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The Advocate's Felony

Page 25

by Teresa Burrell

  She walked down the hall to Apartment #3 to an open door. An elderly man sat where he could see the hallway. Sabre stopped at his door. “Hello,” she said.

  “Hello, beautiful. You are a delight to my old, sore eyes.”

  “Thank you. I’ll bet you say that to all the women.”

  He lowered his voice. “I do, but this time I really mean it.” He smiled. “Who are you here to see, little one?”

  Sabre stepped inside the door. “My grandmother. She’s in Apartment #5. Do you know her?”

  “We’ve talked a few times, but she never remembers it. Sometimes she thinks I’m her husband and sometimes her son. I’m sorry to say it, but she probably won’t recognize you.”

  “I know, but I hope to bring her a little comfort anyway. Do you know the other tenants here?” Sabre asked, as if she were just making conversation.

  “Opal is next door. I don’t know how long she’s been here but it was some time before I came. She doesn’t or can’t talk. The man across on the end died two days ago. Directly across from me is another Alzheimer patient. I’ve never seen anyone visit her. She gets violent sometimes so she may have scared off her family, but it still seems a real shame. She does provide a little excitement around here, though.”

  “Does my grandmother get violent too?” Sabre asked.

  “No, she just hums a lot. She always seems kind of happy in her world, wherever she goes in her mind.”

  “And the tenant across from my grandmother, does he or she get along with her?”

  “He’s only been here a few months. I’ve never seen him, but he has a lot of people coming and going from his place. He must be someone important because he even has his own bodyguard. At least that’s what the guy looks like. He’s always there.”

  “I wonder why he gets so much company. Do you know if he has company now?”

  “Some drunk guy is in there with him. Another guy helped him in and then left.”

  “That’s intriguing,” Sabre said, lowering her voice. “How long ago was that?”

  “About half an hour at the most. Why?”

  “I’m just curious.”

  He tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. “Who are you?” he asked.

  “Nobody,” she smiled at him. “I better go see Grammy. It was nice talking with you.”

  “It was my pleasure. You’re welcome to cross my threshold any time.”

  There’s nothing wrong with his mind, Sabre thought as she walked toward the door. She turned back. “Do you know where the nurses are? I’d like to ask some questions about my grandmother.”

  “There’s only one here tonight and she’s probably in their lounge watching Jeopardy. I think she does that every night. She’s real nice, though. You can expect her to make the rounds in about twenty minutes.”

  “Thanks again.” Sabre winked at the old man. He grinned.

  She walked to Gloria Becker’s apartment, opened the unlocked door, and went inside. She noticed the window curtains in Marco’s apartment were drawn tightly and the door was closed. She called out softly, “Grandma.”

  No answer.

  Sabre walked into the kitchen area to the window over the sink. She lifted a slat on the blinds and looked out at the golf course situated about twenty feet from the building.

  The bedroom door was open so Sabre peeked inside and found Gloria Becker lying on her bed asleep. Sabre went back to the living room and pulled the curtain back just slightly so she could see Marco’s apartment. She texted JP the following message: No visitors except maybe in Marco’s place. He has around-the-clock bodyguard. One security in lobby with receptionist. Nurse in lounge for next 20 minutes (I think). Man in #3 watches all that goes on. He saw someone bring a drunk man to Marco’s unit half an hour ago and then left without him. I’m with Granny. She’s asleep.

  Chapter 53

  The blue Dodge Challenger parked almost directly across from the building’s main entrance and next to the only car in that row.

  “That’s the car that was following us,” JP said.

  “The driver looks to be alone, unless Ron is in the back seat,” Gina said.

  “Or in the trunk.”

  They waited for him to exit his car, but several minutes passed and he didn’t get out. He rolled his window down and lit a cigarette. Gina said, “We should get rid of him before we go in, but it’ll be difficult to sneak up on him. One of us will have to create a distraction.”

  JP felt his phone vibrate and read Sabre’s text message to Gina. “The ‘drunk man’ is likely Ron. They must have drugged him. So we have to get past the man in the car, the security guard, the receptionist, and the bodyguard—all before the nurse returns. Then we need to haul Ron and Sabre out of there. Any ideas?”

  Before Gina could answer, JP started texting.

  “What are you telling her?”

  “To get out of there.”

  “She’s probably safer in there than she is out here until we get rid of that guy.”

  “Maybe you’re right, but she’s so damned hard-headed.” JP changed his text.

  JP: Is there another exit?

  Sabre: Yes, between #2 and #4. Emergency exit with alarm. Want me to set it off?

  JP: No! Just sit tight. Man in Dodge is here.

  Sabre: Tell me when. It’ll get you past the guard and front desk.

  JP turned to Gina. “If you walk toward the front entrance, I’ll try to get behind the Challenger. Hopefully he’ll be watching you.”

  They both got out of the car. JP waited until Gina was a few car lengths away and then he darted across the lot, a distance of about ten feet, to the second row of cars to the right of the Dodge Challenger. From there he sneaked behind the cars until he reached the car parked beside the Dodge. The man remained in the car but appeared to be watching Gina.

  JP slinked behind the Dodge, keeping low to avoid getting within sight of the Challenger’s rearview mirror. Crouched down behind the car with his gun in hand, JP was about to make his move when the alarm in the building blared. The car door flew open and the man jumped out. JP stood up, stepped forward, and hit him on the back of the head with the butt of his gun. The man fell to the ground. JP didn’t have time to check on him, but he thought he looked like Gilbert Vose. JP ran the fifteen or twenty feet toward the clinic. “Damn you, Sabre,” he mumbled, sure it was her who had set off the alarm.

  Gina was just inside the front door when JP arrived. He stepped inside and saw the receptionist and security guard running toward the apartments. A heavy-set woman in a nurse’s uniform was close behind. Gina and JP dropped back. As soon as the others were out of sight, Gina and JP scurried down the short hallway.

  “Help me! Help me!” a woman pleaded.

  JP peeked around the corner. To his left at the end of the hallway he could see an old woman flailing her arms at the nurse and screaming. The nurse tried to control her but with little success. Finally, the nurse was able to coax her into her unit.

  Across the hall JP could see the even apartment numbers two, four, and six. Between numbers two and four there was an alcove that led to the emergency door. Because of the angle, JP couldn’t see the end of the hallway, nor could anyone see him. On this side of the hallway were apartments one, three, and five. The door on #6, Marco’s apartment, flung open and a broad-shouldered, muscular man about five-foot-ten stepped out and started down the hallway toward them. JP stepped back and whispered to Gina, “Back to the lobby.”

  They hurried back to the lobby and hid behind the banana trees. Gina could see when the bodyguard passed the hallway. She and JP rushed back down the hallway to Marco’s unit. Sabre stepped out of Apartment #5 as they reached the end of the hallway. Gina swung around and pointed her gun at her, then lowered it when she saw who it was.

  “Go,” JP said to Sabre. “Get outside.”

  Before Sabre could object they heard movement and voices coming toward them. They all stepped into the living area of Marco’s apartment
. JP closed the door behind them. Gina and JP pointed their guns out in front of them as they moved toward the bedroom. “Watch to see if anyone is coming,” Gina said. Sabre went to the window and peeked out the curtain.

  JP carefully opened the bedroom door. An old man was lying on the bed with an oxygen cannula attached to his face. Ron was slumped in an easy chair across from him. No one else was in the room.

  Marco, the old man, moved his right hand under the covers. JP stepped to the bed and pointed his gun at Marco’s head. “Don’t move,” JP said, as he yanked the covers back with his empty hand. A Ruger LCR .38 Special was tucked next to his leg. JP took the gun and stuck it in the back waistband of his pants. Then he ran his hand under Marco’s pillow and along either side of him, making sure he had no more weapons.

  Gina checked the bathroom and found it empty.

  “Cover Marco. I’ll get Ron,” JP said, as he walked over to Ron and shook his shoulder. Ron groaned but didn’t open his eyes.

  “He’s alive,” Marco said in a weak, belabored voice. “I haven’t had the pleasure.”

  “You’re damn lucky,” Gina said. She pointed her gun at Marco’s head.

  “You can’t threaten a dying man,” Marco responded.

  Sabre stuck her head inside the bedroom. “The bodyguard is coming.”

  “Get in here,” JP said to Sabre.

  She stepped inside. The frail, sick man who had caused her brother so much trouble was lying on the bed exposed without his blanket to keep him warm. For a second Sabre felt sorry for him, but the feeling didn’t last long when she saw Ron slumped in the chair. Marco didn’t look so tough now as he lay there shivering. Marco shifted slightly in his bed and cried out in pain.

  Gina pulled the covers back over Marco, keeping the gun to his head. She placed her left hand on his shoulder.

  Sabre looked from Gina to Ron. She hesitated for a moment and then stepped toward her brother. “In there, Sabre.” JP pointed to the bathroom. “Get in the bathtub and stay down.” Sabre wanted to take Ron with her, but there wasn’t enough time. Marco let out a muffled cry of pain. Sabre glanced at him, but she felt no empathy for the man who wanted to kill her brother. She went into the bathroom, climbed into the tub, scrunched down, and curled into a ball.

  JP positioned himself behind the bedroom door. The bodyguard flung open the door and reached for his gun. JP slammed the door against him, knocking him against the wall. The bodyguard tried to regain his balance, but JP whacked him on the back of the head with the butt of his pistol and he fell to the floor.

  “Let’s get out of here,” JP said. “Get Sabre.”

  “What about him?” Gina asked, nodding at Marco.

  “What’s he going to do? He can barely move.”

  Gina hesitated for a moment and then went into the bathroom to fetch Sabre.

  JP shook Ron more vigorously this time. “Ron, wake up.”

  Ron mumbled as Sabre and Gina came out of the bathroom.

  “Is he okay?” Sabre asked.

  “I’m not sure, but he’s alive,” JP said. “I can’t wake him up.”

  JP reached down, threw Ron over his shoulder, and followed Sabre and Gina out the door and down the hallway. No one was in sight, but they could still hear some noise coming from near the emergency exit.

  A man’s voice said, “No, I need some fresh air.”

  “You need to go back to your apartment,” another man said in a stern voice.

  Gina and Sabre turned into the hallway that led to the lobby. JP followed, carrying Ron. Gina stepped into the lobby first and then nodded at the rest to follow. When Gina reached the door, Sabre was right behind one of the banana plants. Gina opened the door and stepped out. She looked around but didn’t see anyone. “All clear,” she said.

  JP walked out with Ron and Sabre. “Get behind me,” JP ordered.

  Gina had almost reached her Lexus when Vose popped up from behind the silver Mercedes and tackled her, knocking her to the ground. Her gun slid across the pavement and under the Mercedes. Vose kicked Gina in the head before she could stand. JP pulled Sabre down to the asphalt and Ron slid off JP’s shoulder to the ground. Sabre scooted under the Mercedes.

  JP reached for his gun. Vose kicked JP in the chest, knocking him backward onto the pavement. JP’s gun slid a good three feet away from him. Ron groaned and as Vose turned toward him, JP swung his left leg around. The kick caught Vose in the back of the knees and knocked him against the hood of the car. JP crawled toward his gun, but Vose had regained his balance and kicked him again. JP rolled behind and around Gina’s car as Vose took a shot and missed.

  For a second, Sabre froze. Then she spotted Gina’s gun and grabbed it. As she crawled out from under the other side of the Mercedes, a shot rang out. It was loud and its noise seemed to echo from under the car. She crouched behind the car and looked around. The only one standing was Vose and all she could see were his feet. She stood up and pointed Gina’s gun at him with both hands and watched as he crept away from her around to the other side of Gina’s Lexus. Sabre could see Gina and Ron both lying on the ground. She wondered where JP was until she saw Vose take aim at him as he stood up on the other side of the car.

  Sabre screamed, “No!”

  Gina yelled, “Shoot!” as Vose turned his gun toward Sabre and fired. Without hesitation, Sabre pulled the trigger, her whole body feeling the formidable kick of the gun. The sound of her shot and a bullet hitting metal echoed in her ears. She felt a rush combined with fear from the power the gunshot exuded as she struggled to keep her balance. Then the fear intensified and anxiety filled her mind as she saw Gilbert Vose crumble to the ground.

  Chapter 54

  JP checked Vose for a pulse, but didn’t find one. He looked around. Ron and Gina were still on the ground. Sabre stood on the far side of the Mercedes with the gun still raised. JP called 9-1-1. “A man has been shot and two other people need medical care.” He gave the address, hung up, and dashed to Sabre’s side. He could hear a siren in the distance. That was quick. He wondered if someone else was in trouble or if they were nearby when he called. When he reached Sabre’s side, her body and hands were still in position to take another shot. He reached out and placed a hand on her right arm. He started to lower her arm as Gina stood up and came toward them.

  “Give me my gun,” Gina said, reaching her hand out.

  Sabre wheeled toward Gina and turned the gun on her.

  “Sabre,” JP said, “lower the gun.” He pushed gently on her arm, but Sabre resisted.

  “Call 9-1-1,” Sabre said.

  “I already have,” JP responded.

  “You need to get out of here,” Gina said. “You’re going to lose your license to practice. I’ll take care of this.”

  “Who are you?” Sabre asked.

  “I told you,” Gina said. “I’m an FBI agent. I’ll be in trouble, but not nearly as much as you if you don’t go. I’ll take care of Ron.”

  “I’ll bet you will.”

  “Sabre, what’s going on?” JP asked.

  “She’s not who she says she is.”

  An ambulance pulled into the parking lot followed by a fire truck. “Over here,” JP yelled. Just then the receptionist ran out of the building. “In here,” she yelled.

  Two paramedics hurried inside the building with a stretcher. A couple of firemen came to where Sabre, JP, and Gina were standing. They stopped when they saw Sabre with the gun, and started to back away.

  JP held up his hand. “It’s okay.” Once again he put his hand back on Sabre’s arm. “Lower the gun, Sabre.”

  “She’s the killer,” Sabre said, as she brought the gun down. “It’s been her all along.”

  Gina turned and bolted. JP ran after her.

  Sabre rotated to her right and carefully laid the gun on the top of the car and raised her hands palms up so the firemen could see. “I’m setting the gun down here and then I’m going to check on my brother.” She stepped toward Ron. “Please help him,” Sabr
e said. One of the men raised his arm and made a waving motion to the others to come forward.

  “Stay here and keep an eye on that gun. Don’t touch it,” commanded the fireman who appeared to be in charge.

  “There’s a man who has been shot right over there,” Sabre heard herself say as she pointed to Vose. She knelt down by Ron. She could feel him breathing. “Ron, talk to me.”

  “Umm…,” Ron moaned but didn’t speak.


  Gina ran between the building and the front of the parked cars. JP ran parallel to her on the opposite side of them. Gina turned to her left and ran across the parking lot. JP reached the last car just as Gina darted out in front of him. He reached out for her, but she moved quickly to her left, dodging him.

  Damn, JP thought, I’m getting too old for this.

  Gina ran across the near empty parking lot toward an open field with JP close behind. Just as she reached the edge of it, JP reached for her and caught hold of her arm. She struggled to get away. He threw his weight forward and pushed her down onto the weeds.

  Three black-and-white cop cars and another ambulance sped into the parking lot. One of the firemen pointed toward JP and Gina and one of the cars drove toward them. Two cops jumped out, guns drawn.

  “She’s all yours,” JP said, pushing himself up from the ground. When he did, Gina broke loose and ran again. This time, JP let the cop chase her. She only ran about ten feet before the young officer tackled her, handcuffed her, and placed her in the back of the police car.


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