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Feta and Freeways

Page 25

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “Aye, aye, Mom.” He gave her a mock salute, and with his arm around his wife, escorted her down the sidewalk.

  When he got to the door to their home, he found it wasn’t locked. “Tia. Stay here.” He opened the door and peered inside. Furniture fabric was sliced apart and tipped over. Niko stepped back out. “I’m taking you back to Mom’s.”


  They started walking. “Someone broke into our house, and I’m not sure if they are still there. Can we guess that your father made a visit while we were gone? Let’s hope the Feds got him.” Who knew their guest room would first be used for that? He called the detective as he escorted Tia back into his mother’s arms. “I need to go figure out what’s going on. Keep Tia here till I come for her.”

  Mrs. Acton tsked over Tia and walked her toward a bedroom, as the women were still there talking and helping clean up from the shower. Stephanie came to see him. “I called Roberto. He’s on his way over.”


  Niko met an unmarked car as it pulled up in front of his parents’ home. Several others appeared nearby, and the cops snuck into the house. He waited outside and was happy to see the police bring out two men, one being Tia’s father. An officer read him his rights. Mr. Bartel saw Niko and started screaming. “Where is it? Where’s my dough?”

  Niko played dumb. “What dough?”

  “The money I hid in the chairs.” Niko held his phone in front of him, recording the rant.

  “Money? Why would you hide that in Tia’s furniture?”

  “So she would give it to me when I was released from prison.”

  “Why would she want do that?”

  “To get me to retract the news I fed to the papers and magazines.”

  “So you lied to them to hurt your daughter.”

  “She’s not even mine.”

  “You knew she wasn’t yours?”

  “I always knew. Her mother thought she was so clever, but I figured it out before Tia was born. It was a twisted pleasure to know I had control over Terrance Manchester’s child while robbing him blind. I got his girl, his daughter, and his dough.”

  “Well, looks like he’ll get his money back. Slander, blackmail, theft. Any more crimes you want to admit to while you’re at it, Ben?” The Special Agent asked. The prisoner realized he was under arrest and had lost his gamble.

  “Nikolos. We’re family. You need to get me out of here. I didn’t do anything wrong. I was only waiting to visit my daughter.”

  Niko shook his head. “Nice try, but I don’t think Tia wishes to see you.”

  The FBI forensics unit took over the scene, taking their photos, dusting for fingerprints, and cataloguing the damage.

  Once the police finished, his brothers and brothers-in-law came along with Roberto. They set the house to rights again and helped Niko haul all the baby paraphernalia home.

  Robbie looked around at the furniture. “Got that video you took?”

  Niko nodded. “Yup.”

  “Email it to me. We’re taking this fight to social media. We could sue all we want, but in the court of public opinion, sometimes Twitter has more power and traction.”

  Niko sent the video from his phone. “Thanks, guys. I’m going to retrieve my wife now.” Niko left, and the men disbursed as well. He walked into his mother’s home to see it restored to its former comfortable state. “Hi, Mom. I think we got it all cleaned up. How’s Tia?”

  Tia walked in from the kitchen. “I’m good. Thanks for all your hard work, Niko. Sounds like you have some things to tell me?”

  Niko nodded. “How about we do that at home?”

  Tia went to put her mug back in the kitchen, and Niko grabbed her coat. They both gave Mom a kiss and headed out the door to walk to their house.

  “I think the best thing is pull up your computer and see what Robbie managed to do.”

  “Okay.” Tia went to get her laptop and brought it to the kitchen. They sat at the table and Niko took her to Twitter and found their page. They had been tweeted about by Robbie, with a hashtag of “#vindicateniko.” It had already been retweeted over 1,000 times. Niko clicked on the video attachment on YouTube. “Wow.” Tia sat shaking her head. “I can’t believe he was stupid enough to say all that. And thought he could get away with it?”

  “We’ll see if that’s enough to keep us in the running with the awards, but the reality is it’s not as important as making the music, ministering to the fans like we have, and taking care of my family. If we don’t go, we’ll survive.”

  “If my real father sees that video…” Tia leaned into him, and he closed his eyes as he held her close. Loving this woman was certainly an adventure.

  * * *

  Niko owned a custom suit, and Tia had reluctantly gone to find a formal gown that would work in Nashville. “I’m not a sparkle and sequin kind of gal. Besides, being this huge, I don’t need to call more attention to myself.”

  He laughed. She balked at selecting an outfit to perform in with the band, but Niko insisted they sing their number one hit. It had been available as a download even before the new album had been recorded.

  “Niko, if you win for this song, you realize you do not thank Jazzy Records, since this song was recorded after you severed ties with them.” Tia was packing a diaper bag in case she gave birth while in Nashville.

  “If we win. We’re up against some great bands that have a bigger fan base and been on the scene longer. But don’t worry. I know what I want to say should the opportunity arise.”

  “Yeah. It’s an honor to be nominated.” Tia zipped up the bag and set it next to another one for herself if she had to make a trip to the hospital.

  “It is. A bigger honor is being your husband and the father of our child.”

  Tia glanced up at him with a teary-eyed smile. “I’m honored to be your wife.”

  * * *

  The bus was loaded up, and they left for Nashville. They would stay in a hotel and not sleep on the bus, but Tia was grateful for the sense of community she experienced when she hung out with these guys. She was sad this would be their last time performing on the road as this particular group. Sometimes they might, but generally the band would shrink to Johnny, Niko, and possibly a new drummer, bass player, and keys. Niko had his eyes on some older nephews who were showing potential. He saw it as an opportunity to not only help them grow as musicians but hopefully mentor them spiritually.

  Life was bound to change. Such was the nature of living on this planet and walking with Christ. God never let his children stay stuck in one place. He had certainly transformed her. She was starting to connect with other young mothers at church, and Niko was helping the youth worship band and giving lessons during this break from the road. He was proving his greater strength wasn’t when he was on stage but when he poured out his shepherd’s heart into another.

  Where would that lead them? Tia wasn’t sure. She was nervous. The last time they had been nominated, she’d been unable to come. She was too low on the totem pole to warrant an invitation even though she had been the one who had helped them. She sighed. That was the past, and God was the one who had brought them this far. Not her. Not a song.

  Now she had to get through the awards without embarrassing herself and make it home before having this baby. Her biggest fear was her water would break—while she was singing. When she told him, Niko smiled, held her close, and kissed her fears away.

  Niko had been feverishly writing in his journal. New songs or words for a speech? He had acted suspicious the past few days. Like he had a secret he was keeping from her. She tried to figure it out but couldn’t.

  Dad was in prison. He pled guilty when confronted with the evidence and witnesses and his own words. No jury trial. She didn’t need to testify against him again. He was in jail, and the money was going back to Jazzy Records, or more importantly, to Mr. Manchester. She was nervous about possibly meeting him, especially since he might know her name, that she is his daughter, and her associati
on with her father. Even though she was not guilty of his crimes, she had born his name for 26 years. It made it more of a blessing to have taken Niko’s last name.

  She sat and played war with Wayne. Sadness hit her that this trip would be their last time doing that.

  The guys were in a strange mood. Teasing still happened, but it was more restrained in comparison to previous trips. Sobered because of decisions and choices. They respected each other and had scuffles a few times over the breakup. Niko had come home at times near tears and wondering if the band of brothers would survive the changes in Specific Gravity. She knew Niko hoped what they had between them transcended the music.

  They had recorded their studio album. It was being mixed, and Niko would be working on it more when they returned, but they liked the raw quality of the sound. Tia had listened to it and thought it represented what it was like to be at a concert with them. Special gifts were being designed and readied to ship to those who had supported the venture. They would be mailing packages out in a few weeks when the physical compact disc was done.

  They got to Nashville late and checked into their hotel. Tomorrow would be setup and rehearsal. The actual show was the day after in the afternoon. Tia snuggled up to Niko as much as her huge stomach would let her and thanked God once again for her many blessings.


  Next to the Word of God

  the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.

  Martin Luther

  The night of the Christian Music Fan awards arrived. Tia had mild contractions, but the doctor had talked to her about Braxton Hicks, so she wasn’t concerned. She dressed for the red carpet and joined the band for their limo drive to the Grand Ol’ Opry, which was only a short walk from the resort where they stayed, but apparently appearances must be maintained.

  Fans lined the red carpet, and the progress was slow as many called for Niko or other band members to sign items. Niko finally shepherded her into the auditorium, and they took their seats. They weren’t playing till later in the evening, so they wouldn’t change into their performance outfits until after their award had been called. She doubted they’d actually win, although she believed with all her heart the boys deserved it.

  The show started, and Tia enjoyed the other bands. So many good people making music and seeking to glorify God. Tia had wished they could stay in town for the Country Music Awards too, but the band decided they could realistically only do one show even though it was an honor to be recognized by country music makers.

  The award for best contemporary Christian single came up, and she felt Niko’s knee bounce as he smiled when cameras panned them. Tia leaned over to whisper in his ear. “I love you.” He turned and gave her a kiss, and it was caught on the big screen. When she realized this, her face grew warm. Niko winked at her. At least his knee stopped bouncing.

  When they announced For Love of You as the winner of song of the year, Tia was shocked. Niko and the gang stood, and Tia tried to let them pass by, but Niko grabbed her hand. Her fancy dress was for being there in the audience and afterward. She didn’t intend to waddle to the podium for the award, but Niko wouldn’t be denied. He helped her up the stairs and steered her to the center stage, where the rest of the band surrounded them.

  Niko took the award and walked to the podium. He handed it to Johnny and grabbed her hand. “Thank you for this. My biggest reward this year has been falling in love with this woman beside me, who inspired the song and even agreed to marry me. She’s been a friend, manager, advocate, and cheerleader for years. I want to give a shout-out to Terrance Manchester. Without him, my biggest blessing wouldn’t even exist. To God, always, be the glory. Thank you.”

  They were ushered off the stage and had photos taken before they shuffled off to change their clothes to perform. Tia shook. Niko had given a cryptic shout-out to her biological father. Like the media wouldn’t go crazy trying to figure it out if they hadn’t already when the video went viral on social media. She wanted to thank him for leaking a secret in so clever a way but also for the sweet words he had spoken about her.

  She changed for their concert. After she was ready and her lipstick applied, she met the band. Niko had his fedora on, which made her smile. They circled for prayer and waited their turn as chaos swirled around them.

  Soon they were in position on a moving stage, and the curtain peeled back as an announcer gave their name and the song. They sang, and she totally forgot the crowd of professional musicians listening and watching. The world had shrunk to Niko and her. As the music wound down, Niko took his fedora and placed it in front of their faces as he gave her a kiss. He stepped back and set it on her head. The stage was slowly moving back and the curtain closing, but the crowd had responded with wild applause.

  They pulled their equipment off, and Tia went to change back into her formal gown. She kept running into all kinds of singers and performers she admired. She had been shocked they even knew who she was. Soon they were again seated in the audience as the show wound down. They left and headed back to the resort hotel for a large party of musicians, singers, music industry personnel, and fans.

  Tia only wanted to return to their hotel room and go to sleep. She and Niko were pulled aside for an interview with Contemporary Christian Music Magazine, the one who had run that horrible story. While this wasn’t the same reporter, Tia was wary of speaking to anyone about what happened.

  “Nikolos and Tia Acton.” The pretty blonde reporter, named Sandra, started as a camera ran for their online magazine. “What a fabulous performance tonight. What’s next for Specific Gravity?”

  Niko held Tia close. “Thank you, Sandra. It was fun to be here again performing. Specific Gravity is undergoing a transition as some bandmates move on to other things. Life changes, but our basic sound will stay the same. Our new album is due out in a few weeks and has For Love of You as the title track. We hope our fans enjoy it.”

  “Tia, you married one of music’s hottest men. Have you faced any jealousy from fans over this?”

  Tia laughed. “I agree he is the hottest guy out there, and I’m glad he’s mine, but most fans have been gracious and respectful of the fact we’re married.”

  Sandra nodded. “Our magazine made a grave error a few weeks back in reporting on what we thought was a credible source—information about your relationship prior to marriage was not accurate or kind. We want to go on record as saying we are terribly sorry for any hurt we may have caused you or the ministry God has called you to.”

  Niko nodded. “Contemporary Christian Music Magazine was a pawn in a larger game, and we accept the apology, and you have been gracious in your retractions and covering the court case involved.”

  “You gave a shout-out tonight to Mr. Manchester with Jazzy Records. He was the beneficiary of the funds found due to your efforts and belief that crimes from years ago had not been adequately solved. Have you ever met Mr. Manchester personally?”

  “No. Even though we were with Jazzy Records in recent years, we left the label last summer.”

  “Do you care to elaborate why?”

  Niko shook his head “No. It’s in the past, and we wish Mr. Manchester and Jazzy Records all the best.”

  “Mrs. Acton?”

  “Tia,” Tia offered.

  “Tia, you are expecting your first born when?”

  “Any time now.”

  “Seriously? You’re due, like, now?”

  Tia nodded. “I didn’t want Niko and the guys to miss out on this moment after the years of hard work they put into getting here. I have admired their music and their hearts for God and the way they minister on tour. They are the real deal, and they deserved the opportunity to be a part of this event. I didn’t want to miss it either, and thankfully, this little one has cooperated in waiting to make an appearance.”

  Tia was content. They walked away as another contraction hit. It was mild. Probably nothing. They had some more interviews and met with people of all ages who
loved Specific Gravity’s music. The guys hung together and had many photos. Tia kept trying to get out of them, but the band and fans insisted she be a part. Tia was about to ask to go back to their room when the crowd parted and Mr. Manchester approached.

  “Niko and Tia Acton. It is a pleasure to meet you both.” Mr. Manchester began. His gaze focused on Tia as his brow scrunched. “Your acknowledgement of our label was appreciated, but to name me got my attention since I have no recollection of giving you any ‘gift’ of note.”

  Niko looked at Tia. “Perhaps this would be a conversation better had in private.”

  Mr. Manchester nodded, and the three of them walked off to find a quiet area out of the stream of traffic where they could stand and converse.

  “Call me Terry, by the way,” Mr. Manchester started. “I believe I owe you a wealth of thanks, Tia, for restoring the lost funds misappropriated by your father all those years ago.”

  “You’re welcome, Terry.” Tia bowed her head slightly.

  Terrance looked to Niko, who cleared his throat. “This was a bit underhanded, and I apologize, but, Terry, Tia is your biological daughter. Her mother was Mandy Herring, and you only dated for a short time, but she is, um, yours. Your name appears on her birth certificate.”

  Terry’s jaw dropped, and he stepped back as he stared at Tia. “No wonder you seemed familiar to me. Mandy was the proverbial one who got away, and I never recovered from losing her. She didn’t tell me she was pregnant. What a beautiful, talented young woman you’ve grown up to be. How is your mother?”

  “She died almost four years ago now.”

  “I’m sorry. She knew the Lord?”

  Tia smiled. “Yes. Of that I’m assured. I don’t think she ever recovered from losing you either but had married quickly in an attempt, I believe, to hide the fact I wasn’t Mr. Bartel’s baby.”

  “He knew?”

  “Yes. It was part of the reason he embezzled from you. He thought he could get away with it and he deserved it for raising your child.”


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