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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

Page 104

by Kym Grosso

  “Yes, don’t stop. More, I need more. Please, I can’t wait.” She rubbed her mound against Dimitri’s belly, seeking pressure. She sighed as Dimitri met her need, slipping his fingers through her folds, easing her ache.

  Dimitri thought he’d come just from having her atop him. He couldn’t wait to be inside her, but Logan had to go first.

  “That’s it, just relax into D. Feel his fingers on your pussy.” Logan heard her sigh as he saw Dimitri’s fingers flicker down through her pink lips.

  Withdrawing his own hand from her, Logan lubricated his cock, making sure it was well covered. Gently, he spread her cheeks and guided the head of him into her tight hole. Slowly, he pressed an inch into her ass. Like a vise, she squeezed him. He heard her moan in response.

  “You okay, baby?” So goddamn tight, she was, Logan wasn’t sure if he could keep going.

  Wynter sucked a breath as he pushed into the first tight ring of muscle. Without warning, air rushed out of her lungs as Dimitri simultaneously plunged a finger up into her core. As the burn set in, she dug her fingernails into his shoulders. She swore she’d pass out from the incredible feeling of being taken by both men.

  “Don’t stop. It’s so good.”

  Holding her waist, Logan slowly eased inward until he was completely sheathed. Dimitri’s fingers inadvertently glided along Logan’s shaft through the thin membrane, causing him to pause. For the love of the Goddess. It took all of his restraint to keep from coming. He bit his lip, hoping a little pain would distract him.

  “Now D,” Logan directed. He could barely speak, afraid he’d orgasm before they got started. Holding his hips still, he waited for Dimitri to slip into Wynter.

  Wynter groaned as she felt Dimitri press into her. Holy shit, it felt incredible. Altogether full and sated, she’d never forget this experience for the rest of her natural life, immortal as it was. In tandem, the men began to move within her, igniting a magical pandemonium held only in check by the power of her Alpha. Tendrils of excitement traveled clear from the top of her head to her toes.

  Soaring through the motions, she craned her neck to look up into Logan’s eyes. Her ragged gasps broke the silence of the room as she held his gaze. Logan bent his head forward, offering what her wolf sought. The pulse in his neck called to her and before she knew what she was doing, she’d sunk her teeth deep into his skin. As she did so, Wynter flew apart, hurled off the edge of reason. Shuddering, she exploded, her orgasm flowing through her veins with uncontrollable abandon.

  “I’m coming…Ah yeah,” Logan groaned. Wynter pulsated around his shaft at the same instant Dimitri’s cock slid against him through the thin tissue that separated them. Fuck, she wouldn’t release him, Logan thought. Sweet agony claimed him as she marked his skin. Stiffening, he spilled himself deep within his mate.

  In a haze, Wynter heard Dimitri tell her he was about to come. As he tried to pull out of her, she fought him. No, she wouldn’t leave him to skulk off on his own. They’d consensually decided to make love. And that meant, they’d come together. “No, Dimitri.”

  Dimitri relented to his Alpha’s mate. Sweet Jesus, the she-wolf was persistent. And with his cock so far in her pussy, he found it hard to argue with her. With a labored breath, he gave in to her, to them both. Riding the wild wave, he came long and hard, pressing his head into both Logan’s and Wynter’s shoulders.

  Wynter let go of Dimitri, allowing Logan to bring her back with him into bed. She snuggled into his embrace. Her mind had a hard time believing what she’d just experienced yet not a shred of regret shadowed her thoughts.

  “That was amazing,” Wynter declared happily into Logan’s chest. I love you. She wanted to tell Logan how she felt about him but with Dimitri there, it didn’t seem right.

  “Yeah it was. Goddess, baby, you’re going to kill me.” Logan laughed, still trying to catch his breath.

  “And me too,” Dimitri concurred, panting. “It’s a good thing this is a one-off. I don’t think my mere immortal self could handle you two on a regular basis. Wynter has a lot of energy.”

  “Me?” Wynter giggled.

  “Yeah, you.” Both Logan and Dimitri responded, laughing along with her.

  “Well, this isn’t my fault. I blame that little red wolf you all said you were so fond of. She’s a bit excited to be out and about. How am I supposed to contain her?”

  “Ah, Logan. I fear your mate’s learning already.”

  “Oldest trick in the book, baby. Blame it on the wolf,” he joked.

  Wynter felt light and tired, but sated. “Thank you, both of you. I can’t imagine doing any of this on my own.”

  Dimitri pulled away and went to get a towel.

  “Where do you think you’re going, beta?” Logan didn’t want him to leave just yet.

  “Be back in a minute,” he called, going outside.

  “Why don’t I feel strange about this?” Wynter asked Logan. “And why don’t you feel jealous?”

  “I love him, Wyn. He’s been there for me when no one was. And you?” I love you…more than words can say. “You’re my mate.”

  “It really was special. But it’s you…you changed my life.” Tears brimmed in her eyes. “You saved me. If you hadn’t been there…I just don’t know…”

  “Sweetheart, come on now. No tears. You were spectacular.” He stroked her hair.

  The tears that followed broke his heart. It wasn’t that he didn’t understand why. She’d just shifted. Her life was forever revolutionized. Gone was her human self that she’d always known. There was no going back.

  Dimitri unerringly let the door slam and looked over to see Wynter sniffling. Considering the situation, he went with humor. “I leave for five minutes. Five freakin’ minutes and this’s what happens? No, no, no. Not having it.”

  He handed Logan warm washcloths and was relieved to hear a small laugh spill out of Wynter.

  “Sorry, I’m just feeling….a little overwhelmed.” She wiped the tears away with her fingers, and gave them a small smile. “See, all better, really.”

  “You okay now?” Logan asked with a brush of his lips to the back of her hand.

  “I’m good. Promise,” she replied softly.

  It had been a long day for all of them and he knew exactly why Wynter had cried. He loved her so much, and like a dam bursting, the emotions of the night had escalated them all to a new high. As he proceeded to gently clean her, he wondered if his tiny mate had any idea that she held his heart in her hands.

  Wynter cuddled into Logan’s embrace, wishing the night would never end. She couldn’t stop thinking about how much she loved Logan. As if she had been crashed over by the waves of a tsunami, her heart had been swept up by the Alpha.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Interesting, the Mistress thought. She watched through the tall grass as the red wolf pinned the white one. Absurdly strong and alpha, Wynter might be more difficult to kill than she’d anticipated. The Mistress knew her intellectual acuity far exceeded her physical capabilities. This was exactly why she needed the virus to bring the Acadian Wolves to their knees.

  She snickered, amused by their show of dominance. It was a farce. The Mistress, through her loving command, would teach them all what true domination looked like. No more challenges would exist under her sovereignty. Her fanged beasts would cower as would the bloodsucking paranormals who sought dominion over wolves. The Directeur had met her needs nicely, doing her bidding as she saw fit. But even he would become obsolete once the Mistress snared control of the pack. For now though, she’d indulge his fantasies.

  Fascinated by Wynter’s shift, the Mistress drooled in anticipation of the day she’d kill the abomination they’d created. Wynter’s blood was ready, thoroughly metamorphosed by her transformation. It belonged to the Mistress. Like a ripened grape, it was time to pluck it off its vine, crush its flesh and strain the juice. Yes, it was time to reap what she’d sown. She smiled in delight. Enjoy your victory, little Red Riding Hood, the cold embrac
e of death will be coming for you soon.

  Logan swore out loud when he read the tattered note: I’m coming for her soon. Enjoy your last days. The Scientifique is mine. Who the hell could have walked onto his land and shoved it under his front door? He snapped a picture with his phone and messaged it to both Chandler and Devereoux. Afterward, he immediately called Dimitri and insisted they run a background check on the owner of the known lab locations. Frustrated, he couldn’t sit back and wait for Devereoux to figure out who had taken Wynter. They’d find the killer on their own, without the vampire.

  He asked Dimitri to scrub the laptop again before turning it over to Wynter. They’d analyze every last email, every last byte of data to see if there was a pattern to the flow of information. The hardest decision Logan had to make was not telling Wynter about the ominous message that’d been left for them. She’d been through so much distress over the past few months; he didn’t have the heart to worry her. There wasn’t a thing she could do about it anyway.

  As expected, Wynter had been exhilarated when he’d shown her the newly created lab. It was the least he could do, considering the circumstances. Immediately, she started taking blood samples, not only from herself but from both him and Dimitri. At his request, Chandler donated his blood as well, and Emma’s samples had been sent by FedEx from New York. Obsessed and determined, Wynter worked day and night.

  Selfishly, Logan wanted more time with her, but the lab provided her with a welcome distraction, keeping her safely in his home. Even though the killer had found out where she was staying, Logan had increased security, ensuring no one could get into the house without his permission. The place had been sealed tight, preventing further attacks. It’d be a cold day in hell before they took her from here, he thought.

  The most difficult task for Logan had become resisting his growing need to mate. Each time they made love, he fumbled to tell her how he felt. Goddess, he loved her. But he wanted the memories of their love to be untainted, and right now, they both were obsessed with the killer. Their mating should be extraordinary and peaceful, not laced with the flashbacks of hatred and death.

  For the past two days, Wynter had done nothing but work and make love. As wonderful as it was, she still hadn’t told Logan she loved him again. Always on the tip of her tongue, she felt as if she was waiting for the right moment. She kept thinking it would be when they mated but he’d delayed it. She wasn’t sure of the technicalities of mating, but her wolf was not at all happy. Logan told her that he wanted to wait until they caught the killer. But a small part of her questioned his decision. Why didn’t he want to mate with her now? Her wolf didn’t understand and neither did she. Why hadn’t he told her he loved her? Admittedly, she felt his love every time he smiled at her or caressed her hair, but something about those three little words…she needed to hear it, to tell him. Hell, she needed to tell the whole damn world.

  As she looked at the data, she held her excitement with bated breath. While her own blood had showed abnormalities compared to typical wolf samples, unusual gene markers indicated significant anti-viral capabilities. She’d extracted the genes, inserting them into Emma’s samples. As impossible as it seemed, her blood had irrevocably irradiated the virus. Given that random mutations could occur within human populations, she considered that perhaps somehow Emma’s immune system had been weakened. As she’d known, Emma’s blood, as hybrid, didn’t register as pure wolf. Her human genes adulterated the wolf genes which provided immunity. A miniscule variation existed within the genetic code. Her initial assumption that Emma had been deliberately infected appeared to be a less plausible theory than random mutation.

  But who had genetically modified her own blood? How did they do it? All the time she’d lived in captivity, had they been working on the genetic alteration suspecting it would cure Emma’s affliction? If that was true, Wynter’s blood had been cultivating for weeks as if she were a human petri dish. No wonder they wanted her so badly. But how would they know if their experiment had worked? They couldn’t have known she’d shifted for sure, could they? If they knew she’d successfully shifted, they’d want her back…her blood. Like a possession to be owned, they’d seek out their experiment and wouldn’t stop until they had her back. With the virus and the antidote, they’d be able to blackmail, extort and torture others at will.

  Startled by her discovery, Wynter inserted the needle into her vein. As she collected the vials, Logan knocked on the door. It was time to tell him. She wanted Jax to personally take her blood to Emma. She’d send the instructions for delivering her plasma in the right dose.

  “Hey sweetheart…whoa, what ya doin’ there?” Logan asked.

  “It’s my blood. I’m doing my final tests. I was right,” she confirmed with a tight smile.

  Logan kissed her cheek and quickly backed away, giving her space to finish. He took a seat at her desk next to where she was standing, grabbing a container of bandages off of a tray.

  “I need to get this blood to Emma.”

  “Okay.” Logan’s brow creased with worry. Her heartbeat raced, and he could tell she’d come to some kind of conclusion he wasn’t going to want to hear.

  “They won’t stop looking for me, Logan. They’ll need my blood. They created me…my wolf,” she began.

  “I won’t let them have you. They can’t get you here,” Logan interrupted. “Listen to me; that bastard may have done something to you, but that doesn’t change who you are inside.”

  “Don’t you see? My genetic structure’s been altered. I’m not like you. I’m not human. I’m a monster.”

  “No, you’re not. Stop with this. You’re perfect the way you are. Don’t ever think otherwise.”

  Wynter shook her head. Her small smile never reached her eyes, because she knew the truth about what they’d done to her. She loved him so much. She loved that he didn’t care what she was or that her genetics weren’t quite wolf or human. But she knew her next suggestion wasn’t going to go over well. With a small tug, she withdrew the needle from her arm, applying pressure with cotton to the pinhole in her flesh. Later, she planned on extracting more blood, increasing the quantity to pints. If something happened to her, she wanted to make sure there was enough of her blood for future research…for a cure. She steeled her resolve and wiped the bead of sweat from her forehead.

  Without asking, Logan readied a Band-Aid. He gently took her arm and applied the dressing.

  Wynter blew out a breath, and looked up into his concerned eyes.

  “I think we need to use me as bait.” There, she’d said it.

  “No,” Logan told her firmly, without missing a beat. What the hell had she been thinking? So not happening, he thought.

  “Please, Logan, just hear me out. He’s coming for me. They’re coming for me. It could be more than one person. Léopold said he made other vampires. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to just wait here like a sitting duck. We could use me to draw him out, then you and Léopold could catch him. It’s the only way…”

  “No,” Logan repeated. He released her arm and took note of at least fifty vials of blood, Wynter’s blood.

  “But why won’t you listen? I’m telling you that I’m what they want. I’m their antidote. They won’t give up. I don’t know how they figured out that my blood would cure Emma. They could already have samples of my pre-shift blood. I didn’t test it, but it’s possible that even then my cells could have cured the virus. If we set up a trap…you could be there. I wouldn’t be in any real danger.”

  “I said no.” Logan slammed his palm onto the desk a little harder than he intended. He wasn’t so much angry with Wynter as he was with the entire situation. But she needed to understand how serious he was. He didn’t want her wandering off and doing something foolish that could put her and the whole pack in danger.

  “And for the record, I am listening. But as Alpha, I’ve made the decision. You will not be used as ‘bait’ as you so casually put it. I’ve asked Dimitri to track down the IP
address locations of every incoming and outgoing email on that laptop. Within the day, we should have the information we need to look at patterns, possibly identifying where they went next. We cannot risk having something happen to you. No, let me rephrase that, I will not risk having something happen to you.”

  He glanced again at all the blood-filled tubes. “I’m already concerned something’s happening to you. What the hell is with all the blood, Wyn?”

  “I’m fine,” she dismissed him. Standing too quickly caused her to wobble. He rushed to her side and placed her back in the chair.

  “Sweetheart, what are you doing?” Logan knelt before her and exposed her inner arm sporting the bandage.

  “I said I’m fine.” She pushed at his hand and looked away. Admittedly, she’d taken too much blood, but with her preternatural healing, her sense of balance would quickly return.

  “Talk to me, Wyn. What’s going on?” Logan shook his head. Damn stubborn little wolf.

  A tear threatened to fall from her left eye and she deftly captured it with a finger.

  “I just…I know that they aren’t going to give up. I don’t know about Emma’s illness. If it’s a random genetic abnormality, then it could happen to another hybrid. The chances are small but I just thought if I stored enough of my blood…I didn’t have any bags here or an IV, so I started with the vials…” Stupid, stupid idea, she thought. A cloud of desperation rained overhead.

  “Baby, look at me.” Logan waited until her red-rimmed eyes met his. “This virus, we only know of one wolf, one hybrid who’s been affected. You told me yourself that you don’t believe it’s mutated yet. Jax will get your blood to Emma. He can be there within the day. As for all this blood…” Logan paused and glanced to the vials.

  “It’s admirable that you want to store it for future use in case we need it. I get that. But you can’t beat yourself up about this. Nor should you turn yourself into a pincushion. If you want to store some bags, we’ll order the IV supplies and make it happen and do it later. Right now, though, you need to take care of yourself. You’ve been working nonstop, barely eating or sleeping. I need you,” he told her lovingly.


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