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Charmed by the Beast: an Adult Paranormal Shifter Romance (The Conduit Series Book 3)

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by Conner Kressley

  Charmed by the Beast

  The Conduit Series Book 3

  Conner Kressley

  Rebecca Hamilton




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34


  Copyright © 2016 by Conner Kressley & Rebecca Hamilton

  All rights reserved.

  * * *

  The book may not be reproduced in whole or part, by mimeograph or any other means, without the permission of the publisher. Making or distributing electronic copies of this book constitutes copyright infringement and could subject the infringer to criminal and civil liability.

  Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Created with Vellum

  Charmed by the Beast

  The past comes back with a vengeance and lights the fuse to a supernatural war that could tear the world apart.

  * * *

  When Charisse’s formerly unmentioned first husband, Charlie Prince, crashes her romantic trip to the Big Apple with Abram, everything spirals out of her control. Woman are dropping dead all around him, and Charlie has no idea why.

  What he does know is that every victim is one of his ex-flings, and he needs Char’s help to stop it before this strange phenomenon claims the life of his newest girlfriend.

  Or Charisse herself. But when Abram’s powers mysteriously vanish, a fiendish figure from Satina’s past pops up, and the truth about what’s happening with Charlie comes to light, Charisse finds herself in deeper trouble than she ever thought imaginable.

  Faith will be tested, trust will be lost, and lives will be sacrificed. In the end, no one will make it out unharmed, and the events could very well spell the end to Char and Abram’s relationship.

  Chapter 1

  I didn’t like that Abram was walking so far ahead of me. I knew that strut, I knew that huff, and I knew what it all meant.

  Abram and I had just escaped death—again. To celebrate our general survivability, he suggested we come here.

  New York had been my home after New Haven. It wasn’t where I was born, but, for all intents and purposes, it was the place I grew up. I became a woman here, a model, and a person strong enough to stand on my own two feet. So much of me as a person was forged in these streets and within these buildings.

  He wanted to see that. This was his chance to get to know me better, to learn about my roots.

  Finding out I was married wasn’t what either of us had in mind.

  “Abram,” I said, taking longer strides to gain on him. “Abram, slow down!”

  Of course, he didn’t slow down.

  He was angry, and I didn’t blame him. I hadn’t meant to upset him. God knew I would never intentionally hurt him. But I had nonetheless.

  Damn it, Charlie Prince.

  How could this have happened? How could I have forgotten that I’d married another man?

  The minute I’d seen Charlie come strutting toward me, it all came flooding back. His hands were in his pockets, the way they’d always been when we were together, and it got me thinking about what our relationship had been…and all it hadn’t.

  And that was when it crashed into me like Miley Cyrus’s wrecking ball. The memories poured into my brain, unlocking things that I had no idea were even stored in there.

  I married Charlie Prince when I was in New York the first time. We went down to City Hall—me with my hair in finger curls and him with his hands in his pockets—and we swore to love each other for the rest of our lives.

  How do you forget something like that?

  “Abram!” I shouted, finally bridging the gap between us. Turned out my guy could take pretty big steps when he was pissed. “We need to talk.”

  “You do not want to talk to me right now, Charisse,” he answered, not breaking stride, not meeting my gaze.

  Charlie and Satina were behind us, mercifully giving us a bit of distance.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, sighing and running a hand through my hair.

  “To the hotel room.” He huffed, still walking. “The hotel room I got for us.”

  “Don’t be like that,” I said, grinding my teeth.

  I had just escaped certain death for the second time in the span of half a year. Been tortured by a woman who wanted nothing less than to erase me from the face of the earth. And this—the hurt I saw Abram shielding in his eyes—was somehow worse than all of it.

  “I’m not being like anything.” He rounded the corner to The W hotel. “I thought we were going to have a nice time. I thought I was finally going to be able to have you to myself for once.”

  He glared over at me, looking at me for the first time since Charlie said those awful words.

  I assume you’re the guy who’s banging my wife.

  “I didn’t realize I’d have to contend with your husband,” Abram said as he pushed through the lobby doors.

  Thankfully, our room was on the first floor. I was pretty sure an awkward elevator ride between Abram, Satina, Charlie, and me was the last thing any of us needed. But, as he slid the key into the door, Abram turned to me and froze. His gaze dipped past my shoulder to where Satina and Charlie stood behind me.

  “May I ask again why you insist on inviting your ex-boyfriend—or should I say, your current husband—into our hotel room?”

  I shuddered. “Don’t call him that.”

  “Is there a more appropriate term?”

  “He’s not my husband.” I shook my head. “Not really.”

  “I think the law might disagree with that,” Abram answered. “Regardless of the specifications of your connection with him, I have no interest in spending time with that man.” He leveled his gaze at Satina. “And that sentiment more than extends to that witch.”

  Satina grinned coyly. “You’re too kind.”

  For all the hell this was putting me through, Satina actually seemed to be enjoying it, which shouldn’t have surprised me. Satina had always been a creature of chaos, even when fighting on our side, and she leapt at the chance to see Abram hurt. Something that was fully on display right now.

  I grimaced. “You heard Satina. We’re here for a reason, and Charlie is that reason.”

  Abram scowled.

  “Not like that,” I said, planting my hands on my hips. It might have been my fault Abram was upset, but I wasn’t backing down on that account. “He’s in some kind of
trouble. The quicker we find out the nature of it, the quicker we can be rid of him and get back to our real lives.”

  “I don’t even know what that is anymore,” Abram said solemnly, pushing open the door and entering the hotel room.

  As he flipped on the lights, my heart skipped a beat.

  This place…this was the Executive Suite. I had read about this place, and I had seen it in magazines. This was where Prince William stayed with Kate Middleton when they visited the city. The W kept its exact location within the building a secret for the security of its high-profile guests.

  And now I was one of them.

  This place was an expanse of glamour. High ceilings, a full-plated glass window, and a living room that held a white satin couch, a full wet bar, and an industrial kitchen that looked too good for Emeril Lagasse, let alone Charisse Bellamy.

  My breaths came soft and shallow, as excited as a kid climbing down the stairs on Christmas morning and equally as tormented with guilt that I’d hurt the man who had done all this for me.

  It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. He had gotten it for me. And, whether I meant to or not, I had ruined it.

  Brushing past the storm of emotions warring inside of me, I ushered Satina and Charlie inside and stepped beside Abram. I watched him for a long moment, trying to glean anything other than the hurt. But it was no use. He was a steeled-over wall of anger, and I wasn’t breaking through it any time soon.

  “Take a…” I started, but Charlie had already stomped over to the couch and stretched himself across it. He propped his feet up at the end as if he were king of the castle.

  The look Abram gave him could have demolished a city, but Charlie was either too dense or too cocky to be affected.

  Abram growled at him. “Two presidents have had their asses on that couch. Kindly take your feet off it!”

  Charlie gave him a sideways glance but did as he said.

  Abram turned back to me, fire renewed in his eyes. “I’d like to see you in the other room.” His attention then turned to Satina. “Both of you.”

  Satina grinned. “Uh-oh. Called into the principal’s office.”

  Elbowing her in the arm, I gave her a warning glare as we shuffled off into the bedroom behind Abram.

  I closed the door behind me. Obviously, whatever he wanted to talk about wasn’t meant for Charlie’s ears, so there was no reason to give the idiot a chance to overhear.

  When I turned to take in the room, it nearly brought tears to my eyes.

  White rose petals lay across the bed and floor. Lit white candle sat on the countertops, and a bottle of champagne chilled on ice beside an already running hot tub.

  “This is for me?” I muttered. This was the greatest man in the entire world, and he loved me this much.

  “It was,” he said, his tone cold. He twisted the knob until the hot tub stopped purring.

  Satina laid on a chaise lounge on the side of the room with the city view. “Oh, don’t be like that, Abram,” she said. “Everyone has a past.” She winked at him. “Lord knows you do.”

  “That’s not the point,” he said. “And I’ll act any goddamn way I like!”

  His hands balled up at his sides. I knew he wasn’t dangerous. Not to me, at least. He’d never hurt me, not if the angels themselves descended and commanded it.

  But he was angry. He was hurting. And that made me hurt, too.

  “I didn’t know,” I said. This time, tears were in my eyes. “I know it doesn’t sound right or believable, but honest to God, I didn’t remember it. Not until I saw him tonight.”

  He looked at me for a long moment, and I couldn’t tell if he believed me, which broke my heart even more.

  “She did,” he answered flatly, motioning to Satina. “You knew all of it, didn’t you?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at her. “And you just let me walk right into it. You let me get blindsided just as you always do. And you laughed when it happened.”

  And she did. As the words left Abram’s mouth, Satina actually laughed.

  Abram bared his teeth and lunged toward her, but I jumped between them. Abram might have kept his cool where I was concerned, but I couldn’t be sure that Satina would be afforded the same luxury.

  “Please stop,” I yelled.

  Satina stood. “Are you really going to lecture me on what’s right and wrong, Abram?” she asked from over my shoulder.

  Her breath puffed against my neck, and I wanted nothing more than for her to shut the hell up.

  Of course, she didn’t.

  “You? Of all people? You’re a monster,” she went on. “Even before I made you one, you were! And now you get to see what it’s like to have your heart stepped on, to realize that—even though you’re gorgeous and strong and charming—you might not be the most charming. There was someone before you, someone she chose to pledge the rest of her life to. So yes, I will enjoy this moment, and I won’t apologize for it.”

  “That’s what this is about, isn’t it?” Abram asked through gritted teeth. “It’s all about you. How long would you have me apologize for the mistakes I’ve made?”

  “Well,” Satina started. “Since those mistakes got me killed, I’d say a lifetime would be a good place to start.”

  “Enough,” I screamed. “I can’t take this anymore. I won’t take it!”

  I darted out of the room and settled in the living room, careful not to get too close to Charlie, who didn’t bother asking me what was wrong as I huffed in the corner.

  Eventually, Abram and Satina came walking out, neither looking as though they’d calmed down much.

  “You,” Abram commanded, facing Charlie. “You want our help? Start talking.”

  Charlie looked to Satina as if she might answer for him. Obviously, the two had been in contact before we saw him tonight. But all the Conduit did was roll her eyes and say, “You better do it. He’s in a mood tonight.”

  “Right,” Charlie said, stiffening where he sat. “Look.” He splayed his hands out in front of him. “I’m sure I’m the last person you want to see right now.”

  “I can think of a few higher demons that might rank above you, but honestly, not many,” Abram said without a hint of sarcasm.

  “And I get that, bro,” Charlie said.

  Instinctively, I shot Satina an ‘oh no, he called him bro’ look, but I kept my mouth shut.

  “But I’m not here to get between you and the missus.”

  Oh, crap.

  Instinctively, I stood. “Are you trying to get your throat ripped out, you unimaginable moron?” I shouted, figuring it was better to defuse that little nugget before it went too far. “Would everyone here please stop calling me his wife? I am not—and let me say this clearly so there’s no confusion—not his wife!”

  I wasn’t sure whether to look at Charlie or Abram with the next sentence. “The only reason we got married is the first place was because he was sick.” I settled on Abram. “He needed a heart transplant, and since he was—and probably still is—a starving musician and all-around loser, he didn’t have insurance. But I did. So I married the idiot. Just so he could have insurance.”

  “Well, not just for the insurance.” Charlie winked at me. “We had some good times, too. Remember that night we snuck to the top of the Empire State Building?”

  “Charlie, I’m warning you.” I leaned toward him. “Abram—my boyfriend—could literally snap you in half like a Twix bar. There would be blood and idiot bits everywhere. Is that what you’re going for?”

  “You never divorced him,” Abram said flatly, his arms folded. “If it was for the insurance, if there wasn’t even a piece of you that wanted to be his wife, then why didn’t you divorce him?”

  “I was afraid he was going to reject the heart,” I said, turning back to him. “I did love him, Abram, and I didn’t want to see him die. So, even after we broke up, I let him stay on my plan. That way, if he did drop dead, at least I wouldn’t have to blame myself for it.”

  “And you jus
t forgot?” he asked, clenching his jaw.

  “It’s true,” Charlie piped in. “I couldn’t remember either, not until a few months ago…when all of it started.”

  Wait—what? I turned back to Charlie. “What are you talking about?”

  Again, Charlie looked to Satina.

  “It’s okay,” Satina said. “Tell them.”

  “My girlfriends are dying,” he said, his top lip quirking the way it always did when he was nervous. “One by one, every girl I’ve ever been with, they’re all being murdered.”

  “Are you killing your girlfriends, Mr. Prince?” Abram asked, his already dark eyes nearly lightless now.

  “What? No! I’ve never killed anybody. I’m a lover, bro, not a fighter. You leave that to the cops and the MMA guys. That’s what I say.”

  “And the cops?” Abram asked. “What have they been saying?”

  “See, that’s the thing.” Charlie pointed at him. “Obviously, they’re starting to suspect me. I caught somebody tailing me last week. Then, when this little number showed up—” He motioned to Satina. “—I naturally assumed she either wanted to get busy or cart me off to prison. Either way, handcuffs are involved, you know?”

  “Just get to the point,” Abram said, the edge in his tone so sharp it nearly sliced right through my loser ex-boyfriend.

  “Something isn’t right,” Charlie said, his voice deadpan. “Somebody or—or something.” Again, he looked to Satina, as though she had schooled him about the creepies and crawlies that actually existed beneath the surface of this world. “Is targeting my girlfriends, and I think it’s trying to pin it on me.”

  Abram crossed his massive arms across his impressive chest, reminding me of a whole other set of reasons I didn’t want him to be upset with me. “So you figured the smart thing to do was to bring an ex-girlfriend of yours into the fray? You thought the right move was to bring the woman that I love into what you proclaim to be a dangerous and deadly situation?” Abram once again bared his teeth. “And you expect me to help you now?”


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