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The Advocate's Felony

Page 19

by Teresa Burrell

  Tuper handed him the gun. “It has all our prints on it. Sorry about that, but Sabre picked it up after she knocked it out of his hand. Then JP here took it from her and later he handed it to me. But you can see for yourself that it ain’t been fired.”

  “Do you know who he is?”

  “Name’s Kirk Gillich. A felon. FBI’s been watching him.”

  “Is that so?” Johnson sneered. “Okay. You better go. I’ll call you if I need you.”

  Sabre and JP exchanged glances and followed Tuper to the car without saying a word. Nothing was said until they had driven away and reached the highway. Finally, Sabre couldn’t keep silent anymore. “What just happened back there?”

  “He owes me,” Tuper said in his usual quiet tone.

  “Who are you?” Sabre asked.

  “Nobody special.”

  Chapter 40

  No one spoke the entire way back to the Hutterite colony. When they arrived they saw that Jacob’s front room light was still on. He came outside and greeted them as they exited the car.

  “Is everything okay?” Jacob asked.

  “I took care of it,” Tuper said.

  “Thank you, Sabre, for rescuing Katie P.,” Jacob said, extending his hand to her.

  She accepted it and Jacob placed his other hand on top of hers. “I’m just sorry it happened,” she said. “I think we need to leave here before we bring you any more trouble.”

  “Nonsense. You’re welcome here as long as you need to stay. Now, I’m sure you would all like to get some rest.” He turned to Tuper. “Can you sit with me a few minutes?”

  Sabre said goodnight and walked toward the apartment where she had been staying. JP followed her. “Sabre, we need to talk.”

  “Not tonight,” she said. “Please. I’m cold. I’m tired. And I’m angry. I think we better just sleep on it.”

  “You’re right,” he said and continued to walk with her to her apartment. When they reached the door, he leaned down and pecked her lightly on the forehead. “Goodnight,” he said.

  Sabre was angry that JP doubted Ron again, but she longed for JP to hold her and make her feel safe. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to kiss him or kick him. She reached her hand up, stroked his face, and then turned and went inside.

  The girls were all asleep, but they had left Sabre’s bed empty so she could sleep alone when she returned. She slipped into her pajamas and crawled into the cold bed, wrapping the feather-filled comforter tightly around herself, head and all. The events of the day flashed over and over in her mind, keeping her awake. As her body started to warm, she relaxed a little. She stretched out her legs, felt the cold bed sheet, and immediately pulled up her legs to where the bed was already warm.

  She tossed and turned trying to go to sleep, but her mind kept coming back to the day’s events. It bothered her that JP still suspected Ron. Most of all, she wondered how JP, Ron, and she could keep from bringing more harm to these people who had been so kind to them.

  JP had to understand that Ron couldn’t have killed those men. The more she thought about that, the angrier she got at herself. If only she had stayed at the farmhouse with him, there wouldn’t be any doubt about Ron. The fight in her head made her more restless. She replayed it in her mind.

  I had the gun and told Ron to come. He told me to get Katie and go and that he would follow. I had to get that little girl out of there. Why didn’t he come with me? Sabre shook her head to get rid of the thought that was creeping into it. I’m not going to start thinking like JP. Ron did not kill anyone. For the first time Sabre understood that it was plausible for JP to think that way, not that he was accurate in his conclusions. Whether she could tell him that or not remained to be seen. They needed to get this mess over with, but now her eyelids were getting heavy.

  We’ll make a plan tomorrow.


  It felt like she had just gone to sleep when Sabre heard the girls milling about and getting dressed for the morning’s church service. They all moved around as quietly as they could, avoiding any conversation except for the occasional whisper. At first she wondered if it was some special reverence because it was Sunday, but then she saw Frieda glance over at her. “I’m awake,” Sabre said.

  “Good morning,” Frieda said. Several of the girls followed Frieda to Sabre’s bedside. “We heard you saved Katie P. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” They were all staring at her with what looked like awe. “I’m really not a hero. I’m just sorry she was taken in the first place.” Sabre swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up.

  Once the girls were all dressed, they all singled out the door except for Frieda and Mary P. “We’ll see you after service,” Frieda said.

  Mary P. looked at Sabre as if she wanted to say something but couldn’t. Sabre said, “I’m sorry about your sister. She was very brave and I know she was really scared, but no other harm came to her.”

  Mary P. reached her arms around Sabre, hugged her quickly, and let go. It was the first demonstrative display of emotion she had witnessed from anyone in the colony since she arrived. “Thank you,” Mary P. said, and darted out the door with Frieda.

  Sabre dressed and walked to the barn to see if the rest had gathered together. JP was waiting for her. “Good morning,” he said.

  “How’d you sleep?”

  “Fast,” he said.

  She smiled. “Me too. Have you seen Ron and Tuper this morning?”

  “Tuper is still with Jacob. It’s a strange relationship those two have. They couldn’t be any more different and yet they seem to have great respect for one another.”

  “I noticed that as well. I wonder what their story is. Tuper doesn’t talk much about himself. It’s hard to know who he is.”

  “Odd duck, but loyal to a fault.”

  “These people have been so good to us. I’m sure a lot of it has to do with Tuper, but I don’t think we should continue to stay here.”

  “Where will we go?”

  “I was thinking maybe Ron and I should go on by ourselves. Maybe you should go back to San Diego.”

  “Damn it, Sabre, I’m not leaving you. I left you for five minutes and you got kidnapped. I don’t even want you out of my sight.”

  “But that’s because you’re afraid my brother’s going to hurt me.”

  “It’s not that he’ll hurt you. It’s that somebody out there is trying to kill him and if you’re anywhere near him, you’re going to get killed too.”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “You’re right. Not on my watch, it’s not.”

  “On your watch? I wouldn’t want to soil your record and get killed on your watch.”

  “That’s not what I mean. You’re so bullheaded you’d argue with a stop sign.”

  She was frustrated for not saying what she had intended. She meant to tell him that she understood why he would be suspicious of Ron and that she knew he was only trying to protect her. She was bullheaded. She knew it, especially when she was angry or scared. But now he had ticked her off again and she was too upset to give in. They just couldn’t seem to get on the same wavelength.

  “I’m going to get a cup of coffee,” JP said and walked out.

  Sabre wanted to go after him, but she couldn’t muster up the courage to do it. She knew he had a point, but she could not let herself think that Ron had changed that much. She refused to let herself doubt him even for a second. She would work things out with JP later. When this was all over, they would start fresh…if it was ever really over.

  Sabre stood to leave just as Ron walked in. “What’s up with JP? He seemed pretty upset.”

  “I think I just ticked him off—again.”

  “What did you do this time?”

  “Maybe he had it coming,” Sabre said.

  He tipped his head to the side and rolled his eyes. “Sabey, what did you do?”

  “Don’t call me that. I’m not a kid anymore.”

  “Then stop acting like
one.” He walked over to her and put one hand on each shoulder, looking her squarely in the eyes. “I don’t want to see you two fighting. You have something real special.”

  “Why do you say that?” She had never told him he was anything more than her PI.

  “Sabre, I’m not blind. It’s like swimming through syrup when you’re both in the same room. It’s disgusting.” He removed his right hand from her shoulder and stuck his finger in his mouth like he was throwing up.

  She started to laugh and punched him in the arm. “You’re just jealous that you don’t have someone.” Then she realized that he had Gina, but now she was suspect so he didn’t even have the dream to hold on to. “I’m sorry; that was uncalled for.”

  “No, you’re right. I am jealous, but the last thing I want to do is to mess things up for you. You deserve some happiness, so I’ve decided I’m going to leave. There’s only one of those thugs left to hunt me down.”

  “And whoever is killing them,” Sabre added.

  “Whoever is doing it seems to want to keep me alive, not kill me. And I’m thinking since that’s the case, maybe you and Mom aren’t in danger either.”

  “But you still are. Vose is still out there and what if the killer is some kind of maniac? You could still end up dead.”

  “Maybe, but this isn’t working.”

  “Ron, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go off alone.”

  He didn’t respond to her comment. “I’m sorry I ever got you into this mess. I hope you don’t lose your license to practice—or worse, land in prison. I’ve been very selfish calling on you for help.” Sabre could see the anguish in his face. “You’re the lawyer. Have you committed any crimes in this debacle? I guess the question is: could they arrest you for anything you have done so far?”

  “They could arrest me, but I’m not sure they could get anything to stick. Technically, I haven’t committed the many felonies they may try to charge me with.” She pulled Ron’s chin up and smirked. “What was it we used to say whenever we got in trouble when we were young? ‘It’s all about the experience.’”

  Ron forced a smile. “I’ve really missed you, Sis.”

  “Me too.”

  Ron reached out and wrapped both of his arms around her. She hugged back. They stood there for several seconds and then he let loose. “It’ll all be good,” he said and walked out.

  Chapter 41

  Sabre found JP sitting on a pile of wood. The sun was shining and the temperature was a warm forty-five degrees with no wind chill. Sabre was bundled up, wearing a beanie pulled down over a Hutterite scarf; mittens; and a ski jacket that was too short to cover her backside. The temperature was still thirty degrees colder than she liked.

  “Aren’t you cold?” Sabre asked when she approached JP.

  “It feels kind of good.”

  “Look, I was a little out of line earlier.” She looked up at him with a soft, caring expression in her eyes. “I just feel so helpless.”

  “I know. Me too.” He reached his hand out to her. “Come here.” Sabre stepped toward him and he pulled her closer, wrapping his arm around her waist.

  “I just talked with Ron. He plans to leave,” she said, “without us.”

  “I know. He told me. Maybe it’s for the best.”

  Before Sabre could respond, Tuper dashed across the square, moving faster than either of them had seen him move before, heading toward his car. JP stood up. “I better see what’s going on.” He walked toward him and called out, “Tuper, what’s the matter?”

  “Benjamin hasn’t come home from work and he hasn’t called. That’s not like him. I’m going to check on him. He may have broken down on his way home.” His face was red and his voice was not as calm as it usually was.

  “But you think it might be something else?” JP said.

  “There’s been a lot going on here.” Tuper got in his car.

  “Do you want me to go with you?” JP asked. Then he looked back at Sabre.

  “No, stay with her. Peter’s going with me. If there’s mechanical trouble, he’s the best. Benjamin’s gas gauge isn’t working well; he may just be out of gas.”

  Tuper turned the car around, pulled forward, and stopped to pick up Peter, who had just walked across the square carrying a toolbox and a gasoline can.

  JP walked back to Sabre. “I think we should go pack. There’s no reason for us to stay here if Ron is leaving.”

  “I agree.” They started toward the apartments.

  “I’ll talk to Tuper when he gets back. Assuming everything is okay with Benjamin, maybe Tuper can take Ron where he wants to go and take us to get another rental car.”

  “I’m more than ready to head south. I’ve never been so cold for so long.” Sabre looked up at JP as they neared her door. “Did Ron tell you where he was going to go?”

  “Get packed. I’ll see you in a bit.” He walked away.

  That was so like JP to not answer the question. He must know where Ron is going and didn’t trust Sabre. She couldn’t blame him. He was right not to tell her. If she knew where he was going, she’d probably follow. Sabre went inside her room and packed her things. It didn’t take long since she had left most of her belongings in the bag, even though the girls had offered her a spot in their closet. She pushed the suitcase back under the bed just as the girls returned from the church service to change into their work clothes.

  They moved swiftly and efficiently. Sabre was amazed at how they worked together as a community with no fussing or arguing. They all seemed to know their jobs and even though they rotated through each of them, they always seemed to know what to do. Cooperation was a way of life for them.

  After the girls had changed, Sabre accompanied them to the kitchen. The aroma of peach pie filled her nostrils, making her stomach growl. She realized she hadn’t eaten any breakfast and was quite hungry.

  Sabre helped serve the men their food. This chore was one in which Sabre was most out of her element. She was not used to waiting on men. Even her mother didn’t do that for her father. Members of her family all pitched in when it came time for meals or household chores.

  When the men were done eating and most of them had left the building, the other women filtered into the room. Sabre joined Ron and JP at the end table for what Sabre thought might be her last meal with her brother.

  They were just about finished with their meal when Peter rushed into the room and over to their table. “Please come. Tuper wants you,” Peter said.

  Sabre, Ron, and JP all jumped up and followed him outside, across the square, and into Jacob’s room, where they found Jacob and Benjamin sitting at a table. Tuper stood behind and slightly to the left of Benjamin.

  “What’s up?” JP asked.

  Benjamin looked back at Tuper, who nodded at him. “Tell ‘em.”

  “Early this morning just before I got off work, that woman who was with the FBI gentleman came into the lobby.”

  “Gina, the one in Ron’s photograph?” JP asked.

  Benjamin nodded.

  “She was alone?”

  “Yes, sir. Her car was parked right in front of the motel so I could see when she drove up. There was no one else in the car, unless they were hiding.”

  “What did she want?”

  “She started asking me questions about the beef jerky I had with me the other night.”

  “The Papanaca’s Beef Jerky?”


  “Damn,” Ron said. “She knows that’s my favorite beef jerky.”

  JP stepped closer to Benjamin. “What other kinds of questions did she ask?”

  “She wanted to know where I got it.” Suddenly his chin dropped to his chest, unable to look anyone in the eye.

  Sabre started to ask what he told Gina, but decided to let JP continue the questioning without interruption because Benjamin already seemed pretty shaken.

  “What did you tell him?” JP asked.

  “I lied. I told her that a guest had left it there.” Ben
jamin glanced from Jacob to Tuper.

  Tuper put a consoling hand on Benjamin’s shoulder.

  “It’s alright, Son,” Jacob said.

  “What else did she say?” JP continued.

  “She asked where I lived. She knew I was Hutterite, but she asked what colony. So I told her I was from a colony about thirty miles north of the motel.”

  “Is there a colony there?”

  “Yes, but she’ll never find it with the directions I gave her. I had already told so many lies, I figured another wouldn’t hurt.”

  Sabre saw Tuper run his hand across his mouth and down onto his chin as if he were stroking a beard, but Sabre saw the smirk cross his lips.

  “Why were you so late getting back?” Sabre asked before she realized she was speaking.

  “I left right away to come back and warn you all, but I ran out of gas. I should’ve filled the tank last night before I left. I’m sorry. Now that woman may have found out where I live and be on her way here.”

  “We need to leave here immediately,” Sabre said. “Now we have kids lying for us.” She shook her head and looked directly at Jacob. “We’ve brought you enough trouble.”

  “All is good. You need not leave.”

  “It’s only a matter of time before she finds this place. And who knows who she’ll bring with her?”

  Tuper took his hand off of Benjamin’s shoulder and stepped forward. “Let’s meet in the barn?”

  “Okay,” Sabre said. They thanked Benjamin for being so brave and they all walked outside and to the barn.

  Once inside, Ron leaned against a post. Sabre, JP, and Tuper stood around him. Sabre said, “I still think we should all leave. Now. But if Tuper goes with us, we’ll be leaving the colony without any protection. It’s only a matter of time before Gina shows up. She’s pretty determined to get to Ron. Look at the lengths she has gone to already. We need to get Ron out of here, but we also need to protect these people.”

  “I don’t think she’ll hurt me,” Ron said.

  “We can’t take that chance,” Sabre said. “Besides, if she is FBI, she’ll undoubtably be coming to arrest you for murder.” She paced to the other side of the small room. “And we need to move fast.”


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