and a dark plaid shirt over a t-shirt. His whiskers were unshaven, a style she was secretly partial to.

  They started the drive in silence.

  “Nervous?” he asked.

  “A little. I’m certain your parents are wonderful. You told them what happened, right?”

  He nodded. “I hoped it would save some uncomfortable questions, but I never know what Mom might say.”

  She smiled. “I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll try to make sure you are.”

  “It’s not always in your power, Niko.”

  “Yeah, thanks for keeping me humble.” He helped her from the car, and they walked up the steps.

  A plain but bubbly woman an inch shorter and a bit wider than herself enveloped Tia in a warm embrace. Niko’s ‘Pops’ was taller than his wife but solid. His hair was a curly salt and pepper. His brown eyes, much like his son’s, twinkled at her.

  “Welcome, Tia. Come, dinner will be served in a few minutes.” He patted his son on the back. Niko was a few inches taller than his father, and she wondered if it was because his father had shrunk, as they walked with the same air of confidence. Pops held out her chair as he sat her at the table.

  Tia sat across from Niko, and he tapped her calf with his shoe to remind her he cared. When another foot made an appearance, Mom Acton blushed as she realized whose feet she bumped into.

  Niko laughed and winked at Tia. “What’d I tell you? Married forty years and still playing footsie, even when guests are present.”

  “Oh, go on with you, Niko. Nothing wrong with keeping romance alive in marriage.” His mother giggled as she winked at her husband.

  Pops grinned. “It’s a fun game to see who can love each other best each day. The best part is we both win.”

  They dug into a traditional Greek salad.

  Tia groaned in pleasure. “Where do you find such great feta cheese around here? I’ve stopped ordering these on the road because they rarely compare to the real thing.”

  Mom shared her shopping secrets as they dug into a roast with potatoes and carrots, and fresh baked rolls and honey butter. Tia took tiny servings of everything and still struggled to clear her plate.

  “Eat dear—men don’t like skin and bones.”

  “Mom, leave her alone. The doctor said the trauma and medications could take away her appetite. She’s doing fine. Trust me. I’ve seen her race the guys in eating double cheeseburgers and fries, as well as a chocolate shake, and win without getting a brain freeze in the process.”

  Tia giggled. “They get lazy and think because I’m a woman I’m going to take dainty bites. It’s a bit of the tortoise and the hare. Only Niko has caught on, and he refuses to compete.”

  The rest of the dinner contained silly anecdotes and laughter over antics of the guys on the road. As Mrs. Acton se
rved coffee and fresh baklava, Mr. Acton grew serious.

  “Tia. My son loves you. We love you. Should you marry him, you’ll be our daughter and we’ll treat you as such. You’ll be part of a big warm—”

  “—and crazy—” Niko added.

  “—family. We love our son, but we would do everything to help you both have a successful marriage.”

  Tia set down her mug. “We’re not even engaged. Aren’t we jumping the gun a little?”

  Niko reached inside his pants pocket and pulled out a small jeweler’s box. He flipped it open and placed it before her. “Tia Bartel, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  Tia dropped her fork, and her hand went to her chest. “This is too fast.” She glanced at the simple band he presented.

  “Is it? I’ve known you for years, and you’ve worked closely with us for the past eighteen months and toured with us for the last four of those in close quarters. There are no guarantees in life except this. When I make a promise, I keep it. You’re worth the risk, Tia.”

  She searched his deep chocolate eyes and saw the love and sincerity there. His parents sat quietly watching and waiting. She closed her eyes. God? What’s my answer to be?


  Really? Had God truly spoken to her?


  She opened her eyes and fell into his warm gaze. “Yes, Nikolos. I would love to be your wife.”

  Niko smiled and slid the ring on her finger. He rose and came around to her side of the table, lifted her gently to her feet, and kissed her as his parents clapped. They also rose and kissed each other. Intense joy filled Tia as Niko held her close. She shoved all her fears behind a door to deal with later. She was obeying God, and He was trustworthy.

  Everyone returned to his or her seat, and Niko’s foot found hers and rubbed her ankle. Her face grew warm. Mom Acton noticed.

  “Never be ashamed of the passion you have for each other. It is God-ordained and something to celebrate. Now. We have a wedding to plan.”

  “Soon. Can we get hitched next week, on Friday?” Niko asked.

  “No. Three weeks maybe, but not next week.” Tia blurted out.

  He frowned. “Why not?”

  “I still need to heal from my injuries.”

  Niko’s jaw dropped. He recovered quickly. “I’m sorry. I too easily forget your healing. Three weeks it is.”

  Mom Acton patted Tia’s hand. “Let’s go shopping for a wedding dress Monday. I know some great stores with beautiful gowns.”

  * * *

  Tia was grateful that Sunday had come. She attended church but wasn’t able to sit with her new fiancé, as he performed with the worship team. Tia saw Stephanie and went to sit with her and Roberto.

  “Hey girlfriend, let’s see the rock.”

  “No rock. Just a simple band.”

  Stephanie’s eyebrows rose. “Just a band? It’s never ‘just’ a band. It’s a promise and a commitment, stone or not. Congratulations.”

  Tia grinned and settled in for worship. Niko caught her eye and gave her a wink. She returned a little wave.

  Being loved was sweet.

  After the service, Johnny caught her in the café. “Hey, congratulations! Nikolos told me. About time he woke up to what’s been there all along. You know you could do much better than him, right?” He pointed to himself and raised an eyebrow.

  “You know I love you, Johnny. Just not in that way. And you don’t love me that way either.”

  “This is going to be fun to watch.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged. “Only that Niko has missed out on a lot over the years. I probably know more about you than he does. Tia, you have been such a faithful friend, even when he was a jerk. I’m glad you’ll be part of the family. And if you ever need me to slap him around for you, just let me know.”

  Tia chuckled. “Thanks, Johnny. How were the kids today?” Johnny loved volunteering in the children’s ministry.

  “Exhausting and fun. Now I get to worship.” He gave her a gentle hug. “Heal, Tia. I’m praying for you. I’m truly happy for you both.”

  “Thanks. Enjoy the service.” Tia took off for her car. She’d finally scored her old beater back from the farm where it had been parked. It rattled and shook, but it got her around. The morning had worn her out, and she was determined to get a nap before Niko came over later to take her out for a late lunch.

  * * *

  Stephanie accompanied Mrs. Acton and Tia for the shopping trip that Monday.

  “I don’t need anything fussy. I’m just not a fancy person.” Tia protested as Mom dragged out dress after dress for her.

  “It’s summer—why don’t we go shorter?” Stephanie suggested as she held up a coral-colored sleeveless dress with a bit of flare in the skirt. “What do you think of this for me?”

  Tia grinned. “I like it. Try it on.”

  Mom put her hands on her hips. “You’re petite. Maybe Stephanie is right.” She pulled out a cream-colored gown with translucent cap sleeves, a scoop neck, and simple styling similar to Stephanie’s. “Try this on.”

  “Fine.” Tia went in to put on the dress that fell to just above her knees. She twirled, and it swished around. It was simple and not fussy. She had enough of that with her wild curls. She stepped out and up to the stand surrounded by mirrors.

  “Oh, Tia…” Stephanie stared.

  Mom started to weep.

  “Is it that bad?”

  “No. It’s perfect.” Stephanie came to stand next to her in her salmon dress. “We look fabulous. Now, what are we going to do with that hair?”

  “Nothing. We’re doing nothing. No hair, no special makeup—I don’t want a manicure or pedicure either.”

  Stephanie frowned. “You take low-maintenance to a new low. Come on—we need to at least find a pair of shoes or sandals to go with this dress. Perhaps we can do a wreath of flowers for your hair.”

  Tia shook her head and let herself be led away to find the perfect pair of shoes, and helped Mom Acton find her dress as well.

  She returned home and napped. When would her healing be complete? Niko called and woke her up.


  “Tia? Are you okay?”

  “Just napping. Shopped for the wedding today. We should have just planned to elope.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure my family has the rest under control, and all you need to do is show up. Wanna do something tonight?”

  “I’m wiped out and just want to sleep.”

  “Okay.” She could hear the disappointment in his voice.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re still healing. No worries. I love you.”

  “Love you too, Niko.”

  * * *

  The next two weeks whizzed by with dress fittings, invites to select people, premarital counseling appointments, and the band practicing for the next tour. Everyone was excited, but Tia worried. She still ached from her wound.

  She went to the doctor for a checkup.

  “Tia, how are you?” The doctor checked her wound.

  “It’s healing. It itches, and I ache. I’m getting married in a week and worry I won’t be able to, well, you know.” Her neck and cheeks grew warm.

  Doctor Hagelman smiled. “You can if he’s gentle. Ribs take a long time to heal, and the wound is doing well. No acrobatics in the bedroom, at least not yet.” The doctor winked at her. “How are the nightmares?”

  “I think I’m still having them. Thankfully, the other person in the house sleeps like a rock and they don’t bother her. I couldn’t get in to see the therapist at all. The appointment I had was cancelled due to an emergency. We leave on tour soon.”

  “The sleeping pills don’t help?”

  Tia shook her head.

  “Then stop taking them. Maybe they’re having an opposite effect. And give yourself time. Do you remember anything of the event?”

  “Bits and pieces
during the night but I often don’t remember much when I finally wake up. Only that I’m physically exhausted.”


  “Trying to get them too.”

  “You’re doing everything right. Don’t be afraid to take care of yourself.”

  “Easier said than done.”

  “I understand. Best wishes on your marriage, Tia.”

  “Thank you, doctor.”

  Tia rose and wobbled, but the doctor caught her. “Sit.” He took her blood pressure. “Have you been dizzy often?”

  She shrugged. “Sometimes, but I thought it was part of my healing.”

  “Your blood pressure is low. Take it slow when you’re getting up.”

  “Okay.” She rose more slowly this time and gave the doctor a thumbs-up. “I’m good.”

  The doctor nodded and followed her out the door.

  Tia got into her car and tapped the steering wheel. She longed to tell Niko of her cleared medical status but didn’t want to distract him during rehearsal. She went to Johnny’s anyway and tiptoed down to the basement, where she sat on the bottom stairs as the men worked through a song.

  Niko turned, spied her, and stopped singing mid-word. “Tia? Is everything okay?”

  She smiled. “It’s all good.”

  He set the guitar down and was in front of her in four steps. He dragged her up off the steps and kissed her with great force. He pulled back and asked, “Does this mean what I think it does?”

  She nodded and whispered in his ear. “Doctor has approved certain activities but no acrobatics.”

  Niko whooped and hugged her close. “Honey, either way, I was going to love you and make it work. One week and your mine. All mine.” He kissed her again. She wasn’t sure if the dizziness was from the low blood pressure or the wonder of the sensations he stirred up inside. Either way, she soaked up the memory.


  There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved.

  It is God’s finger on man’s shoulder.

  Charles Morgan

  The big day arrived. Her few belongings were at Niko’s apartment. Stephanie was her matron of honor. Most of the wedding guests consisted of family on the groom’s side. Sisters and aunts made food and the cake. A cousin took the pictures, and Specific Gravity would play.


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