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Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)

Page 16

by Meghan Quinn

  “You’re welcome. Here let me get this door open and you can tell me all about your day.”

  “I really can’t stay long. I have to wake up early tomorrow to catch up on some work that I missed out on earlier today.”

  “Can you at least just have a quick drink, I would really like to hear about your day.” Marc silently prayed in his head. He just wanted a few more minutes with her. He wanted to soak her all in.

  “Just one drink.”


  He opened his door, setting all his junk on the side table in his entry way and led her to his kitchen. He pulled out two seats at his kitchen bar offering her a seat and grabbed two cups from his cabinet.

  “What would you like to drink?” He opened his fridge and realized he had absolutely no food or drinks. “Hmm, I hope you like water.”

  She laughed, “Water is great. Looks like you need to do some shopping.”

  “I would but it’s always hard in the middle of the season, especially when we are in and out all the time. On our all-star break I will hit up the grocery store.”

  He filled up both glasses and handed Patty one while taking up the stool next to her.

  “So tell me all about your day.”

  She took a sip of her water, crossed her pretty long legs and said, “It was such an amazing day, Sully. They were so nice to me at the salon thanks to you. They said you made sure I got the best service. They helped me enhance, what they said was, my already beauty which I didn’t understand all I know is that I’m in love with my hair. It has never looked this good.”

  Marc watched her as she talked and he listened intently. Every word dripped out of her mouth followed by a smile. Her hair floated around her face and waved a scent of lavender toward his nose. She was intoxicating and he was slowly losing control.

  She continued. “After the salon, I met Jane at the mall and she took me around to all the nice shops helping me pick out some staples for my wardrobe so I could look more professional plus we got some going out clothes so I could get out there more. Jane said some of the dresses I got would be great for when I go out to the bars, apparently they are eye catchers.”

  Marc stopped listening for a second because he was stuck on Patty’s last sentence.

  What the hell was Jane thinking? She knew Marc was in love with the girl for fucks sake. Why was she helping her pick out clothes that were going to score her dates? That was so not the plan. Marc was going to have to have a talk with Brady’s woman.

  “I can’t thank you enough Sully. I feel amazing, invigorated, special and beautiful.”

  “Well I can tell you right now, you were already all those things before today but I’m glad you were able to realize that today and happy you had such a great day.”

  “Thanks to you. Oh and Jane took me to this lingerie store that was so not my scene but she told me I had to step out of my comfort zone, so I did. I got some things I never thought I would wear but actually they make me feel so sexy. It’s amazing.”

  Marc gulped, alright Jane was getting a serious talking to. The only hope he had was Jane was secretly planning to help Patty get said sexy items because she knew Marc and Patty would hopefully be hooking up and starting a relationship soon.

  Marc could not help but picture Patty in sexy lingerie. It was time for her to go. This friend thing was too much for him to handle at the current moment. He was starting to feel more like a girl-friend and that was not good.

  “I don’t know what to say about the lingerie besides you’re killing me with that topic therefore I think it is time to say good night.”

  “Oh, sorry sometimes I forget you’re a guy.”

  “Ouch Patty, man you really know how to bruise a man’s ego.”

  Patty clasped her hand over her mouth, reached out for his hand and squeezed it. A smile was trying to escape her luscious mouth but she held back for the sake of his manhood.

  “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant you’re so easy to talk to. I could tell you anything. I never met a guy I could just talk to and not feel uncomfortable with. It’s nice and refreshing.”

  “I try to be a good listener, my mama taught me well.”

  “She sure did.” Patty said looking him up and down. Marc felt a little confused. Was she flirting or was he imagining it?

  He walked her to the door and before she opened the door she turned toward him and said, “By the way Sully, when I was getting my hair done I wrote down everything Gino ever did to me and took from me. I plan on burning the shit out of it and everything he gave me or reminds me of him when I get home. I’m leaving him behind today with the old Patty. From now on its fresh thinking and leaving the past behind.”

  “Good, I’m glad Patty. I’m really proud of you.”

  “I also joined a yoga class so I will be checking off three items tonight. Thank you again for all your help and encouragement. I could not have done it without you.”

  She stood on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on the corner of his mouth and cheek. He felt himself starting to stir in his pants and he needed to get her the hell out of his house before he embarrassed himself.

  “Let me know how you like the classes. We leave tomorrow for Colorado and won’t be back until right before the wedding. You keep me in touch with how everything is going. I’ll be checking up on you.”

  Patty had a sad look on her face. “Gosh, I feel like you just got back.”

  “Yea I know, it’s the life of a baseball player. Just when you get settled back at home you are off to another state. You get used to it.”

  “I’ll miss you.” Patty said still holding on to him from their hug looking up at him with her big blue eyes.

  Damn what was he supposed to say to that? He seriously thought she was playing some kind of mind game with him. She never was that out spoken about their relationship. Was she changing her mind about him?”

  He chose to speak with honesty. “I’ll miss you too but when I get back it will be Jane and Brady’s wedding, maybe you’ll save a dance for me out on the dance floor? And don’t get into too much trouble this Saturday at Jane’s bachelorette party.”

  Now with Patty’s new wardrobe and lingerie drawer Marc feared Saturday. He didn’t want other guys thinking they could hit on Patty, dance with her or try to ask her out. He wished he was not going to be out of town but clearly he didn’t have a choice. Hopefully Jane would have his back and direct Patty away from any male attention.

  Fat chance.

  “I’ll try not to. I got a dress that would knock your socks off.”

  Damn it!

  “Oh yea? Send me a pic on Saturday and I’ll be the judge of that.”

  “I will. Alright I should let you get to bed. Congrats on the win tonight by the way. Jane was so excited when Brady hit the ball off the ground hit thingy.”

  Marc laughed correcting her. “Ground rule double, but good try.”

  “Oh whatever, it’s a weird term. Good job anyway and good luck this week. I will keep you updated on my progress.”

  “You better.”

  Patty leaned up again giving him one more peck on the cheek and said, “See you Sully. Have a safe trip to Colorado and thanks for everything again.”

  Marc watched her get in her car and drive away. Her ass looked amazing in those jeans as if they were made specifically for her.

  It was time for a nice cold shower. He couldn’t go to bed right now, no he needed to cool down first. She had him all hot and bothered in so many different ways. He was hoping all the little touches and kisses was her way of letting him know she was interested in him and not her practicing her seductive moves for this weekend. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if she started dating someone else.

  Chapter 9

  Tonight was Jane’s bachelorette party, something Lucy had been dreading but also looking forward to. She didn’t really want to see Molly but she wanted to celebrate with Jane. Lucy decided that she would be the bigger person and be polite to M
olly but not really engage with her. She didn’t want to start any trouble with Molly and ruin Jane’s night.

  Everything was going great with Connor. He always seemed too good to be true. She wondered why he was still single. It was kind of odd for a guy like him to still be single. He talked about how he wanted the storybook life; wife, house in the burbs, minivan, three kids and two dogs. Lucy sometimes pictured herself in that scenario but instead of the minivan she would have an SUV of some sort. She refused to drive anything with two sliding doors and seats that folded into the floor of the car, optimizing your space.

  She was expecting Connor for lunch today, apparently he had a gift for her. He was always getting gifts for her, she swore he lived at the mall or had a personal assistant constantly shopping for him. He worked late a couple of nights this week so they were not able to go out but he did come over after wards.

  Lucy thought things were happening fast with Connor, their conversations, how much time they spent together and how much they talked but they both were into the relationship just as much as the other. It wasn’t one of those relationships where the girl escalates the relationship with a guy from “barely seeing each other” to “writing happy almost one week anniversary all over the guys car” to “planning out their wedding by two weeks.” No they were both very much into each other.

  Lucy was curling her hair when there was a knock at her door. She put down her curling iron, her hair was half curled and half up in clips when she opened the door. Connor stood in the doorway with a huge smile on his face and a box.

  “Hello love, that’s a fantastic hair do.” He said.

  Lucy touched her hair bobbing the ends with her hand saying, “It’s the new craze these days I think I can pull it off, don’t you?”

  “You sure can.” He said leaning in, pulling her close to him for a kiss. He took her mouth in his and she lost herself in his touch. She knew their relationship was still new so she was going to have butterflies every time he was around but whenever he touched her or kissed her it felt like the first time all over again.

  He broke off the kiss grabbing her hand, shutting the door and pulling her to the couch.

  “Here.” He said handing her the box. “I know how tonight is important to you and you wished you had a new dress to wear so I might have gotten something for you. I hope it fits.”

  She was shocked. “You got me a dress for tonight?”

  He held up his finger. “Under one condition, after the party you come over to my house. You are going to be a knock out in this dress and I can’t afford for you to be drinking around guys and possibly be picked up.”

  “Oh please…” she started to say until he interrupted her.

  “Listen Lucy, I know we have only been seeing each other for a little while but I really like you and I have been thinking a lot about tonight and you going out, getting drunk, having guys flock toward you girls, buying you shots and what not, well I just wanted to ask you something before you head out.”

  Lucy felt confused. He was rambling.

  He cleared his throat. “I just wanted to state my intentions with you. I really like you and I would appreciate it if we were exclusive, if you were my girlfriend.”

  Lucy giggled. It was so cute that he was worried about her going off with some other guy. She would be a complete idiot if she did that. She thought she would make him sweat a little just for the fun of it.

  “Well I don’t know Connor if I’m ready for that kind of commitment. It’s still kind of early and I have three dates next week with different guys so I’m not sure if I want to give that up. Plus I have that orgy scheduled for Sunday which I’ve been looking forward to for a while now. It’s a themed orgy; Balls in Bali. I have been practicing my scarf dancing for the occasion.”

  She grinned at him.

  “Shit, you’re the scarf dancer on Sunday? Crap I didn’t think you ran in the same orgy circles as me.”

  “Oh what little you know of me Connor Cartwright.” She said grabbing his face with her hands and pulling him in closer.

  “So what do you say?” He said in a low husky voice.

  “Depends on what’s in the box.” She joked.

  He gestured toward the box. She ripped it open like a little kid on Christmas and pulled out a deep purple off the shoulder tight dress with three quarter length sleeves. It was a dress Molly could pull off but Lucy never could. She would look stupid in it.

  Connor must have noticed the look on her face because he said, “Just try it on.”

  “Connor I won’t…”

  He placed his hand over her mouth and said, “Try it on.”

  She rolled her eyes and stripped her shirt and shorts off giving him quite the show. He stood up with her and ran his hands over her half naked body. He made her look at him as he played with the waist line of her thong.

  “You’re going to look amazing in it, believe me.”

  She nodded as he grabbed the dress from her and ripped the tags off.

  “Oops, can’t return it now.” He said with a grin.

  He did that on purpose. He reached behind her and took her bra off revealing her smaller but perky breasts. They were nothing like Molly’s that she had so blatantly displayed in the dressing room.

  He ran his hands up her sides and rubbed his thumbs pads on the underside of her breasts, making her squirm from his intimate touch. He was turning her on, on purpose, making her feel sexy. He knew exactly how to make her feel and she loved that he did.

  He slipped the dress on over her head while she stuck her arms up in the air. The dress was super tight and was hugging every last inch of her body. He shimmied it down her body, pulling the hem over her ass lingering a little longer to get in a good feel. She noticed there was support in the dress for her boobs which was nice. She hated how sometimes strapless bras made her boobs look like torpedoes.

  He helped her finish putting the dress in place and he stepped back.

  “Nope.” He started shaking his head and she instantly knew it looked terrible. She felt embarrassed. “I’m not letting you go out looking like that.”

  “I told you I would look stupid!” She started to take it off and he stopped her pulling her into her bedroom. He turned her around and made her look into her closet door mirrors. She was completely shocked.

  “Oh my gosh, I look fucking hot!” She said. She could not believe it. The dress made her look like she had a body any woman would kill for.

  “Exactly my point. I can’t let you go out like this not knowing if you’re my girlfriend or not. Nope, you will wear jeans and a turtleneck.”

  Lucy turned around wrapping her arms around his waist as he did the same. He gripped her ass and was rubbing it gently. She laughed inside. He was such an ass man it was ridiculous. Good thing she had a decent one to keep him occupied.

  “Thank you for the dress. I have the best boyfriend in the world.”

  Connor’s face lit up. “Hell yea, you do.”

  He kissed her while raising the hem of her dress up so he had skin on skin contact with her ass. She laughed as they were kissing.

  “What?” he said.

  She pulled away and took off the dress. “You’re such an ass man, you know that. I swear if you could, you would glue your hands to my ass and be the happiest man alive.”

  She set the dress on her bed so it would not wrinkle and walked over to her door where she kept her robe and wrapped it around her.

  “I would be the happiest man alive so why are you taking your back side away from me right now?”

  “I have to get ready for tonight, you know.” Lucy grabbed a pair of black high heels and rummaged through her underwear drawer finding a purple and black lacey thong and placed both items on the bed next to the dress. She started to leave the room when Connor grabbed her arm twirling her around into him.

  “Please tell me you’re coming over later tonight because I can’t stand the thought of you going out like that tonight and not seeing you after

  “Of course I’m coming over later tonight. I need to practice for my orgy, I don’t want to look like a fool.”

  Connor started to undo her robe and said, “I called the orgy people and cancelled, you’re my girlfriend now remember. You’re completely mine, no one else’s.” He moved his hands up to her shoulders moved the fabric of her robe off and let it fall to the ground. She let him.

  “I’m all yours huh? Just like this? Hair half done, practically naked and no make-up. You want this to be yours?”

  He nodded unclipping her hair and letting the un-curled parts fall to her shoulders, gently stroking the ends between his fingers.

  She felt so lucky. She was at such a low point in her life a little bit ago, it was funny how life changed so quickly. She never thought she would find a guy like Connor. He cared so much about her and cherished her. He thought she was the prettiest thing he had ever seen. He made her feel so special and wanted; something she had never felt before.

  When Austin left her that one morning, she thought she had lost everything, little did she know there was a different plan for her in life. Connor led her toward her bed lowering himself and pulling her on to his lap so she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “Do you have some time to spare for your boyfriend?” He said with a pouting face.

  “How could I refuse a face like that? I can fit you in I believe, you might have to help me curl my hair.”

  He nuzzled her neck once again slipping his hands to her ass. She shook her head and let him work his hands. She always loved it when a guy would touch her breasts but lately when Connor caressed her ass the way he did, she was more turned on than ever. She wasn’t sure if it was because she knew it turned him on or he actually found multiple erogenous zones along her booty, whatever it was she enjoyed it.

  She lightly moaned in his ear which was his indication to move things along. He flipped her on the bed and tore his clothes off exposing his hard on, making Lucy sweat all over.


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