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More Than Love (The Barrington Billionaires Book 5)

Page 29

by Ruth Cardello

  For the first time in a long while, she’d slept like a rock. Glancing at the clock at the bedside, she realized she slept for over eight hours, exhausted from an entire day and evening of Gabe’s tutelage.

  She sighed. And what a great teacher he’d been. Yes, he was demanding and bossy, but he was also tender, kind, and patient with her, something she’d never experienced before.

  Running a hand through her hair, Chloe realized she was probably a mess. Somehow it seemed really unfair that Gabe just looked even sexier with a little scruff on his jaw in the morning, and even messier hair than usual. He had an underlying sensual magnetism that drew her even when he was sleeping.

  I have to get up. I have horses to see.

  Nothing urgent had come up yesterday, and she and Gabe hadn’t gotten a call. They also hadn’t stepped outside of the bedroom except to eat. They’d talked a lot, and the things they’d shared probably weren’t important, but somehow seemed intimate when they were being discussed naked.

  Looking at the clock again, she wondered how she could get out of Gabe’s hold without waking him. She was already starting late, the sun having risen. Things started early on the ranch, and she had to get to her office and lab.

  Her face flushed as she wondered how to explain her absence yesterday. Not that Cal or any of the other staff would ask, but she felt like she owed them some kind of explanation. She’d been shacked up with the boss for nearly twenty-four hours.

  “You’re thinking too much,” a deep voice husky from sleep said from a pillow.

  She looked at Gabe, his beautiful jade eyes open now. “What?”

  “I can tell when you’re overthinking things. Your eyebrows start to twitch,” he answered in a voice laced with humor.

  Chloe wasn’t sure if she was flattered that he’d noticed her supposed thoughtful look, or if she was horrified that she had funky eyebrows. “They do not,” she told him huffily.

  “They do,” was his lazy answer as he scooted up so he was sitting against the headboard. One arm still around her back, he lifted his hand to her face, smoothing an easy finger over her brows before running it tenderly down her cheek. “What’s bothering you, sweetheart?”

  “Nothing really important. I’m just wondering how to explain to the crew why I was sequestered with the boss all day yesterday.” She hesitated before adding, “And last night.”

  “You don’t have to tell them a damn thing. You were with the boss,” he grumbled. “Do you regret it, Chloe?” There was a hint of vulnerability in his voice now.

  “No, Gabe,” she denied immediately. The last thing she wanted for him to think was she regretted a single thing they had shared. “It was probably the most amazing day of my life.”

  “Is there a ‘but’ coming?” He tilted her chin so he could see her eyes.

  “No. I guess it’s just a little embarrassing. Do you think they’ll know?”

  Gabe started to laugh, a full-bodied, teasing sound that filled the entire room.

  “Stop it,” Chloe demanded indignantly. “It’s not funny.” She bit her lip to keep from smiling. Pulling back, she whacked him on the arm playfully. “You’re the boss. I’m not.”

  Gabe sobered, but he was grinning from ear to ear. “If they haven’t figured out how much I want you by now, they’re all a little slow,” he snorted. “I think I’ve been eyeing you like a hungry bear looks at a field filled with berries before hibernation.”

  Chloe gave up and chortled with laughter at Gabe’s comparison of himself to a hungry bear. “You spent nearly a day eating…berries.”

  “Not nearly enough. I’m still hungry,” Gabe answered, his eyes still on her face.

  “Oh no,” she told him with laughter in her voice. “I need a break. I’m sore.”

  Gabe’s expression suddenly turned to one of regret. “I’m sorry, darlin’.”

  “I think I’ll live,” she answered, running a hand down his whiskered jaw. “But if I don’t give it a break, I won’t be able to sit on a horse for a week.” Honestly, she wanted nothing more than to crawl on top of him and satisfy her craving to be close to him again, watch his expressive face as he found his satisfaction.

  She untangled herself from his arms and finally got out of bed, a tempting idea in her head. “Take a shower with me?” she asked hesitantly, holding her hand out for him to take it.

  He shook his head. “Bad idea. I won’t be able to sit on a horse either,” he said morosely.

  She wiggled her fingers. “Please.” God, she loved knowing that if she asked sweetly, he’d give in. It was almost surreal how much he wanted to please her, and she wanted to give him something back.

  He rose and took her hand, looking at her dubiously.

  “I won’t bite. I promise,” she told him teasingly.

  “Damn,” Gabe answered, sounding disappointed as he took the lead and pulled her toward the bathroom.

  She’d seen the massive shower yesterday, and she sighed as he efficiently flipped on the water in the big enclosure. The whole bathroom was amazing, a jetted tub big enough for a massive orgy over in the corner by the window. “This is an amazing bathroom. The whole house is gorgeous,” Chloe told him sincerely, loving the way every room seemed to complement the next. Everything was understated, but quiet elegance and splashes of color abounded in every inch of the home.

  He shrugged. “I like it.”

  “I love it,” she answered, feeling much more comfortable standing naked in the bathroom as Gabe flipped on the overhead light.

  For an instant, she wanted to hide her body, but she knew that was old Chloe. The new one reveled in the wanton look that Gabe didn’t try to hide as his eyes caressed her from top to bottom.

  “I still can’t believe you’re with me,” he said in a hoarse, raw voice filled with reverence.

  “I can’t believe you really want me,” Chloe replied, rubbing against his body as she sneaked past him and entered the warm, soothing jets of water.

  Why would Gabe Walker, of all men, be surprised that she wanted to be with him? He was amazing inside and out.

  He stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Never doubt it,” he growled into her ear, pulling her back snuggly against his front.

  Strangely, she didn’t doubt his desire even for a single moment. Not anymore. For some odd reason, he really did want her, and she chose not to question why.

  Turning to face him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to kiss him.

  As he took control, completely and thoroughly ravishing her mouth, Chloe thought about what her mother and Lara had told her.

  When you find the right one, you’ll know it.

  She swept the thought from her mind, not able to deal with thinking about a future with Gabe. It wasn’t what he wanted. It wasn’t what she wanted. But Chloe couldn’t help but think about how much they just seemed to fit, and how Gabe wanted her exactly as she was. He didn’t want to change her, or fit her into some kind of mold of the woman he wanted her to be. She was the woman he wanted. That fact was so intoxicating that it had her head floating in the clouds.

  “I can’t do this, Chloe,” Gabe rasped as soon as he pulled his mouth from hers.

  “You can’t kiss me?” she asked innocently.

  He glared down at her, his gaze predatory. “I can’t be naked with you without wanting to fuck you until you scream,” he shot back bluntly.

  Chloe’s core clenched, but this moment wasn’t about her. It was about the man who was looking at her with so much longing that it nearly made her heart explode.

  The soothing feel of the jets of water flowing over their bodies relaxed her, and she felt so good this morning that she felt like she could do anything. “Then let me handle it,” she told him forcefully. “Literally,” she added as she stepped back and slowly ran her hands down his wet chest.

  “Chloe,” he grunted in a warning voice.

  “I don’t know how good it will be, but let me try, Gab
e.” She heard James’s voice in her head, criticizing her ability to get him off with oral sex for just a moment before she squelched it.

  He wasn’t James.

  This was Gabe, and if she couldn’t please him, he’d teach her.

  Boldly, she circled her fingers around his fully erect cock. He was enormous, and as hard as a man could get. Chloe shivered at the feel of him, even as the steam started to fog up the glass on the shower.

  “Fuck, yeah. Touch me, baby,” Gabe demanded with an earthy groan.

  Encouraged, she lowered herself to her knees, coming face-to-face with the largest cock she’d ever seen. She savored the feel of him as she ran her hand up and down the shaft, dying for a taste of him.

  She felt covetous as she slowly licked the mushroomed head, moaning softly at the masculine taste on her tongue.

  “Don’t tease me, Chloe. I’m warning you,” Gabe rasped, sliding his hand into her wet hair.

  She smiled as she opened her mouth, sliding her tongue along the underside of the shaft before taking him between her lips. She couldn’t take him all, but she wrapped her lips around all she could possibly take, and sucked hard.

  “Oh, fuck. I’m dying here,” Gabe’s tortured voice stated harshly.

  Not yet, but I’m hoping you’ll come for me.

  Chloe started moving steadily, quickening her pace as Gabe guided her head, telling her exactly what he wanted.

  Every groan that came from his mouth was like music to her ears, spurring her on as she fell into a surreal fantasy. He was pleased, and if his response was any indication, he was incredibly aroused.

  He urged her faster, harder, and Chloe adjusted to the pace he set, closing her eyes as sensual pleasure flowed through her body, a satisfaction she’d never experienced in her lifetime.

  Come for me, Gabe.

  Tightening her lips around his shaft, she sucked harder, putting her hand at the base for more friction, and gently fondling his balls.

  “Fuck! Chloe, I’m coming,” Gabe bellowed, tightening his grasp on her hair.

  He wanted to give her a chance to pull away.

  She wanted, needed to taste him.

  In the end, he gave himself up to his powerful orgasm, groaning as he spilled his warm seed into her throat.

  For Chloe, it was euphoric. She swallowed eagerly, still stunned that he’d reacted to her with so much passion. Licking and suckling him while he recovered, she smiled.

  I did it. And with satisfaction, she realized that she could no longer hear James’s critical voice in her head. Now she truly was free from her past.

  She let Gabe pull her into a standing position. He swooped down and captured her lips immediately, kissing her like he couldn’t stop. Her hands on his shoulders, she pushed back, the two of them sparring with their tongues.

  “That was fucking amazing,” Gabe said as he lifted his head, nuzzling his mouth against her ear. “You’re so beautiful, Chloe. So damn sexy.”

  She sighed, knowing that Gabe meant every word that he said. She wished she could make him understand how much it meant to hear them.

  “Can you sit on a horse now?” she asked teasingly, licking lightly at the skin on his neck.

  “Hmm…maybe for a little while,” he answered as his hand slid between her thighs. “There isn’t much I can do to top what just happened, but I think my woman needs to be satisfied.”

  Chloe shuddered as Gabe gently circled her clit with his finger and then stroked over it lightly.

  “You don’t need to make me happy, Gabe. I already am.” It was as simple as that. Doing something for him made her ecstatic.

  “I like my woman even happier,” he growled playfully.

  She squealed as he rubbed over the tiny bundle of nerves in earnest. “I’m good.” Her squeaky voice was weak and unconvincing.

  Truth was, when Gabe touched her, she always wanted more.

  He ignored her puny protest and went to work on making her come relentlessly, careful not to do anything that might irritate her soreness.

  He did make her come exquisitely and without any pain.


  They were both late for work, but they were wearing naughty grins when they finally showed up for breakfast.

  Chapter 10

  How long will it last?

  Gabe tortured himself with the answer to that question, even as he tried to resist the need to go find Chloe at Lara and Tate’s house. She’d wanted to see them after work today, and although Gabe didn’t like it, he’d accepted that he couldn’t stalk her like a maniac every minute of the day. He’d end up just as bad as her crazy ex-fiancé.

  Okay, maybe not like him. He wanted to be with her because he was crazy about her, not because he wanted to hurt her. And he worried about whether or not she was happy and safe every damn minute of the day now. He wanted her to be as ecstatic as he was right now.

  Chloe made him so fucking happy that when it ended he was bound to come crashing down.

  Don’t think about that now. This is about Chloe.

  Right now, everything was about the woman who made his chest hurt, an unfamiliar ache that he wasn’t sure was ever going to go away. She was smiling, laughing, and happy and Gabe felt like it was one of the greatest accomplishments he’d ever had. Chloe was born to be sweet and happy. Anything else was completely unacceptable. Her sexy sensuality was inherent. She didn’t need to do a damn thing to make him hard. It just happened immediately, every damn time he saw her. It was hard for him to fathom that any man would ever want to change her, make her ashamed of any part of her.

  She was pretty damn flawless as far as he was concerned. Now that the real Chloe was steadily coming back, she was fucking perfection.

  “Do you have a minute? I was looking for Chloe, but your cook said she was gone.” The male voice came from the doorway of Gabe’s downstairs office.

  He looked up from the paperwork he wasn’t really reading and saw Zane Colter standing at the entrance to his office.

  “Yeah. I’m not busy. Chloe went to Tate and Lara’s place. She should be back pretty soon.”

  Of all the Colter brothers, Gabe knew Zane the least. He was close to Marcus because he’d spent a lot of time with him and Blake as kids, and Blake was his best friend. Zane was the youngest male, just a year and half older than Chloe. Barely into his thirties, he was already known for having one of the greatest scientific minds in the world.

  “Come on in.” Gabe motioned to a chair in front of his desk. “What’s up? Do you have news on Ellie?” While Gabe wanted Chloe to know what happened to her friend, he was also afraid of how finding her body would hurt her. When there was no news, there was still hope.

  Zane unceremoniously sat down in the chair. “No. I just wanted to see how she was doing. I’m going to be around for Thanksgiving. I just decided to come a little early.”

  Gabe eyed the quiet man carefully. Zane was the type of guy who would hold everything close to his chest, never giving away a secret. He had no idea that Gabe already knew about Chloe’s miscarriage, and all about her relationship with James, so Zane probably thought he had to tread carefully. “You think she’s dead?” Gabe asked bluntly.

  Zane shrugged a pair of broad shoulders that were encased in a warm sweater. He was wearing jeans, and what appeared to be a comfortable pair of hiking boots. A brief thought flitted through Gabe’s mind that Zane looked exactly like what he was…a science geek. He kind of liked that about the youngest Colter brother.

  “I’m not certain. I can’t find any proof that she is.”

  “You’re still looking?”

  Zane nodded. “Yeah. Chloe ran herself ragged for the first month. She spent every day going to places that Ellie talked about, places she went, but there was no sign of her. I was afraid she’d fall over from exhaustion and desperation. I told her that since I’ve hit a wall in my research project, I’d keep looking. I haven’t turned up much of anything. Ellie lived a quiet life. Other than Chloe, she has a few f
riends, but none of them have seen her since she disappeared. I’ve studied her habits, but there’s nothing out of the ordinary.”

  “How does somebody just disappear without a single clue as to what happened to them?” Gabe grumbled. “You would think someone knows something.”

  “They do. But they aren’t talking,” Zane reasoned.

  Gabe’s eyes narrowed. “You suspect something.”

  “Gut instinct, yes. But I have no proof,” Zane replied calmly.

  “James?” Gabe was convinced that slimy bastard was capable of just about anything, which was why he got nervous whenever Chloe left his property. He wanted her to have her freedom, but he was also worried about her running into James.

  “Yes. But there’s no real reason to believe it’s him.”

  “I believe it. He tortured and mind fucked Chloe so badly that it’s taking a lot of time for her to feel normal again,” Gabe blurted out without thinking.

  “I know,” Zane answered, his voice vibrating with regret. “We weren’t there for her. I don’t know why any of us didn’t see it.”

  “Because she didn’t want you to. She was embarrassed. She hid it well. Too well.” There was no reason for Zane to be blaming himself now. James was over for Chloe, and nobody had seen the real truth.

  “You know everything?” Zane asked flatly.

  Gabe nodded. He and Zane were allies, and Chloe’s brother was trying to find clues to Ellie’s whereabouts. He didn’t mind affirming the guy’s suspicions.

  “If you hurt her, I’ll kill you myself,” Zane warned fiercely.

  Gabe held up his hand in surrender. “I’m not about to hurt her. I’m trying to help her. She likes working here, and she’s happy.”

  “I know. I talk to her on the phone every day. It was one of the reasons I wanted to visit. She sounds…better.” The murderous expression left Zane’s face, replaced by a look of concern. “But I’m not certain she’s ready for another relationship.”

  “I think you need to let her decide what she does and doesn’t want,” Gabe told him rationally. “She’s spent years under another man’s thumb. Don’t make her live in the shadows again because you’re afraid she’ll get hurt.”


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