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Feta and Freeways

Page 16

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  Tia pasted on a smile and swallowed. They all meant well. “Excuse me. I need to use the restroom.”

  The women nodded as she rose. They thought she had to go, but the fact was her breathing was tight and her heart raced. She reached the room and shut out the hubbub of the celebrating household. Tia’s head leaned against the cool tiled wall as she gasped for air. Her hand reached to massage her throat. Fear choked her. The tears came as she dropped to the floor and hugged her legs to herself. Sharp stabbing pain pierced her neck, and she wanted to call out, but the words wouldn’t come. She bent her head and prayed. Lord, please, help me.

  * * *

  The hair on Niko’s head pricked. He jerked around and saw Tia leave the women. Her face was pale. He moved to stand, but a hand on his arm held him down. “Leave her be.”

  Niko shook off Brian. “You’ve no clue what she’s been through. You didn’t see her after she was attacked. Something’s wrong.” He stood and approached the women. “Where’s Tia?”

  “Bathroom. Pregnancy will do that.”

  Niko’s eyes narrowed. He went down the hall to the bathroom and stood outside, listening. There was a gasp, a stifled cry. He called softly, “Tia? Are you okay? Can I come in?”

  Silence. It was a large bathroom, but he hoped she wasn’t right by the door. Niko tried to open it. The door wasn’t locked. It moved slightly, and he spied his wife sitting on the floor weeping. He slipped in, shut the door, and slid down against the wall to be next to her but not touching. Niko realized she might be having a flashback and wouldn’t welcome any physical contact.


  She didn’t respond—only soft sobs racked her frame.

  Niko started to sing softly the song they sang together at every concert. Tia’s shoulders relaxed, and the crying slowed. Tia peered up at him.


  “Yeah, baby. I’m here.” She leaned toward him, and he wrapped an arm around her and held her close, placing a kiss on her fluffy hair. “I think it’s time I took you home.”

  Her head nodded against his chest. “Please?”


  Love seeks one thing only; the good of the one loved.

  It leaves all other secondary effects to take care of themselves.

  Love, therefore, is its own reward.

  Thomas Merton

  Tia shivered in bed even as Niko held her. It had taken a long time to recover from her panic attack, and she was grateful to be married to a husband who cared. She didn’t suffer alone. He prayed over her. Sang to her. Rocked her. Played his new guitar for her and now, she found peace in his arms. With one last tremor, her body relaxed and she drifted to sleep.

  The next morning, she awoke in bed alone. She grabbed a robe to fight against the winter chill permeating their small apartment. She traipsed to the kitchen to find her husband cooking her bacon and eggs for breakfast.

  “Good morning, Tia. Sit down and eat.” Niko brought her coffee and sat adjacent to her at the small table. He held her hand. “Lord, thank You for this brief time away from the road and to celebrate Your coming to earth to rescue us from our sin. I’m humbled by the gifts You bestowed over and above Your presence in our lives. Help us to love and serve You and give You glory today.”

  He considered her for a moment and smiled. “How are you this morning?”

  “Better. Thanks to you. What would I do without you?” Tia dug into her meal.

  “I could say much the same thing, Tia. Any plans for today?”

  Tia dropped her fork. “Your sisters are picking me up to try on maternity clothes. They said they own some they can lend me, but they also want to take me shopping so when we leave I’ll be ready with all I’ll need while we are on the road.”

  Niko grinned. “Sounds like a girly day and I’m free to do what I want?”

  “Sure, as long as you’re only a phone call away.”

  “I will be. Always.”

  Tia finished her meal and did the dishes while Niko dressed. She hit the shower and got herself ready for what sounded like torture.

  “I hate shopping,” she grumbled.

  “I thought all women liked shopping.” He pulled her into his lap on the recliner and held her close.

  “I’ve never had much money, and I didn’t want to draw attention to myself.”

  “I think you’re perfect just the way you are. I’ve no complaints.”

  Tia smiled and kissed him. “I’d better not start something I don’t have time to finish, right?”

  Niko nodded.

  “I love you.”

  “I know. I love you too, Tia.”

  The doorbell rang, and Tia rose to answer it while Niko grabbed her coat. Sophia walked in and closed the door behind her. She surveyed the tiny space. “You definitely need to find a bigger place to live in before that baby comes, Niko.”

  “Yes, dear sister, I’ve been informed.”

  “What are you doing about it?”

  Niko shrugged. “I’ll be talking to Tia as soon as we figure out what we can afford, and when the tour is done, we’ll have some decisions to make, won’t we?”

  Tia gazed into her husband’s eyes and saw concern written in the depths of those brown orbs. He winked at her and grinned.

  “We’ll do that,” Tia answered as she reached up to give him a kiss, grabbed her purse, and was out the door.

  * * *

  Niko paced after Tia left. He called his father. “The house you mentioned. Is it possible to tour it today?”

  “Sure. I know the owner. Come over, and we’ll go visit.”

  Niko grabbed his coat and gloves and headed out to his parents’ home. Pops met him at the door and came outside. “Mr. Tandy is there right now. Said we’re welcome to come over.”

  Niko walked into the ranch style home and got the grand tour of the three-bedroom house with a fully finished basement. He could rehearse down there and not bother Tia or the baby. The kitchen was a nice size, and the dining area was large, perfect for having the band over or friends from church. A gas fireplace added warmth to the family room. The carpet in the bedrooms was new, and the rest was hardwood floors or tile. Niko got the fact sheet on the property.

  “Mr. Tandy. The house doesn’t even have a ‘for sale’ sign up yet.”

  “I’m in no rush. Trying to find someone to love this home through friends first before advertising. I don’t need to be out fast. Whenever God provides. When that happens, I’ll move to senior living apartments nearby. I’m not able to keep up with the lawn and shoveling. For now, I hire out someone. The place is too big for me since my wife died.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Your Pops tells me you are a newlywed and expecting your first child?”

  Niko nodded.

  “I remember those days. Wonderful memories to hold on to now. Enjoy every moment. You travel?”

  “Yes, sir, I’m a musician.”

  “Take them with you everywhere. Don’t miss anything.” He paused and stared out into the snow-covered yard. “I traveled too and left my wife and kids home. Now I wish I had brought them with me and took the time to visit the places from more than a hotel room. To make memories. One of my regrets.” He turned to Niko and patted his shoulder. “You seek God, though, and He’ll lead you to do what’s right.”

  “I’ll pray about this and let you know.”

  Mr. Tandy smiled. “No rush.”

  Niko left with his dad and walked back to their home.

  “What’d you think?” Pops asked.

  Niko shrugged. “I like it. I don’t know what Tia wants in a house. I need to talk to her. It has space, and the monthly cost would be doable if we could come up with the down payment. I like being close by so if I had to travel, she would be nearby if she needed assistance. Or for us to be able to help you.”

  “You’re a good son, Nikolos. I’m proud of you. We’ll see what God does, eh?”

  “Okay, Pops. I should get home. I h
ave a lunch meeting with Dan and need to repack. We leave early to head back to Texas for the tour.”

  His father patted him on the shoulder and drew him in for a hug. “You’ll be by for dinner tonight?”

  “Yeah. Just you and mom?”

  Pops nodded.

  “Good. Yesterday overwhelmed Tia. It was a good day but more than she’s used to.”

  Pops laughed. “It takes time to adjust to the group at large, doesn’t it? We’ll see you later.”


  Niko drove home. He surveyed what little furniture they owned. A house, new furniture, and baby stuff would all cost money. How was he going to provide? Some of the other guys hired out for studio work. Johnny was able to buy out part of his house as part of his divorce settlement as well. But Niko? He’d never really worried about money but didn’t spend much either. He’d always had enough and was content. But now?

  Lord, I’m thrilled about this baby, but how am I to afford this? He doubted Tia had much either. Niko couldn’t believe they’d never even discussed finances. They’d both poured everything they had into making music and serving God. Please help me and give me peace as we wait on Your perfect plan.

  Niko drove through the snow to the sandwich shop where he was to meet Pastor Dan. The place was packed to overflowing with after Christmas returns and everyone eating out. There was no place to sit. He met up with Dan, and they ordered their food. They drove over to Orchard Hill and settled down at a table in the café. The room was filled with Christmas, from trees to lights to garland. A veritable Winter Wonderland.

  “Niko, it’s good to finally see your face in the flesh. I don’t mind video chats—but it’s not the same.”

  Niko laughed. “I agree. Unfortunately, we fly out tomorrow morning for a few more months on the road.”

  “How was the visit home?”

  “Wonderful but too short.” Niko sighed.

  “Tell me about that sigh. What’s up?”

  “Yesterday, my family was urging me to buy a bigger place to live and talking about the costs of having a baby. I panicked. I realized we never got around to combining our money. Tia pretty much lives out of her business account, and other than rent and utilities, I don’t spend much. That’s all going to change with a baby.”

  Dan nodded his head. “This is hard territory for me, Niko. We bought the house and decorated the nursery, and God hasn’t allowed our babies to live to term. Our arms ache. I remember well the first time we got the news we were expecting and the excitement and terror that rippled through me over the same issues you’re wrestling with. Let God lead you. You have months on the road yet and time enough to talk to Tia and figure it out.”

  Niko closed his eyes. “Oh, man. I’m sorry. It’s insensitive of me to even be bringing this to you.”

  “Why? We’re friends, right? We both serve in ministry. Life sometimes hurts, and to tell the truth, we’ve adjusted to a marriage with just the two of us. We’re considering adoption now.”

  Niko swallowed. “It never dawned on me that something could happen to the baby.”

  “What about Tia?”

  “I couldn’t handle losing her.”

  “Sorry to be blunt. I’ve seen many couples walk through miscarriage and stillbirth. Some who have a live baby and lose it early to a weird genetic defect. The majority of babies are fine and so are their mothers. I’ve seen, and experienced personally, enough of the other side. I guess I tend to be more pessimistic.”

  “It really speaks to the miracle of it all, doesn’t it?”

  Dan nodded. “And you got one miracle already in Tia surviving a brutal attack. How’s she been?”

  Niko shook his head. “She’s sleeping more often through the night but having some panic attacks or flashbacks during the day. She doesn’t tell me what they are like, but I can tell when one hits her. I have a radar tuned into her when something’s wrong.”

  “She’s blessed to have you.”

  “I’m the one who’s blessed. I can’t imagine life without her in it and kick myself for waiting so long to discover the treasure God placed right under my nose all these years.”

  Dan smiled. “Hold on to that. Has she been singing with you?”

  “Yeah. I think she’s getting more comfortable, and I hope maybe at some point she’ll do more with me. Oh, and you should see the guitar she gave me…”

  * * *

  Tia came home with bags full of maternity clothes. They ditched their shopping plan when they realized the malls were packed with people returning things and hitting the after Christmas sales. Tia dragged the packages to the bedroom and dumped them on the bed to sort through and try to figure out what to pack and what to save for when they returned. The more she sorted through it all, though, the more she feared she’d need to ship a box to Texas. It would be less expensive than checking bags when all she had brought home was the carry-on. Especially since her larger suitcase was in the bus in Texas.

  She put piles on the dresser and set aside a few pieces she thought she would use most. She found a box and started packing items to ship. She’d need to send it out before five today if she expected to get it out herself—otherwise, she’d be leaving it for someone else. She packed her own bag and took the shipping box to the living room. Niko wasn’t back from his lunch appointment, so she hauled the box out to her rusty sedan Niko referred to as “the beater” and headed to the post office.

  The line seemed to take forever, but she finally got it shipped and walked back to the car. She opened the door and started to enter when a crunch of metal, accompanied by a shove from behind, caused her left foot to slide out from underneath her. Her head hit the car parked next to hers as the door banged her shoulder.

  Cold. Why am I so cold? Her eyes opened to shouts in the distance and the whine of a siren. A man’s voice penetrated the darkness.


  Panic set in. “Please don’t touch me.” Her heart painfully pounded, and she gasped for air.

  “I called an ambulance. They’ll be here soon. Are you okay?”

  She closed her eyes. No. I will not succumb. I can’t. No. Niko? Niko? Is he okay?

  A soft female voice whispered to her. She opened her eyes as gentle hands brushed snow out of her hair and came back with…blood? Was it hers? “Tia? I’m a paramedic. We’re going to take you to the hospital. Breathe. It’s okay to breathe. You are as safe as we can make you.”


  “Is he your husband?”

  Tia wanted to nod, but a neck brace kept her head from moving. “Yes.”

  “We’ll call him.”

  Tia let others take over. She barely registered the sirens as they took her to the hospital.

  Someone relieved her of her parka and boots. Tia stared up at the ceiling. Helpless as the doctors and nurses worked around her. Occasionally, a head popped into view to ask how she was. “I’m still here,” was the most she could gasp out. She closed her eyes against dizziness when they wheeled her away for x-rays and an ultrasound. They put her in a silent room.


  She smiled. She knew that voice. “Niko?”

  His face appeared above her. “I can’t leave you alone for a minute, can I?” His tone was soft and his brow furrowed.

  “Not my fault.”

  “I know. Your car is totaled, but perhaps that’s a blessing. I’d no clue how we’d dump the piece of tin.”

  “Hey, it ran and was paid for,” she whined.

  Niko smiled. “True, but we’ll need something different anyway, won’t we?” His hand rested on her stomach. “They said the baby is fine. They want to ensure your neck is okay and you didn’t break anything in your shoulder.”

  “What happened?”

  “A car pulled into the parking lot too fast, slid on the ice, and hit your car as you were getting in.”

  “No one else was hurt?”

  “No, but apparently you told a man to not touch you. Did you experience
another episode?”

  “Yeah. I can’t control when they come. His voice…”

  “No need to explain, sweetheart. I’m glad there’s nothing worse at this point.” He bent over to place a kiss on her cheek.

  The doctor bustled into the room. “Mr. Acton?” Tia suspected they shook hands. “I’m Doctor Merchang.”

  “How is she, doctor?”

  “No broken bones, although I suspect a mild concussion. She’ll be sore. I’m giving her a smaller neck brace to wear for a while as the muscles heal. She’ll be free to go home and rest.”

  “We fly to Texas in the morning.”

  “She should be fine for travel—she needs as much rest as possible. At least a week with no computer, television, playing on any electronic device. No heavy lifting.” The doctor raised Tia’s bed.

  “Did you want to know the gender of the baby?”

  Niko turned to her. “Tia?”

  “I’m okay waiting till it’s born, but if…”

  He grinned. “If you want to wait, I’m good with that.”

  The doctor smiled. “My wife and I waited to find out for every baby we had. It makes the day extra special. I’ll get these papers turned in, and a nurse will bring you a smaller brace and your clothes. You’ll be out of here within about thirty minutes. Merry Christmas to you both.”

  “Thank you, doctor.” Tia said.

  A nurse arrived and accompanied Tia to the bathroom to change. Tia was shocked at the bruising on her arm and side. She had stiches in her head, but thankfully, they didn’t have to shave any hair off. She couldn’t shower for a few days, which would be uncomfortable, but she’d been through that before. The nurse gave her a smaller foam neck brace, and soon Tia sat on the bed waiting for the nurse to take the final vitals. Niko stood by with her coat and prescription pain medication.

  She yawned, and Niko laughed. “Back to normal, sweetheart?”

  “It’s the pain meds. Make me sleepy.”

  “We’ll get you home and into bed soon.”

  Niko was true to his word. Wearing her parka and a snazzy new knit hat Niko had purchased in the gift shop, she was wheeled by an orderly to the entrance where his car awaited her. “Why the new hat?”


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