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Shattered Skye (The Skye Chronicles Book 3)

Page 13

by Anna Moranski

  “Flattery, my dear will get you everywhere except for my pants.” He winked turning around into his room. Skye followed him inside and was surprised to find a box on his bed full of magical ingredients ready.

  “Did you know I was coming?” Skye asked amused.

  “I knew you would eventually. I had everything I needed on hand. I’m going to warn you though that this process is going to hurt.” Skye flinched.

  “Hurt? Like how bad?”

  “It’s going to feel like a migraine for a few hours and then it will fade. I’m reawakening your mind. The memories aren’t lost they are just hidden. This is basically me prodding inside and pulling them up to the surface. You’ll be useless for a few hours while you have your mini remembrance migraine and you might be a bit emotional.”

  “Why emotional?”

  “You are going to get all of these memories back within a few hours and that is a lot to digest. You will feel sorrow, sadness, and pain. But you will also feel happiness, love, and lust. It’s a lot to process.”

  Evan started pulling items out of his ‘memory box’ and set them up around his room. Skye watched silently and couldn’t help but question her decision once again. She took a deep breath to force the doubts aside. She didn’t feel like a whole person without those memories. Even if she had to hurt, Skye would at least be whole once again.

  “I need you to lie down on my bed. I’m going to let your parents know what is going on so that they will make sure no one interrupts us. Take this time to prepare yourself mentally.” Evan said softly. Skye got onto his bed making herself comfortable and quickly closed her eyes.

  Skye focused on her breathing, forcing herself to breathe deep and steady. Part of her wanted to freak out. She wasn’t going to allow that. Somewhere deep inside of herself she knew she was stronger than that. She was going to go through with this and get her life back.

  Evan entered the room so quietly that Skye didn’t realize he had returned until he put his hand over her forehead. Skye kept her eyes closed and tried to understand the words he was chanting. She gave up quickly knowing that whatever language he was speaking it wasn’t one she was familiar with.

  Skye felt a warmth growing steadily inside of her head. It was uncomfortable but tolerable, at first. Then it was hellish. Skye felt like she was in hell. A ragged and broken cry broke from her mouth, one she had been trying to hold in but no longer was able to.

  Evan had not lied about the pain. His ‘mini remembrance migraine’ did not feel so mini at all. Skye clamped her mouth shut to keep any other cries quiet. She didn’t want anyone outside of the room to hear them. Skye’s head felt as if a thousand flaming arrows were stuck inside of her brain and burning her from the inside out.

  Skye whimpered silently again as her mind focused. The pain was still there but inside of her mind, she was sitting in class as Maddox was walking in. Skye watched the memory form seeing and feeling how nervous she had been around the gorgeous creature beside her and how poorly she had tried to ignore him.

  Skye felt dizzy as the memories jumped around quicker than she could process. Suddenly, she was at the skate park arguing with her ex-boyfriend when Maddox showed up to save the day. When they touched it was electrical, magical, and breathtaking. Skye gasped at the memory of the electric pull they had between them. How she could forget something so strong was amazing to her.

  Maddox stood before her again, but this time they were in her bedroom. His eyes made her whole body feel something she had never felt before and they weren’t even touching. Oh how she wanted to touch him. Before she knew what happened, they were on her bed going at it. The feel of his hard body against hers was overwhelming. Skye moaned loudly unable to stop herself. Every kiss, every touch seemed to brand her. She was Maddox’s woman.

  The memories good and bad raced through her mind faster and faster making her squirm on the bed. Skye could feel Evan’s hand holding hers to silently wait out the pain she was going through. He would not leave her through this process. Skye was extremely thankful for that.

  Heartbreak. Deep and instantly cut inside of Skye’s heart as if a razor blade was lodged deep inside of her heart had her gasping for air. Maddox cheated on her with Nancy. He had slept with someone else. Skye had given him everything… her love, her body, and her secrets. He had taken them and then selfishly cheated on her. Maddox didn’t love her. Gasping loudly, Skye grabbed at her chest as if she were trying to pull the invisible razor blade out of it. Evan’s hand grabbed hers and held her still. Skye fought for a moment until she felt numb inside and calmed down.

  Skye’s memories continued to flood her quickly and she tried to process them all as they came, but it was so hard. She saw Mike swimming with her in the other realm. Skye felt lighter then. A bit freer. The pain from Maddox lingered deep inside of her heart, yet it didn’t overwhelm her anymore. Mike had been the magical salve to her soul that she needed. Skye felt ashamed as she watched her relationship with Mike unfold. She realized she never could truly make up to him what had happened. He had taken it all with a grain of salt. Skye, however, made a mental note to find a way to make it up to him even if it took her a lifetime. She hoped she would remember that vow after the pain left her head.

  In the memories Skye was now back on Earth and back in Maddox’s arms. The peace and love she found in his arms astounded her. It felt as if she were stitching herself back together from the pain of the past and moving forward. That’s how it felt until she saw her Nanna’s face. Now Skye only felt cold and heartbroken again.

  Skye wanted to shy away from this memory. She didn’t want to remember her own grandmother trying to murder her, but she was forced to endure it along with all the others. Skye cried out as her Nanna tortured her. Skye cried out when she bit into Nancy’s neck taking her life. Skye cried when her friends found her and saved her. Skye sobbed until she had no tears left inside of her to shed.

  Every memory that had been stolen was back with her. Skye could now remember, see, and even feel every emotion and every small detail. She had no idea how long she had laid in the bed enduring the immense pain in her head. She felt so exhausted that she wasn’t even able to open her eyes.

  “Evan?” Skye’s weak voice whispered.

  “I’m here. Sleep now. You need to let yourself heal. You’re safe. Just sleep.” His voice was calming and soothing. Skye tried to nod but wasn’t sure if her body had even moved. She felt herself floating away from consciousness and embraced the blackness that awaited her.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Why would he put her through any sort of pain in the condition she’s in?” Maddox growled at Buck. The hours had passed by without him knowing how Skye was doing.

  Maddox had tried to check on her several times, but Gary and Cloud had the door blocked and wouldn’t let anyone enter. Only Evan was allowed with her. Maddox huffed at the thought. No one knew Evan’s sexuality, maybe he liked passed out girls. Maddox shook his head dismissing the thought. Evan wouldn’t do that and if he did, Maddox would rip his arms off and shove them up his ass.

  “She wanted her memories back. It was her choice.” Buck said for what he felt like was the millionth time. “I get you’re worried but she’s strong. It’s only going to be a headache for her. It won’t affect the baby.” His voice dropped low at the end of his sentence for those who weren’t aware of her being pregnant.

  “She shouldn’t have to suffer anymore. Shit she’s been through more than anyone should have to in two lifetimes. I can’t believe that she willingly goes to Evan and says ‘hey pull my brain apart’?” Maddox grunted with frustration. Buck stiffened suddenly.

  “Maddox…” he said.

  “No! I’m going to strangle Evan. I’m going to wrap my hands around his neck and…” Buck interrupted him.

  “Maddox!” Buck’s tone had Maddox looking at him confused until he saw Buck staring off at the cabin. Maddox followed the direction he was looking and saw Skye standing outside of the cabin looking
at them intensely. Maddox sucked in a breath. This was what he was worried about. Would she remember him? Would she still love him? Was Skye lost to him for good?

  Skye’s eyes were wide as she stared into Maddox’s searching for something. What, he wasn’t sure. She was so beautiful that it hurt to look at her. Maddox felt his heart clench tightly as she walked towards him slowly at first and then picking up speed, nearly running to him. Maddox started to walk towards her not sure what he was going to do when he reached her, but he couldn’t stand the distance any longer.

  Skye stopped only a foot away from him still not speaking. Maddox froze waiting for her to do something, anything. A light purple tear escaped the side of her eye and she wiped it off without taking her eyes off of Maddox. Then she smiled. She actually smiled. Maddox let out the breath he had been holding. A smile was surely good. Right?

  “Maddox…” Skye whispered his name in a way that he had not heard in a long time. The way only she said it when they were alone. Then she was in his arms. The small happy sigh that escaped her lips made his body shiver. She was back. Skye was back. Skye was still his. “I missed you.” She whispered into his ear, pulling back slightly to look into his eyes. “Oh, Maddox, I love you.”

  That was all it took. Maddox’s lips were on hers before she could even blink. Her lips moved eagerly against his and the happy noises she made in the back of her throat that made him want to squeeze her tightly, but he had to be careful for their child resting inside of her.

  “Skye, I love you so much. Missed you so badly.” He said between passionate kisses. He could hear laughter from behind him. He didn’t care. Couldn’t care. In that moment, he had the love of his life back and in his arms. The toxin didn’t make her love him. She loved him for real. Skye truly loved him and was truly his.

  “I’m so sorry. So sorry you had to go through all of this, doubting our love.” Skye said with a few tears running down her perfect pale cheeks. Maddox wiped the tears away with his thumb shaking his head slightly.

  “Don’t apologize. It wasn’t your fault. Besides you’re back. You’re mine.” Maddox said with a huge smile. He felt as if he hadn’t truly smiled in a long time.

  “I’ve always been yours Maddox and I always will be.” Skye rested her head on Maddox’s chest. He put his hand on her head stroking her hair lightly with a massive smile across his face. Buck looked at him with a grin.

  “So about Evan…” Buck said.

  “I’m going to kiss him.” Maddox said while wringing a laugh from Buck and getting a confused look from Skye.

  “You are not my type. I’ve told you this.” Evan said stepping outside and smiling at them both. “And you’re welcome.” He added with a wink. Maddox wanted to truly thank him and tell him what this meant to him, but there were no words. Maddox knew there would never be words to ever express how he felt the moment he realized Skye was his. So, instead he nodded and Evan simply nodded back.

  “Finally a happy reunion I see.” The sound of Luke’s voice made Skye’s head snap up surprised.

  “Luke.” Skye felt as if she were still sorting through her memories but this one was still shocking to her. In the back of her mind she knew he was around, but seeing him and remembering everything between them that had passed was entirely different now.

  “Skye. I’m glad to see you have your mind back in order. Maddox here has been lost without you.” Luke said looking to his son. Skye could tell Luke was being sincere. Strangely enough, that made her even more uncomfortable.

  “I have to be honest here. I never thought I’d see the day that you and I talked civilly, let alone be on the same side of anything. This is a little hard for me.” Skye admitted.

  “Understandable. I did chase you around the United States when you were little and attempted to kill your father.” Luke said this casually as if he were talking about the weather.

  “Technically you did kill him, but he was lucky that a spell sent him home instead of to the grave.” Skye pointed out. Luke raised his eyebrows and smiled. A genuine smile. That was disturbing to her somehow. Luke seemed to have turned over a new leaf, but Skye wasn’t ready to be ‘buddy buddy’ with him or share her secrets with the man. She was only willing to be around him because she could see in Maddox’s eyes the want he had for a father. A father that truly cared.

  “I always did like a woman with a bit of sass in her and I have to say my son is going to have his hands full with you.” Maddox let out a small laugh at his father.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Maddox said looking at Skye.

  “Life would get boring if I was too nice to you or your psychotic father.” Skye grinned. Luke put his hand over his heart, if he had one, and gasped.

  “You wound me truly.” Skye had to laugh at him for that. “Welcome back Skye. We couldn’t fight this battle without your mind intact.” Luke nodded to Maddox and then walked away back into the woods.

  “I know parents can be awkward to be around, but your dad brings it to a whole new level of awkward.” Skye said looking up at Maddox.

  “He does, but he is trying. I wouldn’t let him anywhere near you if he wasn’t being sincere. I swear that to you. My life, my happiness is now dependent on you being happy and alive. I will do everything in my power to make that happen.” Skye felt a rush of warmness through her veins at his words. She touched his cheek softly.

  “I have myself back. My family, friends, and I have you. I have everything I need.” Maddox leaned forward brushing his lips softly over hers. A groan escaped him.

  “I have missed the taste of those sugary lips of yours.” Skye flicked her tongue over his lips with a wicked smile.

  “Well, I’m back.”

  “I’ve missed each and every part of you. I swear I don’t even feel like a real demon anymore because all I can think of is you and how happy you make me.” The sound of relief in his voice made Skye’s heart squeeze happily.

  “It doesn’t matter what you are Maddox, only who you are. You are a good person and you prove that each and every day.” Maddox looked away thinking of all of the bad things he had done in the past.

  “I’m not all good, Skye.” he mumbled.

  “Your past doesn’t define you. You’ve done things you aren’t proud of. Who in the world can’t say that?”

  “But I’ve murdered. That’s different than just your run of the mill regrets.”

  “Humans murder. Animals murder. You have to let go of your past and embrace who you are now.”

  “And who am I?”

  “Well,” Skye licked her lips. “You are sexy, strong, smart, protective, and you most importantly are mine.” Maddox kissed her lips again.

  “That’s the best thing I could ever hope to be you know.”

  “Oh, I know because I’m that awesome.” He laughed and felt freer than he had in a long time. Holding her against his body he didn’t want to let her go. He knew there were things they had to discuss. Plans to make. A war to prepare for. He was determined to be by her side through it all though and never let her wander too far away ever again. He didn’t even care that he sounded whipped. He thought he would enjoy life whipped by someone like Skye.

  “Maybe we should take a hike up the mountain. Way up the mountain…” Skye suggested, breaking him from his thoughts. He looked at her a little puzzled.

  “Why would you want to go hiking after everything you’ve been through? You should still try to rest.” He saw the look in her eyes and realized he was missing her point. “Oh.” He said as Skye nodded.

  “Oh indeed.” Maddox bent over picking her up in his arms and holding her gently against him. They were just about to take off for the mountains when Gary’s voice stopped him.

  “I need you both inside now. There’s a seer here.” Gary said. Maddox paused and looked down at Skye. A seer could help them know what they needed to do in order to win the battle. A seer could also give them terrible news.

  “A psychic?” Skye asked.

  “Your parents have been reaching out to everyone they could to get some help. My father brought a great army, but knowing what is coming would help us a lot.” He hoped.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Skye had never met a seer before that she knew of. She was aware that they didn’t go around advertising themselves. Well, not the real ones anyhow. She wasn’t sure what to expect. When Skye walked into the living room she then realized that the woman definitely wasn’t what she had been expecting at all. Skye had been expecting a hippie, flower child-looking woman in flip flops with wild unruly hair. This woman was the complete opposite of that.

  The seer stood talking with Cloud and Gary. She had bright blonde hair, was nearly six feet tall, and was dressed in a dark blue business suit. She looked like a lawyer or a stockbroker. If Skye had seen her on the street, she would have never guessed that she had supernatural powers.

  “That’s exactly the point.” The seer said looking at Skye. “I blend in so as not to be suspected. I am also able to use my powers to my advantage. I work in the government. Knowing things helps me do my job better and improve the lives of the people I work for.”

  “How did you… did you read my mind?” Skye asked.

  “I did in a way. One of my many talents is that I can feel the emotions coming from others and I’ve gotten pretty good at reading faces. My name is Julia.” She extended her hand politely. Skye took her hand and shook it softly. Julia was a beautiful woman and so well spoken that Skye felt a bit intimidated around her.

  “It’s nice to meet you. We are extremely thankful that you are here. I’m sure you are quite busy. I appreciate you taking the time to do this.” Julia smiled at Skye’s words.

  “I’m happy to help. Plus, helping you will help all of us. If this battle happens the way I saw it months ago then many lives would be lost, including human lives. We would end up on the radar of the humans. We really must be discreet.”


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