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Feta and Freeways

Page 10

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

“Not unless you want to. You might find you like it. There’s something powerful about the synergy of a song when the vocals and the instruments hit a sweet spot and the audience is with you on the journey. It’s addictive.”

  She trembled in his arms. “Okay. We can try it, but I can’t guarantee how well I’ll do in front of an audience.”

  “We’ll give you a microphone, and you can sing to me and ignore everyone else.”

  She cracked a smile and tilted her head up to his. “As long as you don’t tick me off before the concert.” She reached a hand up to bring his face to hers and kissed him.

  He smiled as he pulled back. “As if I would ever do such a thing?”

  “Come on, time for lunch.” She grabbed his hand, and they headed back the way they had come.

  He grinned. God had blessed him with an unbelievable treasure in this woman. They walked in, and the guys were all in the kitchen. Their chatter stopped, and they waited.

  Niko rubbed Tia’s back and whispered in her ear. “They need to hear it from you.”

  She gulped. “I’ll do it.”

  The guys cheered and hugged her while patting Niko on the back. Apparently he was the man for picking such a talented wife. He thought God had been especially gracious to him in the whole deal.

  * * *

  The one night together without the trauma interfering was an aberration. As they drew closer to the tour’s start, the nightmares grew in intensity. Niko wasn’t getting much sleep and worried about how they would manage in the close confines of the bus. They had a few nights in a hotel along the journey, but to save money they often traveled through the night, sleeping while Rocco or Roger drove them. Niko wondered if he was going to end up spending time in the passenger seat.

  He and Johnny went for a jog to prepare for the stamina needed on the tour. Taking an outdoor obstacle course, they challenged each other much as they did when they were kids.

  “Come on, old man. You can do better. Did marriage soften you?” Johnny yelled as he passed him on the tires.

  Niko bent over gasping for breath. “Just tired.”

  “Ah, she keeps you busy?” Johnny grinned.

  “Not like you think. The attack has left her with nightmares.”

  “Still? You’ve not been walking bowlegged, so I thought perhaps you were managing to avoid getting kicked.”

  “I do. I sing—she calms down and sleeps, never remembering a thing, while my adrenaline is pumping and I’m left wide-awake.”

  Johnny’s smile faded away. “This is going to be tough on the bus.”

  He peered up at his cousin with hands still on his knees. “I realize that. It worries me.”

  They walked over to a bench and sat, popping open their water they carried with them.

  “Is it getting any better?”

  “Worse as we get closer to the tour.”

  “The singing?”


  “Anything we can do?” Johnny’s head relaxed back as he gazed at the trees above them. Niko followed suit.

  “Pray. Love her as you always do.”

  “She’s like my little sister.”

  “Ha, ha, ha. She’s you’re age, buddy.”

  “Everything else okay between you?”

  “Yeah. We’re good otherwise. I love her. I kick myself for taking so long to recognize what was before me all these years.” Niko shook his head.

  “God hid her in plain view.”

  “Some sense of humor He has.”

  “We should have a family talk. Let the guys understand what’s up,” Johnny suggested.

  “I’m not so sure.”

  “Either you prepare them now or face the fallout when we’re on the road.”

  “The bus can be noisy. They may never even know,” Niko said.

  “Except you yawning through the day and the dark circles under your eyes?”

  “So I’ll need to nap. Old men are allowed, right?”

  “And if she joins you?” Johnny wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Yeah. I hear ya. If we do this, though, she has to be present.”

  “Won’t she feel bad?”

  “She already does. She can’t help this, but the guys need to be aware and she needs to understand they care.” Niko sighed.

  “Okay. When?”

  “Tomorrow morning?”

  “That could shoot rehearsal apart.”

  “Okay, after lunch,” Niko offered.

  “Sounds good. She’s getting better and more confident singing with us. The studio recording went well.”

  “I think coming out with a single is a great idea as we develop a way to raise money for the rest of the album. Use it as a reward for contributing to the cause.”

  “You sure no other label wants to pick us up?” Johnny asked.

  “Tia’s making contacts, but so far no nibbles. If the tour goes well, we might get attention.”

  “We can pray. Either way, the one consolation we can hold to is God is in control of it all.” Johnny rose and tossed his empty water bottle in the trash.

  “Amen.” Niko followed suit, and soon they jogged side by side.

  * * *

  The next day, Tia showed up at Johnny’s home at lunchtime because Niko had asked her to. He told her they needed to have a family meeting, but he’d been cryptic about the subject matter. She sat on the bottom step to wait until the band had finished rehearsing.

  “Let’s head up to the living room. We have some business to discuss regarding the tour.” Niko said as he set his guitar down.

  He nodded to Tia, who headed up the stairs. She sat on the loveseat, and Niko joined her, clasping her hand as the men settled down.

  “Well, what do we need to know?” Sam asked.

  “As a result of the attack, Tia has nightmares—more like night terrors.”

  Heat crept up her neck. This is what he wanted to talk about? And he didn’t warn her? Probably a good thing. She wouldn’t have shown up.

  Wayne’s eyes grew big. “You mean like the one where you kicked…?”

  She nodded. “Niko sings to me to calm me down.”

  Rocco frowned. “This means we might hear you on the bus.”

  “Yes—but sometimes I have a hard time getting back to sleep after I’ve calmed Tia down. Hopefully this will go away in time. We just don’t know when. But we thought it was important for you to know—”

  “—in case you’re yawning the next day? So we don’t assume you’re up for other reasons?” Johnny wiggled his eyebrows. “But the noise could also awaken the rest of the band.”

  Tia let her eyes focus on the floor.

  “I’m sorry you still struggle with the after-effects of the attack,” Sam offered.

  “If that man had accomplished what he’d come for…” Johnny wiped a tear. “Well, in my opinion, a little singing in the middle of the night is preferable to burying Niko.” He sniffed.

  “We didn’t tell you this to be morbid. We just wanted you to be aware so you can be praying and support Tia as she recovers,” Niko said. He put an arm around her, drawing her close. “We almost lost Tia, and with Roger’s help, we’ll avoid any further troubles for her and the rest of us.”

  “We’ll definitely pray,” Sam said. “Why don’t we start now?”

  One by one the men prayed for her, Niko, and the tour. Her initial embarrassment was replaced by an overwhelming sense of belonging and love. More than she’d ever experienced before in all her years of serving with these men. She swiped away a few tears of her own.

  * * *

  Tia was a bundle of nerves. The guys were scheduled for a video interview, and she had a camera set up for them. She sat out of the shot as the reporter asked questions about the upcoming tour and their stop at a Christian university in two weeks.

  Reporter: “We’re with Specific Gravity. Guys, the single For Love of You is hitting the charts but not available for sale. How can you tease your fans like that?”

  Nikolos: �
�We left our label and want to record a full album. Some of the material we will play during this tour. We have a campaign to raise money for the studio costs associated to get a project done, and the single is a gift to those who contribute.”

  Reporter: “I heard a female voice on the recording, but while Johnny, you sing pretty high, I’m thinking it’s not you.”

  Johnny: “We knew we needed a female voice, and Nikolos stumbled upon an unknown talent who was willing to help us out.”

  Reporter: “How will that work on tour?”

  Nikolos: “She is part of our overall support team and will join us for that song only.”

  Reporter: “Does she have a name?”

  Niko glanced over to Tia, who tipped her head and frowned. He stared back at the screen.

  Nikolos: “She does. She’s my wife, Tia.”

  Reporter: “Tia Bartel, your manager?”

  Nikolos: “Tia Acton, my wife, who also happens to be our manager.”

  Reporter: “She has traveled with you for some time, though. When did the marriage take place?”

  Johnny: “We hold to a strict code of conduct. We’ve worked with Tia as part of our crew for years, but there was no romance on the road. That was a more recent development.”

  Reporter: “Are any other women traveling with you?”

  Wayne: “No. I’m married, but my wife stays home with the kids. Tia keeps us in line. We don’t need anyone else with us. No one is seeking a romance out on the road.”

  Reporter: “None of you expect to find love at a concert?”

  Sam: “Why would we? They don’t really know us, only love the songs. It’s a romance that lasts for the moment. It doesn’t make a relationship.”

  Reporter: “You see your performance as a romance?”

  Nikolos: “We see our concerts as a way to honor God with our gifts and to give Him glory. He is our first priority. In that way, our performance is romance, a love dedicated to the One who first loved us.”

  Reporter: “I read about a problem at your last festival concert this past summer. Someone attempted to kill Nikolos, because he thought you slept with his girlfriend?”

  Johnny: “Our manager stepped in and stopped the threat and was seriously wounded in the attempt. We have a buddy system on the road. The man’s girlfriend has since recanted her claims, and the perp is in jail on several counts.”

  Wayne: “Tia was a bold warrior for us all and always has been. We admire her for her successful attempt at protecting us and the audience.”

  Reporter: “She was wounded severely and in critical care. How is she now?”

  Nikolos: “She’s doing well. We even got her to sing with us, and I’m thrilled to have my best friends and wife on the road with me this tour.”

  Reporter: “That wraps it up, folks. Specific Gravity will be here in ten days to play in the studio, and in twelve, we’ll see them on campus for their sold-out concert. Nikolos, is there any chance of another date being thrown in to accommodate the people who couldn’t get tickets?”

  Nikolos: “Sorry. Our calendar is as full as we can reasonably handle at the moment.”

  Reporter: “Thanks, guys. Looking forward to the concert.”

  The connection ended, and Tia shook. Niko came and wrapped her in his arms, and she let him. “Are they all going to be like this? I’ve never been mentioned in any interview you’ve done in the past. Why now?”

  The kiss on the top of her head calmed her. Niko didn’t answer, and when she finally pulled away, she realized they were alone. “Where’d the guys go?”

  “They knew you needed space. They defended you and will every time. We’ll all work to protect and keep you safe. When you married me, you got a band of brothers to barricade you from harm.”

  “I’m a lucky woman.”


  “Definitely.” She leaned up and kissed him on the lips. “I suppose we need to go home and start packing?”


  She smiled. “No. I had other plans.” She grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs. As she walked into the family room where the guys sat, she stopped. “Thanks, guys. You were great.”

  “I’m ticked. They had no right to even insinuate anything wrong.” Wayne snarled.

  “It’s a fallen world, and even Christians look for the flaws and weaknesses to exploit. There’s no story if everything is fine. We’d be boring,” Sam offered.

  “There’s some truth in that, guys. Drama adds interest. Unfortunately, they are focusing on me instead of the wonderful things you are doing through your music. It will be up to you to show that when you perform.”

  “She’s right, but that’s enough for today. I’m taking my wife home. See ya tomorrow for rehearsal.”

  The men all chimed in with their farewells and rose to leave as well.


  Absence is to love as wind is to fire;

  it extinguishes the small and enkindles the great.

  Comte de Bussy-Rabutin


  The tour bus was loaded, and the guys settled in. Rocco let the engine idle. It was almost time to head south, and they planned to drive through the night to their first gig in Virginia. Niko was about to help Tia up the steps. She hesitated.

  “Maybe it would be better if I stayed behind.”

  “Better for who, Tia? We need you. I need you.”

  “You need your sleep.”

  “I want you here with me. Come on.” Niko followed her onto the bus and gave Rocco the go ahead to take off. The guys already hit their berths for the night, realizing that getting used to sleeping on the bus took some time to adjust to. Niko grabbed Tia’s hand and led her to the back of the bus where the guys, true to their word, had created a larger berth for them and only them. No one shouted any comments or innuendos as the vehicle moved forward. The hum of the engine and the rhythm of the tires already lulled them to sleep as they started their tour.

  Tia crawled up into the bunk, and Niko shut the door instead of the standard curtain on most berths. The space was small but livable for the next few months, although they would have some hotel stays mixed in on the tour.

  Tia changed quickly and used the restroom while Niko prepared for bed. She came back in and snuggled up to him. Soon they were fast asleep.

  * * *

  The bus stopped for breakfast, and Niko tried to stretch but realized his arm was underneath his wife, who slept through the night. He smiled as he kissed her awake.

  “Mornin’, sweetheart. Time to rise and shine and get some coffee.”

  Tia rolled further into his arms and gave him a slow kiss. He groaned. “Come on. The guys are waiting.”

  “In the restaurant. We have the bus to ourselves for the moment.”

  “I like the way you think.”

  * * *

  They joined the band a while later, having tossed on whatever was handy. They entered the restaurant, and the guys stopped talking and wore silly grins on their faces.

  “Sleep well, newlyweds?” Johnny asked.

  “As a matter-of-fact, yes,” Tia exclaimed as she placed her order for breakfast and sipped the hot coffee in front of her.

  Niko shook his head and couldn’t hide a grin. Sure, the guys knew, but they were married. They didn’t have to be abstinent on this several-month-long road trip. He was grateful he wasn’t being forced to wait until those rare hotel rooms either.

  After breakfast, the gang entered the bus and traveled on. Tonight they would stop and spend two nights in a hotel before they slept en route again. Tomorrow was a television performance and interview. Niko wanted the band to play the new single, but Tia wouldn’t agree to it. She insisted they do their original hit from years ago to bring in the old fans. He wondered if they’d get to do two songs. The band was ready. Tia was the one unknown. She sat at the desk with her laptop, typing away. He took out his guitar, began to play, and Johnny joined him. Soon they were jamming with Wayne beating on whatev
er was close—windows, cupboard, wooden furniture.

  “Got new lyrics, Niko?”

  “Nah. But this is a fun instrumental. We haven’t put one of those on any album we’ve recorded.”

  Tia piped up even though her gaze was riveted to her laptop. “Call it ‘Travelin’ Man.’”

  The guys glanced at each other.

  Sam spoke up first. “It’s brilliant.”

  Niko nodded. They had another track for their studio album. “Let’s get the camera rolling and do a rough cut of the song. We could put that out as a teaser. Eventually, we’ll do a polished version with keys and bass and full drum set, but for now? It might be a nice way to connect with fans.”

  Tia rose to grab the camera. She attached it to a steady spot and aimed it at the men. “Ready? Take one.”

  The band played and viewed the playback. Not bad, thought Niko. Tia took care of updating their web page and fundraising sight. She updated their Twitter feed and Facebook page for the group. It was cool that mobile hot spots made all that possible.

  “Thanks, Tia!” Wayne called out.

  Niko put away his guitar and pulled out his Bible. His routine was off with the unexpected benefits of a new wife on tour. He rallied the men around to read and study together. Tia sat and listened from her spot, and any time he looked up, her eyes were on him and a soft smile played on her lips. Oh, yeah. He was going to enjoy having her along.

  * * *

  After lunch, Johnny and Niko took a jog around the mall area where they parked for a break in their travel.

  “Off to a good start?” Johnny asked.

  Niko nodded. “Yeah, but it’s really too early to tell. And we’ve been on tour as a group before—only Roger is new to the crew, and he’s hanging mostly with Rocco up front. He’s going to be sticking tight to Tia whenever I can’t. I’m not going to let anything happen to her like it did this summer.”

  “She is a beautiful woman, but I don’t think she realizes it. She’s hid it all those years.”

  “You’re right about that. I’m grateful Stephanie took her shopping. The girl has a good eye and found Tia some new outfits. I think she’s nervous about how she’ll appear onstage.”

  Johnny laughed. “She’ll outshine us all, since we’re up there in whatever is clean that day.”


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