And Then There Were Three

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And Then There Were Three Page 3

by Renee Lindemann

  “We did too! It was really great running into you,” I replied back. Without warning Nicole reached over and kissed Mark’s cheek before doing the same to my cheek. We both simultaneously lifted a hand to the spot she kissed as she jumped into the driver’s side of her convertible. The Tahoe was a weird place to be after our evening of mystery. The conversation was minimal at best as we both juggled our intense thoughts. I was so happy to see the door of our garage lift as we made our way up the long circular driveway. Mark pulled in next to my hybrid SUV and immediately got out to open the passenger door for me. I took his proffered hand stepping down from the large truck careful not to break my favorite stilettos. The headlights from the Tahoe lit the interior of the garage as we made our way in front of the truck to the door that connected the house. Before I could reach the door handle Mark pulled me back abruptly. At first panic swept through me as my mind thought of all the horrible things that could be going wrong. The ripping of my panties from beneath my dress calmed me. Mark pressed my body against the warm grill of the truck as he forced the material from between my legs. My mind was trying to catch up to this new threat as I heard the zipper on his slacks. It was a matter of seconds before he was inside me. No hello Miss would you like to make love? It was wham bam thank you ma’am. And it was absolutely what I needed and wanted at that moment. My leg sought purchase on his hip as I balanced on my remaining high-heeled foot. I have never felt so full in all of my life. Mark took up every available inch of me as he pushed repeatedly inside me.

  Mark’s hands gripped my hips so tightly I thought he was going to draw blood. It wouldn’t have mattered to me at that moment if he did. I was lost in sensation, not translation because I understood perfectly what was happening. Mark was having the same reaction to Nicole that I had previously. I held tightly to his neck as his moves intensified. The warmth of the trunk engine on my back was comforting as he fucked me with reckless abandon in our garage.

  “Give it to me right now,” he said through clenched teeth. I did as I was told, my body unraveled like a blossoming flower as I let go of any and all inhibitions. I freely thought of my husband and Nicole as I let loose moans to wake the living. Thankfully that didn’t happen. I wanted to be angry that my husband was also thinking highly of Nicole as he made love to me but in truth it actually turned me on more the possibility. What was happening to me? My husband was consciously fucking me in our garage after a night surrounded by a very beautiful woman other than myself. I should be pushing him away not encouraging this caveman lovemaking session. I chose the latter.

  “Fuck me Mark,” I wailed as he delivered every blissful inch to me personally. I was rewarded with the primordial grunting of my husband releasing an orgasm that was probably meant for another woman inside of me. It was sheer heaven as I came once more that knowledge alone pushing me over the edge. When our heart rate and limbs began to work in concert we made our way to the master bedroom but first we checked on the children. Thankfully they were all fast asleep in their beds. I lingered a minute looking at each of my children, saying a silent prayer of thanks to God for their presence and continued safety.

  Upon entering our bedroom I found Mark disrobing with a bit of malice. He was roughly pulling off the expensive suit and his shoes. I could see the wrestling with his conscious as the realization that he had just fucked his wife in an effort to quell the desire to fuck another woman. I was rewarded for my observations with my own shit. This whole scene strangely turned me on and I had not a clue why. Nicole was beautiful that was true but the thought of her touching my husband intimately should have sent my blood boiling. Instead I wondered what that would look like. What the hell was wrong with me? I rushed into the bathroom before Mark could finish abusing his clothing. I allowed the water to cascade over my head ruining my hair but I didn’t care. I wanted to wash away the dirty thoughts in my head. They were making me feel extremely unclean.

  “I am sorry about that,” Mark said interrupting my thoughts as he joined me under the water. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he pressed his face against my bareback. I placed my hands over his hands giving them a squeeze. I wasn’t angry with him. How could I be angry with him? I was feeling what he was feeling only had come to terms with the emotions. Well sort of! I had a head start on this and my husband was playing catch up.

  “I don’t know what came over me?” Mark’s voice was sad and it hurt me to hear him so conflicted. I tried to be the voice of reason and to show him that I wasn’t angry and understood the rush of sexual emotions. “I do. It was Nicole. She has that effect on people.”

  “Eva, do you really think that I am interested in her enough to ruin my marriage. I am not you,” he said huffily exiting the shower. I was at a loss.

  “Mark, stop it. We both know that she has had some kind of effect on us. Denying it will only lead to an unnecessary argument,” I retaliated to his retreating wet back.

  “I do not want that woman. I watched as my wife became undone and if anything what happened in the garage was me trying to stake my claim on what rightfully belongs to me.” Mark was seething with anger as I stepped out of the shower. Deciding not to dry off I walked over to him pushing the bathroom door closed as he opened it. “Don’t do this Mark. I was honest with you about how I was feeling because we have enough years, love, and understanding under our belts.”

  “Eva this whole situation is too fucked up to discuss right now. I just want to go to sleep,” he informed as he opened the door.

  After drying off I inspected my naked body in the full-length bathroom mirror. I fought the tears as I remembered the first time I was with Mark how he marveled at the size of my breasts. My mother passed on her genetic gift to me but skipped my sister. However I was always jealous because my sister Elaina’s breasts were a perfect size. I had to endure years of teasing from boys because I developed so early. My mind kept comparing my body to Nicole’s near perfect form. She had zero ounce of body fat whereas I had given birth to three children via the conventional method. I wasn’t over weight but I harbored a pooch I could never rid myself of no matter how much I worked out. Mark insisted that I still looked as beautiful naked as the first day but I knew he was just being a sweetheart. Nicole I am sure was lean as a board but without looking like she spent time in a concentration camp. My legs were long and muscular but lead to my nemesis fleshy thighs. Her legs were lean and strong but without the obvious muscle detail. I was pretty sure her thighs were an extension of her legs and not the fleshy bastards I carried around. In the hip department I was doing okay not too much and not too little. I could obviously bare children without any medical assistance. I fought to tear my gaze away from my naked frame not because of my conceit but because I was feeling overwhelmed.

  Our warm bed was a welcomed respite from the day’s events. I slipped happily beneath the warm comforter drifting off to a restful sleep in spite of my unease. Eventually Mark found his way to my side of the bed and I gladly snuggled into his embrace. Some time during the night I felt his body cover me as he whispered softly in my ear. “I love you Eva.”

  “I love you too Mark, always and forever,” I replied back without hesitation. Mark covered me in tender kisses as he pulled the gown over my head. I ran my hands the length of his chest as he slipped out of his pajama bottoms. My husband made slow beautiful love to me for the next half hour. Throughout he murmured declarations of love and moaned my name repeatedly. It was a sign of our faith and commitment to one another that left me wonderfully content. No matter what happened this previous night my husband assured me as best he could that I would always and forever be number one.


  The next few weeks rolled by seemingly business as usual, with one notable exception. My husband and I were in absolute bliss. We could barely keep our hands off one another. It was wonderful as we plied each other with fond affection daily. This was never lacking in our relationship previously it was now just on hyper speed. I was able to see Nicole without f
eeling any lingering effects. A few times Mark dropped Sabrina off to her dance class without being overtly affected by Nicole’s presence. I wasn’t sure but it seemed her unknowing interference in our marriage at the time was a godsend. We learned to never take what we had for granted in the little time her influence came into our lives. I was appreciative that my husband and I could sort of renew our vows to one another without the crazy ceremony. This reaffirmation was done almost every day.

  I know I speak very little of my kids in this narrative and its not that we were neglectful or they weren’t important. They have and will always be our most precious gift to this world. I leave out most of their daily ministrations during this time because in this narrative I do not want to make them the object of focus. My kids do not need me to generate their words during this time for them. Perhaps someday they will give their account of what happened until such time I choose to protect them by leaving them out whenever possible. If it is necessary to mention them to move the story then I will include them. With that being said the kids could tell something was happening or had happened. The public display of affection on steroids with my husband had them all cringing and rejoicing at the same time. It solidified our marriage in their eyes while still remaining gross to see your parents making out in the kitchen.

  I was feeling so confident in my home life that I jumpstarted my social life. I ventured out with the seven women I had once belonged to an unofficial sorority with in college. With all of our busy lives getting together was not an easy task. It was their contrasting personalities that inspired me to write my book series. Shantell, the pediatrician, was the official best friend. We have known each other since middle school when we both crushed on Terrance Harper. Amy, a public accountant, was my partner in crime during our prankster days in college. Amy was courted by every sorority but always managed to upset them by refusing to join. They just didn’t see why a pretty blond haired blue-eyed girl with an affluent upbringing would want to hang around a bunch of minorities. Amber, a middle school Spanish teacher, was our resident chica with her fiery Latino personality. Every few months in college like clockwork she would go through a public breakup with a boyfriend. We would have to intervene as she spat, Spanish curse words for all to hear. It was absolutely much more entertaining with her around. Cordelia, a lawyer, had panache for the finer things in life and a passion for women. Surprisingly she never developed a crush on any of us. We weren’t sure if we should be hurt or relieved, we didn’t want anything impeding our friendship.

  Monica our resident drama queen worked as a manager of a popular upscale restaurant. At one time her friendship had been in question when she developed a huge crush on Mark. It took some time for me to trust her around him, as her flair for the dramatic could be downright irritating. Eventually she realized that nothing she could do would sway Mark and sought love elsewhere. Thankfully she was happily married with two children of her own. Stacey was our computer expert and pretty much personal Geek Squad. She could build a computer out of the same equipment used by MacGyver. What she did for a living was still a mystery to us. She had top-secret government clearance. We could only postulate that she stopped terrorist by building supercomputers for the government that spied on our everyday lives, or something along those lines.

  Last but certainly not least was Uwimana, pronounced oo-wee-mah-nah. Having arrived in the US as a political refugee from the war stricken country of Rwanda in 1994, she was saved by an uncle. Uwimana was hidden for weeks until her uncle secured passage for her to Zaire and then to the US, in the early days of the conflicts before the thousands of refugees would later follow suit. Her parents had been slaughtered and she was left to fend for herself. Thankfully, her uncle had served as ambassador to Rwanda and was safely within the US borders when the fighting reached its crescendo. Uwimana operated a non-profit foundation that helped survivors of the Rwandan conflict now living within the US. My husband and I contributed heavily and regularly to her cause.

  These seven women were not just my friends but sisters. Our lives would take us all over the country and back again we always found a way to keep our connection strong. Generally we conversed in some fashion on a daily basis utilizing technology to keep a direct link to one another. When that failed we had to call in a Seventh Wonder, which was an emergency meeting. It usually involved a weekend spending lots of time at a spa, lots of food, lots of drinking, lots of talking, and lots of money, lots of dancing, and lots of fun. After one of these events you needed a day or two to recover.

  With the new book, while not receiving rave reviews from critics, did something none of my books had done in the past. The fifth book in my series made several very popular national best sellers lists. The now increasingly popular e-book format gave my previous four books a rebirth in the literary world. Mark and the children were very proud of my accomplishments as my pen name made some minor headlines. Mark Jr. was off to a summer football camp for four weeks. Celeste was enjoying her time at a sports day camp while Sabrina gave Nicole’s six week intensified dance camp a try. I was feeling on top of the world considering the previous weekend was our Seventh Wonder, when I dropped Sabrina off to dance lessons. Talking to Nicole felt like second nature and I blamed my jovial mood on my weekend of fun with my best friends. I accepted an invitation for lunch and shopping from her without a second thought.

  Looking back I can see how that was what truly brought this whole thing to the forefront. Accepting this date and telling Mark, who reacted with a lackadaisical response, I see how naïve we both were. The lunch and shopping was great fun as we fought off potential suitors, choosing to enjoy one another’s company. With my best friends settled back into everyday life it was nice to have a physical every day friend. Nicole became the eighth unofficial member of my posse without me even realizing it.

  One day while window-shopping a very attractive man did his best to get Nicole’s attention. After she politely refused his advance, to which he would not take no for an answer, she indicated that we were an item. I was floored by her admission, however false it was. The strangest and craziest thing happened as I pretended to be her nonchalant girlfriend. Those feelings I had pushed into the deep recesses of my mind came flooding back with a vengeance. I was externally flushed and internally confused as hell. I thought that part of this weird story was over. Mark and I were still enjoying this renewed honeymoon period. It would make no sense to ruin that by revisiting this forbidden zone of emotions. After this encounter I tried to keep my interactions to a minimal. I allowed fake work obligations to give me an excuse to cancel. This worked no doubt but it took its toll on my once happy disposition.

  “What’s the matter baby?” Mark questioned one day as I stood aimlessly looking out the window. I loved the feel of his muscular arms wrapped around me. I tried to dismiss any worry but I did a piss poor job of convincing him.

  “It’s nothing babe just feeling a little tired that’s all,” I retorted with a soft smile.

  “Why don’t you just call her and have lunch? Whatever you two disagreed on I’m sure you will figure it out.” Mark was under the impression that Nicole and I had some sort of falling out.

  “Oh we didn’t have an argument I just needed to get back to work. My books won’t write themselves.” I tried a half-hearted attempt to make a joke. It didn’t work, Mark saw right through me.

  “It’s happening again isn’t it?” He released his protective hold on me as I dropped my head. I didn’t know what else to say. I had already stretched the truth enough and outright lying to my husband never went over well.

  “What are we going to do Eva? Do we need to go to counseling? Or do you just want to give up on us?” He was near tears as his voice rose dangerously loud.

  “I would never give up on us Mark, never! I am not sure what we should do but I don’t think counseling will be of much help in this situation.”

  “Fine do whatever the hell you want with her,” he said throwing his hands in the air. “Fo
r the record Eva just because it’s a woman you’re pining after, doesn’t make it any less hurtful.”

  “Mark, I do not know what to do. I will not sacrifice our marriage for this stupid crush. Tell me what to do and I will do it.” I wrapped my arms around myself missing his protective embrace. Mark stood defeated and hurt both of which I caused.

  “I do not have an answer nor will I come up with an answer. You are in control of your own emotions make your own decision,” he said defiantly. I watched my husband walk away to our home gym. Whatever piece of equipment he chose was in for the beating of its life. It was time I laid all cards on the table or risk losing my precious marriage.

  “I do not understand Eva, I thought we were friends,” Nicole said softly.

  “We are, I mean we were friends Nicole but we can’t be any more,” I explained in her small dance studio office. Nicole looked up at me with tear stained eyes and I knew that she felt it too. Now was not the time to mince words so I removed my mouth filter.

  “I have developed some unusual and highly uncharacteristic feelings for you Nicole. They are threatening my marriage. This is my fault not yours so I have to fix this. I love Mark with all of my heart and hurting him is something I can’t continue to do.”

  “But I understand those feelings and could help you work through them. I have been in love with women before as well as men. It’s not unnatural what you are feeling.”

  Her admission took me aback as I took her for a man loving fem fatale. I had to think of my next words very carefully but I was literally drawing a blank. I looked to see if Nicole had any additional wisdom on the subject. She rewarded me with an idea.

  “Would it be possible for Mark and me to perhaps get the chance to know each other aside from when he drops off Sabrina? I think that we made a positive connection at Evan’s party.”

  “I am not sure you are one of Mark’s favorite people right now. Besides what would your getting to know my husband do for this crazy ass crush I have on you. I have never ever been interested in women in a sexual way. I can’t for the life of me explain this to myself let alone to my husband,” I said rationalizing my feelings. I did not want to give Nicole the slightest hint that I wanted to indulge these feelings. I did allow her to convince me to set up a proper meeting with the three of us. Perhaps if Mark could have his say so and make a final demand for my cooperation in our marriage I could rid myself of these feelings. I would rather live the rest of my life with these feelings than spend one day without him as my husband.


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