And Then There Were Three

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And Then There Were Three Page 2

by Renee Lindemann

  I had to internally slap myself because I actually swooned. Thank God it was just a mild swoon but it was swooning nonetheless. I once again regained control of my faculties enough to inquire about the course of study for Sabrina. Another small prayer went up to the man above as Sabrina was warming up. She was none the wiser about my little instant crush on her teacher. I supposed that male or female, anyone who dared enter this studio found Miss Nicole to be a ravishing creature. The damage this meeting was causing to my heterosexual psyche was worthy of electro-shock therapy. This was nothing that Dr. Phil could work out. Once Miss Nicole excused herself to you know teach the class, I gave myself the scolding of a lifetime. Immediately panic began to engulf me as I thought about those days when Mark would need to bring Sabrina to dance class. In my mind my entire marriage was over as Miss Nicole and Mark drove away to live happily ever after. I shook my head, much like an Etch-A-Sketch, to rid myself of those thoughts. Mark and I had a wonderful relationship and he may harbor some secret fantasy women in his spank bank but I never felt threatened, until perhaps now.

  I left before Miss Nicole could do any fancy dance moves that would leave me wanting to find the nearest plaid shirt store. While I was away I tried to throw myself into revisions from my editor for a press release. It worked and soon Miss Nicole was a faded memory as I corrected the corrections.

  “Hey mom, is everything okay?” Sabrina asked into her cell phone. I had totally misjudged the time and botched my daughter’s pick up.

  “Oh my goodness Sabrina, I am so sorry. I am on my way,” I apologized leaping to my feet. Quickly, I saved my work and beat a hasty retreat from the nearby Starbucks. I was more grateful than I can explain when I pulled up to the studio and Sabrina was waiting outside. I could see Miss Nicole hovering nearby so I didn’t take offense that she had put her outside.

  “I am so sorry Brina,” I apologized once more. Sabrina took no notice of my tardiness and began feverishly texting her friends. I dismissed the entire episode looking forward to some downtime with my husband later. Wednesdays were the kid’s high activity days that included: music lessons, dance, football practice for Junior, and soccer for Celeste. Mark and I made every attempt to wrap up work early on Wednesdays so that we could participate in their activities. Mark handled sports, since I was kind of banned when I ran onto the football field after watching my son get sacked by four boys. I handled the music lessons after Mark fell asleep at Mr. Jacob’s house, snoring so loudly that he threw the kids off key. I went home that day with a clear mind and conscience but feeling a bit more randy.

  Once dinner was served, the kids were done with homework, and comfortably watching a movie in the family room I pulled my husband up to our master bedroom.

  “Ooh E, what has gotten into you?” He asked as I freed him greedily from his slacks. “Never mind sweetheart you do not have to answer that.”

  I gladly dropped to my knees taking every inch of my husband into my mouth. He moaned his appreciation for my skills as I continued to greedily have my way with him. I knew that he would eventually pull me away and take me aggressively. When he did so I was ready to explode into a million pieces. It was so intense I found my legs shaking so violently I could barely stand as he took me up against the wall of our bedroom. The slip of his hand around my neck with some moderate pressure was my complete undoing. It served to be his as well. Mark noisily followed as his own orgasm ripped through him. We collapsed in a heap onto our carpeted bedroom floor. I was so content that I started to fall asleep almost immediately. Thankfully my husband managed to get me to the bed where I slept soundly for several hours. I awoke in the night to ravish him once more before finally settling into REM sleep.

  Because of our trust pack made many years ago, he never questioned my extreme horniness. I was grateful, as I had no plausible explanation. I was not into women period. I was under the philosophy that if I was gay, I wasn’t even going to tell myself. Surely I was just lusting for my husband and it manifested when I saw a beautiful woman. I can appreciate beautiful women without being considered gay, right? It didn’t matter the emotion had passed. I was back to myself the next time I laid eyes on Miss Nicole. I gratefully did not stutter or loose my train of thought. Her ethereal beauty was jarring but I maintained my composure. We even had a semi decent conversation about what I actually cannot recall. After a month of this back and forth, which ended with me going home, to rip the clothes off my husband, I finally had a breakdown.

  “Mark sweetheart can I talk to you for a minute,” I asked as he watched a football game one Sunday. Initially he thought it would be a conversation that could take place during the game but when he saw the look of panic on my face he cut the television off.

  “What’s the matter Eva? Is everything okay with the kids? With you?” He asked in rapid succession with a look of worry permeating his handsome features.

  “The kids are fine. I am having this weird internal struggle. I do not even know how to say this.” I paused to gather my words carefully.

  “You want a divorce.” His voice was almost three octaves higher than normal when he spoke. I vehemently shook my head as I continued to work up the courage to say what was troubling me. The look of relaxation on my husband’s face almost shut down the conversation.

  “I am having an issue with Sabrina’s dance teacher, Miss Nicole,” I said softly.

  “Ok do we need to find Sabrina a new dance teacher?” He asked as his body settled down to his previous relaxed state.

  “Um no she is a great teacher. I am having a very odd reaction to her.” I explained as I wrung my hands out. I just didn’t know how to explain how I was feeling.

  “Did she say something untoward?” I could see he was fighting hard not to laugh considering I was serious. I couldn’t fight my emotions anymore as the tears began to flow freely. “Eva, please tell me what’s bothering you sweetheart?”

  “Miss Nicole is beautiful and I think I am attracted to her.” I finally said as I waited for his reaction. Mark gave a slight laugh that made me feel even worse. I started to get up and just deal with this on my own but he held on to my hand.

  “Eva, you scared me half to death. It’s okay if you think a woman is beautiful. It doesn’t mean that you are gay. It just means you appreciate real beauty.”

  “It’s deeper than just her beauty. I enjoy talking to her and I am really battling how she makes me feel Mark. This is serious to me and I am very conflicted.”

  “What is it that you want to do about these feelings?” Mark’s voice took on a more serious tone as he considered the possibility of me touching anyone else, even a woman. I could see his nostrils flaring which is a definitive sign that he is upset.

  “I don’t know what I want to do. I just know that I like being in her company. I like talking to her. She talks with her hands and has brushed against me a few times. My body reacted to her touch in a way that is completely foreign to me. I have tried looking at other beautiful women to see if I would get the same reaction. Nada. Nothing!”

  “So this one particular woman has you turned on?” He questioned as the light of understanding reached his eyes. I lowered my eyes as an indication in the affirmative. I could see full on flaring as I dropped my head in my hands. Even if it was the fantasy of other men, Mark never wanted to see me with another woman. This was something left to his imagination. In reality he never wanted to see me perform with another woman. I belonged to him now and forever.

  “What the fuck do you mean? So the last few times where you just had to have me was because some woman got you hot and bothered?” Mark’s voice was a full on shout.

  “I am sorry Mark. I wanted you and not her. She, I just don’t know…” I trailed off.

  “Are you saying you’re gay now Eva?” His voice was steel lead. I shook my head vehemently again.

  “You just said that didn’t make me gay. Now you are saying it does. I wasn’t thinking about her when we were making love. I have only ever wanted yo
u since the day we met Mark. You have to know this.” Mark pulled me into his arms and I felt his anger begin to subside as I heaved sobs into his shirt. I kept apologizing for feeling the way I did and wishing I could take it all back.

  “I love you so much Mark. We have been at this for over sixteen years and I love you more than ever,” I assured him as my tears receded.

  “I know you do Eva. I love you so much the thought of you being with anyone else, even a woman, drives me crazy,” he said softly. “I think it is all a fluke with everything you have going on with the launch of the new book. The pressure from your editor and you haven’t had a girl’s night out with your friends in ages. Maybe you should call Shantell and Amy to schedule something with them soon. Pick any night and I will take the kids out.”

  “You’re probably right baby. Thank you so much for being so understanding,” I said kissing him. The kisses intensified and I felt the sadness slip away as desire for my husband grew exponentially.

  “Where are the kids?” I asked breathlessly caressing his burgeoning hard-on. Mark grabbed my hand before heaving me over his shoulders carrying me to our room.

  “Show me how much you want me,” he begged. I eagerly stripped him of his clothes focused on my husband only. I ran my hands over his beautiful body appreciative of the hard work he put into keeping it so well toned. I caressed him welcoming the huge intake of breath as he shook with the sensation of my touch. I dropped to my knees, my favorite way to please my husband. Sliding my mouth over his harden shaft I took long pulls of him as he moaned in gratitude. It was an amazing concept to have this much control over my husband. Over the years I perfected my technique of pleasing him with my mouth and tongue. I sucked slowly as my tongue moved along his length pausing to lap up any seepage. The noises from his mouth spurned me on like a cheerleader at a football game. I took him to the brink of orgasm before pulling away.

  Mark pushed me down on our California king sized bed snatching at my clothes. I didn’t realize I was naked until I felt his warm tongue tease my, oh so sweet spot. I cried out as his tongue battered me repeatedly. It was the sweetest torment ever. All thoughts of anyone other than my husband magically disappeared. Mark was on a mission to ensure that I knew exactly whom I answered to in the bedroom. After fucking me near senseless for a nice amount of time he flipped me over. I was scrambling trying to catch my breath as anticipation overwhelmed me. It was exactly as I thought. Mark was making his claim on every viable orifice on my body. I could hear the sound of the lubricant and my body immediately tensed at the thought of his intrusion there. Several attempts later and he claimed every viable orifice on my body. I writhed in a combination of intense pleasure and minute pain.

  “Eva do you understand that every part of your body belongs to me,” he demanded to know. I nodded my agreement but it wasn’t enough of an answer to placate Mark as he plunged deeper into me. I forced the words out of my mouth. “Yes Mark, I know baby.” He continued for several minutes before losing to a blissful orgasm. His whimpers continued to bring sweet music to my ears, as my body once again sated my wonderful husband. I collapsed as my body’s energy level diminished to absolute zero. I had nothing left to give as he half dragged; half carried me to the bathroom. The soothing waters did wonders for my exhausted flesh as I sank beneath the bubbles. Mark pulled me onto his lap and I wrapped my weak arms around his neck. I placed my head against the side of his neck and cried softly. I loved my husband more than I could ever tell him at that moment. I needed him to understand that no one could ever come between the love that we shared. Somehow the tears conveyed just that message.

  “Eva, it’s okay. I know how much you love and value our marriage. I love you so much and nothing will ever change that,” he whispered. I could feel the emotional heaves of his chest. He was still worried about the security of our marriage. I was unsure how to convince him that it we were forever secure. No other man, including Andre, ever made me want to leave my husband. Not even my unnatural love for all things Vin Diesel. Without a doubt, a woman would never undercut the love I share and have with Mark. I was sure of that as we sat silent in the bubbly water.


  “Evan, good to see you again, you remember my wife Eva,” Mark said as he shook hands with a very tall man.

  “Yes, how could I forget your lovely wife? It is nice to see you again Mrs. Thompson,” Evan said casually.

  “Please call me Eva. It is nice to see you again Evan. How are the kids?” I manage to reply with a soft shake of his massive hand. We made small talk for several minutes before excusing ourselves to retrieve much needed refreshments. Evan Conley is a former client of Mark’s architecture firm. This celebration of his firm’s one-year anniversary was a business ploy to ensure that Evan remained a client at Mark’s firm. We dutifully make our rounds chatting with other colleagues and associates. After a brief dance we stand near the dance floor awaiting the next song. My body is suddenly rigid when Mark tries to move me to the new music playing.

  “What’s the matter sweetheart?” He asked with slight alarm in his voice. I cannot speak and direct my gaze to the person who seemed to be controlling my motor skills from across the room, without knowing she was doing this. Nicole is resplendent in a long champagne colored gown that showed off her long thin frame. Nicole’s long brown hair was swept into a neat ponytail that cascaded down her back. The impeccable makeup that graced her lovely face was almost unnecessary. My eyes automatically dropped to take in the high gloss shine of her smooth lips. When I realized I was gawking at her I forced my gaze away. It was only then that I noticed the transfixed stare on Mark’s handsome face. Nicole had taken his breath away as well. In fact when I surveyed the room those not actively engaged were staring at the beautiful woman.

  When the light of recognition crossed her lovely features Nicole made a beeline to me. I tried to fix the expression on my face, wiping the look of dread off with a few tries of my mind.

  “Mrs. Thompson how lovely to see you,” Nicole elucidated extending her hand. I gingerly shook her hand as I made introductions. “Please call me Eva. This is my husband Mark.”

  “Mr. Thompson, it is so nice to meet you. Sabrina talks about you all the time,” Nicole gushed. I could see a hint of attraction as Nicole took in all of Mark’s features. I could feel the twinge of jealousy surge through my blood. Mark extended his free hand shaking her petite hand gently. I could feel him squeezing the life out of my hand. He was so confused right now which was really out of character for him. Even though I am the writer in the family I am usually the scatterbrained one. My husband has always been able to reign in my wayward thoughts. It took some squeezing of my own to get his hand to release the intense pressure on my poor fingers. Eventually he settled down and the three of us were actively engaged in conversation. I could from time to time see the stares from others nearby as we monopolized Nicole’s time.

  Several times individuals tried to either join our conversation or tried unsuccessfully to steal her attention away from us. When it was time to sit for dinner Nicole opted out of her table, much to their dismay, and sat next to me. I was completely unnerved as she kept her attention on my husband and me. Occasionally she would brush her hand against my naked shoulders and I could feel the tingles of arousal course through me. I was speaking to Mark when she touched me and I could swear he felt it. The look on his face was pure lust and I worried that Nicole may just be my marriage’s undoing. Neither my husband nor I could tear our attention away from her for too long. When she grabbed Mark’s hand dragging him to the dance floor I thought I would fight her on the spot. The weirdest thing happened. I didn’t feel jealous watching my husband slow dance with Nicole. Other men were literally beside themselves with jealousy, perhaps even a few women.

  Once Mark got over his initial nerves they looked very good together. He moved her body gently over the dance floor as she allowed him to lead. It was almost sensual without being obscenely vulgar. Most of the eyes in the room were
on them as they moved to the beat of the music. Evan more than once cleared his throat as he tried to control his obvious jealousy at Mark’s good fortune. When they returned to the table I could see the look of lust still present in Nicole and my husband’s eyes. Ha! I wasn’t crazy this woman was some type of vixen that attracted any and everyone. Hallelujah! I was not going to have to have a difficult conversation with my parents about my sexuality. I smiled genuinely for the first time since I met this woman as I processed this new information.

  Nicole never left our side, often introducing us to those who desired to be in her presence. We learned that Evan’s real estate firm owned the dance studio she rented. He had on a whim invited the captivating young woman on the hopes of getting to know her better. The fact that he was a very married man seemed to allude his intentions. Nicole dodged his clumsy attempts to claim her as his intended prize and stuck as close to our side as possible.

  “I was really bored with nothing to do tonight which is why I am here. However I do not want to end up pepper spraying my landlord so please help,” Nicole whispered to me at one point during the festive evening.

  “I understand we will keep you safe,” I beamed with protective satisfaction. After filling Mark in on our newfound roles as cockblockers we took to the job with odd satisfaction. Nicole probably picked up more new business in that room for her dance studio than dropping a million business cards in Times Square could generate. Toward the end of the night we had exchanged personal cell phone numbers. Nicole and I made plans to shop and have coffee later in the week all under the encouragement of my husband. Go figure! I guess the fantasy of two women, one of which was myself, was not so farfetched after all. I made a mental note to discuss this with him later. Nicole made sure to slip out of the party when we did to avoid any unwanted attention.

  “I had a really great time tonight. Thank you both so much,” Nicole blushed as we waited for our respective cars.


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